The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 4282
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Greenberg, Martin H(arry) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Fate Fantastic (with Daniel M. Hoyt), (oa) DAW, October 2007
- * Feline and Famous (with Ed Gorman), (oa) Donald I. Fine, October 1994
- * Fellowship Fantastic (with Kerrie Hughes), (oa) DAW, January 2008
- * Felonious Assaults (with Bill Pronzini), (an) Ivy, July 1989
- * 50 Crime Stories (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Robert E. Weinberg), (an) Goodwill Publishing House, December 2008
- * 50 Detective Stories (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Robert E. Weinberg), (an) Goodwill Publishing House, December 2008
- * 50 More Crime Stories (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Robert E. Weinberg), (an) Goodwill Publishing House, December 2008
- * 50 More Detective Stories (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Robert E. Weinberg), (an) Goodwill Publishing House, December 2008
- * 50 More Mysteries (with Isaac Asimov & Joseph D. Olander), (an) Goodwill Publishing House, December 2008
- * 50 Mysteries (with Isaac Asimov & Joseph D. Olander), (an) Goodwill Publishing House, December 2008
- * The Fine Art of Murder (with Jon L. Breen, Ed Gorman & Larry Segriff), (oa) Carroll & Graf, November 1993
- * First Contact (with Larry Segriff), (oa) DAW, July 1997
- * First to Fight, (oa) Jove, July 1999
- * First to Fight II, (oa) Berkley, June 2001
- * First Voyages (with Damon Knight & Joseph D. Olander), (an) Avon, May 1981
- * Flying Saucers (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Fawcett Crest, May 1982
- * For a Horse (with Charles G. Waugh), (an) Gareth Stevens Publishing, September 2001
- * Forbidden Acts (with Nancy A. Collins & Edward E. Kramer), (oa) Avon, October 1995
- * For the Sake of Freedom (with Charles G. Waugh), (an) Gareth Stevens Publishing, January 2001
- * Foundation’s Friends, (oa) Tor, September 1989
- * 14 Vicious Valentines (with Rosalind M. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh), (oa) Avon, February 1988
- * Frankenstein: The Monster Wakes, (oa) DAW, December 1993
- * Full Moon City (with Darrell Schweitzer), (oa) Pocket Books, March 2010
- * The Further Adventures of Batman, (oa) Bantam, July 1989
- * The Further Adventures of Batman 2, (oa) Bantam Spectra, July 1992
- * The Further Adventures of Batman Volume 3, (oa) Bantam, March 1993
- * The Further Adventures of Superman, (oa) Bantam Spectra, November 1993
- * The Further Adventures of the Joker, (oa) Bantam, March 1990
- * The Further Adventures of Wonder Woman, (oa) Bantam Spectra, September 1993
- * The Further Adventures of Xena: Warrior Princess, (oa) Ace, September 2001
- * Future Americas (with John Helfers), (oa) DAW, June 2008
- * Future Crimes (with John Helfers), (oa) DAW, October 1999
- * The Future I (with Isaac Asimov & Joseph D. Olander), (an) Fawcett, January 1981
- * The Future in Question (with Isaac Asimov & Joseph D. Olander), (an) Fawcett, February 1980
- * Future Net (with Larry Segriff), (oa) DAW, October 1996
- * Future Wars (with Larry Segriff), (oa) DAW, April 2003
- * Future Weapons of War (with Joe W. Haldeman), (oa) Baen, March 2007
- * The Future We Wish We Had (with Rebecca Lickiss), (oa) DAW, December 2007
- * Galaxy (with Joseph D. Olander & Frederik Pohl), (an) Playboy Press, 1980
- * Galaxy Volume 1 (with Joseph D. Olander & Frederik Pohl), (an) Playboy Paperbacks, 1981
- * Galaxy Volume 2 (with Joseph D. Olander & Frederik Pohl), (an) Playboy Paperbacks, November 1981
- * Gamer Fantastic (with Kerrie Hughes), (oa) DAW, July 2009
- * Gateways, (oa) DAW, June 2005
- * Ghosts (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) NAL Signet, December 1988
- * Ghosts in Baker Street (with Jon L. Lellenberg & Daniel Stashower), (oa) Carroll & Graf, February 2006
- * Ghosts of the Heartland (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Rutledge Hill Press, April 1990
- * Ghost Towns (with Russell Davis), (oa) Pinnacle, 2010
- * The Giant Book of Horror Stories (with Barry N. Malzberg & Bill Pronzini), (an) Galahad, 1985, as Great Tales of Horror and the Supernatural
- * The Giant Book of Science Fiction Stories (with Charles G. & Jenny-Lynn Waugh), (an) Avenel, 1986, as 101 Science Fiction Stories
- * Giants (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) NAL/Signet, November 1985
- * A Girl’s Guide to Guns and Monsters (with Kerrie Hughes), (oa) DAW, February 2010
- * Girls’ Night Out (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Robert E. Weinberg), (an) Barnes & Noble, September 1997
- * Give Me Liberty (with Mark Tier), (an) Baen, January 2003
- * The Golden Years of Science Fiction (with Isaac Asimov), (an) Bonanza/Crown, 1983
- * The Golden Years of Science Fiction: Second Series (with Isaac Asimov), (an) Bonanza/Crown, 1983
- * The Golden Years of Science Fiction: Third Series (with Isaac Asimov), (om) Bonanza/Crown, 1984
- * The Golden Years of Science Fiction: Fourth Series (with Isaac Asimov), (om) Bonanza/Crown, December 1984
- * The Golden Years of Science Fiction: Fifth Series (with Isaac Asimov), (om) Bonanza, 1985
- * The Golden Years of Science Fiction: Sixth Series (with Isaac Asimov), (om) Crown/Bonanza, 1988
- * Grails: Quests of the Dawn (with Richard Gilliam & Edward E. Kramer), (oa) Penguin/Roc, March 1994
- * Grails: Quests, Visitations and Other Occurrences (with Richard Gilliam & Edward E. Kramer), (oa) Unnameable Press, October 1992
- * Grails: Visitations of the Night (with Richard Gilliam & Edward E. Kramer), (oa) Penguin/Roc, August 1994
- * Great American Ghost Stories (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Rutledge Hill Press, November 1991
- * Great American Ghost Stories, Volume One (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Berkley, October 1992
- * Great American Ghost Stories, Volume Two (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Berkley, February 1993
- * Great British Detectives (with Edward D. Hoch), (an) Academy Chicago, 1987
- * Great Fantasy (with Robert Silverberg), (an) Arbor House, 1983, as The Fantasy Hall of Fame
- * Great Modern Police Stories (with Bill Pronzini), (an) Walker US, 1986
- * Great Science Fiction by the World’s Great Scientists (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Donald I. Fine, July 1985
- * Great Science Fiction of the 20th Century (with Robert Silverberg), (an) Crown/Avenel, 1987
- * The Great Science Fiction Series (with Joseph D. Olander & Frederik Pohl), (an) Harper & Row, November 1980
- * Great Science Fiction Stories by the World’s Great Scientists (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Fine, 1985
- * The Great Science Fiction Stories: Volume 1, 1939 (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, March 1979
- * The Great Science Fiction Stories: Volume 2, 1940 (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, August 1979
- * The Great Science Fiction Stories: Volume 3, 1941 (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, March 1980
- * The Great Science Fiction Stories: Volume 4, 1942 (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, October 1980
- * The Great Science Fiction Stories: Volume 5, 1943 (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, March 1981
- * The Great Science Fiction Stories: Volume 6, 1944 (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, December 1981
- * The Great Science Fiction Stories: Volume 7, 1945 (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, July 1982
- * The Great Science Fiction Stories: Volume 8, 1946 (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, November 1982
- * The Great Science Fiction Stories: Volume 9, 1947 (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, March 1983
- * The Great Science Fiction Stories: Volume 10, 1948 (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, August 1983
- * The Great SF Stories: 11 (1949) (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, March 1984
- * The Great SF Stories 1 (1939) (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, March 1979
- * The Great Science Fiction Stories: Volume 11, 1949 (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, March 1984
- * The Great SF Stories: 12 (1950) (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, September 1984
- * The Great SF Stories: 12 (1950) (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, September 1984
- * The Great SF Stories #13 (1951) (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, July 1985
- * The Great SF Stories #14 (1952) (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, January 1986
- * The Great SF Stories #15 (1953) (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, December 1986
- * The Great SF Stories #16 (1954) (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, May 1987
- * The Great SF Stories #17 (1955) (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, January 1988
- * The Great SF Stories #18 (1956) (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, August 1988
- * The Great SF Stories #19 (1957) (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, February 1989
- * The Great SF Stories: 1964 (with Robert Silverberg), (an) NESFA Press, January 2002
- * The Great SF Stories #20 (1958) (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, February 1990
- * The Great SF Stories #21 (1959) (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, June 1990
- * The Great SF Stories 2 (1940) (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, August 1979
- * The Great SF Stories #22 (1960) (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, February 1991
- * The Great SF Stories #23 (1961) (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, July 1991
- * The Great SF Stories #24 (1962) (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, January 1992
- * The Great SF Stories 25 (1963) (with Isaac Asimov), (an) DAW, July 1992
- * Great Stories of the American West, (an) Fine, 1994
- * Great Stories of the American West II, (an) Fine, 1996
- * Great Tales of Classic Science Fiction (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Galahad, 1990
- * Great Tales of Horror and the Supernatural (with Barry N. Malzberg & Bill Pronzini), (an) A&W/Galahad, 1985
- * Great Tales of Science Fiction (with Robert Silverberg), (an) A&W/Galahad, 1985
- * Great Tales of the West (with Bill Pronzini), (an) Galahad Books, 1982
- * Great Writers & Kids Write Mystery Stories (with J. M. Morgan & Robert E. Weinberg), (oa) Random House, December 1996
- * Great Writers & Kids Write Spooky Stories (with J. M. Morgan & Robert E. Weinberg), (oa) Random House, October 1995
- * Guardian Angels, (oa) Cumberland House, November 2000
- * Guardsmen of Tomorrow (with Larry Segriff), (oa) DAW, November 2000
- * The Gunfighters (with Bill Pronzini), (an) Fawcett Gold Medal, January 1988
- * Guns of the West (with Ed Gorman), (an) Berkley, August 2002
- * Hallucination Orbit (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Farrar, Straus and Giroux, March 1983
- * Hard-Boiled Detectives (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Robert E. Weinberg), (an) Gramercy Books, May 1992
- * Haunted Dixie (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Rutledge Hill, 1994, as More Dixie Ghosts
- * Haunted Holidays (with Russell Davis), (oa) DAW, October 2004
- * The Haunted House (with Jane Yolen), (oa) HarperCollins, September 1995
- * Haunted Houses: The Greatest Stories, (an) MJF Books, August 1997
- * Haunted New England (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Yankee Books, October 1988
- * Heaven Sent (with Peter Crowther), (oa) DAW, May 1995
- * Heroes in Training (with Jim C. Hines), (oa) DAW, September 2007
- * The Highest Hit (with Charles G. Waugh), (an) Gareth Stevens Publishing, January 2001
- * Hitchcock in Prime Time (with Francis M. Nevins, Jr.), (an) Avon, August 1985
- * Hitler Victorious (with Gregory Benford), (an) Garland, October 1986
- * Hollywood Ghosts (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Rutledge Hill Press, April 1991
- * Hollywood Unreel (with Charles G. Waugh), (an) Taplinger, May 1982
- * Holmes for the Holidays (with Jon L. Lellenberg & Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh), (oa) Berkley, November 1996
- * Homicidal Acts (with Bill Pronzini), (an) Ivy, January 1989
- * The Horror Hall of Fame (with Robert Silverberg), (an) Carroll & Graf, July 1991
- * Horrors! 365 Scary Stories (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Robert E. Weinberg), (oa) Barnes & Noble, October 1998
- * Horse Fantastic (with Rosalind M. Greenberg), (oa) DAW, December 1991
- * The Horse of the War God (with Charles G. Waugh), (an) Gareth Stevens Publishing, January 2001
- * The Horse Soldiers (with Bill Pronzini), (an) Fawcett Gold Medal, August 1987
- * Hot and Steamy (with Jean Rabe), (oa) DAW, June 2011
- * Hotter Than Hell (with Dawn Cook), (oa) Harper, June 2008 , as by Martin H. Greenberg & Kim Harrison
- * Hound Dunnit (with Isaac Asimov & Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh), (an) Carroll & Graf, 1987
- * House Shudders (with Charles G. Waugh), (an) DAW, September 1987
- * Human Voices by James E. Gunn (with Ed Gorman), (co) Five Star US, August 2002
- * The Human Zero by Erle Stanley Gardner (with Charles G. Waugh), (co) William Morrow, 1981
- * Hunger for Horror (with Pamela Crippen & Robert Adams), (an) DAW, March 1988
- * If I Were an Evil Overlord (with Russell Davis), (oa) DAW, March 2007
- * The Immortals (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Raintree Publishers, March 1984
- * Intergalactic Empires (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Signet, December 1983
- * International Relations Through Science Fiction (with Joseph D. Olander), (an) Franklin Watts, 1978
- * In the Ring, (an) Bonanza, 1987
- * In the Shadow of Evil (with John Helfers), (oa) DAW, August 2005
- * In the Shadow of the Wall (with Byron R. Tetrick), (oa) Cumberland House, June 2002
- * Introductory Psychology Through Science Fiction (with Harvey A. Katz & Patricia S. Warrick), (an) Rand, McNally, April 1974
- * Introductory Psychology Through Science Fiction: Second Edition (with Harvey A. Katz & Patricia S. Warrick), (an) Rand, McNally, 1977
- * Invasions (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Penguin/Roc, August 1990
- * Invitation to Murder (with Ed Gorman), (oa) Dark Harvest, December 1991
- * Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Treasury (with Isaac Asimov & Joseph D. Olander), (om) Bonanza/Crown, 1980
- * Jack the Ripper (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh), (an) DAW, 1988, as Red Jack
- * Journeys to the Twilight Zone (with Carol Serling), (oa) DAW, January 1993
- * A Knife for Tomaso (with Charles G. Waugh), (an) Gareth Stevens Publishing, September 2001
- * Knight Fantastic (with John Helfers), (oa) DAW, April 2002
- * Lady on the Case (with Marcia Muller & Bill Pronzini), (an) Bonanza, 1988
- * The Last Man on Earth (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Fawcett Crest, August 1982
- * The Lawmen (with Bill Pronzini), (an) Fawcett Gold Medal, June 1984
- * Legends of the Batman, (an) MJF Books, 1997
- * Lighthouse Hauntings (with Charles G. Waugh), (oa) Down East Books, October 2002
- * Lighthouse Horrors (with Jenny-Lynn Azarian & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Down East Books, September 1993
- * Lighthouse Island (with Charles G. Waugh), (an) Gareth Stevens Publishing, January 2001
- * Little Red Riding Hood in the Big Bad City (with John Helfers), (oa) DAW, July 2004
- * Little Sioux Girl (with Charles G. Waugh), (an) Gareth Stevens Publishing, September 2001
- * Loaded for Bear (with Charles G. Waugh), (an) Bonanza, 1990
- * Locked Room Puzzles (with Bill Pronzini), (an) Academy Chicago, October 1986
- * Lone Cowboy (with Charles G. Waugh), (an) Gareth Stevens Publishing, September 2001
- * Lord of the Fantastic: Stories in Honor of Roger Zelazny, (oa) Avon Eos, September 1998 [Ref. Roger Zelazny]
- * Lost Trails (with Russell Davis), (oa) Pinnacle, 2007
- * Love 3000 (with Charles G. Waugh), (an) Elsevier, 1980
- * Lovecraft’s Legacy (with Robert E. Weinberg), (oa) Tor, November 1990
- * Love in Vein (with Poppy Z. Brite), (oa) HarperPrism, November 1994
- * Love in Vein II (with Poppy Z. Brite), (oa) HarperPrism, January 1997
- * Love Kills (with Ed Gorman), (an) Carroll & Graf, May 1997
- * Love & Rockets (with Kerrie Hughes), (oa) DAW, December 2010
- * Machines That Kill (with Fred Saberhagen), (an) Ace, December 1984
- * Machines That Think (with Isaac Asimov & Patricia S. Warrick), (an) Holt, Rinehart & Winston, February 1984
- * Mad Scientists (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Raintree, 1982
- * The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1965 (with Edward L. Ferman), (an) Southern Illinois University Press, 1981
- * Magical Wishes (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) NAL/Signet, November 1986
- * Magic Tails (with Janet Pack), (oa) DAW, September 2005
- * Maiden, Matron, Crone (with Kerrie Hughes), (oa) DAW, May 2005
- * The Mammoth Book of Classic Science Fiction (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Robinson, June 1988
- * The Mammoth Book of Fantastic Science Fiction (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Carroll & Graf, July 1992
- * The Mammoth Book of Fantasy All-Time Greats (with Robert Silverberg), (an) Arbor House, 1983, as The Fantasy Hall of Fame
- * The Mammoth Book of Golden Age Science Fiction (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Robinson, June 1989
- * The Mammoth Book of Modern Science Fiction (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Carroll & Graf, July 1993
- * The Mammoth Book of New World Science Fiction (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Robinson, July 1991
- * The Mammoth Book of Private Eye Stories (with Bill Pronzini), (an) Robinson, 1988
- * The Mammoth Book of Short Crime Novels (with Bill Pronzini), (an) Robinson, 1986
- * The Mammoth Book of Short Fantasy Novels (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Bonanza, 1985, as Baker’s Dozen: 13 Short Fantasy Novels
- * The Mammoth Book of Short Science Fiction Novels (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Bonanza, 1984, as Baker’s Dozen: 13 Short Science Fiction Novels
- * The Mammoth Book of Short Spy Novels (with Bill Pronzini), (an) Robinson, 1986
- * The Mammoth Book of Vintage Science Fiction (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Robinson, July 1990
- * Manhattan Mysteries (with Bill Pronzini & Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh), (an) Avenel, 1987
- * Man vs Machine (with John Helfers), (oa) DAW, July 2007
- * Mardi Gras Madness (with Russell Davis), (oa) Cumberland House, 2000
- * Marriage and the Family Through Science Fiction (with Val Clear, Joseph D. Olander & Patricia S. Warrick), (an) St. Martin's, 1976
- * Masters of Fantasy (with Terry Carr), (an) Galahad, August 1992
- * Men Writing Science Fiction as Women (with Mike Resnick), (oa) DAW, November 2003
- * Mercenaries of Tomorrow (with Poul Anderson & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Critic's Choice, November 1985
- * Merlin, (oa) DAW, September 1999
- * Microcosmic Tales (with Isaac Asimov & Joseph D. Olander), (an) Taplinger, 1980
- * Midsummer Passion by Erskine Caldwell (with Charles G. Waugh), (co) Yankee Books, 1990
- * Millennium 3001 (with Russell Davis), (oa) DAW, February 2006
- * Miniature Mysteries (with Isaac Asimov & Joseph D. Olander), (an) Taplinger, 1981
- * Miskatonic University (with Robert E. Weinberg), (oa) DAW, November 1996
- * Mississippi River Tales (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh), (an) August House, 1988
- * Mr. President, Private Eye (with Francis M. Nevins, Jr.), (oa) Ballantine, January 1989
- * The Mists from Beyond (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Robert E. Weinberg), (an) Penguin/Roc, September 1993
- * Monster Brigade 3000 (with Charles G. Waugh), (oa) Ace, April 1996
- * Monsters (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) NAL Signet, July 1988
- * The Montanans (with Bill Pronzini), (an) Fawcett Gold Medal, March 1991
- * Moon Shots (with Peter Crowther), (oa) DAW, July 1999
- * More Dixie Ghosts (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Rutledge Hill, 1994
- * More Holmes for the Holidays (with Jon L. Lellenberg & Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh), (oa) Berkley Prime Crime, October 1999 [Ref. Arthur Conan Doyle]
- * More Murder, They Wrote (with Elizabeth Foxwell), (oa) Boulevard Books, October 1999
- * More Phobias (with Richard Gilliam, Edward E. Kramer & Wendy Webb), (oa) Pocket, July 1995
- * More Whatdunits (with Mike Resnick), (oa) DAW, May 1993
- * Mothers and Daughters (with J. M. Morgan & Robert E. Weinberg), (oa) Penguin/Signet, May 1998
- * Mummy Stories, (an) Ballantine, April 1990
- * Murasaki (with Robert Silverberg), (oa) Bantam Spectra, May 1992
- * Murder and Mystery in Boston (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh), (an) Dembner, 1987
- * Murder and Mystery in Chicago (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh), (an) Dembner, 1987
- * Murder and Mystery in Maine (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Dembner, 1989
- * Murder British Style, (an) Barnes & Noble, 1993
- * Murder for Father, (oa) Signet, May 1994
- * Murder for Mother, (oa) Signet, May 1994
- * Murder in Baker Street (with Jon L. Lellenberg & Daniel Stashower), (oa) Carroll & Graf, 2001
- * Murder in Japan (with John L. Apostolou), (an) Dembner, 1987
- * Murder in the First Reel (with Bill Pronzini & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Avon, September 1985
- * Murder Most Delicious, (oa) Signet, March 1995
- * Murder Most Irish (with Ed Gorman & Larry Segriff), (an) Barnes & Noble, June 1996
- * Murder Most Sacred (with Edward D. Hoch), (an) Dembner, 1989
- * Murder Most Scottish (with Robert Adey, Stefan Dziemianowicz & Ed Gorman), (an) Barnes & Noble, August 1999
- * Murder on the Menu (with Isaac Asimov & Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh), (an) Avon, April 1984
- * Murder, They Wrote (with Elizabeth Foxwell), (oa) Boulevard Books, February 1997
- * Murder, They Wrote II (with Elizabeth Foxwell), (oa) Boulevard Books, February 1998
- * The Mutant Files (with John Helfers), (oa) DAW, August 2001
- * Mutants (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Raintree, 1982
- * Mutants (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Harper & Row, 1984, as Young Mutants
- * My Favorite Fantasy Story, (an) DAW, August 2000
- * My Favorite Horror Story (with Mike Baker), (an) DAW, October 2000
- * My Favorite Science Fiction Story, (an) DAW, March 1999
- * Mysterious Visions (with Joseph D. Olander & Charles G. Waugh), (an) St. Martin's, 1979
- * The Mystery Hall of Fame (with Bill Pronzini & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Morrow, 1984
- * Mystery in the Mainstream (with Barry N. Malzberg & Bill Pronzini), (an) Morrow, 1986
- * Mythical Beasties (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) NAL/Signet, May 1986
- * Mythic Beasts (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Signet, 1986, as Mythical Beasties
- * Neanderthals (with Robert Silverberg & Charles G. Waugh), (an) NAL/Signet, February 1987
- * Nebula Award-Winning Novellas, (an) Barnes & Noble, August 1994
- * Neglected Visions (with Barry N. Malzberg & Joseph D. Olander), (an) Doubleday, October 1979
- * The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (with Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh), (oa) Carroll & Graf, 1987
- * The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (var. 1) (with Jon L. Lellenberg & Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh), (oa) Robinson, December 1999
- * The New Awareness (with Patricia S. Warrick), (an) Delacorte, 1975
- * The Newbery Award Reader (with Charles G. Waugh), (an) Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1984
- * A Newbery Christmas (with Charles G. Waugh), (an) Delacorte Press, November 1991
- * A Newbery Halloween (with Charles G. Waugh), (an) Delacorte, September 1993
- * A Newbery Zoo (with Charles G. Waugh), (an) Delacorte Press, April 1995
- * The New Edgar Winners, (an) Wynwood Press, 1990
- * New England Ghosts (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh), (an) Rutledge Hill Press, October 1990
- * New Frontiers, Volume I (with Bill Pronzini), (oa) Tor, January 1990
- * New Frontiers, Volume II (with Bill Pronzini), (oa) Tor, August 1990
- * The New Hugo Winners (with Isaac Asimov), (an) Wynwood, December 1989
- * The New Hugo Winners Volume II (with Isaac Asimov), (an) Baen, January 1992
- * The New Hugo Winners: Volume III (with Connie Willis), (an) Baen, May 1994
- * The New Hugo Winners Volume IV (with Gregory Benford), (an) Baen, November 1997
- * New Legends (with Greg Bear), (oa) Legend, May 1995
- * New Stories from the Twilight Zone, (an) Avon, December 1991
- * New Trails (with John W. Jakes), (oa) Doubleday, November 1994
- * Night Lives by Phyllis Eisenstein (with Ed Gorman), (co) Gale Group/Five Star, April 2003
- * Nightmares in Dixie (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh), (an) August House, April 1987
- * Nightmares on Elm Street, (oa) Futura, June 1991
- * Nightmare Town (var. 1) by Dashiell Hammett (with Ed Gorman & Kirby McCauley), (co) Knopf, September 1999
- * Night Screams (with Ed Gorman), (oa) Penguin/Roc, January 1996
- * No Room for Man (with Ralph S. Clem & Joseph D. Olander), (an) Rowman & Littlefield, 1979
- * The Northerners (with Bill Pronzini), (an) Fawcett Gold Medal, June 1990
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