The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 1790
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[]Caye, Larry (fl. 1970s-1980s) (chron.)
- * The Adventures of Jill, (pi) Swank June 1976
- * Amanda, (pi) Mayfair v19 #12, 1984
- * Debbie Thompson, (pi) California Girl #8, January/February 1973
- * The Further Adventures of Jill, (pi) Swank June 1976
- * Marie Harlow, (pi) California Girl #8, January/February 1973
- * Patricia, (pi) Mayfair v20 #9, 1985
- * Stephanie, (pi) Mayfair v19 #1, 1984
- * Toni, (pi) Mayfair v24 #9, 1989
- * Vickie Blaine: Sweet Songbird, (pi) California Girl #8, January/February 1973
[]Caz; pseudonym of Camille Cazedessus (1938- ) (chron.)
- * 1941, (ms) Pulpdom Online #6, February 2015
- * The All-Story, 1905-1906, (ar) Pulpdom #54, April 2009
- * Argosy, The Last Pulps of 1943, Select Index and Comment, (ar) Pulpdom #66, August 2011
- * Before the Wright Brother’s Airplane Took Flight in 2003, (pi) Pulpdom #35, October 2003
- * Cavalier Classics, (bi) Pulpdom #34, June 2003
- * Deadly Excitements—Shadows and Phantoms, Robert D. Sampson, (br) Pulpdom #31, August 2002 [Ref. Robert Sampson]
- * Early British Science Fantasy Pulps and Digests, (bi) Pulpdom #26, July 2001
- * Early Western Pulp Cover Art, (ar) Pulpdom #44, October 2005
- * Editorial, (ed) Pulpdom #27, November 2001
- * Epic Pulps:
* ___ The All-Story, 1905-1906, (ar) Pulpdom #54, April 2009
* ___ Everybody’s, (ar) Pulpdom #35, October 2003
- * ERB-dom #1, May 1960, (ar) Pulpdom #100, 2020
- * Everett F. Bleiler on R. M. Farley and Otis A. Kline, (ar) Pulpdom #53, November 2008 [Ref. Everett F. Bleiler, Ralph Milne Farley & Otis Adelbert Kline]
- * Everybody’s, (ar) Pulpdom #35, October 2003
- * Fantasy in the “Popular” Magazine, (ar) Pulpdom #30, May 2002
- * The First and Last Sea Story Pulps, (ms) Pulpdom #29, March 2002
- * Frank Aubrey Is Fenton Ash Is Frank Atkins (with K. Emmett), (ar) Pulpdom #49, November 2007
- * George F. Worts in Argosy and Blue Book, (ar) Pulpdom #33, February 2003 [Ref. George F. Worts]
- * The Golden Anniversary of “Tarzan and the Valley of Gold”, (ar) Pulpdom Online #12, Summer 2016
- * H. Bedford-Jones in Adventure, (bi) Pulpdom #34, June 2003 [Ref. H. Bedford-Jones]
- * H. Bedford-Jones in FC/Pulpdom, (bi) Pulpdom #33, February 2003 [Ref. H. Bedford-Jones]
- * A History of Pulp Fandom, #1, (ar) Pulpdom #34, June 2003
- * Index to The Electrical Experimenter/Science & Invention, (bi) Pulpdom #37, January 2004
- * The Ingrahams “Dime Novel” Kings, (ar) Pulpdom #34, June 2003
- * “I Still Live”, (ed) Pulpdom Online #1, December 2013
- * J. Allan Dunn, (bi) Pulpdom #29, March 2002
- * John Charnock, Literary Father of John Clayton, (ms) Pulpdom #51, May 2008
- * Mermaid Tales (with Mike Taylor), (ar) Pulpdom #74, June 2013
- * The Mighty Obeah, (ar)
- * Mr. Burroughs Thrives, (ms) Pulpdom Online #13, Christmas 2016
- * Movie Comments, (ms) Pulpdom Online #12, Summer 2016
- * My First Years with E.R.B., (ar) Pulpdom #100, 2020 [Ref. Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- * Mystery Fanfare, (rv) Pulpdom #26, July 2001
- * The Other “Adventure” Pulps, (ar) Pulpdom #32, December 2002
- * Personal Compliment to Ev. Bleiler, (ms) Pulpdom #35, October 2003
- * The Popular Magazine, 1925-1931, (ar) Pulpdom #32, December 2002
- * Prehistoric Fiction, (ar) Pulpdom #71, August 2012
- * Pulp Vikings, (ed) Pulpdom #31, August 2002
- * Science Fiction Pirates, (ms) Pulpdom #29, March 2002
- * The Tang of Salt Air, (ms) Pulpdom #29, March 2002
- * Western Pulps before 1930, (bi) Pulpdom #44, October 2005
- * What ERB Read in 1909?, (ar) The Fantastic Collector #233/234, August/September 1991
- * Who, Where, and When—The Heroes of E.R.B. (with Mike Taylor), (ms) Pulpdom #100, 2020 [Ref. Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- * William McLoud Raine, (ar) Pulpdom #35, October 2003 [Ref. William MacLeod Raine]
- * Zane Grey in the Pulps and Other Mags., (bi) Pulpdom #47, December 2006
[]Cazalis, Henry (1840-1909); used pseudonym Jean Lahor (about) (chron.)
- * The Dance of Death, (pm) Weird Tales May 1926, as by Jean Lahor; translated from the French (“Égalité, Fraternité …”, 1893) by Edward Baxter Perry.
- * Danse Macabre, (pm) The Golden Book Magazine #7, July 1925, as "“…Equality, Fraternity”", by Jean Lahor
- * “…Equality, Fraternity”, (pm) The Golden Book Magazine #7, July 1925, as by Jean Lahor; translated from the French (“Égalité, Fraternité …”, 1893) by Bertram Galbraith.
[]Cazedessus, Camille (1938- ); used pseudonym Caz (chron.)
- * 1941, (ms) Pulpdom Online #6, February 2015, as by Caz
- * 1943: The New “Argosy”, (ar) Pulpdom #62, September 2010
- * All About A. P. Terhune (with Bill Garwood, et al.), (bg) Pulpdom #39, June 2004 [Ref. A. P. Terhune]
- * The All-Story, 1905-1906, (ar) Pulpdom #54, April 2009, as by Caz
- * The Argosy: January 1910 to December 1911, (ar) Pulpdom #39, June 2004
- * Argosy, The Last Pulps of 1943, Select Index and Comment, (ar) Pulpdom #66, August 2011, as by Caz
- * The Ballad of the Ape Man, (pm) Pulpdom #62, September 2010
- * Before the Wright Brother’s Airplane Took Flight in 2003, (pi) Pulpdom #35, October 2003, as by Caz
- * Burroughs Fandom, (ar) Antiquarian Bookman November 25 1963
- * Cavalier Classics, (bi) Pulpdom #34, June 2003, as by Caz
- * Deadly Excitements—Shadows and Phantoms, Robert D. Sampson, (br) Pulpdom #31, August 2002 [Ref. Robert Sampson], as by Caz
- * Early British Science Fantasy Pulps and Digests, (bi) Pulpdom #26, July 2001, as by Caz
- * Early Western Pulp Cover Art, (ar) Pulpdom #44, October 2005, as by Caz
- * Editorial, (ed) Pulpdom #27, November 2001, as by Caz
- * Editorial, (ed) Pulpdom Online #2 Mar, #4 Sep, #5 Nov 2014, #10 Dec 2015
- * Epic Pulps:
* ___ The All-Story, 1905-1906, (ar) Pulpdom #54, April 2009, as by Caz
* ___ Everybody’s, (ar) Pulpdom #35, October 2003, as by Caz
- * ERB-dom #1, May 1960, (ar) Pulpdom #100, 2020, as by Caz
- * Everett F. Bleiler on R. M. Farley and Otis A. Kline, (ar) Pulpdom #53, November 2008 [Ref. Everett F. Bleiler, Ralph Milne Farley & Otis Adelbert Kline], as by Caz
- * Everybody’s, (ar) Pulpdom #35, October 2003, as by Caz
- * Fantasy in the “Popular” Magazine, (ar) Pulpdom #30, May 2002, as by Caz
- * The First and Last Sea Story Pulps, (ms) Pulpdom #29, March 2002, as by Caz
- * Frank Aubrey Is Fenton Ash Is Frank Atkins (with K. Emmett), (ar) Pulpdom #49, November 2007, as by Caz & K. Emmett
- * George F. Worts in Argosy and Blue Book, (ar) Pulpdom #33, February 2003 [Ref. George F. Worts], as by Caz
- * The Golden Anniversary of “Tarzan and the Valley of Gold”, (ar) Pulpdom Online #12, Summer 2016, as by Caz
- * H. Bedford-Jones in Adventure, (bi) Pulpdom #34, June 2003 [Ref. H. Bedford-Jones], as by Caz
- * H. Bedford-Jones in FC/Pulpdom, (bi) Pulpdom #33, February 2003 [Ref. H. Bedford-Jones], as by Caz
- * Heart to Heart Talks, (bg) Pulpdom Online #10, December 2015 [Ref. Clyde B. Hough]
- * A History of Pulp Fandom, #1, (ar) Pulpdom #34, June 2003, as by Caz
- * Index to The Electrical Experimenter/Science & Invention, (bi) Pulpdom #37, January 2004, as by Caz
- * The Ingrahams “Dime Novel” Kings, (ar) Pulpdom #34, June 2003, as by Caz
- * Introductory Comments, (ed) Pulpdom Online #11, Spring 2016
- * “I Still Live”, (ed) Pulpdom Online #1, December 2013, as by Caz
- * J. Allan Dunn, (bi) Pulpdom #29, March 2002, as by Caz
- * James Francis Dwyer—Desert Wanderer, (bg) Pulpdom #41, January 2005 [Ref. James Francis Dwyer]
- * John Charnock, Literary Father of John Clayton, (ms) Pulpdom #51, May 2008, as by Caz
- * The Lost Pulps, (ar) Pulpdom #41, January 2005
- * Mermaid Tales (with Mike Taylor), (ar) Pulpdom #74, June 2013, as by Caz & Mike Taylor
- * The Mighty Obeah, (ar) , as by Caz
- * Mr. Burroughs Thrives, (ms) Pulpdom Online #13, Christmas 2016, as by Caz
- * Movie Comments, (ms) Pulpdom Online #12, Summer 2016, as by Caz
- * My First Years with E.R.B., (ar) Pulpdom #100, 2020 [Ref. Edgar Rice Burroughs], as by Caz
- * Mystery Fanfare, (rv) Pulpdom #26, July 2001, as by Caz
- * The Other “Adventure” Pulps, (ar) Pulpdom #32, December 2002, as by Caz
- * Personal Compliment to Ev. Bleiler, (ms) Pulpdom #35, October 2003, as by Caz
- * The Popular Magazine, 1925-1931, (ar) Pulpdom #32, December 2002, as by Caz
- * Prehistoric Fiction, (ar) Pulpdom #71, August 2012, as by Caz
- * Pulp Vikings, (ed) Pulpdom #31, August 2002, as by Caz
- * The Quest for Argosy, (ar) Pulpdom #42, March 2005
- * Science Fiction Pirates, (ms) Pulpdom #29, March 2002, as by Caz
- * The Tang of Salt Air, (ms) Pulpdom #29, March 2002, as by Caz
- * Tarson? ERB-Sources of the Wellspring (with Mike Taylor), (ar) Pulpdom #58, December 2009
- * A Trip to Mars by Fenton Ash (with Mike Taylor), (ar) Pulpdom #63, November 2010 [Ref. Fenton Ash]
- * Western Pulps before 1930, (bi) Pulpdom #44, October 2005, as by Caz
- * What ERB Read in 1909?, (ar) The Fantastic Collector #233/234, August/September 1991, as by Caz
- * Who, Where, and When—The Heroes of E.R.B. (with Mike Taylor), (ms) Pulpdom #100, 2020 [Ref. Edgar Rice Burroughs], as by Caz & Mike Taylor
- * William McLoud Raine, (ar) Pulpdom #35, October 2003 [Ref. William MacLeod Raine], as by Caz
- * Zane Grey in the Pulps and Other Mags., (bi) Pulpdom #47, December 2006, as by Caz
- * [letter], (lt) OAK Leaves #4, Summer 1971
- * [letter], (lt) Purple Prose #13, November 2000
_____, ed.
- * Editor: The Fantasy Collector #201 Dec 1988, #202 Jan, #203 Feb, #204 Mar, #205 Apr, #206 May, #207 Jun, #208 Jul, #209 Aug, #210 Sep,
#211 Oct, #212 Nov, #213 Dec 1989
#214 Jan, #215 Feb, #216 Mar, #217 Apr, #221 Aug, #222 Sep, #223 Oct, #224 Nov, #225 Dec 1990, #226 Jan, #227 Feb,
#229/230 Apr/May, #231/232 Jun/Jul, #233/234 Aug/Sep, #235/236 Oct/Nov 1991
#237/238 Jan/Feb, #241/242 May/Jun, #243 Aug, #244 Oct, #245 Dec 1992, #246 Apr, #247 Aug, #248 Dec 1993, #249 Feb, #250 May,
#251 Jul, #252 Oct, #253 Dec 1994
#254 Mar, #255 Jun, #256 Nov 1995, #257 Jan, #258 Mar, #259 May, #260 Jul, #261 Sep, #262 Nov 1996, #1 Jan,
#2 Mar, #3 Apr, #4 May, #5 Jul, #6 Sep, #7 Oct, #8 Nov, #9 Dec 1997
#10 Feb, #11 Apr, #12 Jun, #13 Aug, #14 Oct, #15 Dec 1998, #16 Feb, #17 Mar, #18 Jul, #19 Sep, #20 Dec 1999
#21 Mar, #22 May, #23 Jul, #24 Dec 2000, #25 May, #26 Jul, #27 Nov, #28 Dec 2001, #29 Mar, #30 May, #31 Aug,
#32 Dec 2002
#33 Feb, #34 Jun, #35 Oct, #36 Dec 2003, #37 Jan 2004, #43 Jul, #44 Oct 2005, #45 Feb, #46 Jun, #47 Dec 2006,
#48 Mar, #49 Nov 2007
#50 Feb, #51 May, #52 Aug, #53 Nov 2008, #54 Apr, #55 Jun, #56 Jul, #57 Oct, #58 Dec 2009, #59 Apr, #60 May,
#61 Jul, #62 Sep, #63 Nov 2010
#64 Apr, #65 Jun, #66 Aug, #67 Oct 2011, #68 Feb, #69 Apr, #70 May, #71 Aug, #72 Oct 2012, #73 Apr, #74 Jun,
#75 Aug, #1 Dec 2013
#2 Mar, #3 Jun, #4 Sep, #5 Nov 2014, #6 Feb, #7 Apr, #8 Jun, #9 Sep, #10 Dec 2015, #11 Spr, #12 Sum,
#13 Chr 2016
#14 Spr, #15 Sum, #16 Fll, #17 Chr 2017, #18 Spr, #19 Jun, #20 Fll 2018, #23, #24, #21, #22 May 2019
#99 Jan, #100 2020
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