The FictionMags Index
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Belhaven, Lord; [i.e., Robert Alexander Benjamin Hamilton, 12th Lord Belhaven and Stenton] (1903-1961) (items)
Belial, J. A. (items)
- Christening, (pm) Penny Dreadful #5, Autumn 1997
- My Armageddon Lover, (pm) Penny Dreadful #5, Autumn 1997
- Suicide Lullaby, (pm) Penny Dreadful #5, Autumn 1997
- Anticipation, (pm) Penny Dreadful #6, 1998
- The Dance of Saturnalia, (pm) Penny Dreadful #6, 1998
- Waiting for the Plagues, (pm) Penny Dreadful #6, 1998
Bélil, Michel (items)
- L’Hôpital de chaussures, (ss) Requiem #10, May 1976
- Nez en moins, (ss) Requiem #13, December 1976
- La Maison d’Hemigge Way, (ss) Requiem #11, 1976
- Une soirée au mess de Cornwallis, (ss) Requiem #15, April 1977
- Laissez-moi vous, rat-conter…, (ss) Requiem #19, January 1978
- Tu retourneras en poussière, (ss) Requiem #20, March 1978
- Le Crevard, (ss) Requiem #23, October 1978
- La Maison du Kung Fu, (ss) Solaris #40, September 1981
Belilovsky, Anatoly (1961- ) (about) (items)
- We Should Have Known Better, (ss) Backlog #1, Fall 1982
- Chrestomathy, (ss) Ideomancer June 2011
- Kulturkampf, (ss) The Immersion Book of Steampunk ed. Gareth D. Jones & Carmelo Rafala, Immersion Press, 2011
- Gifts of the Magi, (vi) Nature #7375, December 1 2011
- Hither and Yon, (ss) FlagShip ed. Zachary Ricks, Flying Island Press, 2012
- Nor Custom Stale, (vi) Nature #7393, April 12 2012
- Don’t Look Down, (vi) Daily Science Fiction October 22 2012
- Of Mat and Math, (ss) Unidentified Funny Objects ed. Alex Shvartsman, UFO Publishing, 2012
- Durak, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #54, 2012
- Last Man Standing, (ss) Penumbra (online) February 2013
- Bull’s Hour, by Ivan Yefremov (1968), (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2013 [Ref. Ivan Yefremov]
- Bottled Up, (vi) Nature #7475, November 14 2013
- Quantum Mechanics, (vi) Daily Science Fiction May 12 2014
- Of Those Immortal Dead, (vi) Ironic Fantastic #3 ed. Paulo Brito, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2014
- Summertime, (ss) SF Comet January 2015
- The Ravelled Sleeve of Care, (vi) Nature #7559, July 9 2015
- Deep Into That Darkness Peering, (ss) Hides the Dark Tower ed. Kelly A. Harmon & Vonnie Winslow Crist, Pole to Pole Publishing, 2015
- Iron Feliks, (ss) Genius Loci ed. Jaym Gates, Ragnarok Publications, 2016
- Borscht, (vi) Daily Science Fiction December 30 2016
- Something on Your Mind (with Stewart C. Baker, Novae Caelum, Robert Dawson, Kate Heartfield, C. L. Holland, Gareth D. Jones, Laurie Tom & Deborah Walker), (ss) Kaleidotrope Autumn 2017, as by Stewart C. Baker, Anatoly Belilovsky, Robert Dawson, Kate Heartfield, Holly Heisey, C. L. Holland, Gareth D. Jones, Laurie Tom & Deborah Walker
- Queen of Hearts, Servant of Spades, (vi) Daily Science Fiction December 18 2018
- Not to Praise Her, (vi) Daily Science Fiction March 5 2019
- Gulliver at Home, (vi) Nature #7753, April 25 2019
- Virror, Virror, (vi) Daily Science Fiction September 18 2019
- untitled (“appealing to my senses”), (pm) Frozen Wavelets #1, Fall 2019
- Bot and Paid For, (vi) Daily Science Fiction December 10 2019
- untitled (“Methinks of”), (pm) Frozen Wavelets #4, Summer 2020
- Apocrypha, (pm) Penumbric Speculative Fiction February 2021
- Love Potion Number Thirteen, (vi) Translunar Travelers Lounge #4, February 2021
- Mercury Rises, (pm) Penumbric Speculative Fiction August 2021
- Ars Brevis Est, (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November/December 2021
- Word Soup, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction January/February 2022
- Hide & Skin (with Gretchen Tessmer), (pm) Kaleidotrope Spring 2024
Beling, Charles A. (fl. 1940s) (items)
- It’s Astounding!!, (lr) Sun Spots v2 #1, 1940
- The Way I See It, (cl) Sun Spots v3 #2, 1940
- Fatal Error, (vi) Sun Spots v3 #3, 1940
- Invasion!, (ss) Sun Spots v4 #2, 1941
- The Last Word, (ar) Sun Spots v4 #2, 1941
- Finis, (ed) Sun Spots v4 #3, 1941
- How to Win Fans and Influence Scientific Fiction, (ar) Spaceways October 1941
- [letter], (lt) The Fantast November 1941
Beling, Mabel Ashe (fl. 1940s) (books) (items)
- The Wicked Goldsmith, (Harper, 1941, co)
- About the Indian Epics, (aw) The Wicked Goldsmith, Harper, 1941
- Introduction, (in) The Wicked Goldsmith, Harper, 1941
- The Abbot Whose Prayer Was Answered, (ss)
- Always Look at Your Coachman’s Feet, (ss)
- For the Arm of Parvati, (ss)
- Half a God, and All a Hero, (ss)
- Markanda, (ss)
- “This Hound Hath Loved Me”, (ss)
- The Wicked Goldsmith, (ss)
Bell, August (fl. 1860s-1880s) (items)
- How Gertie Sold Daisies, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine April 1867
- Dick and Bob, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine September 1867
- Nut-Brown, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine April 1868
- Rose Pink and Jane, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine May 1868
- Bessie the Strawberry Girl, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine June 1868
- Kitty Susan, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine July 1868
- Jackstraws, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine August 1868
- Two Days, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine January 1869
- How Annie Didn’t Buy a Singing-Book, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine March 1869
- The Blue Cat, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine April 1869
- Twenty-One Tuberoses, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine October 1869
- Corn-Cobs, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine November 1869
- Nan’s Pelargonium, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine April 1871
- A Small Travelling Family, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine August 1871
- Aunt Priscilla’s Property, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine February 1872
- Nell’s Party, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine March 1872
- Julie, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine July 1872
- Jenny’s Pocket, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine February 1876
- My Plain Sister Clare, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine October 1876
- My Summer Boarders, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine January 1877
- Bittersweet, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine September 1877
- All’s Well That Ends Well, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine January 1881
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