The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 7158
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Spencer, Garth R. (fl. 1940s-1950s) (items)
- Self Defense, (ss) This Week December 1 1940
- Hero Stuff, (ss) This Week January 26 1941
- The Letter Behind the Clock, (ss) This Week September 21 1941
- Anna’s Eyes, (vi) The American Magazine December 1941
- Husbands Are Like That, (ss) Cosmopolitan December 1942
- Proof Positive, (ss) This Week March 14 1943
- Once a Killer, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales March 1943
- At Five A.M. (with Elverda Spencer), (ss) This Week June 27 1943
- She’ll Be Along, (ss) Collier’s December 22 1945
- George’s Girl, (vi) Redbook January 1950
- Night of April 17, (nv) 5 Detective Novels Magazine Fall 1951
- Happy Ending, (ss) Mystery Digest September 1957
Spencer, Hugh A. D. (fl. 1990s-2020s) (items)
- Why I Hunt Flying Saucers, (ss) On Spec Winter 1991
- Icarus Down/Bear Rising, (ss) On Spec Spring 1992
- The Triage Conference, (ss) On Spec Summer 1993
- The Progressive Apparatus, (ss) On Spec Summer 1994
- …And the Retrograde Mentor, (ss) On Spec Fall 1998
- Strategic Dog Patterning, (ss) Tesseracts8 ed. John Clute & Candas Jane Dorsey, Tesseract, 1999
- Robot Reality Check, (ss) Noesis #6, March/April 2000
- The Z-Burger Simulations, (ss) On Spec Spring 2001
- Mormonism and the Saskatoon Space Programme, (ss) Land/Space ed. Candas Jane Dorsey & Judy McCrosky, Tesseract, 2002
- The Hospital for Sick Robots, (ss) Descant Fall 2003
- Pornzilla, (ss) On Spec Fall 2004
- Problem Project, (ss) Interzone #195, November/December 2004
- Sticky Wonder Tales, (ss) On Spec Fall 2006
- WhenBloomsbury Fails, (ss) New Writings in the Fantastic ed. John Grant, Pendragon Press UK, 2007
- (Coping with) Norm Deviation, (ss) Tesseracts Eleven ed. Cory Doctorow & Holly Phillips, Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2007
- Cult Stories, (nv) Tesseracts Sixteen ed. Mark Leslie, Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2012
- The Battle for Ashgrove Road, (nv) Dark Horses #32, September 2024
Spencer, Judith (fl. 1890s-1900s) (items)
- Miss Fessenden’s Cout D’Etat, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1891
- Stephanie, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1891
- November, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1892
- The Diamond Pendant, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1892
- At Odds with Destiny, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1893
- The Head of Medusa, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1894
- A Coward’s Part, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1894
- Farewell!, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1894
- White Violet and Rose, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1895
- My Lady’s Glove, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1896
- An Awakening, (vi) Munsey’s Magazine February 1897
- The Tragedy of Sylvester Forbes, (ss) Short Stories June 1897
- The Stepping Stone of a Dead Self, (vi) Munsey’s Magazine May 1898
- The Madness of La Farge, (ss) The Woman’s Magazine (US) August 1903
Spencer, Kathleen (Louise) (1947- ) (items)
- Exiles and Envoys: The SF of Ursula K. Le Guin, (ar) Foundation #20, October 1980 [Ref. Ursula K. Le Guin]
- Voices for the Future?, (br) Science-Fiction Studies March 1985 [Ref. Thomas D. Clareson & Thomas L. Wymer]
- Vintage Delany, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies July 1987 [Ref. Samuel R. Delany]
- One Out of Three, (rv) Science-Fiction Studies November 1987 [Ref. Marleen S. Barr, Richard Law & Ruth Salvaggio]
- [response to Fred Lerner], (ms) Science-Fiction Studies March 1988
- Where’s the Theory?, (rv) Science-Fiction Studies November 1988 [Ref. Frank Sadler]
- [response to Graham Stone], (ms) Science-Fiction Studies July 1989
- Response to “The New Generation Gap”, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #14, October 1989
- The “Monstrous Regiment”: Mythologies of the Other in British Fantastic Fiction 1880-1920, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #18, February 1990, etc.
- Rescuing the Female Child: The Fiction of Joanna Russ, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies July 1990 [Ref. Joanna Russ]
Spencer, Lyle M. (fl. 1940s) (items)
- Finding the Right Job, (cl) This Week March 10 1940, etc.
- Are You Looking for a New Job?, (ar) This Week April 7 1940
- Brains Wanted!, (ar) This Week April 14 1940
- White-Collar Job or Work-Shirt Job?, (ar) This Week April 21 1940
- New Jobs in Old Trades, (ar) This Week April 28 1940
- All You Need Is the Spark, (ar) This Week May 5 1940
- 18,000 Jobs, (ar) This Week May 12 1940
- Jobs for the Handicapped, (ar) This Week May 19 1940
- The Cold Truth About Jobs in Aviation, (ar) This Week May 26 1940
- Where Do We Go from Here?, (ar) This Week June 2 1940
- What Job Fits You?, (ar) This Week June 16 1940
- You and Your Job, (cl) This Week September 8 1940, etc.
- A Year Out of Your Life?, (ar) This Week December 8 1940
- Six Million New Jobs, (ar) This Week December 29 1940
Spencer, Mary V. (fl. 1840s-1880s) (items)
- The Christian Maiden, (ss) The Ladies’ National Magazine April 1844
- The Presentiment, (ss) The Ladies’ National Magazine July 1844
- The Last Will, (ss) The Ladies’ National Magazine September 1844
- The Greek Maiden, (vi) The Ladies’ National Magazine November 1844
- The Borderer’s Child, (ss) The Ladies’ National Magazine February 1845
- Gabrielle. The Days of Joan D’Arc, (ss) The Ladies’ National Magazine May 1845
- The Knight’s Ladye, (ss) The Ladies’ National Magazine July 1845
- The Daughter of Israel, (ss) The Ladies’ National Magazine November 1845
- The Farewell, (ss) The Ladies’ National Magazine May 1846
- The Prima Donna, (ss) The Ladies’ National Magazine September 1846
- The Light of Granada, (ss) The Ladies’ National Magazine November 1846
- The Hebrew Convert, (ss) The Ladies’ National Magazine June 1847
- The Shepherdess. A Story of the Scottish Glens, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine January 1848
- The Lady Jane Gray in the Tower, (ar) Peterson’s Magazine January 1851
- Bertha’s First of April, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine April 1851
- The Omen, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine November 1851
- St. Valentine’s Day, (ms) Peterson’s Magazine February 1852
- The Moonlight Ramble, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine September 1852
- Jepthah’s Daughter, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine December 1852
- “I Was A-Hungered”, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine November 1864
- Poor and Proud, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine March 1866
- The Old Year, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine December 1867
- The Two Lives, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1868
- What Frank Thought About Marrying, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine May 1868
- The Rustic Student, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine May 1869
- “Knee-Deep”, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1870
- My Bargains at Auction, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine June 1870
- The First Snow, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1873
- The Christmas Flower, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine December 1874
- Mars and His Mistress, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine April 1875
- A Modern Water-Nymph, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine July 1875
- The Daughter of Jerusalem, (nv) Peterson’s Magazine January 1876, etc.
- “We Parted in Anger”, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine October 1878
- A Story of the “Commune”, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine July 1879
- Alice Gray’s Trial, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine February 1880
- The Rescue, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine October 1880
- The Night in the Forest, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine December 1880
- The News from Yorktown, (nv) Peterson’s Magazine July 1881, etc.
- A Romance of a Cunarder, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine August 1882
- Thanksgiving Eve, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine November 1882
- A Fifth Avenue Romance, (nv) Peterson’s Magazine July 1883, etc.
- Lord Avalon, (nv) Peterson’s Magazine July 1884, etc., as by The Author of “A Fifth Avenue Romance”
- Check to the Queen, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine February 1885
- Lost in the Storm, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine December 1885
- Blindman’s-Buff, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine April 1886
- The Duke’s Heir, (nv) Peterson’s Magazine January 1887, etc., as by The Author of “A Fifth Avenue Romance”, “Lord Avalon”, etc.
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