The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 1651
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Craik, Gladys Seton (items) (continued)
- The Paragons, (pm) The Red Magazine November 10 1922
- A Pretty Pass!, (pm) The Yellow Magazine January 12 1923
- —And the Dragon!, (pm) The Yellow Magazine January 26 1923
- Mine’s Whist, (pm) The Green Magazine #7, January 30 1923
- Evolution, (pm) The Red Magazine February 2 1923
- The Heir Apparent, (pm) The Red Magazine February 16 1923
- The Compleat Angler, (pm) The Green Magazine #9, February 27 1923
- Wild Duck, (pm) The Yellow Magazine March 9 1923
- Sob Stuff, (pm) The Green Magazine #10, March 13 1923
- Featuring Mr. Green, (pm) The Green Magazine #11, March 27 1923
- “Songs of Araby”, (pm) The Green Magazine #12, April 10 1923
- “Discretion Is—”, (pm) The Yellow Magazine May 4 1923
- The Starboard Tack, (pm) The Green Magazine #14, May 8 1923
- “Grounds of Complaint”, (pm) The Yellow Magazine May 18 1923
- Flowers of Speech, (pm) The Red Magazine June 22 1923
- “The Stilly Night”, (pm) The Green Magazine #18, July 3 1923
- William Tells, (pm) The Green Magazine #19, July 17 1923
- The Answer Is in the Negative, (pm) The Yellow Magazine #50, August 10 1923
- “Swelling Wisibly”, (pm) The Green Magazine #21, August 14 1923
- The Cream of the Joke, (pm) The Red Magazine August 17 1923
- The One Consolation, (pm) The Yellow Magazine #52, September 7 1923
- Mix Well with Sugar, (pm) The Yellow Magazine #53, September 21 1923
- The Family Skeleton, (pm) The Green Magazine #26, October 23 1923
- Hobson’s Choice, (pm) The Green Magazine #27, November 6 1923
- An Accompliced Child, (pm) The Green Magazine #28, November 20 1923
- “Fiat Eggsperimentum—”, (pm) The Yellow Magazine February 22 1924
- Bon(e)a Fide, (pm) The Yellow Magazine March 7 1924
- Pass the Pepper, Please, (pm) The Yellow Magazine #80, October 3 1924
- The Amende Honorable, (pm) The Red Magazine November 7 1924
- Mother Christmas, (pm) The Yellow Magazine #112, December 25 1925
Crain, Walt (fl. 1950s) (items)
- Salt versus Shock, (ms) Amazing Stories April 1951
- Why Reach the Moon?, (ms) Amazing Stories May 1951
- Heart of Steel, (ar) Amazing Stories June 1951
- Tool…or Tyrant?, (ms) Amazing Stories July 1951
- The Answer Nobody Knows, (ms) Amazing Stories August 1951
- Your Humble Servant, (ms) Amazing Stories September 1951
- We’re in Hot Water!, (ms) Amazing Stories October 1951
- A Voice on the Wire!, (ms) Amazing Stories November 1951
- Palomar Begins to Perk!, (ms) Amazing Stories December 1951
- Long Live the Dead!, (ms) Amazing Stories January 1952
- More Science—More Future, (ms) Fantastic Adventures January 1952
- Some Robots Are Nosy!, (ms) Amazing Stories February 1952
- Battle Between Bees, (ms) Amazing Stories March 1952
- Quick—the Doctor!, (ms) Fantastic Adventures March 1952
- Atoms Have Loose Hips!, (ms) Amazing Stories April 1952
- Fifth Column Gas, (ms) Amazing Stories May 1952
- The Robot That Had No Brain, (ms) Fantastic Adventures June 1952
- Electricity in Capsule Form, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1952
- After Atomic Power—Then What?, (ms) Fantastic Adventures August 1952
- Integers Do the Trick, (ms) Fantastic Adventures September 1952
- Salamanders Suffer for Man, (ms) Amazing Stories October 1952
- Arteries on Ice, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1952
- Ideas Make the Difference, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1952
- Hellfire and Brimstone, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1952
- Who’ll Do the Dirty Work?, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1952
- Walt Crain, (bg) Amazing Stories February 1953
- The Wandering Graveyard, (nv) Fantastic Adventures February 1953
- You Can’t Stay Here, (ss) Amazing Stories February 1953
Crair, Mel(vin) (1923-2007) (about) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Giant Western December 1952
- [front cover], (cv) Giant Western (UK) #10, 1952
- [front cover], (cv) Exciting Western January 1953
- [front cover], (cv) Giant Western April 1953
- [front cover], (cv) Texas Western May 1953
- [front cover], (cv) Giant Western August 1953
- [front cover], (cv) Western Magazine July 1956
- [front cover], (cv) Best Western September 1956
- [front cover], (cv) Complete Western Book Magazine December 1956
- [front cover], (cv) Western Short Stories December 1956
- [illustration(s)], (il) Men January 1958
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine May 1958
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine October 1958
- [front cover], (cv) Newsweek May 1960
- [front cover], (cv) Bluebook for Men February 1961
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine January 1963
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine June 1963
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine September 1964
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine December 1964
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine June 1965
- [front cover], (cv) Bluebook for Men December 1965
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine December 1965
- [front cover], (cv) Bluebook for Men December 1965
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine December 1965
- [front cover], (cv) Bluebook for Men December 1965
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine December 1965
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine May 1966
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure June 1966
- [illustration(s)], (il) Adventure June 1966
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine July 1966
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine September 1966
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine October 1966
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine December 1966
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine March 1967
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine July 1967
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine October 1967
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine November 1967
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine January 1968
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine February 1968
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine May 1968
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine July 1968
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine August 1968
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Magazine September 1968
- [front cover], (cv) Bluebook June 1969
- [front cover], (cv) Bluebook August 1969
- [front cover], (cv) Real Combat Stories October 1969
- [front cover], (cv) Bluebook June 1970
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Life (Australia) December 1970
- [front cover], (cv) Man’s Epic (Australia) May/June 1971
Crais, Robert (Kyle) (1953- ) (about) (books) (items)
- With Crooked Hands, (ss) Clarion SF ed. Kate Wilhelm, Berkley Medallion, 1977
- The Dust of Evening, (ss) 2076: The American Tricentennial ed. Edward Bryant, Pyramid, 1977
- Weigh Station, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine May 1982
- The Man Who Knew Dick Bong [Philip Marlowe], (nv) Raymond Chandler’s Philip Marlowe ed. Byron Preiss, Knopf, 1988
- The Cricket Beneath the Hammer, (fw) The Harlan Ellison Hornbook by Harlan Ellison, Mirage, 1990
- Elvis Cole and Joe Pike, (ar) The Mysterious Bookshop, 2007
- Introducton, (in) The Best American Mystery Stories 2012 ed. Robert Crais, Mariner Books, 2012
- Author Workspaces, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #56, May 2014
Crallé, Jefferson (fl. 1920s-1930s) (items)
- Snakebite, (ss) West October 22 1927
- Tethered, (ss) West November 19 1927
- Personality Plus, (ss) West December 3 1927
- The Code of the Gun, (ss) West December 24 1927
- Misery’s Gift, (ss) West February 4 1928
- Beewee Breaks Even, (ss) West February 11 1928
- Scorp Squares Accounts, (ss) West May 12 1928
- Beyond Sheep Limit, (ss) West May 19 1928
- Between Sheriffs, (ss) West July 7 1928
- By a Neck, (ss) West September 15 1928
- The Guns of Blethany, (ss) West October 6 1928
- In the Sheriff’s Place, (ss) Complete Stories 2nd November 1928
- Screaming Steel, (ss) West June 12 1929
- Scarlet Tunics, (ss) West June 26 1929
- Dead Men’s Eyes, (ss) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories November 1 1932
- The Road of No Return, (ss) Ace-High Magazine May 1933
- She Who Walks the Waters, (ss) Maclean’s July 1 1933
- The Canoe from Beyond the Moon, (ss) Maclean’s August 15 1933
- Mate of the Wild Goose, (ss) Maclean’s September 15 1933
- Silent Smith, (ss) West February 1934
- One Way Ticket, (ss) Air Stories (UK) June 1935
- The Sea Rolls Down by Singapore, (ss) Short Stories September 10 1935
- The Magnificent Beetlepuss, (??) Collier’s October 30 1937
- Treachery Mines, (ss) Short Stories December 25 1937
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