The FictionMags Index
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Emshwiller, Carol (Fries) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Debut, (ss) Orbit 6 ed. Damon Knight, Putnam, 1970
- * Desert Child, (ss) Report to the Men’s Club and Other Stories, Small Beer Press, 2002
- * Destinations, Premonitions and the Nature of Anxiety, (ss) Joy in Our Cause, Harper & Row, 1974
- * The Dignity He’s Due, (nv) Firebirds Soaring ed. Sharyn November, Firebird, 2009
- * The Doctor, (ss) Polyphony, Volume 1 ed. Deborah Layne & Jay Lake, Wheatland Press, 2002
- * Dog Is Dead, (ss) Joy in Our Cause, Harper & Row, 1974
- * Draculalucard, (ss) The Start of the End of It All: Short Fiction by Carol Emshwiller, Mercury House, 1991
- * A Dream of Flying, (ss) Cavalier #160, October 1966
- SF 12 ed. Judith Merril, Delacorte, 1968, as "Chicken Icarus"
- Joy in Our Cause, Harper & Row, 1974, as "Chicken Icarus"
- The Start of the End of It All, The Women's Press, 1990, as "Chicken Icarus"
- The Start of the End of It All (var. 1), Mercury House, 1991, as "Chicken Icarus"
- The Collected Stories of Carol Emshwiller Vol. 1, NonStop Press, 2011, as "Chicken Icarus"
- * Eclipse, (ss) The Little Magazine v15 #2, 1986
- * Emissary, (ss) The Start of the End of It All: Short Fiction by Carol Emshwiller, Mercury House, 1991
- * Eohippus, (ss) Transatlantic Review #24, Spring 1967
- * Escape Is No Accident, (ss) 2076: The American Tricentennial ed. Edward Bryant, Pyramid, 1977
- * Expecting Sunshine and Getting It, (ss) Croton Review #1, 1978
- * Fledged, (ss) Omni December 1988
- * Foreword, (fw) The Collected Stories of Carol Emshwiller Vol. 1, NonStop Press, 2011
- * Foster Mother, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 2001
- * The Futility of Fixed Positions, (ss) Portland Review v28 #2, 1982
- * The General, (ss) McSweeney’s Mammoth Treasury of Thrilling Tales ed. Michael Chabon, Vintage Books, 2003
- * Gliders Though They Be, (ss) Sci Fiction June 2 2004
- * Glory, Glory, (ss) The Start of the End of It All, The Women's Press, 1990
- * God Clown, (ss) The Coyote Road ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Viking, 2007
- * Gods and Three Wishes, (ss) Trampoline ed. Kelly Link, Small Beer Press, 2003
- * Grandma, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 2002
- Report to the Men’s Club and Other Stories, Small Beer Press, 2002
- Year’s Best SF 8 ed. David G. Hartwell & Kathryn Cramer, HarperCollins/Eos, 2003
- Nebula Awards Showcase 2005 ed. Jack Dann, Roc, 2005
- The Collected Stories of Carol Emshwiller Vol. 1, NonStop Press, 2011
- Superheroes ed. Rich Horton, Prime Books, 2013
- * Hands, (ss) Double-Action Detective and Mystery Stories #7, Summer 1957
- * A Hello to Arms, (ss) In the Time of War and Other Stories of Conflict by Carol Emshwiller, PS Publishing, 2011
- * Hunting Machine, (ss) Science Fiction Stories May 1957
- Best Science Fiction Stories and Novels: 9th Series ed. T. E. Dikty, Advent, 1958
- Science Fiction Inventions ed. Damon Knight, Lancer, 1967
- The Arbor House Treasury of Modern Science Fiction ed. Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Arbor House, 1980
- Machines That Kill ed. Fred Saberhagen & Martin H. Greenberg, Ace, 1984
- 101 Science Fiction Stories ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Charles G. Waugh & Jenny-Lynn Waugh, Crown/Avenel, 1986
- Great Science Fiction of the 20th Century ed. Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Crown/Avenel, 1987
- The Great SF Stories #19 (1957) ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1989
- The Collected Stories of Carol Emshwiller Vol. 1, NonStop Press, 2011
- * Idol’s Eye, (ss) Future Science Fiction #35, February 1958
- * If Not Forever, When?, (ss) Psycritic October 1987
- * If the Word Was to the Wise, (ss) The Start of the End of It All, The Women's Press, 1990
- * I Live with You, (co) Tachyon Publications, April 2005
- * I Live with You, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 2005
- * I Love You, (ss) Epoch Fall 1969
- * The Institute, (ss) Alchemy and Academe ed. Anne McCaffrey, Doubleday, 1970
- * In the Time of War and Other Stories of Conflict, (co) In the Time of War and Other Stories of Conflict by Carol Emshwiller, PS Publishing, 2011
- * In the Time of War and Other Stories of Conflict/Master of the Road to Nowhere and Other Tales of the Fantastic, (om) PS Publishing, May 2011
- * Introduction to “But Soft, What Light…”, (is) SF: Authors’ Choice 4 ed. Harry Harrison, Putnam, 1974
- * It Comes from Deep Inside, (ss) Report to the Men’s Club and Other Stories, Small Beer Press, 2002
- * Josephine, (ss) Sci Fiction May 15 2002
- * Joy in Our Cause, (co) Harper & Row, May 1974
- * Joy in Our Cause, (ss) Joy in Our Cause, Harper & Row, 1974
- * Killers, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October/November 2006
- * Krashaw, (ss) A City Sampler ed. Marilyn Hacker, William McNeill & Russell Fitzgerald, 1967
- * Ledoyt, (ex) Intersections ed. John Kessel, Mark L. Van Name & Richard Butner, Tor, 1996
- * Lib, (ss) New Worlds #180, March 1968
- * The Library, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction August 2004
- * Lightning, (ss) Alchemy #1, Winter 2003
- * Living at the Center, (ss) Ice River #4, June 1989
- * Logicist, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October/November 2009
- * Looking Down, (ss) Omni January 1990
- * The Lovely Ugly, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 2010
- * Love Me Again, (ss) Science Fiction Quarterly February 1956
- * Master of the Road to Nowhere, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 2008
- * Master of the Road to Nowhere and Other Tales of the Fantastic, (co) Master of the Road to Nowhere and Other Tales of the Fantastic by Carol Emshwiller, PS Publishing, 2011
- * Maybe Another Long March Across China 80,000 Strong, (ss) Joy in Our Cause, Harper & Row, 1974
- * The Meaning of the Fields, (ss) Lalitamba #3, 2009
- * Mental Health and Its Alternative, (ss) Confrontation #25/26, 1983
- * Methapyrilene Hydrochloride Sometimes Helps, (ss) New Worlds #182, July 1968
- * The Mismeasure of Me, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #27, August 2011
- * Modillion, (ss) Strange Plasma #8, 1994
- * Moon Songs, (ss) The Start of the End of It All, The Women's Press, 1990
- * Mountain Song, (nv) In the Time of War and Other Stories of Conflict by Carol Emshwiller, PS Publishing, 2011, as "Chasing Songs"
- * The Mount: Chapter Two, (ex) 2002
- * Mrs. Jones, (ss) Omni August 1993
- * Murray Is for Murder, (ss) Fast Action Detective and Mystery Stories March 1957
- * My General, (nv) Argosy Magazine May/June 2004
- * The New and Perfect Man, (ss) The New and Perfect Man ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2011
- * The News That’s Fit, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction June 2011, as "All the News That’s Fit"
- * Nightmare Call, (ss) Future Science Fiction #32, Spring 1957
- * Nose, (ss) Report to the Men’s Club and Other Stories, Small Beer Press, 2002
- * Not Burning, (ss) Croton Review #6, 1983
- * No Time Like the Present, (ss) Lightspeed #2, July 2010
- * Omens, (ss) Edges ed. Ursula K. Le Guin & Virginia Kidd, Pocket, 1980
- * On Display Among the Lesser, (ss) Sci Fiction April 14 2004
- * One Part of the Self Is Always Tall and Dark, (ss) Confrontation #14, 1977
- * On Not Going Extinct, (ss) Strange Horizons May 24 2010
- * Overlooking, (ss) The Green Man ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Viking, 2002
- * The Paganini of Jacob’s Gully, (ss) Report to the Men’s Club and Other Stories, Small Beer Press, 2002
- * Pelt, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1958
- SF:’59 ed. Judith Merril, Gnome Press, 1959
- Venture Science Fiction (UK) #12, August 1964
- SF: The Best of the Best ed. Judith Merril, Delacorte Press, 1967
- SF: The Best of the Best, Part One ed. Judith Merril, Mayflower, 1970
- A Pocketful of Stars ed. Damon Knight, Doubleday, 1971
- Looking Back on Tomorrow ed. John Osborne & David Paskow, Addison-Wesley, 1974
- Alien Worlds ed. Douglas Hill, Heinemann, 1981
- The Start of the End of It All, The Women's Press, 1990
- The Start of the End of It All (var. 1), Mercury House, 1991
- The Collected Stories of Carol Emshwiller Vol. 1, NonStop Press, 2011
- The Big Book of Science Fiction ed. Ann & Jeff VanderMeer, Vintage Books, 2016
- * Peninsula, (ss) The Richmond Review v6 #1, 1970
- * The Perfect Infestation, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 2009
- * Peri, (ss) Strange Plasma #3, 1990
- * The Piece Thing, (ss) Science Fiction Quarterly May 1956
- * Plet, (ss)
- * A Possible Episode in the Picaresque Adventures of Mr. J.H.B. Monstrosee, (ss) Quark/2 ed. Samuel R. Delany & Marilyn Hacker, Paperback Library, 1971
- * Prejudice and Pride, (ss) Report to the Men’s Club and Other Stories, Small Beer Press, 2002
- * The Prince of Mules, (ss) Leviathan, Volume Three ed. Jeff VanderMeer & Forrest Aguirre, Ministry of Whimsy, 2002
- * The Project, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction August 2001
- * The Promise of Undying Love, (ss) Verging on the Pertinent, Coffee House Press, 1989
- * Puritan Planet, (ss) Science Fiction Stories January 1960
- * Queen Kong, (ss) The 13th Moon v6 #1/2, 1982
- * The Queen of Sleep, (ss) New Directions in Prose and Poetry 22 ed. James Laughlin, IV, New Directions, 1970
- * Quill, (nv) Firebirds Rising ed. Sharyn November, Firebird, 2006
- * Report to the Men’s Club, (ss) Report to the Men’s Club and Other Stories, Small Beer Press, 2002
- * Report to the Men’s Club and Other Stories, (co) Small Beer Press, July 2002
- * Repository, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 2003
- * Riding Red Ted and Breathing Fire, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction April/May 2012
- * A Safe Place to Be, (ss) Strange Horizons September 28 2009
- * Sanctuary, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #21, November 2007
- * Secrets of the Native Tongue, (ss) Ascent v14 #3, 1989
- * The Seducer, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2006
- * See No Evil, Feel No Joy, (ss) I Live with You, Tachyon, 2005
- * Self Story, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #22, June 2008
- * Sex and/or Mr. Morrison, (ss) Dangerous Visions ed. Harlan Ellison, Doubleday, 1967
- Dangerous Visions #2 ed. Harlan Ellison, Berkley Medallion, 1969
- Joy in Our Cause, Harper & Row, 1974
- Women of Wonder ed. Pamela Sargent, Vintage, 1975
- The Start of the End of It All, The Women's Press, 1990
- The Start of the End of It All (var. 1), Mercury House, 1991
- Passing for Human ed. Michael Bishop & Steven Utley, PS Publishing, 2009
- The Collected Stories of Carol Emshwiller Vol. 1, NonStop Press, 2011
- * Slowly Bumbling in the Void, (ss) New Directions #42, 1981
- * The Start of the End of It All, (co) The Women's Press, April 1990
- * The Start of the End of It All, (ss) Universe 11 ed. Terry Carr, Doubleday, 1981, as "The Start of the End of the World"
- * The Start of the End of It All (var. 1), (co) Mercury House, June 1991
- * The Start of the End of the World, (ss) Universe 11 ed. Terry Carr, Doubleday, 1981
- The Start of the End of It All, The Women's Press, 1990, as "The Start of the End of It All"
- The Start of the End of It All (var. 1), Mercury House, 1991, as "The Start of the End of It All"
- The Norton Book of Science Fiction ed. Ursula K. Le Guin & Brian Attebery, Norton, 1993
- The New Roger Caras Treasury of Great Cat Stories ed. Roger Caras, Bristol Park, 1997, as "The Start of the End of It All"
- The Collected Stories of Carol Emshwiller Vol. 1, NonStop Press, 2011, as "The Start of the End of It All"
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