The FictionMags Index
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Pullman, Philip (Nicholas) (1946- ) (about) (items)
- Video Nasty, (ss) Cold Feet ed. Jean Richardson, Hodder & Stoughton, 1985
- Doctor Cadaverezzi’s Magic Show, (ex) Doubleday UK, 1991
- Something to Read, (nv) Point Horror ed. A. Finnis, Scholastic UK, 1994
- The Republic of Heaven, (ar) 3SF #2, December 2002
- The Science of Fiction, (ar) The Guardian August 26 2004
- The Moon Doth Shine as Bright as Day, (es) The Humanist July/August 2008
- Before His Dark Materials: Philip Pullman’s New Novel, (ex) The Guardian May 26 2017
- Why We Believe in Magic, (ar) The Guardian September 1 2018
- 25 Years of His Dark Materials: Philip Pullman on the Journey of a Lifetime, (ar) The Guardian October 10 2020
- I Had to Grow Up Before I Could Cope with Middlemarch, (ar) The Guardian December 23 2022
Puls, Sara (Kathryn) (fl. 2010s) (items)
- She Was Special, (ss) Liquid Imagination #15, November 2012
- Heart on My Sleeve, (ss) Liquid Imagination #17, May 2013
- The Matchmaker, (vi) Daily Science Fiction August 20 2013
- Like the Grains of Sand, (ss) The Colored Lens #9, Autumn 2013
- Sweet Like Fate, (ss) The Future Fire #28, 2013
- Not an Ordinary Dog, (vi) Daily Science Fiction January 6 2014
- Ten Ways to Self-Sabotage, Only Some of Which Relate to Fairies, (ss) Fae ed. Rhonda Parrish, World Weaver Press, 2014
- Bird Science, and That of Loneliness, (ss) Penumbra (online) August 2014
- Greys of War, (nv) GigaNotoSaurus January 1 2015
- Knife Collection, Blood Museum, Birds (Scarecrow Remix), (ss) Corvidae ed. Rhonda Parrish, World Weaver Press, 2015
- Scarecrow Progressions (Rubber Duck Remix), (ss) Scarecrow ed. Rhonda Parrish, World Weaver Press, 2015
Pulsford, Norman George (1902-1982) (items)
- The Dupe, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #77, November 1928
- Ivan Wynn’s Return [Ivan Wynn], (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #78, December 1928
- The Royal Dress-Ring, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #81, March 1929
- The Gainsborough Portrait, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #84, June 1929
- The Wager, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #85, July 1929
- A Sinister Turn, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #89, November 1929
- The Continental Counterplot, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #90, December 1929
- A Temporary Partnership [Ivan Wynn], (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #92, February 1930
- A Deal in Vases [Ivan Wynn], (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #93, March 1930
Pulver, Joseph S., Sr. (1955-2020) (about) (books) (items)
- Lovecraft’s Sentence, (ss) Midnight Shambler #5, 1997
- Hungers, (vi) Cthulhu Cultus #6, 1997
- Watching Faye, (ss) Cthulhu Cultus #6, 1997
- Chasing Shadows, (ss) Al-Azif #2, March/April 1998
- The Black Litany of Nug and Yeb, (pm) Nightscapes #7, April 1998
- The Black Rite of Yaddith, (ar) Nightscapes #7, April 1998
- The Exorcism of Iagsat, (ar) Nightscapes #7, April 1998
- The Night Music of Oakdeene, (ss) Al-Azif #3, May/June 1998
- The Guard Command, (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #99, Lammas 1998
- After Reading C’cyss-Kohe’s “The Night of the Night”, (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #100, Hallowmas 1998
- The Faces of She, (ss) Al-Azif #4, 1998
- The Forgotten Ritual of Mnar, (vi) Cthulhu Cultus #12, 1998
- untitled (“Elephant Lord, Chaugnar Faugn,…”), (pm) Cthulhu Cultus #12, 1998
- untitled (“HPL of Mythos fame…”), (pm) Cthulhu Cultus #11, 1998
- After the Wheel Is Turned, (pm) Cthulhu Codex #16, Eastertide 1999
- A Line of Questions, (pm) Tales of Lovecraftian Horror #11, 1999
- Orchard Fruit, (ss) Tales of Lovecraftian Horror #11, 1999
- Closed on Account of Rabies, (ar) Parts #15, May 1999
- From the Nightmarium, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #102, Lammas 1999
- Scarlet Obeisance, (pm) Nightscapes #11, August 1999
- The Delirium of a Worm-Wizard, (pm) Nightscapes #12, December 1999
- Door in the House of the Never Slumbering Demons, (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #104, Eastertide 2000
- The Mummer’s Dance, (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #104, Eastertide 2000
- Water Lilies, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #18, Summer 2000
- Litany for the Deliverance of Our Holy Mother, Ut’ulls-Hi’ehr, (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #105, Lammas 2000
- Tonight All the Sleeping Sentinels Will Be Born, (vi) Whispers from the Shattered Forum #4, Summer 2000
- Editorial Shards, (ed) Crypt of Cthulhu #106, Hallowmas 2000, etc.
- In the Devil’s Garden, (rr) Crypt of Cthulhu #106, Hallowmas 2000
- The Ebb of Reason, (ss) Chronicles of the Cthulhu Codex #17, Winter 2000
- I, Like the Coyote, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #58, January 2001
- When the Silence Is All, (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #107, Eastertide 2001
- The Door to the World [Cthulhu] (with Robert E. Howard), (ss) Nameless Cults by Robert E. Howard, Chaosium, 2001
- Aubade in a Graveyard, (vi) Penny Dreadful #14, 2001
- Even Night, (pm) Songs of Innocence #4, 2001
- In Ruin’s Chapel, (pm) Penny Dreadful #14, 2001
- I Once Possessed a Fragile Blue Vase, (vi) Penny Dreadful #14, 2001
- Twilight Sonatas, (pm) Songs of Innocence #4, 2001
- Epilogue for Two Voices, (vi) The Yellow Sign #1, March 2006
- The Songs Cassilda Shall Sing, Where Flap the Tatters of the King, (ss) The Yellow Sign #1, March 2006
- A Spider in the Distance [Carcosa], (ss) Studies in the Fantastic #1, Summer 2008
- Engravings, (ss) Black Wings ed. S. T. Joshi, PS Publishing, 2010
- The Last Few Nights in a Life of Frost, (ss) The Weird Fiction Review #1, Fall 2010
- Just Another Desert Night with Blood, (ss) SIN & Ashes by Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Hippocampus Press, 2010
- Icarus Above…, (ss) Nemonymous #10, 2010, uncredited.
- No Healing Prayers, (ss) Dead but Dreaming 2 ed. Kevin Ross, Miskatonic River Press, 2011
- Mrs. Spriggs’ Easter Attire (with Tara Vanflower), (ss) Horror for the Holidays ed. Scott David Aniolowski, Miskatonic River Press, 2011
- Never Call Anubis Loki’s Robots Cheap-Shit (with Garrett Cook & Jordan Krall), (ss) The Aklonomicon ed. Ivan McCann & Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Aklo Press, 2012
- Time… and Forever (with Tara Vanflower), (pm) The Aklonomicon ed. Ivan McCann & Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Aklo Press, 2012
- When She Shines, Poems…Like Chalices (with Nova Rupertus), (pm) The Aklonomicon ed. Ivan McCann & Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Aklo Press, 2012
- The Guilt of Each…at the End… [Cthulhu], (ss) Urban Cthulhu ed. Henrik Sandbeck Harksen, H. Harksen Productions, 2012
- In…and Out, (ss) The Weird Fiction Review #3, Fall 2012
- Juliette’s New Toy, (ss) Tales of Jack the Ripper ed. Ross E. Lockhart, Word Horde, 2013
- (He) Dreams of Lovecraftian Horror…, (ss) The Lovecraft eZine December 2013
- Introduction, (in) A Season in Carcosa ed. Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Miskatonic River Press, 2013
- Not Enough Hope, (ss) A Season in Carcosa ed. Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Miskatonic River Press, 2013
- Robert William Chambers, (ob) The Daily Lurker v18 #20, 2013 [Ref. Robert William Chambers]
- Down Black Staircases, (nv) Black Wings III ed. S. T. Joshi, PS Publishing, 2014
- …Hungry…Rats, (ss) A Mountain Walked ed. S. T. Joshi, Centipede Press, 2014
- The Last Crossroads on a Calendar of Yesterdays, (ss) The Children of Old Leech ed. Ross E. Lockhart & Justin Steele, Word Horde, 2014
- Unmasked Fire, (in) Cassilda’s Song ed. Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Chaosium, 2015
- Cordelia…Again…, (ss) Cyäegha #13, Spring 2015
- The Scent of the Hammer and the Feather, (ss) Innsmouth Nightmares ed. Lois H. Gresh, PS Publishing, 2015
- When Light Returned to Karakossa (with Tom Lynch), (ss) A Mythos Grimmly ed. Jeremy Hochhalter, Wanderer's Haven Publications, 2015
- Trick…or the Other Thing, (ss) Autumn Cthulhu ed. Mike Davis, Lovecraft eZine Press, 2016
- A Nightingale’s View of Autumn, (ss) SQ Mag #26, May 2016
- Alive, (pm) Spectral Realms #5, Summer 2016
- Coda, (pm) Spectral Realms #5, Summer 2016
- A Twisted World of Madness, (in) The Madness of Dr. Caligari ed. Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Fedogan & Bremer, 2016
- Wind and Rain…and Umbrellas, (pm) SQ Mag #29, November 2016
- The Transmissions of Dr. Mellaart, (ss) NecronomiCon Providence 2017 Memento Book ed. S. J. Bagley, Lovecraft Arts & Sciences Council Press, 2017
- Departure Beach, (ss) Ride the Star Wind ed. C. Dombrowski & Scott Gable, Broken Eye Books, 2017
- In the Fields Where the Plague Burns [Cthulhu], (uw) The Indiscriminate Mixture #2, 2017
- Lookin’ Out My Backdoor, (ss) Mechanical Animals ed. Selena Chambers & Jason Heller, Hex Publishers, 2018
- Payment for a Scar [Punktown], (nv) Transmissions from Punktown ed. Brian M. Sammons, Dark Regions Press, 2018
- Robert W. Chambers, (ar) Fantastic Fictioneers: A History of the Incredible Volume One ed. Pete Von Sholly, PS Publishing, 2019 [Ref. Robert W. Chambers]
- Will Home Remember Me?, (nv) Weirdbook #43, 2020
Pulver, Mary Brecht (1883-?) (items)
- The Mountain Laurel, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine August 1911
- The Good Comrade, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion July 1912
- When Willy and Annie Grew Up, (ss) The American Magazine December 1912
- The Earth Woman, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion April 1913
- The Hill-Billy, (ss) Young’s Magazine April 1913
- The Pipe Dream, (ss) Collier’s May 24 1913
- At the Sign of the Safety Pin, (ss) McCall’s Magazine August 1913
- Everlasting Eve, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine September 1913
- In an Old-World Garden, (ss) Holland’s October 1913
- Leviathan, (ss) Collier’s January 10 1914
- Old Corbin’s Pearl, (ss) Women’s Stories April 15 1914
- The Amazon, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine April 1914
- The Renegade, (ss) Women’s Stories May 15 1914
- Heroic Treatment, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine May 1914
- Disciplining Teacher, (ss) McCall’s Magazine June 1914
- The Blot on the ’Scutcheon, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine December 1914
- The Wild Goose, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion March 1915
- Merlin’s Necklace, (sl) Woman’s Home Companion June 1915, etc.
- Minnie Good of Manheim, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 24 1915
- The Man Who Was Sure of Himself, (ss) The Green Book Magazine August 1915
- His Day of Days, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 9 1915
- The Grand Little Fellow, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine January 1916
- The Dusty House, (ss) McCall’s Magazine April 1916
- The Feminist, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 24 1916
- Cass, the Red-Cheeked, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal June 1916
- The Vampire, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 18 1916
- A New Face on It, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine November 1916
- The Pomegranate Coat, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 13 1917
- The Man Who Was Afraid, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 10 1917
- The Path of Glory, (nv) The Saturday Evening Post March 10 1917
- The Good Fight, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 5 1917
- The Man-Hater, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 9 1917
- The Long Carry, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 20 1917
- The Inept Lover, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 8 1917
- All Under the Flag, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine January 1918
- Old Stuff, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 6 1918
- Fuller Brothers, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 29 1918
- David and Jonathan, (ss) The Mother’s Magazine June 1918
- Enter the Villain, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 13 1918
- The Kiss, (ss) McCall’s Magazine August 1918
- The Apple Tree, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 14 1918
- The Good Old Shoe, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 12 1918
- Treat ’Em Rough, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 1 1919
- Mr. Swinney and the Lyric Muse, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 29 1919
- A Love Story, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 19 1919
- Earned Increment, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 30 1919
- The Pursuit of Knowledge, (nv) Everybody’s Magazine September 1919
- Lucifer, (ss) The Delineator February 1920
- Fortune’s Favorites, (nv) Everybody’s Magazine March 1920
- The Wings of Love, (ss) The Delineator June 1920
- Annie Carey, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 9 1920
- The Secret, (ss) Good Housekeeping November 1920
- The Mother and Her Boy, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 1 1921
- Bitter Valley, (ss) Good Housekeeping April 1921
- The Silent House, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 4 1921
- Gus, (ss) Good Housekeeping August 1921
- The Outlaw, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 12 1921
- Elizabeth, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 3 1921
- The Octagon Top, (ss) The Delineator December 1921
- Another County Heard From, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 11 1922
- The Boys, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 22 1922
- Visit, (ss) Pictorial Review April 1922
- A Woman Named Kate, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 6 1922
- Black Mountain, (ss) Everybody’s May 1922
- The Celebrity, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 6 1923
- An Interlude, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 10 1923
- History in the Making, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 5 1923
- The Black Pigeon, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 17 1923
- The Love Penny, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 20 1924
- Who Are the Cultured?, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 1 1924
- Big Bertha in the Lion’s Den, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 15 1924
- A Sunken Garden, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 29 1924
- The Fourth Grace, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 20 1924
- Ella May’s Golliwog, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 11 1925
- So This Is Love!, (ss) Liberty April 18 1925
- The House in the Laurels, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 25 1925
- Beyond the Pale, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion April 1925
- A Mitigating Strain, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 23 1925
- Mr. and Mrs. Gildersleeve, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 13 1926
- Western Stuff, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 24 1926
- The Secret Phoenix of Syria, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 25 1926
- They Knew What They Wanted, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 4 1926
- Green Fruit, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 26 1927
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