The FictionMags Index
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Ballard, J(ames) G(raham) (books) (items) (continued)
- Memories of the Space Age, (nv) Interzone #2, Summer 1982
- Myths of the Near Future, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1982
- Report on an Unidentified Space Station, (ss) City Limits December 10 1982
- Myths of the Near Future, (Jonathan Cape, 1982, co)
- The Secret Autobiography of J.G.B******, (vi) Ambit #96, Spring 1984
- What I Believe, (pp) Interzone #8, Summer 1984
- The Object of the Attack, (ss) Interzone #9, Autumn 1984
- Autopia or Autogeddon, (br) The Guardian November 29 1984 [Ref. Julian Pettifer, Nigel Turner, Andrew Whyte, Mike Fox & Steve Smith]
- Answers to a Questionnaire, (ss) Ambit #100, Spring 1985
- Introduction to “Report on an Unidentified Space Station”., (is) Top Fantasy ed. Josh Pachter, Dent, 1985
- The Man Who Walked on the Moon, (ss) Interzone #13, Autumn 1985
- Collector’s Choice: Outer Limits, (ar) American Film 1987
- Eduardo Paolozzi, (bg) 1987
- Escape Into the Seraglio, (br) The Guardian October 28 1988 [Ref. Paul Joyce]
- Memories of the Space Age, (Arkham House, November 1988, co)
- Cyberpunk Forum/Symposium, (ar) Mississippi Review #47/48, 1988
- The Secret History of World War 3, (ss) Ambit #114, 1988
- Love in a Colder Climate, (ss) Interview January 1989
- My ’Ten Best’ SF Movies, (ar) Interzone #27, January/February 1989
- The Largest Theme Park in the World, (ss) The Guardian July 7 1989
- The Enormous Space, (ss) Interzone #30, July/August 1989
- In the Voyeur’s Gaze, (ar) The Guardian August 25 1989
- War Fever, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October 1989
- Jane Fonda’s Augmentation Mammoplasty, (vi) Semiotext(e) #14, 1989
- Memoir, (bg) A Is for Brian ed. Frank Hatherley, Margaret Aldiss & Malcolm Edwards, Avernus, 1990
- The Atrocity Exhibition (var. 1), (Re/Search Publications, September 1990, co)
- Mae West’s Reduction Mammoplasty, (ss) The Atrocity Exhibition (var. 1), Re/Search Publications, 1990
- Dream Cargoes, (ss) War Fever by J. G. Ballard, Collins, 1990
- Brigid Marlin, (ar) 1990
- Memories of James Joyce, (ar) The Guardian 1990 [Ref. James Joyce]
- Remembering Crash, (bg) The Independent 1990
- Unlocking the Past, (ar) The Daily Telegraph September 21 1991
- Sermons from the Mount, (br) The Sunday Times November 10 1991 [Ref. Kurt Vonnegut]
- Neil Armstrong Remembers His Journey to the Moon, (vi) Interzone #53, November 1991
- A Response to the Invitation to Respond, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies November 1991
- Chainsaw Biomassacre in Glorious Horoscope, (br) The Guardian 1991
- Days Strung on a Syringe with a Thread of Blood, (br) The Independent on Sunday 1991
- A Guide to Virtual Death, (vi) Interzone #56, February 1992
- The Message from Mars, (ss) Interzone #58, April 1992
- Report from an Obscure Planet, (ss) Leonardo April 1992
- Rituals of a Skinny-Dipper, (br) The Daily Telegraph July 4 1992 [Ref. Charles Sprawson]
- The Widest Windows Onto the New: A Tribute to Judith Merril, (ar) Aloud October 1992 [Ref. Judith Merril]
- Judith Merril, (bg) 1992
- My Favourite Books, (ar) The Pleasure of Reading ed. Antonia Fraser, Bloomsbury, 1992
- Project for a Glossary of the Twentieth Century, (ms) Zone 6: Incorporations ed. Jonathan Crary & Sanford Kwinter, Urzone, 1992
- Blue Velvet, (mr) The Guardian September 18 1993
- The Divine Marquis, (br) The Daily Telegraph September 25 1993 [Ref. Maurice Lever]
- Let the Women Have Lipstick and High Heels, (br) The Daily Telegraph October 30 1993 [Ref. Richard J. Evans]
- The Atrocity Exhibition (var. 2), (Flamingo, October 1993, co)
- Babylon Revisited, (br) The Sunday Times 1993 [Ref. Nathanael West]
- Introduction, (in) Myths of the Near Future (var. 1) by J. G. Ballard, Vintage, 1994
- The Mouse That Bores?, (br) The Daily Telegraph June 11 1994 [Ref. Marc Eliot]
- Aldous Huxley, (ar) 1994
- Concrete Island, (ms) 1994
- Hello America, (ms) 1994
- The Magnificent Seven, (ms) 1994
- Apocalypse How?, (ms) 1995
- The French Riviera Spoiled? Only by Fear and Snobbery, (ar) The Mail on Sunday 1995
- The Dying Fall, (ss) Interzone #106, April 1996
- J.G. Ballard’s Comments on His Own Fiction, (ar) Interzone #106, April 1996
- An Incident in the Car Park, (ex) Flamingo, 1996
- Paul Delvaux, (ar) 1996
- Puccini of Cinema Grows Up, (br) 1996 [Ref. John Baxter]
- Weirdly Wise, (br) The Observer August 17 1997 [Ref. Chris Rodley]
- Return of the Future, (br) The Sunday Telegraph December 28 1997
- Airports: The Cities of the Future, (ar) Blueprint Magazine 1997
- Robert Smithson, (ar) 1997
- William S. Burroughs, (bg) 1997
- Nurse, the Screens, (ar) The Guardian March 28 1998
- Sands of Time, (br) The Guardian June 26 1998 [Ref. Lena Lencek & Gideon Bosker]
- They’re Falling Out of the Sky, (br) The Daily Telegraph August 1 1998 [Ref. Malcolm MacPherson]
- Reach for the Sky, (br) The Sunday Times October 18 1998 [Ref. A. Scott Berg]
- Analyst’s Couch Potato, (br) The Daily Telegraph November 14 1998 [Ref. John Baxter]
- Impressions of Speed, (ar) Speed: Visions of an Accelerated Age ed. Jeremy Millar & Michiel Schwartz, The Photographers' Gallery, 1998
- What Are the Books You Believe Should Never Have Been Called Classics?, (ar) The Test of Time ed. Andrew Holgate & Honor Wilson-Fletcher, W Magazine, 1999
- What Are Your Essential Ten Classic Novels for the Next 100 Years?, (ms) The Test of Time ed. Andrew Holgate & Honor Wilson-Fletcher, W Magazine, 1999
- What Is Your Definition of a Classic?, (ar) The Test of Time ed. Andrew Holgate & Honor Wilson-Fletcher, W Magazine, 1999
- License to Kill, (br) The Sunday Times February 21 1999 [Ref. Iris Chang]
- Fashion Victim, (br) Bookforum Spring 1999 [Ref. Helmut Newton]
- The Maestro Who Campaigned Against His Greatest Work, (br) The Daily Telegraph August 21 1999 [Ref. Margaret Crosland]
- Diary, (mm) The New Statesman December 20 1999
- A Staircase of Corpses, (br) The New Statesman March 26 2001 [Ref. Geoffrey Homes]
- Welcome to the Virtual City, (ar) Tate Magazine Spring 2001
- Diary, (mm) The New Statesman May 28 2001
- The Complete Short Stories, (Flamingo, November 2001, co)
- Author’s Note, (fw) 2001
- Ed Ruscha, (ar) 2001
- Introduction, (in) Flamingo, 2001
- Tacita Dean, (ar) 2001
- The Westway, (ms) 2001
- Prophet of Our Present, (br) The Guardian April 13 2002 [Ref. Nicholas Murray]
- This Boy Does Talk. Who Is He?, (br) The Guardian June 1 2002 [Ref. Stephen Walker]
- The Unlimited Dream Company, (br) The New Statesman July 8 2002 [Ref. Sam Kashner & Jennifer MacNair]
- The Ultimate Sacrifice, (br) The New Statesman September 9 2002 [Ref. Albert Axell & Hideaki Kase]
- The Third Man, (mr) The Times October 3 2002
- My Perfect Beach, (ms) The Observer 2002
- A World of Endless Summer, (br) The Evening Standard March 15 2004 [Ref. Mark Lynas]
- In Modern America, No Nightmare Is Forbidden: The Day After Tomorrow, (mr) The Guardian May 14 2004
- Francis Bacon, (ar) 2004
- Flush with Talent, (br) The Sunday Telegraph February 6 2005
- Now Parliament Is Just Another Hypermarket, (ar) The New Statesman May 9 2005
- In Cold Blood: C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation, (mr) The Guardian June 25 2005
- The Day of Reckoning, (br) The New Statesman July 4 2005 [Ref. Sebastian Haffner]
- The Killer Inside: A History of Violence, (mr) The Guardian September 23 2005
- The Prophet, (ar) The Guardian 2005
- Look Back at Empire, (ar) The Guardian March 4 2006
- A Handful of Dust, (ar) The Guardian March 20 2006
- Diary: A Fascist’s Guide to the Premiership, (mm) The New Statesman September 4 2006
- The Atrocity Exhibition (var. 3), (HarperPerennial UK, September 2006, co)
- The Complete Short Stories Volume I, (Harper Perennial UK, September 2006, co)
- The Complete Short Stories Volume II, (Harper Perennial UK, September 2006, co)
- Writers’ Rooms, (ms) The Guardian March 9 2007
- The Larval Stage of a New Kind of Architecture, (ar) The Guardian 2007
- Shock and Gore, (ar) The Guardian 2007
- The Boy from Shanghai, (ex) Fourth Estate, 2008
- Selected Nonfiction 1962-2007, (The MIT Press, October 2023, co); edited by Mark Blacklock
Ballard, Jeffrey A. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- The Highlight of a Life, (ss) Fiction River #3, Time Streams, August 2013
- Underwater Restorations, (sl) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #37, January 2014, etc.
- A Potion to Be Rid of One’s Enemies, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #24, June 2023
- The Kaiju and the Pink Backpack, (vi) Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #96, Q3 2024
Ballard, Julia P. (items)
- Favorite Games, (ss) The Riverside Magazine for Young People October 1867
- Dressed in White, (ss) St. Nicholas September 1875
- The “Hollenberry” Cup, (vi) St. Nicholas May 1877
- Q and U, (pm) St. Nicholas May 1877
- The Green House with the Gold Nails, (ar) St. Nicholas June 1877
- Born in Prison, (ar) St. Nicholas September 1878
- Snow-Flake China, (ar) St. Nicholas January 1883
- The Little Gray Pocket, (pm) St. Nicholas September 1885
- The Bulrush Caterpillar, (ar) St. Nicholas March 1887
- Two Little Roses, (pm) St. Nicholas June 1888
- The Royal Walnut Moth, (ar) St. Nicholas May 1890
Ballard, Minnie C. (fl. 1880s) (items)
- Why?, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine June 1883
- Returning Home, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1884
- In the Twilight, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine July 1884
- An Aspiration, (pm) The Golden Argosy January 31 1885
- Unsatisfied, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1885
- Awake!, (pm) The Golden Argosy May 2 1885
- Down the Stream, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine May 1885
- God’s Hymns, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine April 1886
- Love’s Necromancy, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 3 1886
- The Broken Thorn, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine November 1886
- Past Possession, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine March 1887
- The Vale of Sleep, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1889
Ballard, Pat; [born Francis Drake Ballard] (1899-1960); previously known as Francis Drake Ballard; used pseudonym Franz D’Ralla (about) (items)
- The Pool d’Amour, (ms) Snappy Stories 1st June 1925, as by Francis Drake Ballard
- The Love Screen, (ms) Snappy Stories March 1927, as by Francis Drake Ballard
- Collegiate Cleo, (sl) College Life November 1928, etc., as by Francis Drake Ballard
- A Lesson, (pm) College Life December 1928, as by Francis Drake Ballard
- Song of the Colleges: Virginia (with Max Plaisted), (sg) College Life December 1928
- Afternoon Tea, (pm) College Life January 1929, as by Francis Drake Ballard
- Song of the Colleges: Penn State (with Max Plaisted), (sg) College Life January 1929
- You’ll Know by the Smile He’s Wearing, (hu) College Life January 1929
- His Model, (ss) Ginger Stories February 1929
- Song of the Colleges: Dartmouth (with Max Plaisted), (sg) College Life February 1929
- Esther’s Escapades, (sl) Broadway Nights April 1929, etc., as by Franz D’Ralla
- Naughty Little Nina, (nv) Pep Stories April 1929, as by Franz D’Ralla
- Three-a-Day, (ss) Stage Stories April 1929, as by Francis Drake Ballard
- Betrayal, (ss) Stage and Screen Stories July 1929, as by Francis Drake Ballard
- Holding Up the Stage, (th) Snappy November 1929, etc., as by Francis Drake Ballard
- The Orchid Chemise, (ss) Snappy November 1929, as by Franz D’Ralla
- Little Lily, (sl) College Life April 1931, etc., as by Francis Drake Ballard
- Hot Dan, (sl) College Life September 1931, etc., as by Francis Drake Ballard
- Tempting Eve, (sl) College Life October 1932, etc., as by Francis Drake Ballard
- College Humor Swing Fraternity, (cl) College Humor March 1939
- For Cats and Alligators, (ar) College Humor November 1939
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