The FictionMags Index
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Fuller, John (Leopold) (1937- ) (about) (items)
- Come Aboard, (pm) Young Winter’s Tales 7 ed. M. R. Hodgkin, Macmillan UK, 1976
- The Smallest Ghost in the World, (ss) The Adventures of Speedfall by John Fuller, The Salamander Press, 1985
- Detective Story, (pm) Julian Symons at 80: A Tribute ed. Patricia Craig, Eurographica, 1992
- My Story, (vi) The Worm and the Star by John Fuller, Chatto & Windus, 1993
- Telephone, (vi) The Worm and the Star by John Fuller, Chatto & Windus, 1993
- Poet’s Picnic, (ar)
Fuller, Muriel (1901-1996) (about) (books) (items)
- Our Book Friends, (cl) Child Life July 1935, etc.
- Our Book Friends, (br) Child Life May 1937
- Book Notes for Mothers, (br) Child Life June 1939
- Alfred Hitchcock’s Haunted Houseful, (Random House, 1961, an), as by Alfred Hitchcock
- Haunted Houseful, (Random House, 1961, an), as by Alfred Hitchcock
Fuller, Ralph Briggs (1890-1963) (about) (items)
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) Metropolitan Magazine August 1913
- [illustration(s)], (il) Pearson’s Magazine September 1916
- [illustration(s)], (il) Adventure February 20 1922
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure June 20 1922
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure June 30 1922
- [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Magazine September 1922
- [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Magazine December 1922
- [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Magazine January 1923
- [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Magazine February 1923
- [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Magazine June 1923
- [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Magazine July 1923
- [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Magazine December 1923
- [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Magazine February 1924
- [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Magazine March 1924
- [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Magazine April 1924
- Black Jack Chewing Gum ad, (il) Dream World October 1927
- [illustration(s)], (il) Liberty December 10 1927
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Saturday Evening Post October 11 1930
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Saturday Evening Post April 16 1932
Fuller, Robert G. (1921- ) (about) (items)
- Second Wheel, (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine August 1956
- And Then There Were None, (ts) Adventure Trails January 1957
- Sherman Was Right, (nv) Argosy January 1957
- The Devil’s Chevron, (ss) Adventure March 1957
- The Magnificent Snafu, (ss) Argosy March 1957
- The Killers of Acrobat Hill, (ss) Adventure April 1957
- Every Day Is D-Day, (ss) Argosy October 1957
- The Stump Juice Blues, (ss) Argosy March 1958
- The Day of the Terrible Goof, (ss) Argosy June 1958
- The Terrible Ordeal of Sergeant Gold, (ss) Argosy November 1958
- Lace Pants for the General, (ss) Argosy December 1958
- Panic in the Pink House, (ss) Argosy April 1959
- Mulligan!, (sl) Argosy November 1959, etc.
- The Day the Statue Goofed, (ss) Argosy August 1960
- The Great Beer Bust, (ar) Argosy September 1960
- The Affair of Fabulous Confusion, (ss) Argosy October 1960
- The Bikini Brigade, (ss) Argosy January 1961
- The Calamitous Clambake, (ar) Argosy April 1961
- The Horrible Hootenanny, (ss) Argosy May 1964
- Sex, Silver and a South Sea Isle, (ar) Adventure February 1967
- Hail the Conquering Hero, (ss) Male
Fuller, Roger; pseudonym of Don Tracy (1905-1976) (items)
- These Modern Adventurers Dared, (ar) Chums August 1933
- The Brothers Are Burning, (ss) Thrilling Detective May 1946
- The Dead Don’t Write [Moody Hackett], (na) Popular Detective August 1946
- Dear Old Exover, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine Fall 1946
- Deer Run, (vi) Masked Rider Western October 1946
- My Friend—The Rat, (nv) Exciting Football Fall 1946
- Opening Attraction, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine Winter 1947
- Death Wears Kid Gloves [Moody Hackett], (na) Popular Detective March 1947
- The Glass Head, (nv) Exciting Sports Spring 1947
- Listen for Death [Patrick Edward McCreary], (ss) Black Book Detective April 1947
- Hitchy-Coo Hitter, (nv) Exciting Sports Summer 1947
- Third Strike Called, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine Summer 1947
- Feud in the Backfield, (nv) Exciting Sports Fall 1947
- A Ghost Tells All, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine September 1947
- The Top-Kick, (nv) Popular Football Fall 1947
- Still on File, (ss) Mystery Book Magazine Fall 1947
- Grambo the Great, (ss) Thrilling Sports November 1947
- The Man Never Moved [Patrick Edward McCreary], (ss) The Phantom Detective November 1947
- Orrin Needs a Nurse, (nv) Thrilling Sports January 1948
- Between the Halves, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine February 1948
- Open Season for Murder, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine March 1948
- Three Fingers of Death [Moody Hackett], (nv) Popular Detective March 1948
- Young Man’s Fancy, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine April 1948
- Please Pass the Poison, (nv) Black Book Detective June 1948
- Ding Dong Bell, (ss) Detective Mystery Novel Magazine Summer 1948
- Hatful of Trouble [Moody Hackett], (nv) Popular Detective July 1948
- A Man’s Gotta Ride, (nv) Thrilling Sports July 1948
- Big Man Little Man, (ss) Exciting Sports August 1948
- Big Target, (ss) Black Book Detective September 1948
- Match Game, (ss) Thrilling Sports September 1948
- The Long Chukker, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine October 1948
- Genius Off the Crease, (nv) Thrilling Sports November 1948
- Mister Dumbjohn, (nv) Popular Football Winter 1948
- Old Million Bucks, (nv) Exciting Sports December 1948
- On the Bench, (nv) Thrilling Football Winter 1948
- Seventy Inches of Fury, (nv) Popular Sports December 1948
- Murder Sets a Stage [Patrick Edward McCreary], (nv) Popular Detective January 1949
- Set a Place for Death [Patrick Edward McCreary], (nv) The Phantom Detective March 1949
- The Two Jimpsons, (nv) Popular Football Fall 1949
- The Sorehead, (ss) Thrilling Baseball Spring 1950
- The Dependable Bum, (ss) Exciting Sports Summer 1950
- Eight Chukker Willie, (nv) Popular Sports Fall 1950
- It’s the Women Who Choose, (ar) Britannia and Eve October 1953
- Grand Hotel, (ar) Britannia and Eve January 1954
Fuller, Roy (Broadbent) (1912-1991) (items)
- Poem, (pm) Seven #4, Spring 1939
- Illusions, (pm) Convoy #1, February 1944
- An Approach to Meredith, (ar) The Windmill v2 #7, 1947
- The Second Curtain, (ex) 1953
- New World Writing: Numbers 1-4, (br) The London Magazine March 1954
- Ambiguities, (pm) The London Magazine April 1954
- Poem Out of Character, (pm) The London Magazine April 1954
- Literary Essays of Ezra Pound, (br) The London Magazine May 1954 [Ref. T. S. Eliot & Ezra Pound]
- A Vision of Beasts and Gods, (br) The London Magazine October 1954 [Ref. George Barker]
- Expostulation & Inadequate Reply, (pm) The London Magazine December 1954
- At a Warwickshire Mansion, (pm) The London Magazine April 1955
- Winter World, (pm) The London Magazine April 1955
- Flight of the Skylark, (br) The London Magazine May 1955 [Ref. Sylva Norman]
- Wordsworth: A Re-introduction, (br) The London Magazine May 1955 [Ref. F. W. Bateson]
- Experiences and Places, (br) The London Magazine July 1955 [Ref. Clifford Dyment]
- The Night Fishing, (br) The London Magazine July 1955 [Ref. W. S. Graham]
- Riding Lights, (br) The London Magazine July 1955 [Ref. Norman MacCaig]
- The Making of a Poem, (br) The London Magazine November 1955 [Ref. Stephen Spender]
- The Opposing Self, (br) The London Magazine November 1955 [Ref. Lionel Trilling]
- The Perturbation of Uranus, (pm) The London Magazine December 1955
- Sitting for a Portrait, (pm) The London Magazine December 1955
- Articulate Energy, (br) The London Magazine February 1956 [Ref. Donald Davie]
- The Crowning Privilege, (br) The London Magazine February 1956 [Ref. Robert Graves]
- Speculative Instruments, (br) The London Magazine February 1956 [Ref. I. A. Richards]
- The Less Deceived, (br) The London Magazine April 1956 [Ref. Philip Larkin]
- Patmos and Other Poems, (br) The London Magazine April 1956 [Ref. Robin Skelton]
- A Way of Looking, (br) The London Magazine April 1956 [Ref. Elizabeth Jennings]
- Florestan to Leonora, (pm) The London Magazine June 1956
- To Shakespeare, (pm) The London Magazine June 1956
- Bread Rather Than Blossoms, (br) The London Magazine July 1956 [Ref. D. J. Enright]
- One Foot in Eden, (br) The London Magazine July 1956 [Ref. Edwin Muir]
- [response to George Hartley], (ms) The London Magazine July 1956
- The Tunnelled Fire, (br) The London Magazine August 1956 [Ref. Alexander Henderson]
- A Word Carved on a Sill, (br) The London Magazine August 1956 [Ref. John Wain]
- After the Thirties, (br) The London Magazine September 1956 [Ref. Jack Lindsay]
- Time and Place, (br) The London Magazine September 1956 [Ref. George Scott]
- Discrepancies, (pm) The London Magazine December 1956
- One and Many, (pm) The London Magazine December 1956
- The Penguin Book of English Verse, (br) The London Magazine December 1956 [Ref. John Hayward]
- A Case of Samples, (br) The London Magazine March 1957 [Ref. Kingsley Amis]
- Green with Beasts, (br) The London Magazine March 1957 [Ref. W. S. Merwin]
- The Minute and Longer Poems, (br) The London Magazine March 1957 [Ref. John Holloway]
- Tally 300, (br) The London Magazine March 1957 [Ref. J. P. Fletcher]
- Uncertainties and Other Poems, (br) The London Magazine March 1957 [Ref. John Press]
- Devil, Maggot and Son, (br) The London Magazine May 1957 [Ref. Christopher Logue]
- A Mortal Pitch, (br) The London Magazine May 1957 [Ref. Vernon Scannell]
- Still and All, (br) The London Magazine May 1957 [Ref. Burns Singer]
- The Stones of Troy, (br) The London Magazine May 1957 [Ref. C. A. Trypanis]
- The Writer in His Age, (ms) The London Magazine May 1957
- Fashions in Art, (pm) The London Magazine June 1957
- Gods and Men, (pm) The London Magazine June 1957
- Heroes, (pm) The London Magazine June 1957
- The Lack, (pm) The London Magazine June 1957
- Myths, (pm) The London Magazine June 1957
- Prometheus, (pm) The London Magazine June 1957
- The Wound, (pm) The London Magazine June 1957
- Poems 1943-1956, (br) The London Magazine July 1957 [Ref. Richard Wilbur]
- Union Street, (br) The London Magazine July 1957 [Ref. Charles Causley]
- Visitations, (br) The London Magazine July 1957 [Ref. Louis MacNeice]
- Catastrophe and Imagination, (br) The London Magazine September 1957 [Ref. John McCormick]
- The Rise of the Novel, (br) The London Magazine September 1957 [Ref. Ian Watt]
- The Divine and the Decay, (br) The London Magazine March 1958 [Ref. Bill Hopkins]
- The Habit of Loving, (br) The London Magazine March 1958 [Ref. Doris Lessing]
- I Like It Here, (br) The London Magazine March 1958 [Ref. Kingsley Amis]
- You Can Never Tell a Spy by His Clothes [Did It Happen?], (ss) The Evening Standard April 3 1959
- Four Poems, (pm) Transatlantic Review #2, Winter 1959/1960
- To X, (pm) The London Magazine June 1963
- Father and Child, (pm) Botteghe Oscure
- The Image, (pm)
- The Minor Victorian Novelists, (pm) Botteghe Oscure
- To Alun Lewis, (pm) Botteghe Oscure
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