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Ballard, J(ames) G(raham) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Drowned World, (na) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #24, 1962
- * Dune Limbo, (ss) from The Burning World, Berkley, 1964
- * The Dying Fall, (ss) Interzone #106, April 1996
- * Ed Ruscha, (ar) 2001
- * Eduardo Paolozzi, (ar) 1970
- * Eduardo Paolozzi, (bg) 1987
- * The Encounter, (nv) Amazing Stories June 1963
- Terminal Beach (var. 1), Berkley Medallion, 1964, as "The Venus Hunters"
- The Overloaded Man, Panther, 1967, as "The Venus Hunters"
- The Venus Hunters, Panther, 1980, as "The Venus Hunters"
- UFOs: The Greatest Stories ed. Martin H. Greenberg, MJF Books, 1996, as "The Venus Hunters"
- The Unexplained: Stories of the Paranormal ed. Ric Alexander, Orion, 1998
- The Unexplained: Stories of the Paranormal ed. Ric Alexander, Orion, 1999
- The Complete Short Stories, Flamingo, 2001, as "The Venus Hunters"
- The Campfire Collection: Thrilling, Chilling Tales of Alien Encounters ed. Gina Hyams, Chronicle Books, 2005, as "The Venus Hunters"
- The Complete Short Stories Volume I, Harper Perennial UK, 2006, as "The Venus Hunters"
- * End-Game, (nv) New Worlds Science Fiction #131, June 1963
- The Terminal Beach, Gollancz, 1964
- Terminal Beach (var. 1), Berkley Medallion, 1964
- Backdrop of Stars ed. Harry Harrison, Dennis Dobson, 1968
- Chronopolis and Other Stories, G.P. Putnam's, 1971
- The Best Short Stories of J.G. Ballard, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1978
- Sinister Gambits ed. Richard Peyton, Souvenir Press, 1991
- The Complete Short Stories, Flamingo, 2001
- The Complete Short Stories Volume I, Harper Perennial UK, 2006
- * The Enormous Space, (ss) Interzone #30, July/August 1989
- * Equinox, (na) New Worlds SF #142, May/June 1964; expanded version of “The Illuminated Man”, F&SF, May 1964.
- * Equinox, (na) New Worlds SF #143, July/August 1964
- * Escape Into the Seraglio, (br) The Guardian October 28 1988 [Ref. Paul Joyce]
- * Escapement, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #54, December 1956
- Passport to Eternity, Berkley Medallion, 1963
- The Overloaded Man, Panther, 1967
- The Venus Hunters, Panther, 1980
- The Complete Short Stories, Flamingo, 2001
- The Complete Short Stories Volume I, Harper Perennial UK, 2006
- * Fallen Idol, (br) The Guardian December 3 1981 [Ref. Albert Goldman]
- * Fashion Victim, (br) Bookforum Spring 1999 [Ref. Helmut Newton]
- * Fictions of Every Kind, (br) Books and Bookmen 1971 [Ref. Lois & Stephen Rose]
- * Flush with Talent, (br) The Sunday Telegraph February 6 2005
- * Foreword, (ex) Foundation #24, February 1982, as "From Shanghai to Shepperton"
- * The Four-Dimensional Nightmare, (co) Gollancz, May 1963
- * The Four-Dimensional Nightmare (var. 1), (co) Gollancz, 1974
- * Francis Bacon, (ar) 2004
- * The French Riviera Spoiled? Only by Fear and Snobbery, (ar) The Mail on Sunday 1995
- * From Shanghai to Shepperton (with David Pringle), (ar) Foundation #24, February 1982
- * From Shanghai to Shepperton, (ex) Foundation #24, February 1982
- * The Future of the Future, (ar) Vogue (UK) 1977
- * The Garden of Time, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1962
- Billenium, Berkley Medallion, 1962
- The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (UK) June 1962
- The Four-Dimensional Nightmare, Gollancz, 1963
- The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Twelfth Series ed. Avram Davidson, Doubleday, 1963
- Introducing SF: A Science Fiction Anthology ed. Brian W. Aldiss, Faber and Faber, 1964
- Chronopolis and Other Stories, G.P. Putnam's, 1971
- Speculations ed. Thomas E. Sanders, Glencoe Press, 1973
- The Four-Dimensional Nightmare (var. 1), Gollancz, 1974
- Beyond Tomorrow ed. Lee Harding, Wren, 1976
- The Best of J.G. Ballard, Futura, 1977
- Beyond Tomorrow (var. 1) ed. Lee Harding, NEL, 1977
- Space Wars June 1978
- The Best Short Stories of J.G. Ballard, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1978
- Fantasy Stories ed. Andrew Goodwyn, Oxford University Press, 1991
- The Complete Short Stories, Flamingo, 2001
- The Complete Short Stories Volume I, Harper Perennial UK, 2006
- * The Generations of America, (ms) New Worlds #183, October 1968
- Atrocity Exhibition, Jonathan Cape, 1970
- The Atrocity Exhibition (var. 1), Re/Search Publications, 1990
- The Atrocity Exhibition (var. 2), Flamingo, 1993
- The Atrocity Exhibition (var. 3), HarperPerennial UK, 2006
- Eduardo Paolozzi at New Worlds by David Brittain, Savoy Books, 2013
- * The Gentle Assassin, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #113, December 1961
- Billenium, Berkley Medallion, 1962
- The Day of Forever, Panther, 1967
- The Day of Forever (var. 1), Panther, 1971
- The Complete Short Stories, Flamingo, 2001
- The Complete Short Stories Volume I, Harper Perennial UK, 2006
- * The Gioconda of the Twilight Noon, (ss) The Terminal Beach, Gollancz, 1964
- * Graham Greene, (ar) Magazine Littéraire 1978 [Ref. Graham Greene], as "Memories of Greeneland"
- * The Great American Nude, (ss) Ambit #36, 1968
- * The Greatest Television Show on Earth, (ss) Ambit #53, 1972
- * A Guide to Virtual Death, (vi) Interzone #56, February 1992
- * A Handful of Dust, (ar) The Guardian March 20 2006
- * A Happy Arrangement, (ex) from High-Rise, Jonathan Cape, 1975
- * Having a Wonderful Time, (ss) Bananas #10, Spring 1978
- * Hello America, (ms) 1994
- * Hobbits in Space?, (mr) Time Out December 16 1977
- * A Host of Furious Fancies, (ss) Time Out December 19 1980
- * How Dr. Christopher Evans Landed on the Moon, (vi) New Worlds #187, February 1969
- * Ikko Narahara, (ar) 1980
- * The Illuminated Man, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1964
- * The Impossible Man, (ss) The Impossible Man and Other Stories, Berkley Medallion, 1966
- * The Impossible Man and Other Stories, (co) Berkley Medallion, April 1966
- * Impressions of Speed, (ar) Speed: Visions of an Accelerated Age ed. Jeremy Millar & Michiel Schwartz, The Photographers' Gallery, 1998
- * An Incident in the Car Park, (ex) from Cocaine Nights, Flamingo, 1996
- * In Cold Blood: C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation, (mr) The Guardian June 25 2005
- * The Index, (ss) Bananas #8, Summer 1977
- * In Modern America, No Nightmare Is Forbidden: The Day After Tomorrow, (mr) The Guardian May 14 2004
- * The Insane Ones, (ss) Amazing Stories January 1962
- Billenium, Berkley Medallion, 1962
- The 8th Annual of the Year’s Best S-F ed. Judith Merril, Simon & Schuster, 1963
- Great Science Fiction Magazine #7, 1967
- The Day of Forever, Panther, 1967
- The Day of Forever (var. 1), Panther, 1971
- The Best of J.G. Ballard, Futura, 1977
- The Future of Being Human ed. Jackie & Dave Estrada, Canfield Press, 1977
- The Great SF Stories #24 (1962) ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1992
- The Complete Short Stories, Flamingo, 2001
- The Complete Short Stories Volume I, Harper Perennial UK, 2006
- * The Intensive Care Unit, (ss) Ambit #71, 1977
- * In the Voyeur’s Gaze, (ar) The Guardian August 25 1989
- * Into the Drop Zone, (br) The Guardian July 23 1965 [Ref. Michel Siffre]
- * Introduction, (in) The Best of J.G. Ballard, Futura, 1977
- * Introduction, (in) The Complete Short Stories, Flamingo, 2001
- * Introduction, (in) Orbit, 1977
- * Introduction to “Report on an Unidentified Space Station”., (is) Top Fantasy ed. Josh Pachter, Dent, 1985
- * Introduction to the French Edition of Crash, (ar) Foundation #9, November 1975; originally in French in the Clamann-Levy edition in 1974.
- * Introduction to “You and Me and the Continuum”, (is) Impulse March 1966
- * The Invisible Years (with Martin Bax), (cs) Ambit #71 1977, #79 1979
- * The Invisible Years (with Martin Bax & George MacBeth), (cs) Ambit #67, #68, #69 1976, #70 1977
- * The Invisible Years: A Series of Apocalyptic Texts (with Martin Bax), (cs) Ambit #75, #76 1978, #78 1979
- * The Invisible Years: A Series of Continuing Texts, (cs) Ambit #73, 1977
- * The Invisible Years: A Series of Continuing Texts (with Martin Bax), (cs) Ambit #74, 1978
- * The Invisible Years: A Series of Continuing Texts (with Christopher Evans & A Computer), (cs) Ambit #72, 1977
- * The Invisible Years, to Invisible Texts (with Martin Bax), (cs) Ambit #77, 1978/79
- * James Joyce, (ar) The Guardian 1990 [Ref. James Joyce], as "Memories of James Joyce"
- * Jane Fonda’s Augmentation Mammoplasty, (vi) Semiotext(e) #14, 1989
- * La Jetée: Academy One, (mr) New Worlds SF #164, July 1966
- * J.G. Ballard’s Comments on His Own Fiction, (ar) Interzone #106, April 1996; most reprinted from a variety of sources; some appearing in English for the first time.
- * J.G. Ballard: The Complete Short Stories, (in) Flamingo, 2001, as "Introduction"
- * Journey Across a Crater, (ss) New Worlds #198, February 1970
- * Judith Merril, (bg) 1992
- * The Killer Inside: A History of Violence, (mr) The Guardian September 23 2005
- * The Killing Ground, (ss) New Worlds #188, March 1969
- Best SF Stories from New Worlds 6 ed. Michael Moorcock, Panther, 1970
- The Year’s Best Science Fiction No. 3 ed. Harry Harrison & Brian W. Aldiss, Sphere, 1970
- The Day of Forever (var. 1), Panther, 1971
- Best SF Stories from New Worlds 6 (var. 1) ed. Michael Moorcock, Berkley Medallion, 1971
- The Venus Hunters, Panther, 1980
- The Complete Short Stories, Flamingo, 2001
- The Complete Short Stories Volume II, Harper Perennial UK, 2006
- * Killing Time, (br) The Guardian November 15 1979 [Ref. Norman Mailer]
- * Landfall, at Last, (ex) from Hello, America, Jonathan Cape, 1981
- * The Largest Theme Park in the World, (ss) The Guardian July 7 1989
- * The Larval Stage of a New Kind of Architecture, (ar) The Guardian 2007
- * The Last World of Mr. Goddard, (ss) Science Fantasy #43, October 1960
- Terminal Beach (var. 1), Berkley Medallion, 1964
- The Day of Forever, Panther, 1967
- The Day of Forever (var. 1), Panther, 1971
- The Complete Short Stories, Flamingo, 2001
- The Complete Short Stories Volume I, Harper Perennial UK, 2006
- * Legend of Regret, (br) The Guardian February 4 1982 [Ref. Matthew J. Bruccoli & F. Scott Fitzgerald]
- * Let the Women Have Lipstick and High Heels, (br) The Daily Telegraph October 30 1993 [Ref. Richard J. Evans]
- * License to Kill, (br) The Sunday Times February 21 1999 [Ref. Iris Chang]
- * The Life and Death of God, (ss) Ambit #66, 1976
- * Le Livre d’Or de la Science-Fiction: J.G. Ballard, (in) 1980
- * Look Back at Empire, (ar) The Guardian March 4 2006
- * The Lost Leonardo, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1964
- * Love and Napalm: Export U.S.A., (ss) Circuit #6, June 1968
- * LOVE: A Print-out for Claire Churchill, (pm) Ambit #37, Autumn 1968
- * Love in a Colder Climate, (ss) Interview January 1989
- * Love & Napalm: Export U.S.A., (co) Cape, July 1970, as Atrocity Exhibition
- * Low-Flying Aircraft, (ss) Bananas #2, Summer 1975
- * Low-Flying Aircraft and Other Stories, (co) Jonathan Cape, December 1976
- * The Maestro Who Campaigned Against His Greatest Work, (br) The Daily Telegraph August 21 1999 [Ref. Margaret Crosland]
- * Mae West’s Reduction Mammoplasty, (ss) The Atrocity Exhibition (var. 1), Re/Search Publications, 1990
- * The Magnificent Seven, (ms) 1994
- * Manhole 69, (nv) New Worlds Science Fiction #65, November 1957
- New Worlds Science Fiction (US) July 1960
- Best Tales of Terror ed. Edmund Crispin, Faber and Faber, 1962
- The Voices of Time and Other Stories, Berkley Medallion, 1962
- The Disaster Area, Jonathan Cape, 1967
- Chronopolis and Other Stories, G.P. Putnam's, 1971
- The Best of J.G. Ballard, Futura, 1977
- The Best Short Stories of J.G. Ballard, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1978
- The Complete Short Stories, Flamingo, 2001
- The Complete Short Stories Volume I, Harper Perennial UK, 2006
- * The Man on the 99th Floor, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #120, July 1962
- Passport to Eternity, Berkley Medallion, 1963
- The Day of Forever, Panther, 1967
- The Day of Forever (var. 1), Panther, 1971
- The Complete Short Stories, Flamingo, 2001
- The Complete Short Stories Volume I, Harper Perennial UK, 2006
- * The Man Who Walked on the Moon, (ss) Interzone #13, Autumn 1985
- * Memoir, (bg) A Is for Brian ed. Frank Hatherley, Margaret Aldiss & Malcolm Edwards, Avernus, 1990
- * Memories of Greeneland, (ar) Magazine Littéraire 1978 [Ref. Graham Greene]
- * Memories of James Joyce, (ar) The Guardian 1990 [Ref. James Joyce]
- * Memories of the Space Age, (co) Arkham House, November 1988
- * Memories of the Space Age, (nv) Interzone #2, Summer 1982
- * The Message from Mars, (ss) Interzone #58, April 1992
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