The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 156
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Allen, Stookie (chron.) (continued)
- * Roger Q. Williams, (ia) Argosy September 12 1936
- * Rosita Forbes, (ia) Argosy July 28 1934
- * Ross Allen, (ia) Argosy August 20 1938
- * Roy Chapman Andrews, (ia) Argosy July 1 1933
- * Roy Hansen, (ia) Argosy November 27 1937 [Ref. Roy Hansen]
- * Roy Lobdell, (ia) Argosy March 12 1938
- * Runger and Thompson, (ia) Argosy November 12 1938
- * Russell S. Callow, (ia) Argosy April 4 1936
- * S. A. Andree, (ia) Argosy March 31 1934
- * Sacha Siemel, (ia) Argosy April 28 1934
- * Sailor of Fortune (Ransford D. Bucknam), (ia) Argosy June 22 1935 [Ref. Ransford D. Bucknam]
- * Sam Dreben, (ia) Argosy April 9 1938
- * Sam Woodfill, (ia) Argosy March 24 1934
- * “Sandy” Smith, (ia) Argosy February 4 1933
- * Scientific Sherlock, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly October 21 1939
- * The Scotchman Who Bankrupted France, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly February 24 1940
- * Scott and Herrin, (ia) Argosy June 25 1938
- * The Sealed Room, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly February 1 1936
- * Sergeant Mike Donaldson, (ia) Argosy August 13 1938
- * Sergt. Stanley Morgan, (ia) Argosy January 4 1936
- * Sgt. Major Daniel Daly, (ia) Argosy October 21 1933
- * Sherlock of the Range, (ia) Silver Buck Western November 1940
- * The Shocking Crime on the Castleton Road, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly June 20 1936
- * Sickroom Borgia, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly November 19 1938
- * Sidney Franklin, American Bull-Fighter, (ia) Argosy August 22 1936
- * Simon Lake, (ia) Argosy September 14 1935
- * Singapore Sam, (cs) Girl’s Detective Mysteries October 1936
- * Sir Basil Zaharoff, (ia) Argosy July 21 1934
- * Sir Claude De Crespigny, (ia) Argosy February 15 1936
- * Sir Edgar Britten, (ia) Argosy December 12 1936
- * Sir Ernest Shackleton, (ia) Argosy March 11 1933
- * Sir Gregor MacGregor, (ia) Argosy August 11 1934
- * Sir Hubert Wilkins, (ia) Argosy May 20 1939
- * Sir Malcolm Campbell, (ia) Argosy May 14 1932
- * Sir Robert Baden-Powell, (ia) Argosy August 8 1936
- * Sir Roger Keyes, (ia) Argosy April 11 1936
- * Skeet Miller—Radio Daredevil, (ia) Argosy May 13 1939
- * Slatin Pasha, (ia) Argosy December 7 1935
- * Smedley D. Butler, (ia) Argosy May 25 1940
- * Smith Reavis, (ia) Argosy November 16 1940
- * Smoky Joe Martin, (ia) Argosy February 17 1934
- * Sneak Thief, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly November 26 1938
- * The Sprained Thumb, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly April 9 1932
- * The Statue of Death, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly November 19 1932
- * The Stelton Road Murder, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly January 9 1937
- * Steve Donoghue, (ia) Argosy May 6 1939
- * Stockholm Dynamite Murder, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly January 28 1939
- * The Strange Case of Charley Ross, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly August 5 1939
- * The Subway Station Murder, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly July 11 1936
- * The Suicide Murder, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly April 30 1932
- * Super-Torch, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly March 30 1940
- * Swindle Queen, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly July 23 1938
- * Swindle Queen II, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly July 30 1938
- * Tales of the Old West (with Ben Nelson), (ia) Fifteen Western Tales May 1943
- * The Talking Shoes, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly June 15 1940
- * Tall Dark and Handsome, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly September 2 1939
- * Taylor and Pope, (ia) Argosy January 15 1938
- * Teddy Blue Abbott, Last of the Cowpokes, (ia) Argosy May 4 1940
- * T. E. Lawrence, (ia) Argosy June 11 1932
- * The Telltale “B”, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly January 14 1939
- * The Tell-Tale Burrs, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly October 8 1932
- * The Tell-Tale Candle, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly July 9 1932
- * The Telltale Eye, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly December 30 1939
- * The Tell-Tale Smudge, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly February 12 1938
- * The Tell-Tale Thread, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly April 17 1937
- * Tell-Tale Toupee, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly July 24 1937
- * Temahi, (ia) Argosy August 10 1935
- * Terrell Jacobs, (ia) Argosy March 25 1939
- * “Tex” O’Reilly, (ia) Argosy October 7 1933
- * Theodore Annemann, (ia) Argosy March 16 1940
- * Theodore Roosevelt, (ia) Argosy April 30 1932
- * The Thief of Police, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly September 10 1938
- * Thieves Fall Out, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly December 31 1938
- * Thomas Swinton, Long Chance Champ, (ia) Argosy June 19 1937
- * Those Baffling 1914 Braves (with Ben Nelson), (ia) Fifteen Sports Stories May 1948
- * The $3,000,000 Job, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly July 3 1937
- * Thwarted Cracksmen, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly September 18 1937
- * Tinge on the Torso, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly June 25 1938
- * Tom Gill, (ia) Argosy August 14 1937
- * Tom Horn, (ia) Argosy January 28 1933
- * Tom Mix, (ia) Argosy February 22 1941
- * Tommy Hitchcock, (ia) Argosy October 15 1932
- * T. O. M. Sopwith, (ia) Argosy April 18 1936
- * The Torch Murder, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly October 3 1936
- * The Torn Coat, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly October 15 1932
- * Torso Terror, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly November 5 1938
- * Tough Tony’s Last Job, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly September 11 1937
- * Tracy Richardson, (ia) Argosy August 29 1936
- * Trader Horn—Jungle Merchant, (ia) Argosy December 3 1938
- * The Trail of the Pathfinder, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly June 11 1938
- * The Train Murder, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly August 13 1932
- * Triumph Over Death, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly May 4 1940
- * A Trumped Trick, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly August 7 1937
- * The Trunk Murder, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly May 14 1932
- * Tull C. Waters, (ia) Railroad Stories September 1934 [Ref. Tull C. Waters]
- * The 12-Hour Murder Case, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly January 11 1936
- * The Twenty-One Gold Coins, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly July 30 1932
- * Ugo Zacchini, (ia) Argosy September 5 1936
- * “Uncle Bill” Eskew, (ia) Railroad Stories July 1936 [Ref. “Uncle Bill” Eskew]
- * Undercover Agent, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly March 26 1938
- * Undercover Man, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly March 9 1940
- * Under the Fingernails, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly August 20 1932
- * Underworld Law, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly June 27 1936
- * Unforgotten Killer, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly December 17 1938
- * The Vanishing Padre, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly July 31 1937
- * The Vanishing Tourists (with Ben Nelson), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction May 1943
- * Vincent Schmidt—War Chaser, (ia) Argosy November 26 1938
- * The Virtuous Killer, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly November 23 1940
- * Voodoo Packet, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly February 19 1938
- * The Wall Street Taxi Ambush, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly March 5 1938
- * Wall Street Taxi Ambush—II, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly March 12 1938
- * Walter Hinton, (ia) Argosy July 3 1937
- * Walter Wellman, (ia) Argosy March 6 1937
- * Ward T. Van Orman, (ia) Argosy September 21 1935
- * The Weaponless Killer, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly May 6 1939
- * W. H. Jackson, (ia) Argosy February 11 1933
- * Who Killed Old Shakespeare?, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly February 15 1936
- * Who’s Who in the Crew:
* ___ C.A. Roach, (ia) Railroad Stories February 1937 [Ref. C. A. Roach]
* ___ Charles F. Carter, (ia) Railroad Stories September 1935 [Ref. Charles F. Carter]
* ___ “Cupid” Childs, (ia) Railroad Stories December 1935 [Ref. “Cupid” Childs]
* ___ E.S. Dellinger, (ia) Railroad Stories November 1935 [Ref. E. S. Dellinger]
* ___ Gilbert A. Lathrop, (ia) Railroad Stories October 1935 [Ref. Gilbert A. Lathrop]
* ___ J.H. McKinley, (ia) Railroad Stories April 1935 [Ref. J. H. McKinley]
* ___ John J. Burns, (ia) Railroad Stories April 1936 [Ref. John J. Burns]
* ___ “Uncle Bill” Eskew, (ia) Railroad Stories July 1936 [Ref. “Uncle Bill” Eskew]
* ___ William J. Parry, (ia) Railroad Stories June 1936 [Ref. William J. Parry]
- * The Widow of Weymouth, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly December 9 1939
- * Wilburn Cobb, (ia) Argosy January 13 1940
- * Wilbur Shaw, (ia) Argosy June 4 1938
- * Wild Bill Hickok, (ia) Argosy May 6 1933
- * Wilfred T. Grenfell, (ia) Argosy May 27 1933
- * Will Bill Donovan, (ia) Argosy June 6 1936
- * William Beebe, (ia) Argosy April 22 1933
- * William Begg, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly January 4 1941
- * William Dampier—Pirate—Privateer, (ia) Argosy June 1 1940
- * William Henry Bisbee, (ia) Argosy May 18 1940
- * William J. Parry, (ia) Railroad Stories June 1936 [Ref. William J. Parry]
- * William Walker, (ia) Argosy April 9 1932
- * The Wine Cellar Murder, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly May 7 1932
- * Wine of Justice, Part II, (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction February 1943
- * Wings of the Brave (with Ben Nelson), (cl) Dare-Devil Aces Mar, May 1943
- * Winston Churchill, (ia) Argosy July 16 1932
- * Wirkus and Schilt, (ia) Argosy February 6 1937
- * The Woman with the Bulldogs, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly May 16 1936
- * Women of Daring, (ar) Red Star Detective October 1940
* ___ Alexandria David-Neel, (ia) Argosy April 1 1939
* ___ Beryl Markham—Lady Columbus, (ia) Argosy December 30 1939
* ___ Bessie Thom & Aloha Wanderwell, (ia) Argosy December 24 1938
* ___ Dame Rachel Crowdy, (ia) Argosy August 25 1934
* ___ Hello-Girl Heroines, (ia) Argosy November 2 1940
* ___ Jackie Cochran, (ia) Argosy July 1 1939
* ___ Laura Ingalls, (ia) Argosy June 2 1934
* ___ Mabel Stark, (ia) Argosy June 30 1934
* ___ Mabel Strickland, (ia) Argosy March 17 1934
* ___ Malvina Hoffman, (ia) Argosy April 21 1934
* ___ Marthe Richer, (ia) Argosy May 12 1934
* ___ Mary Shanley, (ia) Argosy August 12 1939
* ___ Milana Jank, (ia) Argosy March 31 1934
* ___ Mrs. James L. Clarke, (ia) Argosy March 3 1934
* ___ Peck and Lewis, (ia) Argosy September 30 1939
* ___ Rosita Forbes, (ia) Argosy July 28 1934
* ___ Yoshiko Kawashima, (ia) Argosy September 22 1934
- * The Wooden-Footed Murderer, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly February 8 1936
- * World Adventurer (Frank Duquesne), (ia) Argosy February 27 1937
- * The Worldless Note, (ia) Detective Fiction Weekly January 21 1939
- * Wyatt Earp, (ia) Argosy September 19 1936
- * Yoshiko Kawashima, (ia) Argosy September 22 1934
- * Zane Grey and Thomas Howell, (ia) Argosy September 16 1939
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Blue Book Magazine Dec 1945, Jan, Feb 1946
[]Allen, Sylvia (fl. 1950s-1970s) (chron.)
- * The Big Boss, (ss) New Super Book for Girls, Dean & Son, 1970
- * The Big Catch, (ss) New Ideal Book for Girls 1971
- * Circus Land, (ss) Tiny Stories, Dean & Son, 1965
- * A Dream Come True, (ss) Superb Book for Girls, Dean & Son, 1964
- * The Flying Vase, (ss) A New Ideal Book for Children 1971
- * Fun on the Island, (ss) Premier Book for Children 1960
- * The Hectic Hour, (ss) Premier Book for Girls 1969
- * Helpful Hetty, (ss) New Super Book for Girls, Dean & Son, 1970
- * Jenny Slips Away, (ss) Supreme Book for Children, Dean & Son, 1963
- * The Last Laugh, (ss) Favourite Annual for Girls 1959
- * The Long Way Home, (ss) Ideal Book for Children 1972
- * Lucky Black Beads, (ss) New Leisure Book for Girls, Dean & Son, 1968
- * The Lucky Top-Hat, (ss) Premier Book for Girls 1969
- * Musical Puppets, (ar) An Ideal Book for Girls 1972
- * The Perfect Secretary, (ss) An Ideal Book for Girls 1972
- * The “Picnic Hamper”, (ss) Premier Book for Children 1961
- * Popplepuff Magic, (ss) New Super Book for Children, Dean & Son, 1970
- * A Present for Peter, (ss) Ideal Book for Tinies 195?
- * The Rescue, (ss) New Super Book for Children, Dean & Son, 1970
- * A Room of Their Own, (ss) Premier Book for Girls 1961
- * The Sign of the Sword, (ss) Super Book for Girls, Dean & Son, 1965
- * The Spy-Catcher, (ss) A New Ideal Book for Girls 1976
- * The Tree House, (ss) Leisure Book for Children, Dean & Son, 1967
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