The FictionMags Index
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Banfield, Arthur C(live) (1875-1965) (about) (items)
- The War in Toyland, (ar) The Royal Magazine September 1900
- Cat v. Dog, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine December 1900
- Forgetful London (with Frank Foulsham), (ar) The Royal Magazine March 1901
- Ventilating Parliament (with Frank Foulsham), (ar) The Strand Magazine April 1901
- [illustration(s)] (with Frank Foulsham), (il) The Strand Magazine April 1901
- “If” (with Frank Foulsham), (ar) The Royal Magazine May 1901
- [illustration(s)] (with Frank Foulsham), (il) The Strand Magazine (US) May 1901
- Net Ball. The New American Game for Ladies (with Frank Foulsham), (ar) The Universal and Ludgate Magazine #14, June 1901
- Knotty Problems, (ar) The Royal Magazine February 1902
- [illustration(s)] (with Frank Foulsham), (il) The Windsor Magazine June 1902
- [illustration(s)] (with Frank Foulsham), (il) The Windsor Magazine July 1902
- [illustration(s)] (with Frank Foulsham), (il) The Windsor Magazine August 1902
- [illustration(s)] (with Frank Foulsham), (il) The Windsor Magazine December 1902
- [illustration(s)] (with Frank Foulsham), (il) Pearson’s Magazine November 1921
Banfield, Frank (1852-1914) (about) (items)
- Yellow Jack, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine September 1892, uncredited.
- Mr. George Grossmith, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine June 1896
- The Cost of Criminal Relics, (ar) The Ludgate August 1896
- Mr. W. H. Grenfell of Taplow Court, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine September 1896
- The Saving of a Blackmailer’s Soul, (ss) Chapman’s Magazine November 1896
- The Governor of the Tower, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine January 1897
- The Painter and His Work. George Adolphus Storey, A.R.A., (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine February 1897
- Mr. A. F. Yarrow at Poplar, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine April 1897 [Ref. A. F. Yarrow]
- Mr. Hiram S. Maxim, (iv) Cassell’s Family Magazine May 1897 [Ref. Hiram S. Maxim]
- Sixty Years Ago; the Queen’s Coronation Reception in the City, (ar) The Ludgate June 1897
- Some “Vanity Fair” Cartoons. A Chat with Mr. Oliver Armstrong Fry, (iv) Cassell’s Family Magazine August 1897 [Ref. Oliver Armstrong Fry]
- Mr. Dendy Sadler at Play: An Interview Afloat with the Popular Painter, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine November 1897 [Ref. W. Dendy Sadler]
- The American ambassador. Some Striking Literary Reminiscences, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine March 1898
- Diamonds: From the Rought to the Ring, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine July 1898
- A Visit to the Royal College of Music, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine September 1898
- Weather-Making, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine January 1899
- Our Volunteers: A Visit to Sir Howard Vincent, C.B., M.P., (ar) Cassell’s Magazine February 1899 [Ref. Sir Howard Vincent]
- The Choir of St. Paul’s, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine April 1899
- About Lighthouses. A Chat with Mr. William Tregarthen Douglass, M.Inst.C.E., (iv) Cassell’s Magazine June 1899 [Ref. William Tregarthen Douglass]
- Seventy-Seven Tons of Farthings, (ar) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #7, July 22 1899
- “Broken Bones.” A Chat with Professor Atkinson, (iv) Cassell’s Magazine October 1899 [Ref. Professor John Atkinson]
- Who’s Who in the Motor World, (ar) The London Magazine June 1903
- The Middle View, (ar) The London Magazine December 1903
- The Fascination of Secret Signs, (ar) The London Magazine February 1904
- The Boy-King of Spain, (ar) The London Magazine September 1904
- The Next Premier?, (ar) The London Magazine April 1905
- Great Men’s Private Secretaries, (ar) The London Magazine June 1905
- Who’s Who in the London Jewish World, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine July 1905
- The “Ship” at Greenwich, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine October 1905
- England’s Loss and Gain, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine May 1906
- The American Ambassador at Dorchester House, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine July 1906
- Cross and Crescent, (nv) The English Illustrated Magazine April 1908
- The Record Office, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine September 1908
- John Hay’s Literary Renaissance, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine
Bang, Mary Jo (1946- ) (about) (items)
- Another Rapunzel, (vi) Word of Mouth: Volume 2 ed. Irene Zahava, Crossing Press, 1991
- Oh, Mickey, (vi) Word of Mouth: Volume 2 ed. Irene Zahava, Crossing Press, 1991
- Admission, (pm) The Paris Review #216, Spring 2016
- An Anatomical Study, (pm) The Paris Review #216, Spring 2016
- In the Garden Behind the Master’s House, (pm) The Paris Review #216, Spring 2016
- Self-Portrait in the Bathroom Mirror, (pm) The Paris Review #216, Spring 2016
- The Head of a Dancer, (pp) The New Yorker January 30 2017
- From Another Approach, (pm) The New Yorker August 23 2021
- The Bread, the Butter, the Orange Marmalade, (pm) The New Yorker July 4 2022
- A Film in Which I Play Everyone, (pm) The New Yorker August 21 2023
- Hail Mary, (pm) The New Yorker May 13 2024
- Marigold, (pm) The New Yorker June 3 2024
Bangs, Elly (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- The Cool Kids, (vi) Daily Science Fiction April 9 2018
- Dandelion, (ss) Clarkesworld #144, September 2018
- The Wordless Age, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #36, January 2019
- Curse of the Octopodes, (vi) Daily Science Fiction April 1 2019
- A Handful of Sky, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #280, June 20 2019
- The Liberation of Ghost City,, (ss) Fireside Quarterly Spring 2020
- Champions of Water War, (ss) Glitter + Ashes ed. Dave Ring, Neon Hemlock Press, 2020
- Deep Music, (ss) Clarkesworld #172, January 2021
- Space Pirate Queen of the Ten Billion Utopias, (ss) Lightspeed #138, November 2021
- Doctor Souvenir, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #400, February 8 2024
Bangs, J. S. (fl. 2000s-2020s) (items)
- The Last Free Bear, (ss) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #7, 2011
- The Judge’s Right Hand, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #79, October 6 2011
- The Suffragette’s Election, (ss) Crossed Genres Magazine #2, February 2013
- The Lion and the Thorn Tree, (ss) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #16, 2013
- The Other City, (ss) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #33, April 2013
- The Other City, (au) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #33, April 2013; read by Stuart Jaffe
- The Typographer’s Folly, (ss) Bibliotheca Fantastica ed. Don Pizarro, Dagan Books, 2013
- The Heresy of Friar Travolo, (ss) Daily Science Fiction July 11 2014
Bangs, John Kendrick (1862-1922); used pseudonyms Gaston V. Drake, Horace Dodd Gastit & A. Sufferan Mann (about) (books) (items)
- Revised Anecdotes, (hu) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1888, etc.
- To a Great Thinker with a Bad Style, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1889
- Wit, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1889
- A Hint, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1889
- An Unsolved Problem, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1889
- The Versatile Baby. A Farce, (hu) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1889
- The Dialectrician, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1889
- “Handle with Care”, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1890
- A Birthday Thought, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1890
- The Bibliomanic, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1890
- Piling Ossa on Pelion, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1890
- Lines to Inventions and Inventors, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1890
- A Preference, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1890
- “Encouraging Literature”, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1890
- Modesty, (??) The Century Magazine August 1890
- My Favorites, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1890
- The Grangerite, (pm) The Century Magazine November 1890
- An Inconsistency, (pm) The Century Magazine November 1890
- Mr, Veneering’s Library, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1890
- An Uncut Copy, (pm) The Century Magazine November 1890
- A Boomopolis Wedding, (vi) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1890
- The Waning Muse, (??) The Century Magazine December 1890
- Lines on Hearing a Lady Praise “Cruikshank’s Pickwick Illustrations”, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1891
- A Bar to Originality, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1891
- The Bibliophile’s Threat, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1891
- The Jesters of a By-gone Day, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1891
- My Treasures, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1891
- The Poet’s Trial, (pm) The Century Magazine February 1891
- An Opinion, (pm) St. Nicholas March 1891
- The Poet Undone, (??) The Century Magazine March 1891
- A Demurrer, (pm) The Century Magazine April 1891
- Maid of Culture, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1891
- On Some Modern Novels, (pm) The Century Magazine April 1891
- An Unsuccessful Novelist to His Son, (pm) The Century Magazine April 1891
- Mmemories, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1891
- The Poet to the Publisher of His Youth, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1891
- Realization, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1891
- To an Egotistical Biographer, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1891
- The Water Ghost of Harrowby Hall, (ss) Harper’s Weekly June 27 1891
- A Statement, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1891
- I Saw a Picture of Myself Today, (pm) St. Nicholas August 1891
- Philosophic Obscurity, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1891
- The Thoughtless Thinker, (??) The Century Magazine August 1891
- I Like My Little Dog Because, (pm) St. Nicholas October 1891
- I’m Very Sleepy for You See, (pm) St. Nicholas October 1891
- The Poet Paradox, (??) The Century Magazine October 1891
- Art, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1891
- A Common Trouble, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1891
- Loyalty, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1891
- Success, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1891
- Embarrassing to a Modest Man, (??) The Century Magazine December 1891
- To My Pocket at Christmas, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1891
- An Observation, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1892
- A Curious Discovery, (sg) St. Nicholas February 1892
- A Puzzler, (sg) St. Nicholas February 1892
- The Utopian Farmer, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1892
- Pegasus in Harness, (??) The Century Magazine March 1892
- He Remembered, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1892
- If, (pm) St. Nicholas April 1892
- Ingredients of Greatness, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1892
- Farmer Tomkins and the Cyclopædia, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1892
- Kenniboy’s Problems, (pm) St. Nicholas June 1892
- Couldn’t Get By, (??) The Century Magazine July 1892
- Where Are They?, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1892
- A Disappointment, (sg) St. Nicholas September 1892
- An Experience, (??) The Century Magazine September 1892
- Mr. Peters Complains, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1892
- A Midnight Visitor, (ss) Harper’s Weekly December 10 1892
- Christmas at the Peters Farm, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1892
- Mr. Scaggs’s Snake Story, (vi) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1893
- The Mariner and the Boy [Capt. Jack & Tommy], (vi) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1893
- The United States Poetry Company, Limited, (??) The Century Magazine March 1893
- Quantity versus Quality, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1893
- The Mariner and the Boy [Capt. Jack & Tommy], (vi) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1893
- A Literary Order, (??) The Century Magazine July 1893
- Loneliness, (??) Scribner’s Magazine July 1893
- A Confession, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1893
- A Wish, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1893
- Mr. Peters of Schoharie on His Daughter’s Graduation, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1893
- Carleton Barker, First and Second, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine October 1893
- Hopless Ambition, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1893
- In Slumberland, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1893
- The Mariner and the Boy [Capt. Jack & Tommy], (vi) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1893
- A Cousinly Confidence, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1894
- Mr. Peters of Schoharie Moralizes, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1894, uncredited.
- A Library Pet, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1894
- Heroes, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1894
- A Patriot’s Appeal, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1894
- Bookworm Verses. A Light Luncheon, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1894
- Bookworm Ballads. A Painful Discovery, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1894
- Thurlow’s Christmas Story, (ss) Harper’s Weekly December 15 1894
- A Dramatic Evening. A Farce, (pl) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1894
- The Water Ghost of Harrowby Hall, (co) Harper & Brothers, 1894
- The Curio Clerk, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1895
- The Paradise Club, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal May 1895
- A Proposal Under Difficulties. A Farce, (pl) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1895
- The Bibliomiser, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1895
- The “Collector”, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1895
- A Cynic’s View, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1895
- My Lord the Book, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1895
- A Reader, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1895
- Ideas for Sale, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1895
- The Inter-State Beau Company (Limited). An Interview, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1895
- The Bicyclers. A Farce, (pl) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1895
- The Mystery of My Grandmother’s Hair Sofa, (ss) Harper’s Weekly December 14 1895
- Santa Claus’s Assistant, (vi) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1895
- A House-Boat on the Styx [Associated Shades], (n.) Harper & Brothers, 1895
- A Disputed Authorship, (ex) Harper, 1895
- Bookworm Ballads. A Literary Feast, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1896
- The Fatal Message. A Farce, (pl) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1896
- A Legend of the Strand, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1896
- To a Critic, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1896
- Dreams, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1896
- A Rebellious Heroine, (nv) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1896, etc.
- The Mayor’s Lamps, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1896
- The Nemesis of Perkins. A Political Anecdote, for the Most Part True, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1896
- Ghosts That Have Haunted Me, (ss) Harper’s Weekly December 19 1896
- A Chafing-Dish Party, (pl) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1896
- The Expiation of Scrooge, (ss) Clack Book December 1896/January 1897
- The Bicyclers and Three Other Farces, (co) Harper & Brothers, 1896
- Charon Makes a Discovery, (ex) Harper & Brothers, 1896
- Jane. A Domestic Episode, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1897
- Cobwebs from a Book’s Corner, (pm) Clack Book April/May 1897
- A Hint to Virtue, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1897
- The Music Cure, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1897
- The Golfiacs, (pl) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1897
- The Talented Miss Hope, (ss) McClure’s Magazine August 1897
- Mrs. Upton’s Device. A Tale of Match-Making, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1897
- Something to Wear, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1897
- Paste Jewels, (co) Harper, 1897
- The Pursuit of the House Boat [Associated Shades; Sherlock Holmes], (n.) Harper, 1897
- The Stranger Unravels a Mystery, (ss) The Pursuit of the House-Boat by John Kendrick Bangs, Harper, 1897
- Absorption, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1898
- The Golfer’s Valentine, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1898
- The Linguist, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1898
- The Melancholy Jaques, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1898
- Literary Notes, (br) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1898, etc.
- Bills, M.D., (ss) Brooklyn Life December 1898
- The Utilitarian Mr. Jarley, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1898
- Ghosts I Have Met, (co) Harper & Brothers, 1898
- The Idea, (ss) Harper’s Bazar January 14 1899
- In Which Thomas Snobbe, Esq., of Yonkers, Unfolds a Tale, (ss) Harper’s Bazar January 21 1899
- In Which a Mince Pie Is Responsible for a Remarkable Coincidence, (ss) Harper’s Bazar January 28 1899
- Being the Contribution of Mr. Bedford Parke, (pl) Harper’s Bazar February 4 1899
- The Salvation of Findlayson, (ss) Harper’s Bazar February 11 1899
- In Which Harry Snobbe Recites a Tale of Gloom, (ss) Harper’s Bazar February 18 1899
- Dreamers Discuss a Magazine Poem, (ss) Harper’s Bazar February 25 1899
- Dolly Visits Chicago, (ss) Harper’s Bazar March 11 1899
- In Which Yellow Journalism Creeps In, (ss) Harper’s Bazar March 18 1899
- The Mystery of Pinkham’s Diamond Stud [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) Harper’s Bazar April 1 1899
- Lang Tammas and Drumsheugh Swear Off, (ss) Harper’s Bazar April 8 1899
- Likewise Mr. Billy Jones, (ss) Harper’s Bazar April 15 1899
- A Historic Institution: The Manhattan Company—1799-1899, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1899
- The Valor of Brinley, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal July 1899
- A Christmas Thought, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1899
- The Dreamers: A Club, (co) Harper & Brothers, 1899
- The Enchanted Type-Writer [Associated Shades], (co) Harper & Brothers, 1899
- Tales of the Links. I. The Phantom Card, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1900
- Tales of the Links. II. Jarley of St. Willieboys, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1900
- Pinkerton’s Nightmare, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine October 1901
- Mr. Munchausen [Associated Shades], (n.) Noyes, Platt & Co., 1901
- Over the Plum Pudding, (co) Harper & Brothers, 1901
- The Affliction of Baron Humpfelhimmel, (ss) Over the Plum Pudding, Harper, 1901
- A Glance Ahead: Being a Christmas Tale of A.D. 3568, (ss) Over the Plum Pudding, Harper, 1901
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