The FictionMags Index
Index by Magazine Issue: Page 83
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Magazine Issue Index —
[]Battle Cry (about)
- []v1 #21, December 1955 (Stanley Publications, Inc., 25¢, 66pp, quarto) (Contents)
- []v1 #29, April 1957 (Stanley Publications, 35¢, quarto s/b, cover by Clarence Doore) (Contents)
- []v2 #1, August 1957 (Stanley Publications, 35¢, quarto s/b, cover by Mal Singer) (Contents)
- []v5 #2, March 1961 (cover by Vic Prezio) (Contents) (Missing)
- []v7 #1, February 1964 (Stanley Publications, Inc., 35¢, 64pp, quarto) (Contents)
[]Battle Stories: (about)
The title on the cover was given as Fawcett’s Battle Stories for the entire run but the title in the Table of Contents was simply Battle Stories until July 1929.
Battle Stories
- []v1 #1, September 1927 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 180pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v1 #2, October 1927 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 180pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v1 #3, November 1927 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v1 #4, December 1927 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v1 #5, January 1928 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by Chester M. Sullivan) (Contents)
- []v1 #6, February 1928 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by Chester M. Sullivan) (Contents)
- []v2 #1, March 1928 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by Jerome Rozen) (Contents)
- []v2 #2, April 1928 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by Jerome Rozen) (Contents)
- []v2, #9, May 1928 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by Chester M. Sullivan) (Contents)
- []v2, #10, June 1928 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by Jerome Rozen) (Contents)
- []v2, #11, July 1928 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by F. R. Glass) (Contents)
- []v2, #12, August 1928 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by F. R. Glass) (Contents)
- []v3, #13, September 1928 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by F. R. Glass) (Contents)
- []v3, #14, October 1928 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by Jerome Rozen) (Contents)
- []v3, #15, November 1928 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by Chester Sullivan) (Contents)
- []v3, #16, December 1928 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by Gordon Martin) (Contents)
- []v3, #17, January 1929 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by F. R. Glass) (Contents)
- []v3, #18, February 1929 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by Jerome Rozen) (Contents)
- []v4, #19, March 1929 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 196pp, pulp, cover by Jerome Rozen) (Contents)
- []v4, #20, April 1929 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 196pp, pulp, cover by F. R. Glass) (Contents)
- []v4, #21, May 1929 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 196pp, pulp, cover by Andrew Benson) (Contents)
- []v4, #22, June 1929 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 196pp, pulp, cover by F. R. Glass) (Contents)
Fawcett’s Battle Stories
Title changed from Battle Stories.
- []v4, #23, July 1929 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v4, #24, August 1929 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by Stockton Mulford) (Contents)
- []v5, #25, September 1929 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by Stockton Mulford) (Contents)
- []v5, #26, October 1929 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v5, #27, November 1929 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by Harry Fisk) (Contents)
- []v5, #28, December 1929 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by Andrew Benson) (Contents)
- []v5, #29, January 1930 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v5, #30, February 1930 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v6, #31, March 1930 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v6, #32, April 1930 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v6, #33, May 1930 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 180pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v6, #34, June 1930 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 180pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v6, #35, July 1930 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 180pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v6, #36, August 1930 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 180pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v7, #37, September 1930 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 180pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v7, #38, October 1930 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 8+180pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v7, #39, November 1930 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v7, #40, December 1930 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v7, #41, January 1931 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 188-8pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v7, #42, February 1931 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 180pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v7, #43, March 1931 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 180pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v8, #44, April 1931 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 180pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v8, #45, May 1931 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 180pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v8, #46, June 1931 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 164pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v8, #47, July 1931 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 164pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v8, #48, August 1931 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 164pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v8, #49, September 1931 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 164pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v9, #50, October 1931 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 164pp, pulp) (Contents)
- []v9, #51, November 1931 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 164pp, pulp, cover by Clyde Forsythe) (Contents)
- []v9, #52, December 1931 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 148pp, pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v9, #53, January 1932 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 148pp, pulp, cover by G. C. Orde) (Contents)
- []v10, #54, February 1932 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 148pp, pulp, cover by Albin Henning) (Contents)
- []v10, #55, April 1932 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 25¢, 148pp, pulp, cover by Remington Schuyler) (Contents)
- []v10, #56, June 1932 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 20¢, 132pp, pulp, cover by Albin Henning) (Contents)
- []v10, #57, July 1932 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 20¢, 132pp, pulp, cover by F. R. Glass) (Contents)
- []v10, #58, August 1932 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 20¢, 92pp, large pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v10, #59, September 1932 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 20¢, 92pp, large pulp, cover by George Rozen) (Contents)
- []v10, #60, October 1932 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 20¢, 92pp, large pulp, cover by Albin Henning) (Contents)
- []v11, #61, November 1932 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 20¢, 92pp, large pulp, cover by Albin Henning) (Contents)
- []v11, #62, 1933 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 10¢, 100pp, pulp) (Contents)
- []v11, #63, 1933 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 15¢, 132pp, pulp) (Contents)
- []v11, #64, 1934 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 15¢, 132pp, pulp) (Contents)
- []v11, #65, 1935 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 15¢, 132pp, pulp) (Contents)
- []v11, #66, 1936 (Fawcett Publications, Inc., 15¢, 132pp, pulp) (Contents)
[]Baubles from Bones (about)
- []#1, Summer 2024 (Baubles from Bones, $17.99, tp, cover by Gabriel Stratulat) (Contents)
- []#2, Fall 2024 (Baubles from Bones, $18.00, tp, cover by Shugarkyub) (Contents)
- []#3, Winter 2024 (Baubles from Bones, $18.00, tp, cover by Lucas Kurz) (Contents)
[]Beadle’s American Library (about)
- []#1, February 15, 1861 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#2, April 1, 1861 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#3, May 1, 1861 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#4, June 1, 1861 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#5, July 1, 1861 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#6, August 1, 1861 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#7, September 2, 1861 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#8, October 1, 1861 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#9, November 1, 1861 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#10, December 2, 1861 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#11, January 1, 1862 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#12, February 1, 1862 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#13, March 1, 1862 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#14, April 1, 1862 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#15, May 1, 1862 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#16, June 2, 1862 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#17, July 1, 1862 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#18, August 1, 1862 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#19, September 1, 1862 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#20, October 1, 1862 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#21, November 1, 1862 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#22, December 1, 1862 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#23, January 2, 1863 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#24, February 2, 1863 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#25, March 2, 1863 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#26, April 1, 1863 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#27, May 1, 1863 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#28, June 1, 1863 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#29, July 1, 1863 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#30, August 1, 1863 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#31, September 1, 1863 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#32, October 1, 1863 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#33, November 2, 1863 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#34, December 1, 1863 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#35, January 2, 1864 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#36, February 1, 1864 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#37, March 1, 1864 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#38, April 1, 1864 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#39, May 2, 1864 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#40, June 1, 1864 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#41, July 1, 1864 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#42, August 1, 1864 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#43, September 1, 1864 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#44, October 1, 1864 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#45, November 1, 1864 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#46, December 1, 1864 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#47, January 2, 1865 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#48, February 1, 1865 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#49, March 1, 1865 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#50, April 1, 1865 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#51, May 1, 1865 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#52, June 1, 1865 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#53, July 1, 1865 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#54, August 1, 1865 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#55, September 1, 1865 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#56, October 2, 1865 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#57, November 1, 1865 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#58, December 1, 1865 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#59, January 2, 1866 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#60, February 1, 1866 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#61, March 1, 1866 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#62, April 1, 1866 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#63, May 1, 1866 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#64, June 1, 1866 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#65, July 2, 1866 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#66, August 1, 1866 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#67, September 1, 1866 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#68, October 1, 1866 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#69, November 1, 1866 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#70, December 1, 1866 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#71, January 2, 1867 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#72, February 1, 1867 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#73, March 1, 1867 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#74, April 1, 1867 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#75, May 1, 1867 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#76, June 1, 1867 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#77, July 1, 1867 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#78, August 1, 1867 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#79, September 1, 1867 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#80, October 1, 1867 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#81, November 1, 1867 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#82, December 2, 1867 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#83, January 2, 1868 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
- []#84, February 1, 1868 (6d, 128pp) (Contents)
[]Beadle’s Monthly (about)
- []v1, #1, January 1866 (Beadle and Company, 25¢, 100pp) (Contents)
- []v1, #2, February 1866 (Beadle and Company, 25¢, 101-196pp) (Contents)
- []v1, #3, March 1866 (Beadle and Company, 25¢, 197-292pp) (Contents)
- []v1, #4, April 1866 (Beadle and Company, 25¢, 293-388pp) (Contents)
- []v1, #5, May 1866 (Beadle and Company, 25¢, 389-484pp) (Contents)
- []v1, #6, June 1866 (Beadle and Company, 25¢, 485-576pp) (Contents)
- []v2, #7, July 1866 (Beadle and Company, 25¢, 96pp+, standard) (Contents)
- []v2, #8, August 1866 (Beadle and Company, 25¢, 80pp+, standard) (Contents)
- []v2, #9, September 1866 (Beadle and Company, 25¢, 96pp+, standard) (Contents)
- []v2, #10, October 1866 (Beadle and Company, 25¢, 96pp+, standard) (Contents)
- []v2, #11, November 1866 (Beadle and Company, 25¢, 96pp+, standard) (Contents)
- []v2, #12, December 1866 (Beadle and Company, 25¢, 92pp+, standard) (Contents)
- []v3 #1, January 1867 (Beadle and Company, 25¢, 96pp+, standard) (Contents)
- []v3 #2, February 1867 (Beadle and Company, 25¢, 96pp+, standard) (Contents)
- []v3 #3, March 1867 (Beadle and Company, 25¢, 96pp+, standard) (Contents)
- []v3 #4, April 1867 (Beadle and Company, 25¢, 96pp+, standard) (Contents)
- []v3 #5, May 1867 (Beadle and Company, 25¢, 96pp+, standard) (Contents)
- []v3 #6, June 1867 (Beadle and Company, 25¢, 92pp+, standard) (Contents)
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