The FictionMags Index
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Scott, Lawrence (1943- ) (about) (items)
- Malgrétoute, (ss) Chelsea 46: World Literature in English ed. Sonia Raiziss, Chelsea Associates, 1987
- The House of Funerals, (nv) Winter’s Tales, New Series: 4 ed. Robin Baird-Smith, Constable, 1988
- Leaving by Plane, Swimming Back Underwater, (nv) God ed. Stephen Hayward & Sarah LeFanu, Serpent's Tail, 1992
- Prophet, (ss) Trinidad Noir ed. Lisa Allen-Agostini & Jeanne Mason, Akashic Books, 2008
Scott, Leroy (1875-1929) (about) (items)
- The Prison Days of Billy McCheek, (ss) McClure’s Magazine October 1904
- Miracles of Surgery (with Alvane Cary Seely), (ar) Leslie’s Monthly Magazine July 1905
- Millions for Minutes, (ar) American Illustrated Magazine October 1905
- The Honorable Lige and the Cigarette Law, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine November 1905
- The Walking Delegate, (n.) Doubleday, Page & Co., 1905
- The Heart of the Automobile, (ar) American Illustrated Magazine February 1906
- The Race of Number 19, (ss) American Illustrated Magazine March 1906
- I Am Nothing: Freedom Is All—The Personal Story of the Russian Revolutionist, Narodny, (bg) American Illustrated Magazine May 1906
- To Him That Hath, (sl) Munsey’s Magazine October 1906, etc.
- The Mayor’s Honeymoon, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine September 1908
- Counsel for the Defense, (sl) Munsey’s Magazine August 1911, etc.
- Mrs. De Peyster’s Idea, (nv) The Smart Set August 1911
- In Borrowed Plumes, (na) The Smart Set May 1912
- Behind the Rail: Being the Story of a Woman Lobbyist, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine July 1912
- The Odalisque, (ss) The Smart Set July 1912
- The Six-to-One Shot, (ss) Metropolitan Magazine September 1912
- When Cupid Meets Cupid, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine September 1912
- On Halleluiah Hill, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine May 1913
- The Unlighted Way, (sl) Women’s Stories January 15 1914, etc.
- The Mother, (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1914
- With the Goods On, (ss) Metropolitan April 1915
- The Case of Mary Regan [Mary Regan], (ss) Metropolitan May 1915
- The Honor of Slant-Face Regan [Mary Regan], (ss) Metropolitan June 1915
- The Third Watchman, (ss) Metropolitan November 1915
- A Little Matter of Discipline, (ss) Metropolitan June 1916, etc.
- Apples of Oregon, (ss) Metropolitan August 1916
- The Pride of Mary Regan [Mary Regan], (ss) Metropolitan September 1916
- Partners of the Night [Bob Clifford], (ss) Metropolitan October 1916
- The Return of Mary Regan [Mary Regan], (ss) Metropolitan February 1917
- Life Pulls the Strings [Mary Regan], (ss) Metropolitan March 1917
- The Golden Doors [Mary Regan], (ss) Metropolitan May 1917
- Mary Goes Alone [Mary Regan], (ss) Metropolitan July 1917
- The Testing of Mary Regan [Mary Regan], (ss) Metropolitan August 1917
- The Squire of Dames, (ss) Metropolitan September 1917
- The Master of Dreams, (ss) Metropolitan October 1917
- The Fate of Mary Regan [Mary Regan], (ss) Metropolitan November 1917
- The Sturdy Oak [Chapter 14], (sl) Henry Holt, 1917
- A Daughter of Two Worlds, (sl) Hearst’s Magazine May 1918, etc.
- Children of the Whirlwind, (sl) Hearst’s Magazine August 1920, etc.
- Cordelia, the Magnificent, (sl) Hearst’s International December 1922, etc.
- The Cage of Glory, (na) The Popular Magazine May 20 1923
- Folly’s Gold, (ss) McCall’s Magazine May 1923
- The Missing Wife, (ss) McCall’s Magazine July 1923
- Forsythe’s Folly, (ss) McCall’s Magazine November 1923
- Mother O’Day, (ss) McCall’s Magazine July 1924
- The Heart of Katie O’Doon, (sl) The Red Book Magazine November 1924, etc.
- The Summer Widow, (ss) McCall’s Magazine May 1925
- The Drayton Case, (ss) McCall’s Magazine June 1925
- The Professional Friend [The Professional Friend], (ss) The Red Book Magazine May 1926
- The $50,000 Silence, (ss) The Shrine Magazine June 1926
- A Broadway Romance, (ss) McCall’s Magazine September 1926
- The Ardmore Elopement [The Professional Friend], (ss) The Red Book Magazine October 1926
- The Mystery of Mary Regan, (ss) McCall’s Magazine November 1926
- The Mystery of Mollie Corbin [The Professional Friend], (ss) The Red Book Magazine December 1926
- Double Handcuffs [The Professional Friend], (ss) The Red Book Magazine February 1927
- Sealed Lips [The Professional Friend], (ss) The Red Book Magazine April 1927
- Mystery House, (sl) The Shrine Magazine May 1927, etc.
- The Langdon Mystery, (ss) The New McClure’s October 1928
- Broadway Love, (sl) Miss 1929 April 1929
- [unknown story], (ss) Miss 1929 May 1929
- The Caller, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion
Scott, Lily K. (1913-2005) (about) (items)
- Victoria Blair, Inc., (ss) Exciting Love Spring 1943
- Forget Me Never!, (ss) Thrilling Love October 1943
- Love’s Snow Queen, (ss) Thrilling Love December 1943
- Don’t Date the Boys, (ss) Thrilling Love March 1944
- The Merry Widow Warren, (ss) Popular Love May 1944
- The Navy Has a Way, (vi) Thrilling Love June 1944
- Hearts in Summer Stock, (ss) Thrilling Love July 1944
- I Can Dream, Can’t I?, (ss) Thrilling Love August 1944
- Moment in Morocco, (vi) Thrilling Love September 1944
- One Thing About Mary, (ss) Ideal Love September 1944
- Little Poison, (ss) Thrilling Love October 1944
- Half My Kingdom, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories December 1944
- I’d Give My Heart, (ss) Gay Love Stories December 1944
- This Is for Bill, (ss) Popular Love May 1945
- Outlaw of the Yellow Plume, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories June 1945
- The Love Thief, (ss) Ideal Love September 1945
- Ride for Romance, (ss) Rodeo Romances Fall 1945
- Girl About Town, (na) Gay Love Stories October 1945
- I Don’t Want Love, (na) Gay Love Stories December 1945
- The Tender Deception, (nv) 1945
- Ma Knows Best, (ss) Rodeo Romances July 1946
- My Hearts in Handcuffs, (ss) Thrilling Love August 1946
- The Siren and the Sheik, (ss) Exciting Love August 1946
- Wish-Book Woman, (ss) Western Love October 1946
- Can’t Help Loving You, (ss) Thrilling Love November 1946
- Little Miss Landlady, (na) Thrilling Love January 1948
- Cupid a la Carte, (nv) Thrilling Love June 1948
- Love Is for the Young, (nv) Thrilling Love December 1948
- Hospital Nurse, (nv) Exciting Love January 1949
- The Stags and Mary Ellen, (ss) Thrilling Love May 1949
- Love and That Penguin Man, (ss) Thrilling Love October 1949
- What’s Become of Sally?, (ss) Thrilling Love August 1950
- Consultation with Love, (ss) Exciting Love Fall 1950
- The Romance Road, (na) Thrilling Love October 1950
- Love by Bequest, (ss) Thrilling Love February 1951
- A Man—and His Money, (ss) Redbook March 1951
- Love Harvest, (na) Thrilling Love April 1951
- The Girl Who Wanted Kelly, (vi) Redbook July 1951
- Encore to Love, (nv) Thrilling Love February 1952
- One Alibi Too Many, (ss) Redbook May 1952
- Peeping Cupid, (vi) The American Magazine January 1953
- Smart Girl, (vi) The American Magazine February 1953
- A Girl to Write Home About, (ss) Exciting Love Winter 1956
- Kiss Me Hello Again, Darling, (ss) Exciting Love Spring 1956
Scott, (Jarvis) Mansfield (1897-1950); used pseudonym Melville Hume (about) (items)
- The Pillsbury Touchstones [Malcolm Steele], (ss) Flynn’s September 20 1924
- One Trick Too Many [Malcolm Steele], (ss) Flynn’s September 27 1924
- The Stolen Formula [Malcolm Steele], (ss) Flynn’s October 4 1924
- Horror of the Crags [Malcolm Steele], (nv) Flynn’s November 29 1924
- Escape!, (sl) Flynn’s January 3 1925, etc.
- Footprints of Guilt [Malcolm Steele], (nv) Flynn’s January 3 1925, as by Melville Hume
- Betrayed by Wire, (ss) Flynn’s March 7 1925
- Shadow of a Shade [Malcolm Steele], (nv) Flynn’s March 14 1925
- Solved from Afar [Malcolm Steele], (ss) Flynn’s March 21 1925
- At Long Range [Malcolm Steele], (ss) Flynn’s April 18 1925
- Five Steps to Doom [Malcolm Steele], (ss) Flynn’s May 23 1925
- The Town Without a Law [Malcolm Steele], (sl) Flynn’s June 6 1925, etc.
- In the Sound [Malcolm Steele], (ss) Flynn’s June 27 1925
- Dissolved with Death [Malcolm Steele], (nv) Flynn’s July 11 1925
- Absconded, (ss) Flynn’s July 25 1925
- The Phantom Passenger, (sl) Flynn’s October 31 1925, etc.
- On the Night Run, (nv) Flynn’s April 17 1926
- In the Murder Room [Malcolm Steele], (nv) Flynn’s Weekly May 29 1926
- Spider’s Tavern [Malcolm Steele], (sl) Flynn’s Weekly September 25 1926, etc.
- At the Eleventh Hour [Malcolm Steele], (nv) Flynn’s Weekly April 16 1927
- Defenders of the Law [Malcolm Steele; Dizzy McArthur], (sl) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction August 27 1927, etc.
- With Intent to Kill, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction November 12 1927
- Death Dealers [Malcolm Steele], (nv) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction January 21 1928
- The Sportsman-Detective [Dizzy McArthur], (nv) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction April 14 1928
- Knockout Smoke [Dizzy McArthur], (nv) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction April 28 1928
- Sudden Death [Dizzy McArthur], (nv) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction May 19 1928
- The Red Inn [Dizzy McArthur], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly July 21 1928
- Secret Agents [Under Cover Lane], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly December 29 1928
- False Witness [Under Cover Lane], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly September 28 1929
- The Shadow of the Chair, (na) The Illustrated Detective Magazine April 1930
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