The FictionMags Index
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Miller, Henry (Valentine) (1891-1980) (items)
- Mademoiselle Claude, (ss) The New Review August/September 1931
- “Growed” Up, (ss) Real Stolen Sweets January 1935
- Signs Lead Places, (ss) Paris Gayety January 1935
- Glittering Pie, (ar) The Harvard Advocate October 1935
- The Fourteenth Ward, (ts) Black Spring by Henry Miller, Obelisk Press, 1936
- The Brooklyn Bridge, (ss) Seven #1, Summer 1938
- Peace! It’s Wonderful!, (ar) Seven #3, Winter 1938
- The Storyteller, (ar) Story #92, September/October 1941 [Ref. Sherwood Anderson]
- A Night with Jupiter, (ss) View February 1942 - March 1942
- Dream of Mobile, (ss) View April 1943
- Finale, (ss) Kingdom Come #12, Autumn 1943
- Open Letter to Small Magazines, (ar) Circle #1, 1944
- To Anaïs Nin Regarding One of Her Books, (??) Circle #2, 1944
- Varda: The Master Builder, (??) Circle #4, 1944
- A Desert Rat, (ex) New Directions Publishing Corp., 1945
- Knud Merrild: A Holiday in Paint, (??) Circle #6, 1945
- Preface for the Power Within Us, (??) Circle #5, 1945
- Hello June 26th! Yoohoo!, (es) The Windmill v1 #3, 1946
- Rimbaud Opus (Part Two), (??) Circle #9, 1946
- Three Books Tangent to Circle, (??) Circle #7/8, 1946
- The Last Pages of Sexus, (ex) Obelisk Press, 1949
- Literature as a Dead Duck, (ar) The London Magazine March 1956
- These Women I Remember, (ar) The Dude January 1957
- The Censor Censured, (ar) Sex & Censorship v1 #1, 1958
- I Defy You, (ar) Playboy January 1962
- Revolt in the Desert, (ar) Cavalier #139, January 1965
- Letters to Anais Nin, (ar) Penthouse (UK) August 1965 [Ref. Anais Nin]
- Letter to Stanley Fleishman, (lt) Transatlantic Review #31, Winter 1968/1969
- Make Love, Not Gore, (pi) Penthouse (UK) July 1969
- [letter], (lt) Playboy December 2011
- From the Rosy Crucifixion, (ex)
- Plexus, (ex)
- Quiet Days in Clichy, (ss)
- Sexus, (ex)
- A Third Fragment from “The Rosy Crucifixion”, (ex)
- The World of Sex, (ss)
Miller, Henry Wise (fl. 1900s-1910s) (items)
- The Parting of the Waters (with Alice Duer Miller), (ss) The Smart Set October/November 1900, as by Alice Duer & Henry Wise Miller
- The Lion’s Mouth (with Alice Duer Miller), (ss) Scribner’s Magazine December 1900, as by Alice Duer & Henry Wise Miller
- Union and Mr. Thompson (with Caroline King Duer), (pl) Ainslee’s Magazine May 1903
- She Knew Him, (hu) People’s October 1908
- The Fourth Commandment, (hu) People’s November 1908
- Good Measure, (hu) People’s November 1908
- True Reform, (hu) People’s December 1908
- The New Theatre and the True, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 29 1910
- Worse Than Married (with Alice Duer Miller), (ss) Scribner’s Magazine April 1914
Miller, Hugh S. (1886-1950) (about) (items)
- The Fight in the Plaza, (ss) The Bellman #332, November 23 1912
- The Gray Pugaree, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1913
- The Storm Song, (ss) Harper’s Magazine December 1916
- The Known Quantity, (ss) Breezy Stories January 1917
- The Tail-Lights, (pm) Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1917
- From the Sea, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine July 1917
- The Tent in the Mallee, (ss) Adventure mid September 1917
- The Eye of the Hawk, (ss) Adventure 1st January 1918
- Percival, (ss) Adventure mid January 1918
- Mr. Hobbs, (ss) Adventure 1st March 1918
- Skipper’s Orders, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1918
- Will of the Wasp, (ss) Adventure mid June 1918
- Towing Out, (ss) Adventure mid April 1919
- Pirates of Penzance, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 20 1919
- A Spice of Danger, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine February 1921
- The Web of Danger, (na) People’s Favorite Magazine September 10 1921
Miller, Ian (1946- ) (about) (books) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic September 1981
- [front cover], (cv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic June 1982
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #3, Autumn 1982
- [front cover], (cv) Interzone #4, Spring 1983
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #4, Spring 1983
- [front cover], (cv) Interzone #7, Spring 1984
- [frontispiece], (fp) Interzone #7, Spring 1984
- [frontispiece], (fp) Interzone #11, Spring 1985
- The Angle of Consciousness, (pi) Interzone #21, Autumn 1987
- [front cover], (cv) Interzone #21, Autumn 1987
- [front cover], (cv) The Intrepid Enchanter by L. Sprague de Camp & Fletcher Pratt, Sphere, 1988
- [front cover], (cv) Interzone #28, March/April 1989
- [front cover], (cv) Ignorant Armies ed. David Pringle, GW Books, 1989
- [front cover], (cv) Drachenfels by Jack Yeovil, GW Books, 1989
- [front cover], (cv) Zaragoz by Brian Craig, GW Books, 1989
- [front cover], (cv) Konrad by David Ferring, GW Books, 1990
- [front cover], (cv) Interzone #34, March/April 1990
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #34, March/April 1990
- Ratspike (with John Blanche), (pi) GW Books, May 1990
- [front cover] (with John Blanche), (cv) Ratspike with John Blanche, GW Books, 1990
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #41, November 1990
- [front cover], (cv) Gollancz, 1990
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #58, April 1992
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #59, May 1992
- [front cover], (cv) Bunch! by David R. Bunch, Broken Mirrors Press, 1993
- [front cover], (cv) Hogfoot Right and Bird-Hands by Garry Kilworth, Edgewood Press, 1993
- [front cover], (cv) Crank! #2, Winter 1993
- [front cover], (cv) Strange Plasma #6, 1993
- [front cover], (cv) Worlds of Fantasy & Horror Summer 1994
- [front cover], (cv) Strange Plasma #8, 1994
- [front cover], (cv) Worlds of Fantasy & Horror Summer 1996
- [front cover], (cv) Don’t Open This Book! ed. Marvin Kaye, SFBC, 1998
- [front cover], (cv) Seven Stars by Kim Newman, Pocket UK, 2000
- [front cover], (cv) Black Seas of Infinity by H. P. Lovecraft, SFBC, 2001
- Fragment: The Broken Diary, (ss) Starry Wisdom, Vol. 2: Songs of the Black Würm Gism ed. D. M. Mitchell, Creation Oneiros, 2009
- [front cover], (cv) Tales from the Magician’s Skull #0, 2017
- [illustration(s)], (il) Tales from the Magician’s Skull #1, 2018
Miller, J. Leroy (fl. 1920s) (items)
- Let Someone Else do It, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 19 1926
- Bossing a Hundred Workmen from a Cell, (ar) Everybody’s June 1926
- A Dozen Jobs a Year, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 24 1926
- Temperament and Turnover, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 14 1926
- Buck Baker’s Trained Flivver, (ar) Everybody’s August 1926
- The Only Woman Dude Wrangler, (ar) Everybody’s September 1926
- Why Don’t they Sell Themselves, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 9 1926
- Building Opportunity, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 30 1927
- Salary-Wise but Opportunity-Foolish, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 30 1927
- Goodwill Pays, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 5 1929
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