The FictionMags Index
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Forbes, (Joan) Rosita (née Torr) (1890-1967) (about) (items)
- The Secret of the Sahara, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #112, July 1921
- From Libia to London, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #116, November 1921
- “Mother of Time”, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #127, October 1922
- A Game of Consequences, (ss) The Royal Magazine December 1922
- Toys and Love, (ss) The Royal Magazine January 1923
- Full Payment, (ss) The Royal Magazine February 1923
- The Mystery Women of Asir, (ar) The Royal Magazine May 1923
- Love of Women, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #140, November 1923
- The Lesser Evil [Corona Trent], (ss) The Story-teller April 1924
- America as She Is and Isn’t, (ar) The Royal Magazine June 1924
- A Desert Christmas, (ar) The Royal Magazine December 1924
- If the Gods Laugh, (nv) The Royal Magazine January 1925, etc.
- Dawn…, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) December 1925
- You Americans and We English, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 10 1926
- The Pluckier Sex, (ar) Liberty May 8 1926
- When I Was Most Afraid, (ss) Collier’s May 29 1926
- An Eye for an Eye, (ar) Liberty June 26 1926
- How I Made the Most of My Life, (ar) The Royal Magazine July 1926
- A Fighting Love, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine August 1926
- The Unforeseen Adventure, (ss) The Royal Magazine August 1926
- She Broke a Lance with Life, (ar) Liberty September 4 1926
- Nothing’s Improper Somewhere, (ar) Collier’s September 18 1926
- What Women Want, (ar) The London Magazine September 1926
- Adventure, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine October 1926
- Pluck in Many Countries, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1926
- When Husbands Are Easy to Live With, (ar) Sex November 1926
- King’s Mate, (sl) The Novel Magazine December 1926, etc.
- Mauresque, (ss) The Royal Magazine December 1926
- The Futility of Fashionable Life, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine January 1927
- Women Who Never Lie, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine January 1927
- If I Had My Life to Live Over Again, (ar) Liberty February 12 1927
- Adventure for You, (ar) The Royal Magazine February 1927
- Can a Spinster Be a Great Writer?, (ar) Liberty March 26 1927
- Black Magic, (ar) The London Magazine March 1927
- Which Dominates—Man or Woman? (Man), (ar) Pearson’s Magazine March 1927
- The Bravest of the Brave, (ar) The Windsor Magazine April 1927
- I Break a Lance with Life, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine April 1927
- By Special License, (ss) Pall Mall Magazine July 1927
- Love—the Disturber, (ar) Liberty August 20 1927
- Growth, (ss) The Novel Magazine August 1927
- What Is Personality?, (ar) The Royal Magazine August 1927
- If Woman Proposed, (ar) Woman’s Journal November 1927
- Dark Dominion, (sl) Cassell’s Magazine December 1927, etc.
- The Woman with the Scarf, (ss) The Windsor Magazine December 1927
- An Arabian Night’s Adventure, (ss) The Story-teller March 1928
- The Average Man As I See Him, (ar) Woman’s Journal May 1928
- How the Harem Looks at Love and Life, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine May 1928
- In the Harem of a Sheik, (ar) The Windsor Magazine August 1928
- Life in the New Balkans, (ar) Britannia October 5 1928
- What Is It Worth?, (ar) Woman’s Journal January 1929
- Men Fall for Flattery, (ar) Woman’s Journal June 1929
- “I Can’t Say This to My Husband!”, (ar) Woman’s Journal October 1929
- Should Women Do What They Want? Yes, of Course!, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine February 1931
- Modernity in the Making, (ar) Britannia and Eve March 1931
- Let’s Go Abroad in Our Own Country, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine September 1931
- Chase Summer South, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine October 1931
- Life Is Like This. Marrying and Giving in Marriage., (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine October 1931
- Drums of Doom, (ss) Liberty November 14 1931
- The Gardens of the Atlantic, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine November 1931
- The Mask of Leering Death, (ss) Liberty December 5 1931
- Playgrounds of Sun and Snow, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine December 1931
- Tortured Souls, (ss) Liberty January 9 1932
- M’Sus the Mysterious, (ss) Liberty January 30 1932
- Cruising to the World’s Ends, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine January 1932
- The Perfume of Tragic Memory, (ar) Liberty February 6 1932
- Eastward to the Pyramids, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine February 1932
- Festivals of Foreign Easters, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine March 1932
- Spectacular Spring, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine April 1932
- The Black Forest for Hiking, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine May 1932
- We Moderns, (ar) Liberty June 11 1932
- Land of Nightless Summers, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine June 1932
- Castles in France, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine July 1932
- Now for Sea and Sunshine, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine August 1932
- Communism and Colonization in South America, (ar) Britannia and Eve December 1932
- She’s Got Your Head, (ar) The Passing Show January 14 1933
- The Woman Who Died Twice, (ar) The Passing Show January 21 1933
- The Vengeance of the Tiger-Fish, (ar) The Passing Show January 28 1933
- The Village of the Vampires, (ar) The Passing Show February 4 1933
- He Shot the Heels Off a Policeman’s Boots, (ar) The Passing Show February 11 1933
- Beauty Is a Woman’s Duty, (ar) The Passing Show April 1 1933
- Fear of Living, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine April 1933
- The Man with Cat’s Eyes [Round the World Girl], (ss) The Passing Show May 13 1933
- Amateur Murder [Round the World Girl], (ss) The Passing Show May 20 1933
- Powers of Darkness [Round the World Girl], (ss) The Passing Show May 27 1933
- Ignorance to the Rescue [Round the World Girl], (ss) The Passing Show June 3 1933
- The Riddle of the Death Flowers [Round the World Girl], (ss) The Passing Show June 10 1933
- Waiting to Be Murdered! [Round the World Girl], (ss) The Passing Show June 17 1933
- Women of Two Revolutions, (ar) The Passing Show July 29 1933
- Meet a Murderer, (ss) The Passing Show August 5 1933
- Women of the Revolution, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine August 1933
- Queer Jobs for Englishmen, (ar) The Passing Show October 28 1933
- What’s Wrong with Women’s Dress? “Nothing!”, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine November 1933
- Where It Wasn’t Christmas, (ar) The Passing Show December 23 1933
- Why We Wear Funny Hats, (ar) The Passing Show June 30 1934
- Robot Homes, (ar) The Passing Show July 21 1934
- How Japan Does It, (ar) The Passing Show August 11 1934
- America’s Summer, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine August 1934
- Man and Wife, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine September 1934 [Ref. Franklin Delano & Eleanor Roosevelt]
- Women at War—with War!, (ar) The Passing Show November 17 1934
- Gift Horse-sense, (ar) The Passing Show December 15 1934
- These Women Cannot Lie!, (ar) The Passing Show August 24 1935
- Where Adventure Waits, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1935
- The Weirdest Women, (ar) The Passing Show November 16 1935
- The Girl in Blue Rags, (ar) The Passing Show November 30 1935
- Women—Called Wild, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine December 1935
- Two Women of War, (ar) The Passing Show March 21 1936
- Adventure in Britain, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine March 1936
- The Lost Generation, (ar) The Passing Show September 12 1936
- Forbidden Road to China, (ar) The Strand Magazine September 1936
- New Year Three Months Late, (ar) The Passing Show January 2 1937
- Men as Gods, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine September 1937
- My Life of Adventure, (ss) The Strand Magazine May 1938
- Sugar-Pink Palace, (ar) The Passing Show December 17 1938
- When the Soles of My Feet Stop Itching, (ar) The Passing Show February 4 1939
- Life at Two Miles an Hour, (ar) The Passing Show February 18 1939
- Black Island Magic, (ar) Illustrated July 8 1939
- If War Reaches West, (ar) Illustrated November 11 1939
- The Empire’s War Effort, 1: Canada’s Coming, (ar) Illustrated November 18 1939
- The Empire’s War Effort, 2: Food and Fighters—That’s Australia, (ar) Illustrated December 2 1939
- The Empire’s War Effort, 3: South Africa Fights for Freedom, (ar) Illustrated December 16 1939
- India Is with Us, (ar) Illustrated January 13 1940
- Ready—If War Goes East, (ar) Illustrated March 9 1940
- What Canada Means to Me, (ar) Maclean’s May 1 1940
- Turkey, Maginot Line of the East, (ar) Maclean’s May 15 1940
- Russia’s Three Roads to India, (ar) Maclean’s June 15 1940
- South Africa: Troops and Planes, Gold and Guns, (ar) Illustrated August 3 1940
- Why U.S. Had to Have Those Bases, (ar) Illustrated September 14 1940
- Secret Syria, (ar) Illustrated October 19 1940
- The Bravest Woman I Know, (ss) Lilliput October 1940
- The Businesslike King of Greece, (ar) Illustrated November 23 1940
- There Were No Survivors, (ar) The Strand Magazine June 1942
- My Island Home, (ar) Britannia and Eve September 1942
- In Search of the Flame Dancers, (ar)
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