The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 2034
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[]Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (1835-1910); used pseudonyms Jean François Alden, Louis de Conte & Mark Twain (about) (chron.)
- * 1601, (hu) , as by Mark Twain
- * According to Mark Twain, (ms) , as by Mark Twain
- * An Adventure of Huckleberry Finn, (??) The Century Magazine December 1884, as by Mark Twain
- * The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, (sl) Chatto & Windus, 1876, as by Mark Twain
- * Advice to Youth, (ss) , as by Mark Twain
- * The American Claimant, (sl) The Idler Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1892, Jan 1893
, as by Mark Twain
- * American in Europe, (ss) from A Tramp Abroad, , as by Mark Twain
- * The Art of Inhumation, (ss) from Life on the Mississippi, , as by Mark Twain
- * At the Appetite Cure, (ss) The Cosmopolitan August 1898, as by Mark Twain
- * Aurelia’s Unfortunate Young Man, (ss) , as by Mark Twain
- * The Austrian Edison Keeping School Again, (??) The Century Magazine August 1898, as by Mark Twain
- * Author’s Perspective: Twain on the Lazy Method of Writing, (ar) , as by Mark Twain
- * The Autobiography of Mark Twain, (ex) Associated Sunday Magazine June 21 1908, as by Mark Twain
- * An Awful, Terrible Medieval Romance, (ss) Buffalo Express January 1 1870, as by Mark Twain
- * Baker’s Bluejay Yarn, (ex) from A Tramp Abroad, as by Mark Twain, American Publishing Company, 1880, as by Mark Twain
- * Baker’s Bluejay Yarn (What Stumped the Bluejays), (ex) from A Tramp Abroad, American Publishing Company, 1880, as by Mark Twain
- * The Belated Russian Passport, (nv) Harper’s Weekly December 6 1902, as by Mark Twain
- * Bequest, (ss) Harper’s Weekly December 10 1904
- * The Black Hole of San Francisco, (ss) The Virginia City Territorial Enterprise December 29 1865, as by Mark Twain
- * Blue-Jays, (ss) , as by Mark Twain
- * The Blue-Jay Yarn, (ss) , as by Mark Twain
- * A Boston Girl, (hu) The Atlantic Monthly June 1880, as "The Contributor’s Club", uncredited.
- * Brown and I Exchange Compliments, (ss) Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain, James R. Osgood, 1883, as by Mark Twain
- * Buck Fanshaw’s Funeral, (ss) from Roughing It, American Publishing Company, 1872, as by Mark Twain
- Great Tales of the American West ed. Harry E. Maule, Modern Library, 1945, as by Mark Twain
- Arbor House Treasury of Great Western Stories ed. Bill Pronzini & Martin H. Greenberg, Arbor House, 1982, as by Mark Twain
- Great Tales of the West ed. Bill Pronzini & Martin H. Greenberg, Galahad Books, 1982, as by Mark Twain
- Cowboy Tales: Western Classics from American Masters ed. John Land Le Coq, Viking Studio Books, 1990, as by Mark Twain
- * The Burglary at Stormfield, (ex) Harper’s Magazine October 2010, as by Mark Twain; from The Autobiography of Mark Twain (University of California Press, November 2010).
- * The Burning of the Clipper Ship Hornet, (ar) Sacramento Weekly Union 1866, as by Mark Twain
- * The Californian’s Tale, (ss) Liber Scriptorum ed. Arthur Stedman, The Authors Club of New York, 1893, as by Mark Twain
- Harper’s Monthly Magazine March 1902, as by Mark Twain
- Great Tales of the Far West ed. Alex Austin, Lion, 1956, as by Mark Twain
- The Western Story: A Chronological Anthology ed. Jon Tuska, University of Nebraska Press, 1995, as by Mark Twain
- Western Stories: A Chronological Anthology ed. Jon Tuska, Gramercy, 1999, as by Mark Twain
- Stories of the Old West ed. John Seelye, University of Oklahoma Press, 2000, as by Mark Twain
- * Cannibalism in the Cars, (ss) The Broadway November 1868, as by Mark Twain
- The Arbor House Celebrity Book of Horror Stories ed. Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Arbor House, 1982, as by Mark Twain
- Campfire Stories ed. William W. Forgey, ICS Books, 1985, as by Mark Twain
- A Treasury of American Horror Stories ed. Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Bonanza, 1985, as by Mark Twain
- The Oxford Book of American Short Stories ed. Joyce Carol Oates, Oxford University Press US, 1994, as by Mark Twain
- Screamingly Funny ed. Kathy Sweet & Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2021, as by Mark Twain
- The Uncanny Gastronomic ed. Zara-Louise Stubbs, The British Library, 2023, as by Mark Twain
- * The Canvasser’s Tale, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly December 1876, as by Mark Twain
- * The Captain’s Story, (ss) Merry Tales by Mark Twain, Charles L. Webster, 1892, as by Mark Twain
- * Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven, (nv) Harper’s Monthly Magazine December 1907 (+1), as "Extract from Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven.—Taken from His Own Manuscript", by Mark Twain
- * The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, (ss) The Californian December 16 1865, as by Mark Twain
- Best Stories of All Time May 1927, as by Mark Twain; revised from “Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog” (The New York Saturday Press, November 18, 1865).
- The Argosy (UK) September 1930, as by Mark Twain
- The Golden Argosy ed. Van H. Cartmell & Charles Grayson, Dial Press, 1947, as by Mark Twain
- Greatest Short Stories: Volume 3, American, P.F. Collier, 1953, as by Mark Twain
- Great Western Short Stories ed. J. Golden Taylor, American West, 1967, as by Mark Twain
- A Pocket Book of Short Stories ed. M. Edmund Speare, Washington Square Press, 1970, as by Mark Twain
- Fiction 50: An Introduction to the Short Story ed. James H. Pickering, Prentice Hall, 1993
- Major American Short Stories ed. A. Walton Litz, Oxford University Press US, 1994, as by Mark Twain
- Short Fiction ed. Charles H. Bohner & Dean Dougherty, Prentice Hall, 1999
- The American Short Story and Its Writer: An Anthology ed. Ann Charters, Bedford Books, 1999, as by Mark Twain
- Fiction 100: An Anthology of Short Stories (9th edition) ed. James H. Pickering, Prentice Hall College Div., 2000
- The Longman Anthology of Short Fiction ed. Dana Gioia & R. S. Gwynn, Longman US, 2000, as by Mark Twain
- American Short Stories (7th edition) ed. Eugene Current-Garcia & Bert Hitchcock, Longman US, 2001
- 21 Essential American Short Stories ed. Leslie M. Pockell, St. Martin's Press, 2011, as by Mark Twain
- * Christian Science and the Book of Mrs. Eddy, (ar) The Cosmopolitan October 1899, as by Mark Twain
- * Concerning the Jews, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1899, as by Mark Twain
- * Concerning Tobacco, (ar) What Is Man? by Mark Twain, Harper & Brothers, 1912, as by Mark Twain
- * A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, (ex) The Century Magazine November 1889, as by Mark Twain
- Stories of Scientific Imagination ed. Joseph Gallant, Oxford Book Co., 1954, as by Mark Twain
- Past, Present, and Future Perfect ed. Jack C. Wolf & Gregory Fitz Gerald, Fawcett Premier, 1973, as by Mark Twain
- Classic Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories ed. Stephen Brennan, Talos Press, 2014, as by Mark Twain
- * Curing a Cold, (ar) The Golden Era September 20 1863, as by Mark Twain
- * A Curious Dream, (ss) The Century Magazine November 1881, as "A Curious Experiment", by Mark Twain
- * A Curious Experience, (ex) from The American Claimant, , as by Mark Twain
- * A Curious Experiment, (ss) The Century Magazine November 1881, as by Mark Twain
- * A Curious Pleasure Excursion, (ss) New York Herald Tribune July 6 1874, as by Mark Twain
- * The Curious Republic of Gondour, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly October 1875, uncredited.
- * The Dachshund, (ss) , as by Mark Twain
- * The Death-Disk, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine December 1901, as by Mark Twain
- * The Diaries of Mark Twain, (bg) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine Oct, Nov 1935, as by Mark Twain
- * The Diary of Adam and Eve, (ss) , as by Mark Twain
- * Dick Baker’s Cat, (ss) Buffalo Express December 18 1869, as by Mark Twain
- * A Dog Chasing a Coyote, (ex) from Roughing It, American Publishing Company, 1872, as by Mark Twain
- * A Dog in Church, (ss) , as by Mark Twain
- * A Dog’s Tale, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine December 1903, as by Mark Twain
- * A Double-Barreled Detective Story, (nv) Harper’s Bazar January 1902
- * A Double-Barrelled Detective Story [Sherlock Holmes], (na) Harper’s Monthly Magazine Jan, Feb 1902, as by Mark Twain
- The Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes ed. Ellery Queen, Little, Brown, 1944, as by Mark Twain
- Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine Sep, Oct 1985, as by Mark Twain
- Great Tales of Crime & Detection ed. Charles Ardai, Galahad, 1991, as by Mark Twain
- The Mammoth Book of Comic Crime ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Robinson, 2002, as by Mark Twain
- * A Dying Man’s Confession, (ss) Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain, James R. Osgood, 1883, as by Mark Twain
- * Edward Mills and George Benton: A Tale, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1880, as by Mark Twain
- * An Encounter with an Interviewer, (hu) , as by Mark Twain
- * English as She Is Taught, (??) The Century Magazine April 1887, as by Mark Twain
- * Epitaph for His Young Daughter, (pm) , as by Mark Twain
- * The Esquimau Maiden’s Romance, (ss) The Cosmopolitan November 1893, as by Mark Twain
- * Eve’s Diary. Translated from the Original, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine December 1905, as by Mark Twain
- * The Evident Foundation of “The American Claimant”, (ar) The Idler February 1892, as by Mark Twain
- * Extract from Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven.—Taken from His Own Manuscript, (nv) Harper’s Monthly Magazine Dec 1907, Jan 1908, as by Mark Twain
- * Extract from Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven.—Taken from His Own Manuscript, (ex) Harper’s Monthly Magazine December 1907 (+1), as by Mark Twain
- Pause to Wonder ed. Marjorie Fischer & Rolfe Humphries, Julian Messner, 1944, as by Mark Twain
- The Golden Road ed. Damon Knight, Simon & Schuster, 1973, as by Mark Twain
- Comets ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, NAL/Signet, 1986, as by Mark Twain
- * Extracts from Adam’s Diary, (vi) The Niagara Book ed. W. D. Howells, Underhill and Nichols, 1893, as "The First Authentic Mention", by Mark Twain
- * Extracts from Adam’s Diary. Translated from the original Manuscript, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine April 1901, as by Mark Twain
- * A Fable, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine December 1909, as by Mark Twain
- * The Fabulous Gold Springs, (ms) , as by Mark Twain
- * The Facts Concerning the Recent Carnival of Crime, (ss) The Stolen White Elephant by Mark Twain, Webster, 1882, as by Mark Twain
- * The Facts Concerning the Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly June 1876, as by Mark Twain
- * Famous Jumping Frog Story. Told by William Gillis, (ss) Saturday Press November 18 1865, as "Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog", by Mark Twain
- * Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offenses, (ar) North American Review July 1895 [Ref. James Fenimore Cooper], as by Mark Twain
- Westeryear ed. Ed Gorman, M. Evans, 1988, as by Mark Twain
- American Satire: An Anthology of Writings from Colonial to Present Times ed. Nick Bakalar, Meridian, 1997, as by Mark Twain
- Great Stories of the American West II ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Berkley, 1997, as by Mark Twain
- Flash Fiction Online July 2010, as by Mark Twain
- * The Finished Book, (ar) Europe and Elsewhere by Mark Twain, Harper Bros., 1923, as by Mark Twain
- * First Interview with Artemus Ward, (vi) Mark Twain’s Sketches, New and Old by Mark Twain, American Pub. Co., 1875, as by Mark Twain
- * The Five Books of Life, (ss) , as by Mark Twain
- * The Five Boons of Life, (vi) Harper’s Weekly July 5 1902, as by Mark Twain
- * The Five Million Dollar Bill, (pl) Read January 8 1988, as by Mark Twain; adapted by Marvin D. Hinton
- * From India to South Africa, (ar) McClure’s Magazine November 1897, as by Mark Twain
- * from Life on the Mississippi, (ex)
- * From the “London Times” of 1904, (ss) The Century Magazine November 1898, as by Mark Twain
- A Century of Science Fiction ed. Damon Knight, Simon & Schuster, 1962, as by Mark Twain
- Future Perfect ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1966, as by Mark Twain
- Future Perfect, Revised Edition ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1978, as by Mark Twain
- Utopia Science Fiction Magazine December 2022, as by Mark Twain
- * from The Mysterious Stranger, (ex)
- * A Ghost Story, (ss) Werner’s Readings and Recitations, 1888, as by Mark Twain
- American Ghost Stories ed. C. Armitage Harper, Houghton Mifflin, 1928, as by Mark Twain
- Thirteen Ghostly Yarns ed. Elizabeth Sechrist, Roland Swain, 1932, as by Mark Twain
- Thirteen Ghostly Yarns (var. 1) ed. Elizabeth Sechrist, Macrae Smith, 1942, as by Mark Twain
- Ghosts! ed. Alan C. Jenkins, Blackie, 1971, as by Mark Twain
- Witches, Wraiths and Warlocks ed. Ronald Curran, Fawcett Premier, 1971, as by Mark Twain
- 65 Great Tales of the Supernatural ed. Mary Danby, Octopus Books, 1979, as by Mark Twain
- Tales from Beyond the Grave, Octopus Books, 1982, as by Mark Twain
- Great Ghost Stories ed. Betty Ann Schwartz, Little Simon, 1985, as by Mark Twain
- The Mammoth Book of Ghost Stories ed. Richard Dalby, Robinson, 1990, as by Mark Twain
- Great Vampires & Other Horrors, Chancellor Press, 1992, as by Mark Twain
- 100 Hair-Raising Little Horror Stories ed. Al Sarrantonio & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1993, as by Mark Twain
- The Screaming Skull and Other Great American Ghost Stories ed. David Hartwell, Tor, 1995, as by Mark Twain
- Masters of the Macabre, BOMC, 1999, as by Mark Twain
- One Dark Night: 13 Masterpieces of the Macabre ed. Kathleen Blease, Ballantine, 2000, as by Mark Twain
- October 25 2012, as by Mark Twain
- * Glove Purchase in Gibraltar, (ss)
- * The Golden Arm, (vi) How Tell a Story and Others by Mark Twain, Harper & Brothers, 1897, as by Mark Twain
- * The Grave of Adam, (ss) Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain, Hartford American Publishing Company, 1869, as by Mark Twain
- * The Great French Duel, (ex) , as by Mark Twain
- * He Done His Level Best, (pm) The Country Gentleman #3027, February 2 1911, as by Mark Twain
- * A Helpless Situation, (ss) , as by Mark Twain
- * High Finance in Sharks, (ex) , as by Mark Twain
- * The Hoax, (ss) , as by Mark Twain
- * A Horse’s Tale, (nv) Harper’s Monthly Magazine Aug, Sep 1906, as by Mark Twain
- * How the Author Was Sold in Newark, (ar) Mark Twain’s Sketches, New and Old by Mark Twain, American Pub. Co., 1875, as by Mark Twain
- * How to Tell a Story, (ss) The Youth’s Companion October 3 1895, as by Mark Twain
- * Hunting the Deceitful Turkey, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine December 1906, as by Mark Twain
- * In Defence of Satan, (ms) , as by Mark Twain
- * In Defense of Satan, (ms) , as by Mark Twain
- * In Memoriam. Olivia Susan Clemens, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1897, as by S. L. C.
- * The Innocents Abroad, (ex) American Publishing Company, 1869, as by Mark Twain
- * The Innocents Beguiled, (ex) from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, , as by Mark Twain
- * The Invalid’s Story, (ss) The Stolen White Elephant by Mark Twain, Webster, 1882, as by Mark Twain
- Midnight Specials ed. Bill Pronzini, Bobbs-Merrill, 1977, as by Mark Twain
- Making Tracks ed. Jon A. Schlenker & Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2013, as by Mark Twain
- Screamingly Funny ed. Kathy Sweet & Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2021, as by Mark Twain
- Making Tracks: Revised Edition ed. Jon A. Schlenker, Jeffrey A. Linscott & Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2022, as by Mark Twain
- * Is He Living or Is He Dead?, (ss) The Cosmopolitan September 1893, as by Mark Twain
- * Italian with Grammar, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine August 1904, as by Mark Twain
- * I Think It’s Funny:
* ___ The Great French Duel, (ex) , as by Mark Twain
- * Jack Slade, Desperado, (ss) , as by Mark Twain
- * James Hammond Trumbull, (lt) The Century Magazine November 1897
- * Jan Szczepanik, (??) The Century Magazine August 1898, as by Mark Twain
- * Jim and the Dead Man, (ss) The New Yorker June 26/July 3 1995, as by Mark Twain
- * Jim Blaine and His Grandfather’s Ram, (ex) from Roughing It, American Publishing Company, 1872, as by Mark Twain
- * Jim’s Investments and King Sollermun, (??) The Century Magazine January 1885, as by Mark Twain
- * Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog, (ss) Saturday Press November 18 1865, as by Mark Twain
- * Journalism in Tennessee, (ss) Mark Twain’s Sketches, New and Old by Mark Twain, American Pub. Co., 1875, as by Mark Twain
- Great Short Stories of the World ed. Barrett H. Clark & Maxim Lieber, The World Publishing Company, 1925, as by Mark Twain
- Tales That Enthrall ed. Arnold Dawson, Grant Richards, 1930, as by Mark Twain
- The Most Dangerous Game and Other Stories of Adventure, Berkley, 1957, as by Mark Twain
- The Most Dangerous Game, Berkley Highland, 1967, as by Mark Twain
- * The Judge’s “Spirited Woman”, (vi) , as by Mark Twain
- * The Jumping Frog of Calaveras, (ss) The Californian December 16 1865, as "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County", by Mark Twain
- * Kearny Street Ghost Story, (ar) 1866, as by Mark Twain
- * The Killing of Julius Caesar, (ss) The Californian November 12 1864, as by Mark Twain
- * Laughs from the Levant:
* ___ The Grave of Adam, (ss) Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain, Hartford American Publishing Company, 1869, as by Mark Twain
* ___ The Killing of Julius Caesar, (ss) The Californian November 12 1864, as by Mark Twain
* ___ The Legend of the Seven Sleepers, (ss) Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain, Hartford American Publishing Company, 1869, as by Mark Twain
* ___ The Turkish Bath, (ss) Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain, Hartford American Publishing Company, 1869, as by Mark Twain
- * Learning the River, (ar)
- * The Legend of the Seven Sleepers, (ss) Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain, Hartford American Publishing Company, 1869, as by Mark Twain
- * A Lesson in Journalism, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January/February 1981, as by Mark Twain
- * Let’s Look at the Record: An Open Letter to His Countrymen, (hu) Kansas City Journal June 15 1879, as by Mark Twain
- * Letter from the Recording Angel, (vi) Harper’s Magazine February 1946, as by Mark Twain
- * Letter to Marjorie Bowen, May 27, 1907, (lt) The Weird Fiction Review #9, Winter 2019, as by Mark Twain
- * Letter to the Earth, (ss) , as by Mark Twain
- * A Literary Nightmare, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly February 1876, as by Mark Twain
- * The Loves of Alonzo Fitz Clarence and Rosannah Ethelton, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly March 1878, as by Mark Twain
- * The Lowest Animal, (ar) , as by Mark Twain
- * Luck, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1891, as by Mark Twain
- * A Majestic Literary Fossil, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1890, as by Mark Twain
- * Making a Fortune, (ss) , as by Mark Twain
- * The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg, (na) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1899, as by Mark Twain
- The Golden Book Magazine #109, January 1934, as by Mark Twain
- The Argosy (UK) July 1936, as by Mark Twain
- The Man Without a Country and Other Stories, Airmont Classic, 1969, as by Mark Twain
- The Best Crime Stories of the Nineteenth Century ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Dembner, 1988, as by Mark Twain
- Signet Classic Book of American Short Stories ed. Burton Raffel, Signet Classic, 1990, as by Mark Twain
- The Portable American Realism Reader ed. James Nagel & Tom Quirk, Penguin US, 1997, as by Mark Twain
- Fiction 100: An Anthology of Short Stories (9th edition) ed. James H. Pickering, Prentice Hall College Div., 2000
- * Mark Twain Goes to War on “Paint Brush” (with Absalom C. Grimes), (te) , as by Absalom C. Grimes & Mark Twain
- * Mark Twain on Rudyard Kipling, (ar) The Idler February 1892 [Ref. Rudyard Kipling], as by Mark Twain
- * Mark Twain’s Ideal Gentleman, (ar) , as by Mark Twain
- * Mark Twain Speaks Out: Four Unpublished Pieces, (ex) Harper’s Magazine December 1958, as by Mark Twain; from the forthcoming The Autobiography of Mark Twain ed. Charles Neider.
- * The McWilliamses and the Burglar Alarm, (ss) Harper’s Christmas Pictures and Papers ed. Anon, Harper's, 1882, as by Mark Twain
- * A Mediaeval Romance, (ss) Buffalo Express January 1 1870, as "An Awful, Terrible Medieval Romance", by Mark Twain
- * A Medieval Romance, (ss) Buffalo Express January 1 1870, as "An Awful, Terrible Medieval Romance", by Mark Twain
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #25, November 1945, as by Mark Twain
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine “Overseas Edition for the Armed Forces” #25, November 1945, as by Mark Twain
- To the Queen’s Taste ed. Ellery Queen, Little Brown, 1946, as by Mark Twain
- Uncertain Endings ed. Otto Penzler, Pegasus Books, 2007, as by Mark Twain
- Mark Twain’s “Medieval Romance” and Other Classic Mystery Stories ed. Otto Penzler, Pegasus Books, 2012, as by Mark Twain
- * Meisterschaft: In Three Acts, (pl) The Century Magazine January 1888, as by Mark Twain
- * Memoranda: Political Economy - John Chinaman in New York - The Noble Red Man - A Royal Compliment - The Approaching Epidemic - Favors from Correspondents, (ms) The Galaxy September 1870, as by Mark Twain
- * Mental Telegraphy Again, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1895, as by Mark Twain
- * Mental Telegraphy. A Manuscript with a History, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1891, as by Mark Twain
- * A Mexican Plug, (ex) from Roughing It, American Publishing Company, 1872, as by Mark Twain
- * Midnight Charm, (ex) from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, American Pub. Co., 1876, as by Mark Twain
- * Millionaires, (ss) , as by Mark Twain
- The Californians ed. Bill Pronzini & Martin H. Greenberg, Fawcett Gold Medal, 1989, as by Mark Twain
- The American West: A Treasury of Stories, Legends, Narratives, Songs, and Ballads of Western America ed. William Targ, Konecky and Konecky, 2005, as by Mark Twain
- * The £1,000,000 Bank-Note, (nv) The Century Magazine January 1893, as by Mark Twain
- * Mr. Bloke’s Item, (ss) The Californian August 26 1865, as "Facts Concerning the Recent Trouble Between Mark Twain and Mr. John William Skae of Virginia City", by Mark Twain
- * Mrs. McWilliams and the Lightning, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly September 1880, as by Mark Twain
- * A Murder, a Mystery, and a Marriage, (nv) The Atlantic Monthly July/August 2001, as by Mark Twain
- * My Boyhood Dreams, (ar) McClure’s Magazine January 1900, as by Mark Twain
- * My Début as a Literary Person, (ar) The Century Magazine November 1899, as by Mark Twain
- * My First Interview with Artemus Ward, (ar) Public and Parlor Readings by Mark Twain, Lee and Shepherd, 1872, as by Mark Twain
- * My First Literary Adventure, (ar) Mark Twain’s Sketches, New and Old by Mark Twain, American Pub. Co., 1875, as by Mark Twain
- * My First Literary Venture, (ar) Mark Twain’s Sketches, New and Old by Mark Twain, American Pub. Co., 1875, as by Mark Twain
- * My Greatest Disappointment, (ss) , as by Mark Twain
- * My Platonic Sweetheart, (uw) Harper’s Monthly Magazine December 1912, as by Mark Twain; originally entitled “The Lost Sweetheart”, written Jul-Aug 1898.
- * My Seventieth Birthday, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine March 1906, as by Mark Twain
- * The Mysterious Stranger (with Frederick Duneka & Albert Bigelow Paine), (n.) Harper’s Magazine May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1916, as by Mark Twain; created by Paine & Duneka by patching together three previously unfinished manuscripts and adding a number of passages.
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