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Drake, David (Allen) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Immovable Object [Hammer’s Slammers], (nv) Caught in the Crossfire, Baen, 1998
- * Inheritor [Thieves’ World], (na) Aftermath ed. Robert Lynn Asprin & Lynn Abbey, Ace, 1987
- * The Interrogation Team [Hammer’s Slammers], (ss) Warrior ed. Jerry E. Pournelle, Tor, 1986
- * Intolerance, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #82, June 1995; originally presented as the Guest of Honor speech at Astronomicon IV on March 4th 1995.
- * Introduction, (in) All the Way to the Gallows, Baen, 1996
- * Introduction, (in) Caught in the Crossfire, Baen, 1998
- * The Irresistible Force [Hammer’s Slammers], (na) The Butcher’s Bill by David Drake, Baen, 1998
- * Jim Baen October 22, 1943—June 28, 2006, (ob) Jim Baen’s Universe August 2006
- * Killer (with Karl Edward Wagner), (nv) Midnight Sun #1, 1974
- * A Kind of Humor, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #286, June 2012
- * King Crocodile, (nv) Whispers III ed. Stuart David Schiff, Doubleday, 1981
- * Lacey and His Friends, (Baen, October 1986, co)
- * Lambs to the Slaughter [Ranks of Bronze], (na) Foreign Legions ed. David Drake, Baen, 2001
- * A Land of Romance, (nv) The Enchanter Completed ed. Harry Turtledove, Baen, 2005
- * The Land Toward Sunset [Cormac Mac Art], (na) Cormac Mac Art with Robert E. Howard, Baen, 1995
- * The Last Battalion, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact September 1977
- * Learning Curve [Heroes in Hell], (nv) Angels in Hell ed. Janet Morris, Baen, 1987
- * The Legions of Fire, (ex) Bull Spec #3, Autumn 2010
- * Let the Games Begin…, (in) Space Gladiators ed. David Drake, Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Ace, 1989
- * Liberty Port [Hammer’s Slammers], (na) Free Lancers ed. Elizabeth Mitchell, Baen, 1987
- * Looking Forward:
* ___ Northworld: Justice, Ace Apr ’92, (ex) Amazing Stories March 1992
* ___ The Sharp End, Baen Nov ’93, (ex) Amazing Stories October 1993
- * Lord of the Depths, (ss) Dark Things ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1971
- * Manly in the Mountains, (fw) John the Balladeer by Manly Wade Wellman, Baen, 1988 [Ref. Manly Wade Wellman]
- * Manly’s Stories, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #166, June 2002 [Ref. Manly Wade Wellman]
- * Manly Wade Wellman and Alfred Bester, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #97, September 1996 [Ref. Manly Wade Wellman & Alfred Bester]
- * Manly Wade Wellman and the Stone Age: The Hok Stories, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #262, June 2010 [Ref. Manly Wade Wellman]
- * Manly Wade Wellman, Reporter, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #294, February 2013 [Ref. Manly Wade Wellman]
- * The Mantichore, (ss) Swords Against Darkness III ed. Andrew J. Offutt, Zebra, 1978
- * The Master of Demons, (vi) Dark Horizons #11, Winter/Spring 1975
- * Men Like Us, (nv) Omni May 1980
- Omni (UK) v2 #8, 1980
- From the Heart of Darkness, Tor, 1983
- The Third Omni Book of Science Fiction ed. Ellen Datlow, Zebra, 1985
- Nuclear War ed. Gregory Benford & Martin H. Greenberg, Ace, 1988
- Other Times Than Peace, Baen, 2006
- Balefires, Night Shade Books, 2007
- Night & Demons, Baen, 2012
- * The Military Dimension, (Baen, July 1991, co)
- * The Military Dimension: Mark II, (Baen, December 1995, co)
- * Mission Accomplished [Fleet], (ss) The Crisis ed. David Drake & Bill Fawcett, Ace, 1991
- * Mom and the Kids (with Larry Niven), (nv) The Fleet Book 4: Sworn Allies ed. David Drake & Bill Fawcett, Ace, 1990
- * More Than Honor (with S. M. Stirling & David M. Weber), (Baen, January 1998, oa)
- * The Murder of Halley’s Comet [Fleet] (with Larry Niven), (nv) The Break Through ed. David Drake & Bill Fawcett, Ace, 1989
- * Musings on the Discovery of Pluto, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #233, January 2008
- * My First Sale, (ar) Architecture of Fantasy and Horror ed. Richard Gilliam, World Fantasy Convention, 2005
- * My Friend Barry, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #222, February 2007 [Ref. Barry N. Malzberg]
- * Nation Without Walls [Jed Lacey], (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact July 1977
- * Nemesis Place [Dama (& Vettius)], (ss) Fantastic Stories April 1978
- * The New King (Shiel’s Final Novel): An Appreciation, (ar) Shiel in Diverse Hands ed. A. Reynolds Morse, The Reynolds Morse Foundation, 1983 [Ref. M. P. Shiel]
- * Night & Demons, (Baen, October 2012, co)
- * Night March [Hammer’s Slammers], (nv) The Tank Lords, Baen, 1997
- * The Noble Savages, (na) The Harriers, Book Two: Blood and Honor ed. Gordon R. Dickson, Baen, 1993
- * No Limit on Hippogrifs, (pm) The Arkham Collector #2, Winter 1968
- * Northworld: Justice, Ace Apr ’92, (ex) Amazing Stories March 1992
- * A Note on Harry Bates, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #230, October 2007 [Ref. Harry Bates]
- * A Note on King Kong, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #260, April 2010 [Ref. Edgar Wallace]
- * A Note on Solomon Kane, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #122, October 1998 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * A Note on the Text, (bi) Cormac Mac Art with Robert E. Howard, Baen, 1995
- * Notes on “Neither Brute nor Human” by Karl Edward Wagner, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #192, August 2004 [Ref. Karl Edward Wagner]
- * Not Long for This World, (in) That Is Not Dead by August Derleth, The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 2009
- * Old Nathan, (Baen, October 1991, co)
- * On Cover Art, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #236, April 2008
- * One War Later, (aw) The Military Dimension: Mark II, Baen, 1995
- * On The Arrogant History of White Ben, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #287, July 2012 [Ref. Clemence Dane]
- * Other Times Than Peace, (Baen, August 2006, co)
- * Out of Africa, (ss) From the Heart of Darkness, Tor, 1983
- * Paths Through Dark Woods, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #341, June 2017 [Ref. Tim Powers]
- * A Personal Note on Kurt Vonnegut, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #226, June 2007 [Ref. Kurt Vonnegut]
- * Powerguns [Hammer’s Slammers], (ms) Hammer’s Slammers, Ace, 1979
- * The Predators [Jed Lacey], (nv) Destinies v1 #5, 1979
- * A Quick Look at Battle Fleets, (in) Space Dreadnoughts ed. David Drake, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Ace, 1990
- * A Range of Treatments, (in) Other Times Than Peace, Baen, 2006
- * Ranks of Bronze [Ranks of Bronze], (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction August 1975
- * Ranks of Bronze [Ranks of Bronze], (ex) Baen, 1986
- * Read This (or Something Like It): Recently Read and Noted, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #167, July 2002
- * The Red Leer, (ss) Whispers II ed. Stuart David Schiff, Doubleday, 1979
- * Rescue Mission [Fleet], (ss) The Fleet ed. David Drake & Bill Fawcett, Ace, 1988
- * The Roads to the RCN Series, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #287, July 2012
- * Rolling Hot [Hammer’s Slammers], (n.) Baen, 1989
- * Safe to Sea, (ss) Space-Fighters ed. Joe W. Haldeman, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Ace, 1988
- * Save What You Can [Hammer’s Slammers], (nv) Onward, Drake! ed. Mark L. Van Name, Baen, 2015
- * Scholars & Stirrups, (ar) Amra v2 #68, 1978
- * The Sharp End, Baen Nov ’93, (ex) Amazing Stories October 1993
- * A Short Appreciation of Jim Rigney, (bg) The New York Review of Science Fiction #237, May 2008 [Ref. Robert Jordan]
- * The Shortest Way [Dama (& Vettius)], (ss) Whispers March 1974
- First World Fantasy Awards ed. Gahan Wilson, Doubleday, 1977
- From the Heart of Darkness, Tor, 1983
- Vettius and His Friends, Baen, 1989
- Balefires, Night Shade Books, 2007
- Night & Demons, Baen, 2012
- * Skeletons at the Feast, (in) Phantom Regiments ed. Robert Adams, Pamela Crippen Adams & Martin H. Greenberg, Baen, 1990
- * Smash and Grab [Fleet], (nv) Total War ed. David Drake & Bill Fawcett, Ace, 1990
- * Smokie Joe, (ss) More Devil’s Kisses ed. Linda Lovecraft, Corgi, 1977
- * Soldiers and Civil Government, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #344, December 2017
- * Something Had to Be Done, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1975
- The Year’s Best Horror Stories: Series IV ed. Gerald W. Page, DAW, 1976
- The Rivals of Dracula ed. Michel Parry, Corgi, 1977
- From the Heart of Darkness, Tor, 1983
- 100 Vicious Little Vampire Stories ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1995
- The Military Dimension: Mark II, Baen, 1995
- Balefires, Night Shade Books, 2007
- Night & Demons, Baen, 2012
- * The Song of the Bone, (ss) Whispers December 1973
- * Source Materials: By Way of Introduction, (in) Vettius and His Friends, Baen, 1989
- * Springs Eternal [Heroes in Hell], (nv) Crusaders in Hell ed. Janet Morris, Baen, 1987
- * Standing Down [Hammer’s Slammers], (nv) Hammer’s Slammers, Ace, 1979
- * Stolen Thunder, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #113, January 1998
- * Storytellers: A Guided Ramble Into Sword and Sorcery Fiction, (in) The Sword & Sorcery Anthology ed. David G. Hartwell & Jacob Weisman, Tachyon, 2012
- * Supertanks [Hammer’s Slammers], (ms) Hammer’s Slammers, Ace, 1979
- * Superweapon, (ss) Star Destroyers ed. Tony Daniel & Christopher Ruocchio, Baen, 2018
- * Surreal Splendor: Three Novels by Mark S. Geston, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #245, January 2009 [Ref. Mark S. Geston]
- * Table of Organization and Equipment, Hammer’s Regiment [Hammer’s Slammers], (ms) Hammer’s Slammers, Ace, 1979
- * The Tank Lords, (Baen, August 1997, co)
- * The Tank Lords [Hammer’s Slammers], (na) Far Frontiers Vol. VI ed. Jerry Pournelle & Jim Baen, Baen, 1986
- Hammer’s Slammers (var. 1), Baen, 1987
- The Military Dimension, Baen, 1991
- The Military Dimension: Mark II, Baen, 1995
- The Tank Lords, Baen, 1997
- The Complete Hammer’s Slammers, Vol. 1, Night Shade Books, 2006
- * Team Effort [Fleet], (nv) The Break Through ed. David Drake & Bill Fawcett, Ace, 1989
- * Than Curse the Darkness [Cthulhu], (nv) New Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos ed. Ramsey Campbell, Arkham House, 1980
- * Thomas Lanier Williams, Protofan, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #80, April 1995
- * Three Snapshots, (ob) The New York Review of Science Fiction #330, February 2016 [Ref. David G. Hartwell]
- * Tigers of the Sea [Cormac Mac Art] (with Robert E. Howard), (na) Cormac Mac Art with Robert E. Howard, Baen, 1995; completed by Drake from a rough outline by Howard.
- * Time Safari, (na) Destinies v3 #2, 1981
- Baker’s Dozen: 13 Short Science Fiction Novels ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Bonanza, 1985
- The Mammoth Book of Short Science Fiction Novels ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Robinson, 1986
- Lacey and His Friends, Baen, 1986
- Loaded for Bear ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Bonanza, 1990
- * To Bring the Light [Lest Darkness Fall], (na) Lest Darkness Fall/To Bring the Light by L. Sprague de Camp & David Drake, Baen, 1996
- * The Tradesmen, (ss) Drakas! ed. S. M. Stirling, Baen, 2000
- * Travellers, (na) Destinies v3 #1, 1981
- * Trout in the Milk: A Cautionary Tale, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #128, April 1999
- * The Truth Insofar as I Know It, (ar) Exorcisms and Ecstasies by Karl Edward Wagner, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997 [Ref. Karl Edward Wagner]
- * Underground [Jed Lacey], (na) Destinies v2 #1, 1980
- * Under the Hammer [Hammer’s Slammers], (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1974
- * Unintended Consequences, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #329, January 2016
- * Up from Hell, (ss) August 18 2016
- * A Very Offensive Weapon, (na) Forever After ed. Roger Zelazny, Baen, 1995
- * Vettius and His Friends, (Baen, February 1989, co)
- * The Virgin of Hertogenbosch, (nv) Free Stories 2013, Baen, 2013
- * Visitation Rites, (ss) Bento: Story Art Box ed. Kent Williams, Williams, Kent #2/Allen Spiegel Fine Arts, 2001
- * Votary [Thieves’ World], (nv) The Face of Chaos ed. Robert Lynn Asprin & Lynn Abbey, Ace, 1983
- * The Waiting Bullet, (ss) Whispers 1997
- * The Warrior [Hammer’s Slammers], (n.) Baen, 1991
- * The Way We Die, (ss) The Military Dimension, Baen, 1991
- * We Happy Few, (aw) The Tank Lords, Baen, 1997
- * Welcome to the War Zone, (in) The Military Dimension, Baen, 1991
- * What’s for Sale, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #215, July 2006
- * When the Devil Drives [Fleet], (nv) The Fleet: Counterattack ed. David Drake & Bill Fawcett, Ace, 1988
- * Why I’m Here, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #222, February 2007
- * Wisdom [Heroes in Hell], (ss) War in Hell ed. Janet Morris, Baen, 1988
- * With the Sword He Must Be Slain, (nv) Armageddon ed. David Drake, Billie Sue Mosiman & Martin H. Greenberg, Baen, 1998
- * The World Fantasy Convention, (ar) Whispers December 1975
- * Writers’ Pay in the Pulps: An Exchange (with Darrell Schweitzer), (lt) The New York Review of Science Fiction #217, September 2006
- * Writers’ Pay in the Pulps: The Conversation Continues (with Darrell Schweitzer), (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #220, December 2006
- * The Year of the Sex Olympics: Three TV Plays, (ar) Horror: Another 100 Best Books ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Carroll & Graf, 2005 [Ref. Nigel Kneale]
- * [letter], (lt) Fantasy Commentator Sum 1989, Fll 1990, Fll 1992
- * [letter], (lt) The New York Review of Science Fiction #78 Feb 1995, #100 Dec 1996, #117 May 1998, #125 Jan, #129 May 1999, #183 Nov 2003, #211 Mar, #218 Oct 2006,
#229 Sep 2007, #254 Oct 2009, #266 Oct 2010, #272 Apr 2011
#331 Mar, #336 Aug 2016
- * [letter], (lt) Foundation #63, Spring 1995
_____, ed.
- * Assistant Editor:
* ___ Whispers, 74/07 - 78/10.
- * Cthulhu: The Mythos and Kindred Horrors by Robert E. Howard, (Baen, May 1987, co)
- * The Eternal City (with Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh), (Baen, January 1990, an)
- * Space Dreadnoughts (with Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh), (Ace, July 1990, an)
- * Space Gladiators (with Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh), (Ace, April 1989, an)
- * Space Infantry (with Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh), (Ace, November 1989, an)
_____, [ref.]
- * At Any Price by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #59, Summer 1986
- * Battlestation, Book One (with Bill Fawcett) by Gary Westfahl, (br) Foundation #61, Summer 1994
- * Battlestation, Book Two: Vanguard (with Bill Fawcett) by Gary Westfahl, (br) Foundation #61, Summer 1994
- * Birds of Prey by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 1985
- * Bridgehead by Elton Elliott, (br) Science Fiction Review #59, Summer 1986
- * Bridgehead by Orson Scott Card, (br) Worlds of If September/November 1986
- * A Craftsman of No Small Skill: A Conversation with David Drake by Jeremy L. C. Jones, (iv) Clarkesworld #87, December 2013
- * Crisis of Empire: An Honorable Defense, by David Drake and Thomas T. Thomas (with Thomas T. Thomas) by Baird Searles, (br) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine June 1989
- * David Drake by Joy Ward, (iv) Galaxy’s Edge #33, July 2018
- * David Drake, Redliner by Mark L. Van Name, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #222, February 2007
- * Death’s Bright Day by Peter J. Heck, (br) Asimov’s Science Fiction March/April 2017
- * The Dragon Lord by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #33, November 1979
- * The Fleet: Book Five, Total War (with Bill Fawcett) by Francis N. L. Sheppard, (br) Science Fiction Review #3, Autumn 1990
- * Gods and Monsters: Drake’s New Mythology by Cecelia Holland, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #273, May 2011
- * Hammer’s Slammers by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #33, November 1979
- * Hammer’s Slammers: The Warriors by Steven Sawicki, (br) Science Fiction Review #7, February 1992
- * Heads to the Storm (with Sandra Miesel) by Baird Searles, (br) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July 1990
- * Inextricable Disengagement: The War Games of David Drake by Barry N. Malzberg, (ar) 2006
- * Instead of Killing: A Conversation with David Drake by Jeremy L. C. Jones, (iv) The New York Review of Science Fiction #222, February 2007
- * The Jungle by Ken Brown, (br) Interzone #56, February 1992
- * The Jungle by Steven Sawicki, (br) Quantum #42, Summer/Fall 1992
- * The Lord of the Isles by Ken Brown, (br) Interzone #122, August 1997
- * Mentioned in Dispatches by John Gilbert, (iv) Phantasmagoria Special Edition Series #5, October 2021
- * Primitive Behavior by Charles Platt, (rv) New Worlds #216, September 1979
- * Skyripper by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1983
- * The Spark by Justin Patrick Moore, (br) Into the Ruins #8, Winter 2018
- * Starliner by Don Sakers, (br) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March/April 2018
- * Though Hell Should Bar the Way by Don Sakers, (br) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May/June 2018
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