The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 3664
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[]Fowler, Christopher (Robert) (1953-2023) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Above the Glass Ceiling, (ss) Demonized, Serpent's Tail, 2004
- * The Adventure of Lucifer’s Footprints [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) Gaslight Arcanum ed. J. R. Campbell & Charles Prepolec, Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2011
- * A E W Mason, (ar) The Independent on Sunday May 31 2015 [Ref. A. E. W. Mason]
- * Alexander Baron, (ar) The Independent on Sunday June 26 2011 [Ref. Alexander Baron]
- * Algernon Blackwood, (ar) The Independent on Sunday March 15 2015 [Ref. Algernon Blackwood]
- * Alien Nations:
* ___ Another Brick in the Wall, (cl) PopMatters March 31 2004
* ___ Bogeyman Abroad, (cl) PopMatters August 12 2004
* ___ Cannes Heat, (cl) PopMatters May 19 2004
* ___ Chucking Out the Chintz, (cl) PopMatters June 16 2004
* ___ Elegy for the Unheroes, (cl) PopMatters July 14 2004
* ___ Much Nicer in Nice, (cl) PopMatters September 22 2004
* ___ The Return of the Lotus Eaters, (cl) PopMatters October 27 2004
* ___ Walls of Sound, (cl) PopMatters April 21 2004
- * All Packed, (ss) Old Devil Moon, Serpent's Tail, 2007
- * American Waitress, (ss) Crimewave #7, 2003
- * Andrew Sinclair, (ar) The Independent on Sunday March 17 2013 [Ref. Andrew Sinclair]
- * Angela Thirkell, (ar) The Independent on Sunday August 31 2014 [Ref. Angela Thirkell]
- * Anna Katharine Green, (ar) The Independent on Sunday March 23 2014 [Ref. Anna Katharine Green]
- * Anna Margaret Ross, (ar) The Independent on Sunday August 9 2015 [Ref. Anna Margaret Ross]
- * Another Brick in the Wall, (ar) PopMatters March 31 2004
- * Anthony Berkely Cox, (ar) The Independent on Sunday November 18 2012 [Ref. Anthony Berkeley Cox]
- * Anti-Bob, (in) Uncut, Warner UK, 1999
- * Antonia White, (ar) The Independent on Sunday November 29 2015 [Ref. Antonia White]
- * Any Minute Now, (ss) City Jitters, Sphere, 1986
- * Anything Can Happen, (nv) The Screaming Book of Horror ed. Johnny Mains, Screaming Dreams, 2012, as "Imagination"
- * A P Herbert, (ar) The Independent on Sunday November 2 2008 [Ref. A. P. Herbert]
- * April, (ms) British Fantasy Society 2006 ed. Paul Kane & Marie O'Regan, British Fantasy Society, 2005
- * Arkangel, (nv) Exotic Gothic 2 ed. Danel Olson, Ash-Tree Press, 2008
- * Armies of the Heart, (ss) Love in Vein II ed. Poppy Z. Brite & Martin H. Greenberg, HarperPrism, 1997
- * Arnold Ridley, (ar) The Independent on Sunday May 22 2011 [Ref. Arnold Ridley]
- * The Arousal Carousel, (ss) Tourniquet Heart ed. Christopher C. Teague, Prime, 2002
- * Arthur Bryant, (ar) The Independent on Sunday August 5 2012 [Ref. Arthur Bryant]
- * Arthur Bryant’s Secret Library, (ms) Bryant & May: London’s Glory, Doubleday UK, 2015
- * Arthur Machen, (ar) The Independent on Sunday June 5 2011 [Ref. Arthur Machen]
- * Arthur Mee, (ar) The Independent on Sunday August 18 2013 [Ref. Arthur Mee]
- * Arthur Upfield, (ar) The Independent on Sunday September 15 2013 [Ref. Arthur Upfield]
- * Arthur Ward, (ar) The Independent on Sunday June 24 2012 [Ref. Sax Rohmer]
- * The Art Nouveau Fireplace, (ss) The Bureau of Lost Souls, Century, 1989
- * The Ash-Boy, (ss) Fearie Tales ed. Stephen Jones, Jo Fletcher Books, 2013
- * At Home in the Pubs of Old London, (ss) Dark Terrors 5 ed. Stephen Jones & David Sutton, Gollancz, 2000
- The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror Volume Twelve ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson, 2001
- The Devil in Me, Serpent's Tail, 2001
- Taverns of the Dead ed. Kealan Patrick Burke, Cemetery Dance, 2005
- Darker Terrors ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Spectral Press UK, 2015
- The Best of Dark Terrors ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Subterranean Press, 2021
- * Author’s Notes on the Cases [Arthur Bryant & John May], (ms) Bryant & May: England’s Finest, Doubleday UK, 2019
- * Axel Munthe, (ar) The Independent on Sunday September 29 2013 [Ref. Axel Munthe]
- * The Baby, (nv) Magic: An Anthology of the Esoteric and Arcane ed. Jonathan Oliver, Solaris, 2012
- * Barbara Comyns Carr, (ar) The Independent on Sunday August 12 2012 [Ref. Barbara Comyns]
- * Barbara Mertz, (ar) The Independent on Sunday March 8 2015 [Ref. Barbara Mertz]
- * Barbara Pym, (ar) The Independent on Sunday March 13 2011 [Ref. Barbara Pym]
- * Barry Pain, (ar) The Independent on Sunday October 21 2012 [Ref. Barry Pain]
- * Basil Copper, (ar) The Independent on Sunday July 22 2012 [Ref. Basil Copper]
- * The Beacon, (ss) New English Library Book of Internet Stories ed. Maxim Jakubowski, NEL, 2000
- * Beautiful Men, (ss) Visitants ed. Stephen Jones, Ulysses Press, 2010
- * Bill Naughton, (ar) The Independent on Sunday June 2 2013 [Ref. Bill Naughton]
- * Bill Tidy, (ar) The Independent on Sunday January 25 2009 [Ref. Bill Tidy]
- * Black Day at Bad Rock, (ss) In Dreams ed. Paul J. McAuley & Kim Newman, Gollancz, 1992
- * Bogeyman Abroad, (ar) PopMatters August 12 2004
- * Boileau and Narcejac, (ar) The Independent on Sunday August 14 2011 [Ref. Pierre Boileau & Thomas Narcejac]
- * The Book of Forgotten Authors, (co) Riverrun, October 2017
- * The Book of Forgotten Authors (var. 1), (co) Riverrun, October 2018
- * Box, (nv) More City Jitters, Dell, 1988
- * The Boy Thug, (ss) Red Gloves Volume 2, PS Publishing, 2011
- * Bram Stoker, (ar) The Independent on Sunday September 20 2009 [Ref. Bram Stoker]
- * Breaking Heart, (ss) Demonized, Serpent's Tail, 2004
- * Breathe, (n.) Telos, June 2004
- * Brian Foot’s Blaze of Glory, (ss) Flesh Wounds, Warner UK, 1995
- * Brian Moore, (ar) The Independent on Sunday March 20 2011 [Ref. Brian Moore]
- * Brian O’Nolan, (ar) The Independent on Sunday June 1 2014 [Ref. Brian O’Nolan]
- * A Brief History of the Peculiar Crimes Unit [Arthur Bryant & John May], (lk) Bryant & May: England’s Finest, Doubleday UK, 2019
- * Brigid Brophy, (ar) The Independent on Sunday October 12 2014 [Ref. Brigid Brophy]
- * British Library Invisibles, (ar) The Independent on Sunday March 25 2012 [Ref. Charles Warren Adams]
- * Bryant and May in the Field [Arthur Bryant & John May], (nv) Deadly Pleasures ed. Martin Edwards, Severn House, 2013
- * Bryant & May Ahoy! [Arthur Bryant & John May], (ss) Bryant & May: London’s Glory, Doubleday UK, 2015
- * Bryant & May and the Antichrist [Arthur Bryant & John May], (nv) Bryant & May: England’s Finest, Doubleday UK, 2019
- * Bryant & May and the Bells of Westminster [Arthur Bryant & John May], (ss) Bryant & May: London’s Glory, Doubleday UK, 2015
- * Bryant & May and the Bleeding Heart [Arthur Bryant & John May], (n.) Doubleday UK, March 2014, as Bryant & May: The Bleeding Heart
- * Bryant & May and the Blind Spot [Arthur Bryant & John May], (ss) Bryant & May: London’s Glory, Doubleday UK, 2015
- * Bryant & May and the Breadcrumb Trail [Arthur Bryant & John May], (nv) Bryant & May: England’s Finest, Doubleday UK, 2019
- * Bryant & May and the Burning Man [Arthur Bryant & John May], (n.) Doubleday UK, March 2015, as Bryant & May: The Burning Man
- * Bryant & May and the Consul’s Son [Arthur Bryant & John May], (na) Bryant & May: England’s Finest, Doubleday UK, 2019
- * Bryant & May and the Devil’s Triangle [Arthur Bryant & John May], (nv) Bryant & May: England’s Finest, Doubleday UK, 2019
- * Bryant & May and the Forty Footsteps [Arthur Bryant & John May], (nv) Bryant & May: England’s Finest, Doubleday UK, 2019
- * Bryant & May and The Invisible Code [Arthur Bryant & John May], (n.) Doubleday UK, August 2012
- * Bryant & May and the Invisible Woman [Arthur Bryant & John May], (nv) Bryant & May: England’s Finest, Doubleday UK, 2019
- * Bryant & May and The Memory of Blood [Arthur Bryant & John May], (n.) Doubleday UK, September 2011
- * Bryant & May and the Nameless Woman [Arthur Bryant & John May], (ss) Bryant & May: London’s Glory, Doubleday UK, 2015
- * Bryant & May and the Postman [Arthur Bryant & John May], (nv) Bryant & May: England’s Finest, Doubleday UK, 2019
- * Bryant & May and the Secret Santa [Arthur Bryant & John May], (nv) Bryant & May: London’s Glory, Doubleday UK, 2015
- * Bryant & May and the Seven Points [Arthur Bryant & John May], (nv) Psycho-Mania! ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson, 2013
- * Bryant & May and the Seventh Reindeer [Arthur Bryant & John May], (nv) Bryant & May: England’s Finest, Doubleday UK, 2019
- * Bryant & May: Dramatis Personae, (ms) Bryant & May: London’s Glory, Doubleday UK, 2015
- * Bryant & May: Dramatis Personae, (ms) Bryant & May: England’s Finest, Doubleday UK, 2019
- * Bryant & May: England’s Finest [Arthur Bryant & John May], (oc) Doubleday UK, October 2019
- * Bryant & May: Hall of Mirrors [Arthur Bryant & John May], (n.) Doubleday UK, March 2018
- * Bryant & May in the Soup [Arthur Bryant & John May], (ss) The Strand Magazine #25, June/September 2008
- * Bryant & May: London Bridge is Falling Down [Arthur Bryant & John May], (n.) Doubleday UK, July 2021
- * Bryant & May: London’s Glory [Arthur Bryant & John May], (oc) Doubleday UK, November 2015
- * Bryant & May Meet Dracula [Arthur Bryant & John May], (nv) Bryant & May: England’s Finest, Doubleday UK, 2019
- * Bryant & May Off the Rails [Arthur Bryant & John May], (n.) Doubleday UK, July 2010
- * Bryant & May on the Beat [Arthur Bryant & John May], (ss) Dead Good December 11 2012
- * Bryant & May on the Cards [Arthur Bryant & John May], (nv) Bryant & May: London’s Glory, Doubleday UK, 2015
- * Bryant & May On the Loose [Arthur Bryant & John May], (n.) Doubleday UK, July 2009
- * Bryant & May on the Loose [Arthur Bryant & John May], (n.) Doubleday UK, July 2009
- * Bryant & May: Oranges and Lemons [Arthur Bryant & John May], (n.) Doubleday UK, July 2020
- * Bryant & May: Peculiar London [Arthur Bryant & John May], (nf) Doubleday UK, July 2022, as "Bryant & May’s Peculiar London"
- * Bryant & May’s Day Off [Arthur Bryant & John May], (ss) Bryant & May: England’s Finest, Doubleday UK, 2019
- * Bryant & May’s Mystery Tour [Arthur Bryant & John May], (ss) The Independent July 2 2006
- * Bryant & May’s Peculiar London [Arthur Bryant & John May], (nf) Doubleday UK, July 2022
- * Bryant & May: Strange Tide [Arthur Bryant & John May], (n.) Doubleday UK, March 2016
- * Bryant & May: The Bleeding Heart [Arthur Bryant & John May], (n.) Doubleday UK, March 2014
- * Bryant & May: The Burning Man [Arthur Bryant & John May], (n.) Doubleday UK, March 2015
- * Bryant & May: The Cases So Far, (ms) Bryant & May: London’s Glory, Doubleday UK, 2015
- * Bryant & May: The Lonely Hour [Arthur Bryant & John May], (n.) Doubleday UK, March 2019
- * Bryant & May Up the Tower [Arthur Bryant & John May], (ss) Bryant & May: England’s Finest, Doubleday UK, 2019
- * Bryant & May: Wild Chamber [Arthur Bryant & John May], (n.) Doubleday UK, March 2017
- * B. S. Johnson, (ar) The Independent on Sunday October 18 2009 [Ref. B. S. Johnson]
- * The Bureau of Lost Souls, (co) Century, August 1989
- Ballantine, November 1991
- * The Bureau of Lost Souls, (nv) The Bureau of Lost Souls, Century, 1989
- * The Cages, (ss) Personal Demons, Serpent's Tail, 1998
- * Cairo 6.1, (ss) Demonized, Serpent's Tail, 2004
- * Calabash, (n.) Warner UK, May 2000
- * The Campaign for Real Fear (with Maura McHugh), (ms) Black Static #17, June/July 2010
- * Cannes Heat, (ar) PopMatters May 19 2004
- * Can’t Slow Down for Fear I’ll Die, (ss) Sharper Knives, Warner UK, 1992
- * Caryl Brahms, (ar) The Independent on Sunday April 24 2011 [Ref. Caryl Brahms & S. J. Simon], as "Caryl Brahms and S J Simon"
- * Caryl Brahms and S J Simon, (ar) The Independent on Sunday April 24 2011 [Ref. Caryl Brahms & S. J. Simon]
- * The Caterpillar Flag, (ss) OxCrimes ed. Mark Ellingham & Peter Florence, Profile Books, 2014
- * Cecil Smith, (ar) The Independent on Sunday January 4 2015 [Ref. C. S. Forester]
- * Celia Fremlin, (ar) The Independent on Sunday November 9 2014 [Ref. Celia Fremlin]
- * A Century and a Second, (ss) The Big Issue 19??
- * Change for the Sky Master, (ss) City Jitters, Sphere, 1986
- * Chang-Siu and the Blade of Grass, (ss) Sharper Knives, Warner UK, 1992
- * Charles Dickens, (ar) The Independent on Sunday August 28 2011 [Ref. Charles Dickens]
- * Charles Hamilton, (ar) The Independent on Sunday July 29 2012 [Ref. Charles Hamilton]
- * Charles Willeford, (ar) The Independent on Sunday April 6 2014 [Ref. Charles Willeford]
- * Charles Wood, (ar) The Independent on Sunday April 8 2012 [Ref. Charles Wood]
- * Charlotte Armstrong, (ar) The Independent on Sunday May 15 2011 [Ref. Charlotte Armstrong]
- * #ChooseThePlot (with Jane Casey & James Oswald), (n.) Ebury Digital, October 2014
- * Christina Stead, (ar) The Independent on Sunday February 7 2016 [Ref. Christina Stead]
- * Christmas Forever, (ss) The Independent on Sunday December 21 1997
- * Christopher Fowler, (ar) The Independent on Sunday March 20 2016
- * Chucking Out the Chintz, (ar) PopMatters June 16 2004
- * City Jitter 1: Underground Parking, (lk) City Jitters (var. 1), Dell, 1988
- * City Jitter 2: Taxicabs, (lk) City Jitters (var. 1), Dell, 1988
- * City Jitter 3: In the Arcade, (lk) City Jitters (var. 1), Dell, 1988
- * City Jitter 4: Nightclubs, (lk) City Jitters (var. 1), Dell, 1988
- * City Jitter 5: Robbery, (lk) City Jitters (var. 1), Dell, 1988
- * City Jitter 6: Strip Clubs, (lk) City Jitters (var. 1), Dell, 1988
- * City Jitter 7: Slums, (lk) City Jitters (var. 1), Dell, 1988
- * City Jitter 8: Hotels, (lk) City Jitters (var. 1), Dell, 1988
- * City Jitter 9: Suburbia, (lk) City Jitters (var. 1), Dell, 1988
- * City Jitter 10: Communication Breakdown, (lk) City Jitters (var. 1), Dell, 1988
- * City Jitter One, (lk) More City Jitters, Dell, 1988
- * City Jitter Two, (lk) More City Jitters, Dell, 1988
- * City Jitter Three, (lk) More City Jitters, Dell, 1988
- * City Jitter Four, (lk) More City Jitters, Dell, 1988
- * City Jitter Five, (lk) More City Jitters, Dell, 1988
- * City Jitter Six, (lk) More City Jitters, Dell, 1988
- * City Jitter Seven, (lk) More City Jitters, Dell, 1988
- * City Jitter Eight, (lk) More City Jitters, Dell, 1988
- * City Jitters, (co) Sphere, June 1986
- * City Jitters, (oc) Sphere, June 1986
- * City Jitters (var. 1), (oc) Dell, August 1988
- * Citylink Eight, (lk) City Jitters, Sphere, 1986
- * Citylink Five, (lk) City Jitters, Sphere, 1986
- * Citylink Four, (lk) City Jitters, Sphere, 1986
- * Citylink Nine, (lk) City Jitters, Sphere, 1986
- * Citylink One, (lk) City Jitters, Sphere, 1986
- * Citylink Seven, (lk) City Jitters, Sphere, 1986
- * Citylink Six, (lk) City Jitters, Sphere, 1986
- * Citylink Ten, (lk) City Jitters, Sphere, 1986
- * Citylink Three, (lk) City Jitters, Sphere, 1986
- * Citylink Two, (lk) City Jitters, Sphere, 1986
- * The Cleansing, (nv) City Jitters, Sphere, 1986
- * Clifford Mills, (ar) The Independent on Sunday July 24 2011 [Ref. Clifford Mills]
- * Colin Wilson, (ar) The Independent on Sunday February 24 2013 [Ref. Colin Wilson]
- * Come On Then, If You Think You’re Hard Enough, (ss) The Devil in Me, Serpent's Tail, 2001
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