The FictionMags Index
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[]Austin, Warner (fl. 1950s) (chron.)
- * Cache of Doom, (na) Western Action March 1957
- * Don’t Crowd a Texan, (nv) Western Action June 1955
- * Final Solution, (ss) Fast Action Detective and Mystery Stories May 1957
- * Gunslammer’s Eyes, (ss) Double Action Western August 1957
- * A Handful of Colts, (ss) Famous Western October 1956
- * No Fun for a Lookout, (ss) Western Action November 1956
- * Ripe for a Hanging, (nv) Real Western Stories August 1955
- * The Smell of Murder, (nv) Fast Action Detective and Mystery Stories August 1957
- * Stagecoach to Tombstone, (nv) Action-Packed Western November 1956
- * Trouble Town, (na) Real Western Stories October 1956
- * Un-throne Those Cattle Kings, (ss) Western Action August 1955
[]Austin, William (1778-1841); used pseudonym Jonathan Dunwell (chron.)
- * Further Account of Peter Rugg, (ss) New England Galaxy September 1 1826, as "Some Further Account of Peter Rugg, the Missing Man, Late of Boston, New-England", by Jonathan Dunwell
- * Peter Rugg, the Missing Man, (nv) New England Galaxy September 10 1824, as "Some Account of Peter Rugg, the Missing Man, Late of Boston, New England in a Letter to Mr. Herman Krauff", by Jonathan Dunwell
- Tales of Terror ed. Henry St. Clair, Gaylord, 1835, uncredited.
- Tales for Winter Nights, James B. Smith, 1855, uncredited.
- Evening Tales for the Winter ed. Henry St. Clair, R. Marsh, 1856, uncredited.
- Short Stories June 1890
- More Great Ghost Stories ed. Harrison Dale, Herbert Jenkins, 1932
- Thirteen Ghostly Yarns ed. Elizabeth Sechrist, Roland Swain, 1932
- Thirteen Ghostly Yarns (var. 1) ed. Elizabeth Sechrist, Macrae Smith, 1942
- Tales of the Supernatural, Pan Books, 1945
- Good Housekeeping’s Best Book of Mystery Stories ed. Pauline Rush Evans, Prentice Hall, 1958
- Ghosts, Ghouls and Other Nuisances ed. Maxim Lieber, Seven Seas Books, 1959
- Golden Tales of Our America: Stories of Our Background & Tradition ed. May Lamberton Becker, Dodd, Mead, 1960
- The Armchair Detective Spring 1985
- American Short Stories (6th edition) ed. Eugene Current-Garcia & Bert Hitchcock, Addison-Wesley, 1996
- The American Short Story and Its Writer: An Anthology ed. Ann Charters, Bedford Books, 1999
- About Time ed. Chad Arment, Coachwhip Publications, 2008
[]Auswaks, Alex (1934-2013) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Arik’s First Case, (ss) New Crimes 2 ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Robinson, 1990
- * The Familiar, (ss) The London Magazine August/September 1978
- * Mrs. Halpren and the Lottery, (ss) Short Story International #46, October 1984
- * Murder Mystery, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1994
- * Russell Davenport and the Break-in Artists [Russell Davenport], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine October 2006
- * Russell Davenport and the Countess [Russell Davenport], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine April 2004
- * Russell Davenport and the Housekeeper [Russell Davenport], (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2004
- * Sister Brona and the Pornographic Diary [Sister Brona], (ss) 1st Culprit ed. Liza Cody & Michael Z. Lewin, Chatto & Windus, 1992
- * Sister Brona and the Sacred Altar Cloths [Sister Brona], (vi) 2nd Culprit ed. Liza Cody & Michael Z. Lewin, Chatto & Windus, 1993
_____, ed.
_____, trans.
- * The Brothers’ Gold Mine by P. Orlovetz, (ss) Sherlock Holmes in Russia ed. Alex Auswaks, Robert Hale, 2008
- * The Commercial Centre Mystery by P. Nikitin, (ss) Sherlock Holmes in Russia ed. Alex Auswaks, Robert Hale, 2008
- * The Elusive Gang by P. Nikitin, (ss) Sherlock Holmes in Russia ed. Alex Auswaks, Robert Hale, 2008
- * The Mark of Tadjidi by P. Nikitin, (ss) Sherlock Holmes in Russia ed. Alex Auswaks, Robert Hale, 2008
- * The Pearl of the Emir by P. Nikitin, (ss) Sherlock Holmes in Russia ed. Alex Auswaks, Robert Hale, 2008
- * The Railroad Thieves by P. Orlovetz, (ss) Sherlock Holmes in Russia ed. Alex Auswaks, Robert Hale, 2008
- * The Strangler by P. Nikitin, (ss) Sherlock Holmes in Russia ed. Alex Auswaks, Robert Hale, 2008
[]Author of “Adam Bede”, The
- * Romola:
* ___ Proem, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine July 1862
* ___ Chapter I. The Shipwrecked Stranger, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine July 1862
* ___ Chapter II. A Breakfast for Love, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine July 1862
* ___ Chapter III. The Barber’s Shop, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine July 1862
* ___ Chapter IV. First Impressions, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine July 1862
* ___ Chapter V. The Blind Scholar and His Daughter, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine July 1862
* ___ Chapter VI. Dawning Hopes, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine August 1862
* ___ Chapter VII. A Learned Squabble, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine August 1862
* ___ Chapter VIII. A Face in the Crowd, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine August 1862
* ___ Chapter IX. A Man’s Ransom, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine August 1862
* ___ Chapter X. Under the Plane-Tree, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine August 1862
* ___ Chapter XI. Tito’s Dilemma, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine September 1862
* ___ Chapter XII. The Prize Is Nearly Grasped, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine September 1862
* ___ Chapter XIII. The Shadow of Nemesis, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine September 1862
* ___ Chapter XIV. The Peasants’ Fair, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine September 1862
* ___ Chapter XV. The Dying Message, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine October 1862
* ___ Chapter XVI. A Florentine Joke, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine October 1862
* ___ Chapter XVII. Under the Loggia, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine October 1862
* ___ Chapter XVIII. The Portrait, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine October 1862
* ___ Chapter XIX. The Old Man’s Hope, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine October 1862
* ___ Chapter XX. The Day of the Betrothal, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine October 1862
* ___ Chapter XXI. Florence Expects a Guest, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine November 1862
* ___ Chapter XXII. The Prisoners, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine November 1862
* ___ Chapter XXIII. After-Thoughts, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine November 1862
* ___ Chapter XXIV. Inside the Duomo, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine November 1862
* ___ Chapter XXV. Outside the Duomo, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine November 1862
* ___ Chapter XXVI. The Garment of Fear, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine November 1862
* ___ Chapter XXVII. The Young Wife, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine December 1862
* ___ Chapter XXVIII. The Painted Record, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine December 1862
* ___ Chapter XXIX. A Moment of Triumph, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine December 1862
* ___ Chapter XXX. The Avenger’s Secret, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine December 1862
* ___ Chapter XXXI. Fruit Is Seed, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine December 1862
* ___ Chapter XXXII. A Revelation, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine December 1862
* ___ Chapter XXXIII. Baldassarre Makes an Acquaintance, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine January 1863
* ___ Chapter XXXIV. No Place for Repentance, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine January 1863
* ___ Chapter XXXV. What Florence Was Thinking Of, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine January 1863
* ___ Chapter XXXVI. Ariadne Discrowns Herself, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine January 1863
* ___ Chapter XXXVII. The Tabernacle Unlocked, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine January 1863
* ___ Chapter XXXVIII. The Black Marks Become Magical, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine February 1863
* ___ Chapter XXXIX. A Supper in the Rucellai Gardens, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine February 1863
* ___ Chapter XL. An Arresting Voice, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine February 1863
* ___ Chapter XLI. Coming Back, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine February 1863
* ___ Chapter XLII. Romola in Her Place, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine March 1863
* ___ Chapter XLIII. The Unseen Madonna, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine March 1863
* ___ Chapter XLIV. The Visible Madonna, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine March 1863
* ___ Chapter XLV. At the Barber’s Shop, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine March 1863
* ___ Chapter XLVI. By a Street Lamp, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine March 1863
* ___ Chapter XLVII. Check, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine April 1863
* ___ Chapter XLVIII. Counter-Check, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine April 1863
* ___ Chapter XLIX. The Pyramid of Vanities, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine April 1863
* ___ Chapter L. Tessa Abroad and at Home, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine April 1863
* ___ Chapter LI. Monna Brigida’s Conversion, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine April 1863
* ___ Chapter LII. A Prophetess, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine May 1863
* ___ Chapter LIII. On San Miniato, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine May 1863
* ___ Chapter LIV. The Evening and the Morning, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine May 1863
* ___ Chapter LV. Waiting, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine May 1863
* ___ Chapter LVI. The Other Wife, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine May 1863
* ___ Chapter LVII. Why Tito Was Safe, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine June 1863
* ___ Chapter LVIII. A Final Understanding, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine June 1863
* ___ Chapter LIX. Pleading, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine June 1863
* ___ Chapter LX. The Scaffold, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine June 1863
* ___ Chapter LXI. Drifting Away, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine June 1863
* ___ Chapter LXII. The Benediction, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine July 1863
* ___ Chapter LXIII. Ripening Schemes, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine July 1863
* ___ Chapter LXIV. The Prophet in His Cell, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine July 1863
* ___ Chapter LXV. The Trial by Fire, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine July 1863
* ___ Chapter LXVI. A Masque of the Furies, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine July 1863
* ___ Chapter LXVII. Waiting by the River, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine July 1863
* ___ Chapter LXVIII. Romola’s Waking, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine August 1863
* ___ Chapter LXIX. Homeward, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine August 1863
* ___ Chapter LXX. Meeting Again, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine August 1863
* ___ Chapter LXXI. The Confession, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine August 1863
* ___ Chapter LXXII. The Last Silence, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine August 1863
* ___ Epilogue, (sl) (by George Eliot) The Cornhill Magazine August 1863
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