The FictionMags Index
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Bangs, John Kendrick (books) (items) (continued)
- Unforfeited, (pm) Smith’s Magazine February 1911
- As to the Banditti, (ss) Harper’s Weekly March 11 1911
- If and But, (pm) Smith’s Magazine March 1911
- Invisible Cloak, (ss) Harper’s Weekly April 15 1911
- Power, (pm) Smith’s Magazine April 1911
- Mystery of Venice, (ss) Harper’s Weekly May 6 1911
- Boggs Plays a System at Monte Carlo, (ss) Harper’s Weekly May 27 1911
- Together, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine May 1911
- The Uses of Adversity, (pm) Smith’s Magazine May 1911
- Boggs Visits the French Capital, (ss) Harper’s Weekly June 3 1911
- Farewell Banquet, (ss) Harper’s Weekly June 24 1911
- The Poet, (pm) Ainslee’s June 1911
- The Task, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine June 1911
- To Carolyn Wells, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine June 1911 [Ref. Carolyn Wells]
- The Experience of Gladys, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine July 1911
- Repayment, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine August 1911
- A Book of Love, (pm) The Smart Set September 1911
- The Beckoning Years, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine October 1911
- Once and for All, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine #2, November 1911
- Conversion of Hetherington, (ss) Harper’s Weekly December 16 1911
- Child Who Had Everything But—, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine December 1911
- Dear Old Santa Claus, (ss) National Monthly December 1911
- The House of the Seven Santas, (ss) Ainslee’s December 1911
- A Model Letter from a Contributor, (lt) The Century Magazine December 1911
- My Gifts, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine #3, December 1911
- The Great Wish Syndicate, (ss) Jack and the Check Book by John Kendrick Bangs, Harper, 1911
- 63,987 N.J., (ss) Harper’s Weekly January 6 1912
- The Bookworm’s Plaint, (pm) The Argosy January 1912
- Christmas Proverbs, (ms) The Smart Set January 1912
- On a Rainy Day, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine January 1912
- Nothing New, (pm) Ainslee’s February 1912
- The Sure Foundation, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine #5, February 1912
- Who’s Who in Wagner, (ms) The Smart Set March 1912, etc.
- The Sportsman, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1912
- As to Love, (pm) Ainslee’s July 1912
- The Human Cyclopædia, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine July 1912
- Better Than Gold, (pm) Ainslee’s August 1912
- Pegasus—His Sinecure, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine August 1912
- Bobby’s Suggestion, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine September 1912
- In Fancy’s Brain, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1912
- Landlord’s Daughter, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine September 1912
- The Old Country Fair, (pm) The Country Gentleman October 5 1912
- A Memory and a Prayer, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine October 1912
- The Slanguage of Love, (pm) Ainslee’s October 1912
- ’Lection Time, (pm) The Country Gentleman November 2 1912
- Thanksgiving Day, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine November 1912
- The World, (pm) Ainslee’s November 1912
- Regeneration of Petlow, (ss) Harper’s Weekly December 21 1912
- Believing in Santa Claus, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1912
- The Love Lyrics of Phyllis: When Strephon Smokes, (pm) Harper’s Weekly January 4 1913
- Eloping with Papa, (ss) Harper’s Weekly January 11 1913
- A Floral Zoo, (pm) Harper’s Weekly January 25 1913
- Cheque-Mated, (ss) The Story-teller January 1913
- The Trustee, (pm) Ainslee’s January 1913
- Tommy’s Questions, (pm) Harper’s Weekly February 1 1913
- Old-Time Valentine, (pm) The Country Gentleman February 15 1913
- The Isle of Truth, (pm) The Smart Set February 1913
- The Road to Arcady, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine February 1913
- The Seeing Eye, (pm) Ainslee’s February 1913
- When Spring Days Come, (pm) Harper’s Weekly March 22 1913
- The Affinities, (pm) Harper’s Bazar March 1913
- The Rose, (pm) Harper’s Weekly May 10 1913
- Fishin’, (pm) Harper’s Weekly May 31 1913
- The Fount of Song, (pm) Harper’s Weekly June 7 1913
- Anecdotes That Might Have Been, (ms) Harper’s Weekly June 28 1913
- The Catch, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine June 1913
- The Spell of Love, (pm) Ainslee’s June 1913
- The Lighted Way, (pm) Ainslee’s August 1913
- The Day of Days, (pm) Harper’s Magazine October 1913
- The Colonel’s Electric Chaperon, (ss) Ainslee’s November 1913
- A Halloween Prayer, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine November 1913
- The Summons, (pm) Collier’s December 13 1913
- Princess Nicotine, (pm) Ainslee’s December 1913
- The Christmastide, (pm) Ainslee’s January 1914
- The Boy of Seventy, (pm) National Magazine March 1914
- Motor Amenities, (hu) Lippincott’s Magazine May 1914
- Incorrigible, (vi) Lippincott’s Magazine August 1914
- Resuscitation of Santa Claus, (ss) Associated Sunday Magazine December 20 1914
- Christmas Gifts, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1914
- A Christmas Vision, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine December 1914
- A Prayer to Parnassus, (pm) Lippincott’s Magazine December 1914
- Lincoln’s Birthday, (pm) Top-Notch Magazine February 1 1915
- The Four Winds, (pm) Top-Notch Magazine February 15 1915
- Toward the Goal, (pm) Top-Notch Magazine March 15 1915
- Fish Tales, (pm) Top-Notch Magazine June 1 1915
- Power to His Elbow, (sl) Top-Notch Magazine August 1 1915, etc.
- Whence Comes My Faith, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine August 1915
- Phyllis on a Pullman, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1915
- Lost and Found, (vi) Life November 11 1915
- Visit from Santa Claus, (ss) Life December 2 1915
- To an Old-Time Poet, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1915
- Happier Sunbeams?, (pm) Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1916
- The Trouble at the Hotel Hanson, (ss) People’s June 1916
- That Was Different, (pm) Top-Notch Magazine October 1 1916
- The Age of the Camera, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine May 1917
- Debtors and Creditors, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine June 1917
- The Aftermath, (pm) All-Story Weekly January 11 1919
- A Protest, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly August 28 1920
- The Origin of the Kiss, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly September 4 1920
- The New Geography, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1920
- The Joy of Being, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine October 1920
- The Political Spot-light, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine October 1920
- The Patient Lover, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 11 1920
- Telling Time, (pm) The New Success May 1921
- The Adventure of Mrs. Burlingame’s Diamond Stomacher [Raffles Holmes], (ss)
- The Adventure of Room 407 [Raffles Holmes], (nv)
- The Adventure of the Brass Check [Raffles Holmes], (ss)
- The Adventure of the Dorrington Ruby Seal [Raffles Holmes], (ss)
- The Adventure of the Hired Burglar [Raffles Holmes], (ss)
- The Adventure of the Missing Pendants [Raffles Holmes], (ss)
- Amalgamated Brotherhood of Spooks, (ss)
- And Something, (ss)
- At the Zoo, (ss)
- A Beggar’s Hand-Book, (ss)
- The Bicyclers, (ss)
- Bikey the Skicycle, (ss)
- The Boswell Tours: Personally Conducted [Associated Shades], (ss)
- Caught in Toy Town, (ss)
- A Chat with Xanthippe [Associated Shades], (ss)
- The Christmas Gifts of Thaddeus, (ss)
- A Clearing-House for Poets, (ss)
- Concerning Children, (ss)
- Conclusion, (ms)
- The Culinary Guild, (ss)
- The Dampmere Mystery, (ss)
- A Dialogue on a Houseboat on the Styx, (ex)
- The Difference, (pm)
- The Discovery [Associated Shades], (ss)
- A Dramatic Evening, (ss)
- Dreamaline, (ss)
- The Editing of Xanthippe [Associated Shades], (ss)
- An Electrical Error, (ss)
- The Elevator Boy, (ss)
- The Emancipation of Thaddeus, (ss)
- The Exorcism That Failed, (nv)
- An Extraordinary Interview, (ss)
- The Fatal Message, (ss)
- Flunking of Watkin’s Ghost, (ss)
- From Advance Sheets of Baron Munchausen’s Further Recollections [Associated Shades], (ss)
- The Ghost Club, (ss)
- Golf in Hades [Associated Shades], (ss)
- Great Composer, (ss)
- A Hand-Book to Hades [Associated Shades], (ss)
- Hans Pumpernickel’s Vigil, (ss)
- High-Jinks in the Barn, (ss)
- How Fritz Became a Wizard, (ss)
- I Am Dismissed, (ss)
- The Imp of the Telephone, (ss)
- An Important Decision [Associated Shades], (ss)
- The Incorporation of the Idiot, (ss)
- In the Brownie’s House, (ss)
- In the Dining Room, (ss)
- Introducing Mr. Raffles Holmes [Raffles Holmes], (ss)
- Involvular Club, or, The Return of the Screw, (ss)
- I Reach Mount Olympus, (ss)
- I Seek Shelter and Find It, (ss)
- I Summon a Valet, (ss)
- Jane, (ss)
- Jimmieboy, (ss)
- Jimmieboy’s Fire Works, (ss)
- Jimmieboy’s Valentine, (ss)
- The Literary Remains of Thomas Bragdon, (ss)
- Loss of the “Gretchen B”, (ss)
- The Magic Sled, (ss)
- The Major-General’s Pepper-Pots [Raffles Holmes], (ss)
- The Man with the Hammer, (pm) The Sun
- Mr. Boswell Imparts Some Late News of Hades [Associated Shades], (ss)
- Mr. Bradley’s Jewel, (ss)
- The Mystery of Barney O’Rourke, (ss)
- “The Nostalgia of Nervy Jim the Snatcher” [Raffles Holmes], (ss)
- An Object-Lesson, (ss)
- Oescalapius, M.D., (ss)
- The Olympian Links, (ss)
- The Phantom Card, (ss)
- Progressive Waffles, (ss)
- A Proposal Under Difficulties, (ss)
- A Psychical Prank, (ss)
- A Quicksilver Cassandra, (ss)
- Raffles Holmes, (ss)
- The Redemption of Young Billington Rand [Raffles Holmes], (ss)
- Rise and Fall of the Poet Gregory, (ss)
- A Royal Outing, (ss)
- Sherlock Holmes Again [Associated Shades; Sherlock Holmes], (nv)
- Social Expansion, (ss)
- Some Account of the Palace of Jupiter, (ss)
- Some Electrical Suggestions, (ss)
- The Speck on the Lens, (ss)
- The Spectre Cook of Bangletop, (ss)
- A Strange Banquet, (ss)
- The Stupid Little Apple Tree, (ss)
- A Suggestion for the Cablecars, (ss)
- Totherwayville, the Animal Town, (ss)
- The Transatlantic Trolley Company, (ss)
- Unexpected Pomp at the Perkins’s, (ss)
- University Extension, (ss)
- Unmailed Letter: Being a Christmas Tale of Some Significance, (ss)
Bangs, Mary Blakeney (Gray) (1867-1957); used pseudonym Blakeney Gray (about) (items)
- An Unselfish Hermit, (pm) Ainslee’s September 1908, as by Blakeney Gray
- Love’s Domain, (pm) The Smart Set December 1908, as by Blakeney Gray
- The Awakening—a Sartorial Romance, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine October 1909, as by Blakeney Gray
- Love’s Story, (pm) Ainslee’s November 1909, as by Blakeney Gray
- Love’s Abode, (pm) Ainslee’s December 1909, as by Blakeney Gray
- Uncle Jedediah on Motoring, (ss) Harper’s Weekly January 8 1910, as by Blakeney Gray
- Sons of Fortune, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 29 1910, as by Blakeney Gray
- The Waiting Instrument, (pm) Ainslee’s January 1910, as by Blakeney Gray
- On Strike, (pm) Ainslee’s February 1910, as by Blakeney Gray
- A Cheerful Philosopher, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1910, as by Blakeney Gray
- Love, Laughter, and Song, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine May 1910, as by Blakeney Gray
- The New Woman, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine June 1910, as by Blakeney Gray
- Age and Youth, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine August 1910, as by Blakeney Gray
- The Reverie of a Bacherlor, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1910, as by Blakeney Gray
- Girls of Yesteryear, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post October 29 1910, as by Blakeney Gray
- As to Fire, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine November 1910, as by Blakeney Gray
- “Love calls at will…”, (pm) The Lady’s Realm November 1910, as by Blakeney Gray
- To Fortune: A Prayer, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine January 1911, as by Blakeney Gray
- Waning Enthusiasm, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1911, as by Blakeney Gray
- The Consolers, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine August 1911, as by Blakeney Gray
- Cupid—Bankrupt, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1911, as by Blakeney Gray
- The Welcome, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine #2, November 1911, as by Blakeney Gray
- A Charade, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine #3, December 1911, as by Blakeney Gray
- Hole in the Wall, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine December 1911
- A Recipe, (pm) Ainslee’s December 1911, as by Blakeney Gray
- A Leap-Year Suggestion, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine January 1912, as by Blakeney Gray
- Old Love and New, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1912, as by Blakeney Gray
- The Catch, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine May 1912, as by Blakeney Gray
- A Modern Pocahontas, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1912, as by Blakeney Gray
- A Song of Age, (pm) The All-Story October 1912, as by Blakeney Gray
- The Suffragette, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine October 1912, as by Blakeney Gray
- Life’s Heritage, (pm) Harper’s Weekly May 10 1913, as by Blakeney Gray
- The Monopolist, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine May 1913, as by Blakeney Gray
- The End of the Quarrel, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine October 1913, as by Blakeney Gray
- The Wise Lover, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine November 1913, as by Blakeney Gray
- A Choice, (pm) Harper’s Magazine January 1914, as by Blakeney Gray
- Phyllis, Blue-Stocking, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1917, as by Blakeney Gray
- Face the Light, (pm) All-Story Weekly January 11 1919, as by Blakeney Gray
- My Pipe and I, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly August 21 1920, as by Blakeney Gray
- A Plaint, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1920, as by Blakeney Gray
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