The FictionMags Index
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Mauriac, François (1885-1970) (items)
- Anna de Noailles, (es) The Windmill v1 #4, 1946
- From the Journals, (ar) The Windmill v1 #3, 1946
- A Man of Letters, (nv) Angels and Beasts ed. Denis Saurat, John Westhouse, 1947; translated by Huntley Paterson
- The Kiss to the Leper, (na) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v1 #2, 1951; translated by James Whitall
- The Final Answer, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 5 1959
Maurice, Arthur B(artlett) (1873-1946) (about) (items)
- The Harvey Chase Documents, (ss) The Smart Set November 1905
- The Author and His Earnings, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine June 1906
- Best Editions, (ss) Good Housekeeping November 1907
- Sherlock Holmes and His Creator, (ar) Collier’s August 15 1908 [Ref. Arthur Conan Doyle]
- Feminine Humorists: A Growing Sisterhood of Those Who Make Life Brighter for Their Fellows, (ar) Good Housekeeping January 1910
- About New York with O. Henry, (ar) The Bookman September 1913
- The Great Vidocq, (ar) Flynn’s December 13 1924
- Lecoq the Wise, (ar) Flynn’s August 1 1925
- Father Tabaret, (ar) Flynn’s August 8 1925
- Dupin, Master-Reasoner, (ar) Flynn’s August 29 1925
- Sherlock Holmes, (ar) Flynn’s October 24 1925
Maurice, Frederick (Barton, 1st Baronet) (1871-1951) (about) (items)
- The Battle of Agincourt, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1908
- Ideals for the New Era, (sy) Lloyd’s Magazine February 1919, as by Horatio Bottomley, Hall Caine, Marie Corelli, W. L. Courtney, Arthur Conan Doyle, Elinor Glyn, Maurice Hewlett, Dorothea Irving, John Masefield, Frederick Maurice, Leonard Merrick, James Henry Thomas & Bernard J. Vaughan
- Twenty-Five Armistice Days, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1943
Mauritsen, Roy (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- [front cover] (with Patrick Thomas), (cv) Empty Graves by Patrick Thomas, Padwolf Publishing, 2008
- [front cover] (with Patrick Thomas), (cv) Startenders by Patrick Thomas, Padwolf Publishing, 2014
- [front cover] (with Patrick Thomas), (cv) Constellation Prize by Patrick Thomas, Padwolf Publishing, 2015
- [front cover] (with Patrick Thomas), (cv) By Darkness Cursed by Patrick Thomas, Padwolf Publishing, 2017
- [front cover] (with Chris M. LaBree), (cv) Soul for Hire by Patrick Thomas, Padwolf Publishing, 2017
Mauro, John (fl. 2020s) (items)
- A Gamble of Gods, (br) Grimdark Magazine #32, 2022 [Ref. Mitriel Faywood]
- The Two Doctors Górski, (br) Grimdark Magazine #32, 2022 [Ref. Isaac Fellman]
- The Crane Husband, (br) Grimdark Magazine #33, 2023 [Ref. Kelly Barnhill]
- The God of Endings, (br) Grimdark Magazine #33, 2023 [Ref. Jacqueline Holland]
- The House of Good Bones, (br) Grimdark Magazine #33, 2023 [Ref. T. Kingfisher]
- Interview with David Dalglish (with Beth Tabler), (iv) Grimdark Magazine #33, 2023 [Ref. David Dalglish]
- An Interview with Fonda Lee, (iv) Grimdark Magazine #33, 2023 [Ref. Fonda Lee]
- Untethered Sky, (br) Grimdark Magazine #33, 2023 [Ref. Fonda Lee]
- The Book That Wouldn’t Burn, (br) Grimdark Magazine #34, 2023 [Ref. Mark Lawrence]
- Infinity Gate, (br) Grimdark Magazine #34, 2023 [Ref. M. R. Carey]
- An Interview with Jeff VanderMeer (with Beth Tabler), (iv) Grimdark Magazine #34, 2023 [Ref. Jeff VanderMeer]
- Life Beyond Us by the European Astrobiology Institute, (br) Grimdark Magazine #34, 2023
- The Ten Percent Thief, (br) Grimdark Magazine #34, 2023 [Ref. Lavanya Lakshminarayan]
- Veniss Underground: A Novel, (br) Grimdark Magazine #34, 2023 [Ref. Jeff VanderMeer]
- An Interview with Patrick Rothfuss (with Beth Tabler), (iv) Grimdark Magazine #36, 2023 [Ref. Patrick Rothfuss]
- Last to Leave the Room, (br) Grimdark Magazine #36, 2023 [Ref. Caitlin Starling]
- The Book That Broke the World, (br) Grimdark Magazine #37, 2024 [Ref. Mark Lawrence]
- The Principle of Moments, (br) Grimdark Magazine #37, 2024 [Ref. Esmie Jikiemi-Pearson]
- An Interview with Lavanya Lakshminarayan, (iv) Grimdark Magazine #38, 2024 [Ref. Lavanya Lakshminarayan]
- An Interview with Ryan Skeffington, (iv) Grimdark Magazine #39, 2024 [Ref. Ryan Skeffington]
- Lost Souls, (br) Grimdark Magazine #39, 2024 [Ref. Ryan Skeffington]
- The Quest for Transparent Aluminium: Materials Science in Science Fiction, (ar) Grimdark Magazine #39, 2024
- Absolution, (br) Grimdark Magazine #40, 2024 [Ref. Jeff VanderMeer]
- Project Starship: Materials Engineering Challenges in Dark Science Fiction Featuring Graham McNeill, Richard Swan, and Essa Hansen, (ar) Grimdark Magazine #40, 2024
Mauro, Laura (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Red Rabbit, (ss) Shadows & Tall Trees #4, Autumn 2012
- When Charlie Sleeps, (ss) Black Static #37, November/December 2013
- Ptichka, (ss) Horror Uncut ed. Tom Johnstone & Joel Lane, Gray Friar Press, 2014
- The Grey Men, (ss) Black Static #45, March/April 2015
- Strange as Angels, (nv) Green and Pleasant Land ed. Steve J. Shaw, Black Shuck Books, 2017
- In the Marrow, (nv) Imposter Syndrome ed. James Everington & Dan Howarth, Dark Minds Press, 2017
- Looking for Laika, (ss) Interzone #273, November/December 2017
- Sun Dogs, (ss) Shadows & Tall Trees v7, 2017
- Letters from Elodie, (ss) New Fears 2 ed. Mark Morris, Titan, 2018
- The Pain-Eater’s Daughter, (nv) Sing Your Sadness Deep by Laura Mauro, Undertow Publications, 2019
- The Night Parade, (ss) Wonderland ed. Paul Kane & Marie O'Regan, Titan, 2019
- Paul Tremblay Interviewed, (iv) Black Static #71, September/October 2019 [Ref. Paul Tremblay]
- Chris Kelso, (iv) Black Static #76, September/October 2020 [Ref. Chris Kelso]
- The Spaceman’s Memory Box, (ss) Close to Midnight ed. Mark Morris, Flame Tree Press, 2022
- Breakable Things, (br) Interzone #294, January 2023 [Ref. Cassandra Khaw]
- Nothing but Beautiful Stories, (iv) Interzone #294, January 2023 [Ref. Cassandra Khaw]
- The Surf, (br) Interzone #294, January 2023 [Ref. Kwaku Osei-Afrifa]
- Wiremother, (ss) The Dark #112, September 2024
Mauro, Tony (c1971- ) (about) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) On the Prowl, Berkley, 2007
- [front cover], (cv) Shifter, Berkley Sensation, 2008
- [front cover], (cv) Out of the Light Into the Shadows, Berkley, 2009
- [front cover], (cv) Beyond the Dark, Jove, 2009
- [front cover], (cv) Songs of Love and Death ed. George R. R. Martin & Gardner Dozois, Gallery, 2010
- [front cover], (cv) Hexed, Berkley, 2011
- [front cover], (cv) Hex Appeal ed. P. N. Elrod, St. Martin's Griffin, 2012
- [front cover], (cv) Carniepunk, Gallery Books, 2013
- [front cover], (cv) Four Summoner’s Tales, Simon & Schuster, 2013
- [front cover], (cv) Night Shift, Berkley, 2014
Maurois, André; pseudonym of Emile Herzog (1885-1967) (books) (items)
- The Sorrows of Young Werther (The Amiable Story of Goethe and His Charlotte), (ar) The Atlantic Monthly January 1926
- The War Against the Moon, (nv) The Forum July 1927
- The Birth of a Great Artist, (ss) Vanity Fair (US) November 1927
- The Birth of a Genius, (ss) The Grand Magazine July 1928
- The Youth of Dickens, (ar) The Magazine World December 1928
- Don Juan. Or the Youth of Byron, (bg) The Forum August 1929 [Ref. Byron]
- Ernest Hemingway, (ar) This Quarter October/November/December 1929; translated by Florence Llona
- André Maurois on the Englishman of To-day, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1930; translated by Mrs. Reginald Balfour
- The Ants, (vi) Harper’s Magazine June 1931; translated by Jacques Chambrun
- The Cathedral, (vi) Harper’s Magazine June 1931; translated by Jacques Chambrun
- The House, (vi) Harper’s Magazine June 1931; translated by Jacques Chambrun
- The Weigher of Souls, (nv) D. Appleton & Co., 1931, etc.
- Cape, (ss) The Household Magazine March 1932
- The Christmas Card, (ss) Vanity Fair (US) December 1932
- All About Women, (vi) Collier’s July 29 1933
- Is Religion Dying in the World?, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine July 1933
- Kate, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine August 1933
- Love in France, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine December 1933
- Forgive Me, Irene, (ss) Esquire January 1934
- On the Rebound, (ss) Esquire February 1934
- Black Masks, (ss) The Argosy (UK) July 1934
- An Idea for a Story, (ar) Esquire July 1934
- These Poor Jews, (ss) Lovat Dickson’s Magazine September 1934; translated by Hamish Miles
- The Will, (ss) The Evening Standard February 16 1935
- As Others See Us, (ms) This Week March 17 1935
- Forbidden Fruit, (ms) This Week March 31 1935
- Man and Nature, (ms) This Week April 7 1935
- Lovesickness, (ms) This Week June 2 1935
- “Can He Drive Horses?”, (ar) This Week August 25 1935
- The Blind Man, (ms) This Week September 29 1935
- Young Girl in the Snow, (hu) Esquire December 1935
- Peace—Is It Possible?, (sy) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine March 1936
- The Odd Dollar, (ss) Esquire October 1936
- A Tip to Parents, (ar) This Week December 6 1936
- The Rules of George V, (ar) This Week January 17 1937
- Here, Kitty, Kitty, (ss) Esquire April 1937
- These English, (ar) Lilliput March 1938
- A Case of Conscience, (ss) Esquire April 1938
- The Devil in the Mine, (ss) Esquire September 1938
- The Schoolboy’s Return, (ss) Esquire October 1938
- Suicide Hotel, (ss) 1938
- Poor Henriette, (ss) Lilliput October 1939
- How to Poison Your Mind, (ar) This Week December 17 1939
- Unfinished Story, (ar) This Week January 7 1940
- Louisa, Lady Whitney, (ss) Argosy (UK) March 1940, etc.
- Can We Understand the British?, (ar) Lilliput April 1940
- What Happened to France, (ar) Collier’s August 24 1940, etc.
- The True France, (ar) Lilliput September 1940
- What Every Democracy Should Know, (ar) Liberty March 15 1941
- Forget It!, (ar) This Week April 6 1941
- An Urgent Matter, (ss) Argosy (UK) September 1941
- We Must Begin at Once, (vi) The Strand Magazine May 1942
- Memoirs of a Difficult Life, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine September 1942, etc.
- What’s So Funny?, (ar) The Male Home Companion October 1942
- Will Life Ever Be the Same Again?, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1942
- General Giraud, Hero of France, (ar) Liberty January 23 1943
- How Corsica Was Liberated, (??) Collier’s November 27 1943
- The Role of Myrrhine, (ss) Esquire December 1945
- Last Words, (ar) The London Magazine May 1955; translated by Jean Stewart
- The Art of Conversation, (ar) Britannia and Eve June 1955
- The Tulip Bulb [Did It Happen?], (ar) The Evening Standard July 7 1955
- Memo from the Underground, (vi) 1955
- My First Lecture in America, (bg) Chambers’s Journal December 1956
- The Writer’s Craft, (ar) Dutton, 1960
- Preface, (pr) Labyrinths by Jorge Luís Borges, New Directions, 1962
- The Weigher of Souls and the Earth Dwellers, (co) Macmillan, 1963
- The Earth Dwellers, (nv) 1963, etc.
- In the Twilight of My Life, (in) The Weigher of Souls and the Earth Dwellers by André Maurois, Macmillan, 1963
- Thanatos Palace Hotel, (ss) 1967
- Advice to a Young Frenchman Leaving for England, (ar)
- Advice to a Young Frenchman Starting for England, (ar)
- Help Wanted, (ms)
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