The FictionMags Index
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[]Dellinger, E(verett) S(amuel) (1886-1962) (about) (chron.)
- * Air and Orders, (ss) Adventure December 15 1928
- * Avalanche [Rud Randall; William “Kingsley” Lawson], (nv) Railroad Stories February 1934
- * The Ballast Scorcher, (ss) Railroad Magazine January 1940
- * Beacon Lights, (nv) Railroad Stories January 1934
- * Blacklisted, (ss) Railroad Magazine May 1976
- * Block Signals, (nv) Railroad Magazine July 1939
- * Blunders, (ss) Adventure July 15 1929
- * Boomer Trails [William “Kingsley” Lawson], (ss) Railroad Stories November 1932
- * Born to the Rails, (ss) Railroad Magazine December 1955
- * Brake Clubs and Bayonets [Virginia “Redhot” Frost], (ss) Railroad Stories July 1933
- * Brakeman Comes Back, (ss) Railroad Magazine August 1948
- * Branch-Line Operator, (ss) Railroad Magazine November 1942
- * Brass-Pounding Girl, (ss) Railroad Magazine August 1977
- * Broken Couplers, (ss) Railroad Magazine February 1946
- * Broken Links, (nv) Railroad Stories March 1934
- * Broken Seals, (nv) Adventure February 15 1929
- * Brownies, (ss) Adventure September 1 1931
- * Bulkhead Hennessey, (ss) Railroad Magazine August 1976
- * Burning Brakes, (ss) Adventure December 1 1927
- * Canadian National, (nv) Railroad Magazine September 1942
- * Chances, (nv) Railroad Stories July 1934
- * The Chance-Takers, (nv) Railroad Magazine March 1938
- * Creeping Shadows [Virginia “Redhot” Frost], (nv) Railroad Stories May 1933
- * Crimson Lights, (ss) Adventure January 15 1929
- * Crimson Semaphores, (ss) Adventure July 1 1931
- * Crossings, (ss) Railroad Stories January 1935
- * Damnhobo, (ss) Railroad Stories April 1935
- * Daredevil Dan, (ss) Railroad Stories March 1933
- * The Deadhead [Jed Summers], (nv) Railroad Magazine December 1940
- * Death Traps [“Kiamichi Bill” Burns], (nv) Railroad Stories December 1936
- * Derails, (sl) Railroad Man’s Magazine May, Jun, Jul 1930
- * Desert Steel, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1931
- * A Dog’s Life, (ss) Railroad Magazine December 1937
- * Don’t Take No for an Answer, (ss) Railroad Magazine February 1972
- * Easy Money, (na) Railroad Stories August 1934
- * Evergreen and Iron, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine December 1931
- * Flaming Death, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1931
- * Flood on the Horny Toad, (ia) Railroad Magazine August 1954
- * The Footboard Yardmaster, (ss) Railroad Stories July 1936
- * Fresh from the Cornrow, (ss) Railroad Magazine May 1938
- * Gangsters of the Rails, (sl) Railroad Man’s Magazine Nov, Dec 1930, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1931
- * The Girl at Loup Garou, (nv) Railroad Stories May 1934
- * Girl in the Canyon, (ss) Railroad Magazine June 1978
- * The Glory Hunter, (nv) Railroad Magazine August 1938
- * Gods of Iron, (ss) Railroad Stories April 1937
- * The Graveyard Trick, (nv) Railroad Stories September 1936
- * Handicaps, (ss) Railroad Stories July 1937
- * Happy Days on the “Mop” and Frisco, (pi) Railroad Stories May 1933
- * Hard Conductor, (ts) Railroad Magazine July 1944
- * Harvey House Girl, (nv) Railroad Stories March 1935
- * Highly Inflammable, (nv) Railroad Magazine July 1942
- * High Wheeler, (ss) Railroad Magazine February 1944
- * The Hobo’s Secret [“Kiamichi Bill” Burns], (nv) Railroad Stories October 1936
- * Hog in a Mudhole, (ts) Railroad Magazine January 1938
- * Hog Law, (nv) Railroad Stories September 1935
- * Home Is the Boomer, (ss) Adventure April 15 1931
- * The Hoodoo Special, (ss) Railroad Stories September 1933
- * Hot Shot (with Griff Crawford, James W. Earp, William Edward Hayes, John Patrick Johns, Gilbert A. Lathrop, A. Leslie Scott, John A. Thompson, Charles W. Tyler & Don Waters), (ss) Railroad Stories April 1934, as by Griff Crawford, E. S. Dellinger, James W. Earp, William Edward Hayes, John Patrick Johns, Gilbert A. Lathrop, A. Leslie, John A. Thompson, Charles W. Tyler & Don Waters
- * Imperial Valley, (nv) Railroad Magazine October 1941
- * In the Ditch, (ss) Adventure February 1 1929
- * Jim Hill Road, (nv) Railroad Magazine August 1941
- * Lake Superior to Puget Sound, (pi) Railroad Magazine May 1947
- * Landslide [William “Kingsley” Lawson], (ss) Railroad Stories December 1932
- * The Law of High Iron, (ss) Railroad Stories August 1936
- * Lion Tamers [Rud Randall; William “Kingsley” Lawson], (nv) Railroad Stories June 1935
- * Louisville & Nashville, (nv) Railroad Magazine February 1942
- * Lure of the Rails, (sl) Railroad Man’s Magazine Jan, Feb 1930
- * Magic of the Rails [Virginia “Redhot” Frost], (ss) Railroad Stories August 1933
- * The Major’s Watch, (nv) Railroad Magazine November 1939
- * The Man Who Couldn’t Be Fired, (nv) Railroad Magazine January 1939
- * The Middle Order, (ss) Railroad Magazine June 1954
- * Mileage Hog, (ss) Railroad Stories February 1936
- * Mixed Orders [William “Kingsley” Lawson], (nv) Railroad Stories October 1932
- * The New Assistant Trainmaster, (nv) Railroad Magazine April 1939
- * Old Hell Bender, (na) Railroad Stories September 1934
- * On the Blacklist, (ss) Railroad Magazine July 1938
- * The Open Gate, (ss) Railroad Magazine April 1943
- * Oregon Central, (nv) Railroad Magazine May 1942
- * Pensioned, (ss) Railroad Stories May 1937
- * Phantom City, (ss) Railroad Stories January 1936
- * Pin-Grease John, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine April 1930
- * Rabbit’s Foot, (na) Railroad Stories October 1934
- * Railroad Girl, (nv) Railroad Magazine June 1938
- * Railroad Scouts, (ar) Railroad Magazine May, Jun 1948
- * Railroad Trainman, (ss) Railroad Stories August 1937
- * Rails to the Front [Virginia “Redhot” Frost], (nv) Railroad Stories June 1933
- * Railway Conductor, (ss) Railroad Magazine October 1937
- * Rattlesnake Mountain [William “Kingsley” Lawson], (nv) Railroad Stories December 1933
- * Rawhider [“Kiamichi Bill” Burns], (na) Railroad Stories November 1936
- * Redball West, (nv) Railroad Magazine September 1938
- * Redemption for Slim, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine December 1929
- * Return of Redball, (na) Railroad Stories December 1934
- * The Road to Addis Ababa, (ar) Railroad Stories March 1936
- * Rule 99, (ss) Railroad Magazine March 1951
- * Rule G, (ss) Adventure March 15 1929
- * The Showdown, (ss) Railroad Magazine April 1945
- * Sidetrack the Old Ones, (ss) Railroad Stories June 1932
- * The Sign on the Reefer, (nv) Railroad Stories March 1937
- * The Silver Cross, (nv) Railroad Stories February 1935
- * Skeleton Crew, (ss) Railroad Magazine February 1953
- * Skimpy Timbers, (ss) Railroad Magazine March 1946
- * Smoke Orders, (nv) Railroad Magazine October 1940
- * Smoke Screen, (ss) Railroad Magazine June 1939
- * Snowed In [William “Kingsley” Lawson], (ss) Railroad Stories January 1933
- * Snow on the Iron [Jed Summers], (nv) Railroad Magazine February 1941
- * Southwest Passage, (nv) Railroad Stories December 1935
- * Speed for Second Number 3, (ss) Railroad Magazine November 1945
- * Speed Limits, (nv) Railroad Stories April 1934
- * The Square Peg, (nv) Railroad Magazine November 1938
- * Steam and Steel, (sl) Railroad Man’s Magazine Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1932
- * Steel Across the Desert, (na) Railroad Stories November 1934
- * The Strawberry Extra, (ss) Adventure February 15 1930
- * Student Fireman, (nv) Railroad Magazine March 1940
- * That’s Railroading, (ts) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1931
- * Ticket to Destruction, (ss) Railroad Magazine November 1950
- * Tie Rafters [Jed Summers], (nv) Railroad Magazine July 1940
- * Tinhorn Brakeman, (nv) Railroad Magazine September 1939
- * Tornado [Rud Randall; William “Kingsley” Lawson], (nv) Railroad Stories November 1935
- * Torpedo, (ss) Adventure January 15 1930
- * Trail of the Olympian, (ia) Railroad Magazine June 1950
- * The T-Series MailKey, (nv) Railroad Stories June 1936
- * Unbroken Seals, (ss) Railroad Magazine March 1949
- * Vengeance [Rud Randall], (nv) Railroad Stories May 1935
- * Washout [William “Kingsley” Lawson], (ss) Railroad Stories September 1932
- * Wasted Years, (ss) Railroad Stories April 1933
- * Wheeling the Hotshots, (ss) Railroad Magazine December 1949
- * When Destiny Calls, (nv) Railroad Stories August 1935
- * When the Clock Strikes Twelve, (ts) Railroad Magazine March 1955
- * When the Devil Calls, (na) Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1930
- * Whirlwind Riggs, (ss) Railroad Magazine July 1947
- * Whistle on the Levee, (ss) Railroad Magazine December 1945
- * Worthy Brothers, (ss) Railroad Stories August 1932
_____, [ref.]
[]Dellinger, Paul (fl. 1960s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Absolution, (ss) First Contact ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Larry Segriff, DAW, 1997
- * Angelfire, (ss) Guardian Angels ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Cumberland House, 2000
- * Castle Watch, (ss) New Dominions ed. Mike & Anita Allen, Allen & Allen Productions, 1995
- * Clan Namesake: Nelson Bond, (bg) Pilgrimage Two November 1976 [Ref. Nelson S. Bond]
- * The Cliffhanger Sound [Mr. Lazarus], (nv) Fantastic Science Fiction January 1980
- * Con Man, (ss) DreamForge #1, February 2019
- * Curiosities, (cl) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2011
- * Cyberspace Cadet, (ss) Future Net ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Larry Segriff, DAW, 1996
- * Dice with the Universe, (ss) Wheel of Fortune ed. Roger Zelazny & Martin H. Greenberg, AvoNova, 1995
- * Doublecross!, (vi) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic January 1982
- * Down to Earth, (ed) Perry Rhodan #111/112, 1977
- * Eye of the Beholder, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories February 1979
- * The Gemini Twins, (nv) Guardsmen of Tomorrow ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Larry Segriff, DAW, 2000
- * Girl of My Dreams, (ss) Fantastic Science Fiction October 1980
- * Grand Tour, (ss) Planetary Stories #27, February 2013
- * Herald of the Gods? Von Däniken Speaks, (ed) Perry Rhodan #109/110, 1977
- * Horsepower, (ss) Silicon Dreams ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Larry Segriff, DAW, 2001
- * An Interview with Keith Laumer, (iv) Pilgrimage Two November 1976 [Ref. Keith Laumer]
- * Lest Ye Be Judged, (ss) Fantastic Collectibles Magazine #115, April 1993
- * Libraries on a Limb, (pm) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic June 1982
- * A Little Knowledge, (ss) 1975
- * The Mask [The Mask], (ss) Event Horizon Spring 1997
- * Movers and Shakers, (ss) Lord of the Fantastic: Stories in Honor of Roger Zelazny ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Avon Eos, 1998
- * Nelson Bond Speaks Out (with Kevin Messer & Ronald Rogers), (iv) Pilgrimage Two November 1976 [Ref. Nelson S. Bond]
- * Rat Race, (ss) Fantastic Stories of Imagination January 1962
- * The Return of Captain Comet, (ss) Fantastic Collectibles Magazine #121, February 1994
- * Return of the Mask [The Mask], (ss) Event Horizon Spring 1998
- * Return to Mars, (ss) Amazing Stories May 1980
- * The Scent of Danger [Lancelot Biggs], (ss) Pilgrimage Two November 1976
- * Stop Pioneer 10!, (ss) Perry Rhodan #79, 1975
- * This World Is Taboo!, (ss) Perry Rhodan #36, 1973
- * To Reign in Hell, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1979
- * 2001: A Love Story, (ss) 1976
- * Unlucky Star, (ss) Pandora #11, 1983
- * War of the Worlds, (pm) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic June 1982
- * The Werewolf of West Point [Mr. Lazarus], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1978
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