The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 5013
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Mann, Arthur (William) (items) (continued)
- Play-Off Pay-Off, (nv) Ten Story Sports April 1939
- The Wrestling Doctor, (ss) Blue Ribbon Sports April 1939, as by A. R. Thurman
- The Lady Loses, (vi) Collier’s May 20 1939
- No Runs, No Hits, New Era, (ar) Liberty June 10 1939
- Polo Palookas, (ss) Ten Story Sports June 1939, as by A. R. Thurman
- Too Many Strikes, (nv) Ten Story Sports June 1939
- The Hunch Player, (ss) Sports Fiction July 1939, as by A. R. Thurman
- Keystone Cousins, (nv) Sports Winners July 1939
- One Punch Harry, (ss) Sports Winners July 1939, as by A. R. Thurman
- Baseball’s Ugly Duckling-Durable Durocher, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 19 1939
- Trial and Error, (ss) Athlete August 1939
- Quitting Time, (vi) Collier’s September 23 1939
- The Business, (nv) Athlete September 1939, etc.
- Charged Battery, (ss) Sports Winners September 1939
- Ivory Hunter’s Headache, (ss) Sports Fiction September 1939
- Switch-Hitter Frame-Up, (ss) Sports Fiction September 1939, as by A. R. Thurman
- Pinch Pitcher, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 1939
- Bad Man on Ice, (ar) Liberty November 25 1939
- Tennis Prodigy, (nv) Thrilling Sports November 1939
- Buck and the New Deal, (nv) Athlete January 1940
- Icebound Shore, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine January 1940, etc.
- Title Shot, (ar) Athlete February 1940, etc.
- Baseball’s Bad Boy, (ar) Liberty March 9 1940
- Fighting Brothers, (nv) Thrilling Sports March 1940
- Flaming Youth, (ar) Athlete April 1940
- Meet Lew Young [Lew Young], (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine April 1940, as by Rumann Hart
- He Won’t Be Boss, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 11 1940
- Revolt on the Farm [Lew Young], (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine May 1940, as by Rumann Hart
- The Poison Punch of Private Jenkins, (ar) This Week July 7 1940
- Southern Cross, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine July 1940, as by Rumann Hart
- Part-Time Baseball, (ar) Collier’s August 24 1940
- Tennis Cinderella, (ar) Collier’s September 7 1940
- Eastern Star [Lew Young], (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine September 1940
- Holdout Blues, (nv) Thrilling Sports September 1940
- Escape Mechanism, (ss) The Wizard October 1940
- Play-Off Business, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 1940
- Copper Scent, (ss) The Wizard December 1940
- Ty Cobb: Diamond Destroyer, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine January 1941, etc.
- Nonsupport, (vi) Collier’s March 15 1941
- False Alarm, (ss) The Wizard April 1941
- Self Defense [Dude Emory], (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine April 1941
- The Merits of Pauline, (ar) Collier’s May 31 1941
- Lew Young Gets the Air [Lew Young], (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine May 1941
- Ring Gantlet, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine June 1941
- Rookie Who Didn’t Fail: Charlie Keller, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine July 1941
- Infield Milestone [Lew Young], (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine August 1941
- Information Squeeze, (ss) Cash Gorman August 1941
- Three for the Money, (ar) Collier’s September 20 1941
- How Great Is Joe Louis?, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine September 1941
- Homestretch Pressure [Lew Young], (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 1941
- Court Tactics, (vi) Collier’s January 31 1942
- Ice in His Blood, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine January 1942, etc.
- Sky Scraper, (ar) Collier’s March 14 1942
- Double Fight [Dude Emory], (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine March 1942
- A Ghost at First, (ss) All Sports Magazine March 1942, as by A. R. Thurman
- Big League Wisdom [Lew Young], (sl) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine April 1942, etc.
- Southern Exposure, (ss) Sports Winners April 1942, as by A. R. Thurman
- Turkey-Neck Pitcher, (vi) Collier’s May 30 1942
- A Mile to Glory, (ss) All Sports Magazine May 1942, as by A. R. Thurman
- Phantom Fight, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine May 1942
- Siamese Infielders, (ss) Super Sports May 1942, as by A. R. Thurman
- The Cracked Pitcher, (ss) Exciting Sports Summer 1942
- Hunger at the Plate, (ss) Exciting Sports Summer 1942, as by A. R. Thurman
- Waiting for Charlotte, (vi) Collier’s July 4 1942
- Brother Battery, (ar) Collier’s August 8 1942
- Another Feller, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine August 1942, as by A. R. Thurman
- Mid-Season Classic, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine August 1942
- Service Charge [Dude Emory], (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine August 1942
- Pennant Priority [Lew Young], (sl) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine September 1942, etc.
- Pitching Woo, (ss) This Week October 4 1942
- Watch Those Breaks, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 1942
- The Time of His Life, (ar) Collier’s November 28 1942
- Miracle Racer, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine December 1942
- Pro and Kahn, (ss) Sports Fiction Winter 1942/1943, as by A. R. Thurman
- The Winner Loses, (ss) Sports Fiction Winter 1942/1943
- Early Frost, (ss) Sports Winners January 1943
- Foreign Entanglement [Dude Emory], (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine January 1943
- The Southworth System, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine January 1943
- How to Bait an Umpire, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 20 1943
- Firebrand on Ice, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine February 1943, etc.
- Gridiron Heat, (nv) Super Sports February 1943, as by A. R. Thurman
- Perfect Fool, Jr., (ar) Collier’s March 6 1943
- Diamond Dust, (ss) Sports Fiction Spring 1943, as by A. R. Thurman
- Fresh Heir, (ss) Exciting Sports Spring 1943, as by A. R. Thurman
- Northern Exposure, (ss) Sports Fiction Spring 1943
- Not So Punchy, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine March 1943
- Service Stripe, (ss) All Sports Magazine May 1943, as by A. R. Thurman
- Springtime in Jersey, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine May 1943
- Ring Boss, (ss) All Sports Magazine Summer 1943, as by A. R. Thurman
- Tunney’s Hour of Travail, (ar) Esquire June 1943
- Rude Awakening, (ss) Super Sports July 1943
- War Pennants, (na) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine July 1943
- Alien in the Big League, (sr) Esquire September 1943 [Ref. Jess Flores]
- The Business of Boxing, (ss) Sports Winners Fall 1943, as by A. R. Thurman
- Balata Baloney, (ss) Super Sports October 1943, as by A. R. Thurman
- Whistling in the Dark, (??) Collier’s December 18 1943
- Baseball Prodigy, (ss) All Sports Magazine Winter 1943/1944, as by A. R. Thurman
- Song in Her Heart, (??) Collier’s January 22 1944
- Hot Penicillin, (ss) The Shadow February 1944
- International Pastime, (ss) All Sports Magazine Spring 1944
- The Morale Builder, (ss) Esquire March 1944
- Connecticut Yankee, (ar) Collier’s April 1 1944
- Front Page Guy, (nv) Crack Detective Stories May 1944
- Rise of the Hot Dog Dynasty, (ar) Esquire May 1944
- What a Relief, (ss) Exciting Sports Spring 1944, as by A. R. Thurman
- Half a League Onward, (ar) Esquire July 1944 [Ref. Ford Frick]
- Morning Glory, (vi) Collier’s August 19 1944
- Athletic Hart, (ar) Collier’s September 9 1944
- Greek Bearing Gifts, (??) Collier’s September 23 1944
- Bad Boy Bounces Back, (??) Collier’s September 30 1944
- Fistic Invasion, (nv) Five-Novels Magazine October/December 1944
- Service Weight, (ss) Thrilling Sports Fall 1944, as by A. R. Thurman
- Friendless Corpse [Lew Curry], (ss) Crack Detective Stories November 1944
- They Got a Song, (ar) Collier’s December 9 1944
- Honor of the Family, (??) Collier’s December 16 1944
- Clash of Symbols, (ss) All Sports Magazine Winter 1944/1945
- Kid Zero, (nv) Fight Stories Winter 1944/1945
- Double-Cross Battery, (nv) Baseball Stories Spring 1945
- The Ice Beater, (nv) Five-Novels Magazine January/March 1945
- Inside Job, (ss) Crack Detective Stories March 1945
- Life with Oscar, (??) Collier’s April 21 1945
- And His Golf Is Getting Better All the Time, (??) Collier’s August 11 1945
- Treat Me in St. Louis, (??) Collier’s August 25 1945
- Too Many Alibis [Lew Curry], (ss) Crack Detective Stories September 1945
- Spare That Tree!, (??) Collier’s December 15 1945
- The Money Punch, (na) Five-Novels Magazine January/February 1946
- Say Jack Robinson, (??) Collier’s March 2 1946
- Pin-Down Man, (??) Collier’s March 23 1946
- Court Order, (nv) Five-Novels Magazine March/April 1946
- Glamor Guy, (ar) Collier’s April 6 1946
- Timber League Champ, (nv) Five-Novels Magazine May/June 1946
- Bean Ball, (nv) Five-Novels Magazine July/August 1946
- Diamond Cutter, (ss) Super Sports July 1946, as by A. R. Thurman
- One of a Series, (ss) Super Sports July 1946
- The Clown, (ss) Super Sports December 1946
- Roscoe and the Magic Bat, (ss) Super Sports February 1947
- The Spoiler, (ss) Super Sports February 1947, as by A. R. Thurman
- Batter Up, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 12 1947
- Ambidexterity, Unltd., (ss) Super Sports September 1947
- The Surgeon, (ss) Sports Fiction September 1947
- Aces High, (nv) Sports Novels Magazine February 1948
- The Truth About the Jackie Robinson Case, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 13 1950, etc.
- The Truth About the Jackie Robinson Case, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 13 1950 (+1)
- Baseball’s Amazing Sislers, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 14 1953
- The Dodgers’ Problem Child (Duke Snider), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 20 1954
- How to Buy a Ball Club for Peanuts, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 9 1955
- Newest Hot-Shot on the Yankees: Bob Grim, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 23 1955
- Pennant Stuff, (ar) Argosy August 1956
- “Somebody Up There Hates Me!”, (ar) Argosy May 1960
Mann, D. S. (items)
- The Last Photograph, (ss) Colour September 1914
- Outside the Door, (ss) Colour November 1914
- The Rival, (ss) Colour January 1915
- Revolt, (ss) Colour March 1915
- Nerves, (ss) Colour July 1915
- After, (ss) Colour July 1916
- Autumn, (ss) Colour September 1916
- Success, (ss) Colour November 1916
- The Wolves, (ss) Colour January 1917
- Katya, (ss) Colour March 1917
- The Price, (ss) Colour July 1917
- How the Kid Made Good, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper June 1921
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