The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 3490
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[]Fite, Lenhardt C. (fl. 1980s) (chron.)
- * Another Country, (pm) Space and Time #58, January 1981
- * Feral Kids, (pm) Threshold of Fantasy #2, Winter 1985/1986
- * The Flagellants, (pm) Eldritch Tales #2, 1981
- * In Tenebris (The Night Before the Flood), (pm) Eldritch Tales #15, 1988
- * Ladies from Hades, (pm) Weirdbook #21, Autumn 1985
- * Lilith, (pm) Space and Time #60, July 1981
- * [letter], (lt) Fantasy Mongers #3, Spring 1982
[]Fithian, F(rank) L(ivingston) (1865-1935) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) The Saturday Evening Post Nov 25, Dec 2 1899
- * [front cover], (cv) The Country Gentleman Mar 16, Aug 3, Oct 26 1912, Feb 8 1913
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Woman’s Home Companion September 1901
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Saturday Evening Post Sep 21, Nov 23, Dec 7 1901, Mar 28, Apr 4, Apr 11, Apr 18, Jul 25 1903, Jul 2,
Jul 9, Sep 17, Sep 24, Oct 15, Nov 19, Dec 3 1904
Feb 11, Mar 4, Apr 15, Aug 12, Sep 23, Nov 18 1905, Feb 9, Apr 6, Apr 20, Jun 8,
Jul 27, Aug 24, Sep 14, Oct 26, Nov 16 1907
Apr 25 1908, Jun 26, Jul 17, Sep 18, Nov 6 1909, Jan 22, Apr 23, Nov 19 1910, Dec 30 1911
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Windsor Magazine August 1903
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Munsey’s Magazine February 1905
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Bazar November 1913
[]“Fits”; pseudonym (fl. 1910s-1920s) (chron.)
- * Heroes of Humble Life:
* ___ I.— The Man Who Would Not Give a Tip, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine November 1919
* ___ II.— The Man Who Tamed a Bus Driver, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine November 1919
* ___ 3. The Worm That Turned, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine February 1920
* ___ 4. The Taxi Tackler, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine February 1920
* ___ 5. The Polite Policeman, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine March 1920
* ___ 6. The Middle-Class Martyr, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine March 1920
- * The Man Who Tamed a Bus Driver, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine November 1919
- * The Man Who Would Not Give a Tip, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine November 1919
- * The Middle-Class Martyr, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine March 1920
- * The Polite Policeman, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine March 1920
- * The Taxi Tackler, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine February 1920
- * The Worm That Turned, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine February 1920
[]Fitt, Mary; pseudonym of Kathleen Freeman (1897-1959) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * The Amethyst Cross, (nv) The London Mystery Magazine #2, 1950, as by Clare St. Donat
- * Black Sheep [Doctor Fitzbrown], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #12, October/November 1951
- * The Box of Coins, (nv) Detective Stories of To-Day ed. Raymond Postgate, Faber and Faber, 1940
- * The Case of the Lost Sheep [Mr. Pitt], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #4, 1950
- * The Case of the Professor’s Chair [Mr. Pitt], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #2, 1950
- * The Case of the Retired Printer [Mr. Pitt], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #3, 1950
- * The Case of the Thursday ’Phone-Calls [Mr. Pitt], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #1, 1949
- * The Case of the Unstitched Hand [Doctor Fitzbrown], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #15, April/May 1952
- * A Death in the Black-Out [Doctor Fitzbrown], (nv)
- * The Doctor, (ss) The Third Ghost Book ed. Cynthia Asquith, James Barrie, 1955
- * A Dumb Friend, (ss) Choice of Weapons, Hodder & Stoughton, 1958
- * The Gold-Crested Wrens [Mr. Pitt], (ss)
- * Highlight, (ss)
- * Like a Queen [Mr. Pitt], (ss)
- * The Lost Sheep [Mr. Pitt], (ss)
- * The Man Who Shot Birds [Mr. Pitt], (ss) The Man Who Shot Birds and Other Tales of Mystery and Detection by Mary Fitt, Macdonald, 1954
- * The Man Who Shot Birds and Other Tales of Mystery and Detection, (Macdonald, 1954, co)
- * Meet Doctor Fitzbrown:
* ___ [Doctor Fitzbrown], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #7, 1950
* ___ Part II—The Talking Gatepost [Doctor Fitzbrown], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #10, June/July 1951
* ___ Part III—Black Sheep [Doctor Fitzbrown], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #12, October/November 1951
* ___ Part IV—The Case of the Unstitched Hand [Doctor Fitzbrown], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #15, April/May 1952
- * Murder Will Out [Mr. Pitt], (ss)
- * The Professor’s Chair [Mr. Pitt], (ss)
- * The Retired Printer [Mr. Pitt], (ss)
- * The Talking Gatepost [Doctor Fitzbrown], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #10, June/July 1951
- * The Thursday Phone-Calls [Mr. Pitt], (ss)
- * The Unstitched Hand [Doctor Fitzbrown], (ss)
_____, [ref.]
[]Fitting, Peter (fl. 1970s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Analysis and Interpretation, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies v21 #1, #62, March 1994 [Ref. Michael Sevastakis & Per Schelde]
- * Futurecop: The Neutralization of Revolt in Blade Runner, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies November 1987
- * Impulse or Genre or Neither?, (rv) Science-Fiction Studies July 1995 [Ref. M. Keith Booker]
- * Library News (with Robert M. Philmus), (ms) Science-Fiction Studies July 1989
- * Philip K. Dick in France, (lt) Science-Fiction Studies #41, March 1987
- * Philip K. Dick Is Dead, (rv) Science-Fiction Studies July 1989 [Ref. Douglas Mackey]
- * Regards sur Philip K. Dick, (br) Science-Fiction Studies v20 #3, #61, November 1993 [Ref. Hélène Collon]
_____, [ref.]
[]Fittock, Roderick J. (chron.)
- * Apprentice Killer, (ss) Adam (Australia) September 1963
- * The Day the World Ended, (ss) Adam (Australia) January 1969
- * The Eye of the Beholder, (ss) Adam (Australia) September 1968
- * Night of the Creeping Horror, (ss) Adam (Australia) September 1967
- * The Proof of Dying, (ss) Man Junior May 1964
- * A Purpose for Life, (ss) Man Junior November 1966
- * The Wealth of Doom, (ss) Man Junior November 1965
- * World of the Lost, (ss) Man Junior June 1967
- * You’ll Get Yours, Charlie, (ss) Man October 1966
[]Fitton, Hedley (1859-1929) (about) (chron.)
- * The Beauties of Paris and Normandy, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine August 1908
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The English Illustrated Magazine February 1887
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Cassell’s Family Magazine January 1894
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Pall Mall Magazine Sep, Dec 1901, Feb, May 1902, Dec 1903, Sep 1904, Jan, Oct 1905, Jan, Aug 1907,
Aug 1908, Jun 1911
- * [illustration(s)] (with T. Raffles Davison), (il) The Pall Mall Magazine December 1902
- * [illustration(s)] (with Maurice Greiffenhagen & Balliol Salmon), (il) The Pall Mall Magazine June 1902
[]Fitton, James (fl. 1940s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Acid Drops, (hu) Lilliput April 1949
- * Are You a Handy Man on a Raft?, (qz) Lilliput February 1950
- * Are You a Sport?, (hu) Lilliput June 1950
- * The Bedside Manner, (hu) Lilliput May 1948
- * Do You Madden Men?, (qz) Lilliput March 1950
- * The Family Circle, (pi) Lilliput September 1950
- * Health & Strength, (hu) Lilliput January 1949
- * The Insolence of the Office, (hu) Lilliput October 1948
- * Parting Shots, (hu) Lilliput August 1950
- * R.S.V.P., (hu) Lilliput December 1949
- * The Trials of Fatherhood, (pi) Lilliput October 1947
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Lilliput June 1948
- * [front cover], (cv) Lilliput Jan, Feb 1950
- * [front cover], (cv) John Bull March 10 1951
[]Fitts, James Franklin (1839-1890) (about) (chron.)
- * Academy Jokes and Scrapes, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine November 1868
- * Among the Guerrillas, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine September 1869
- * At Sea, (pm) The Novelette 1st April 1863
- * At the Threshold, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine April 1862
- * A Bad Man’s Story, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine July 1870
- * The Bahama Wrecker, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine August 1871
- * Battle of Queenston Heights, (ar) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine January 1862
- * Becalmed in the Gulf, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine May 1863
- * Borrowed Plumes, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine February 1862
- * Camp Pictures. The Soldier’s Death-Bed, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine September 1862
- * Captain Kidd’s Treasure, (ss)
- * Caught by Mosby, (ts) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine May 1871
- * Centaur, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine June 1861
- * The Child of the Wilderness, (na) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1877
- * The Church in the Wood, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine December 1861
- * The Clairvoyant, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine June 1857
- * Cornbury, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine December 1871
- * Dan Burton’s Life Romance, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine April 1871
- * Day-Dreams, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine December 1858
- * The Day of Doom: or, The Borderer’s Peril, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine April 1859
- * Death in the School-Room!, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine February 1861
- * The Destroyer, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine May 1859
- * Dick Hassard and the Young Desperado, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine February 1871
- * Dirge, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine May 1857
- * An Evening with a Detective, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine September 1870
- * Farewell, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine April 1857
- * The Flag of the Free, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine August 1862
- * Four-Footed Soldiers, (ar) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine April 1872
- * A Fragment, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine March 1857
- * Friendship’s Appeal, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine June 1859
- * The Frontiersman’s Shot, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine October 1870
- * The Glance of a Lovelit Eye, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine November 1857
- * God Keep My Memory Green!, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine June 1861
- * Gone Astray, (pm) Beadle’s Monthly February 1867
- * A Great Awakening, (ss) Romance November 1893
- * The Great Flood, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education November 1869
- * The Guest-Chamber of the Inn at St. Ives, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine December 1859
- * Henri and Gabrielle, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine May 1860
- * The House by the River, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine September 1861
- * How John Martin Kept His Own, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine December 1869
- * In at the Death!, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine December 1860
- * Isadore, the Ideal, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine November 1860
- * Jenny Doane, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine June 1862
- * John Anstruther’s Fortune, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine August 1868
- * The Leadsman’s Song, (pm) The Dollar Monthly Magazine July 1863
- * A Leaf from a Military Diary, (ts) Beadle’s Monthly June 1867
- * Lights and Shadows of the War, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine September 1871
- * Lines for a Finished Journal, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine December 1856
- * The Log Cabin, (vi) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine September 1857
- * Long Ago, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine March 1859
- * A Lover’s Lament, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine February 1860
- * “The Loves of the Poets”, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine October 1861
- * Mack and Chevalier, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine May 1868
- * Maybrooke’s Revenge, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine January 1861
- * Melissa’s Serenade, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine December 1868
- * Midnight, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine September 1859
- * Morning Hymn, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine November 1861
- * “My Darling”, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine December 1867
- * Myra’s Mirror, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education September 1869
- * My Syren: or, The Demon-Lover, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine June 1860
- * A Naval Engagement, (ar) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine January 1862
- * A New-Year Vision, (ss) Romance January 1893
- * Nicky the Waif, (na) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1873
- * A Night at the Casino, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine May 1876
- * A Noted Character, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine July 1872
- * The Nun of the Sacred Hdeart, (ts) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine April 1861
- * Old Grimes, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine May 1881
- * One Day, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine December 1862
- * A Plaint, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine October 1858
- * The Polish Daughter, (vi) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine June 1858
- * The Poor Old Man, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine February 1875
- * A Real Hero, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education April 1870
- * A Remarkable Imposture, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine March 1872
- * Remembrance, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine March 1873
- * Reunion, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine October 1867
- * Rock Raymond, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine February 1858
- * Roses, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine September 1862
- * A Sabbath-Eve Poem, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine December 1859
- * The Secret Crime, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine September 1860
- * The Secret Slayer: or, The Avenger of Aumale, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine November 1858
- * Serenity, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine November 1859
- * The Shadow on the Heart of Wilson Webber, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine March 1861
- * The Skeleton Friend, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine May 1857
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