The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 864

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    Screen Crime Stories   (about)
    One-off companion magazine to Screen Cowboy Stories and Screen Romances.

    • Publishers:
      • Bear Hudson: Screen Crime Stories.

    77 Sunset Strip   (about)
    Published shortly after the demise of a very similar magazine, Tightrope, from the same publisher, 77 Sunset Strip also hoped to gain from the publicity of a popular television series of the same name. The pulp size and format was an anachronism and, despite the better-than-average run of contemporary crime-adventure stories, the magazine folded after a single issue.

    • Publishers:
      • Great American Publications, Inc.; 270 Madison Avenue, New York 16, NY: 77 Sunset Strip.
    • Editors:

    The Shadow Magazine:   (about)
    The Shadow Magazine was the first, and arguably the best, of the “character hero” pulp magazines. Launched in 1931 it soon established a monthly schedule and then, in 1932, doubled that to a twice-monthly schedule, which it maintained for over 10 years, before dropping back to a monthly schedule in 1943. This marked the beginning of the end with the schedule dropping to bimonthly in 1947 and then to quarterly in 1948, before the magazine finally expired in Summer 1949. In all, 325 issues appeared, each containing a lead novel featuring Kent Allard, “The Shadow”, as well as a small number of short stories and other features. Most of the novels were written by Walter B. Gibson (under the byline Maxwell Grant) although a small number were written by Lester Dent, Bruce Elliott and Theodore Tinsley (all under the Grant byline).

    The Shadow, a Detective Monthly
    Title changed from The Shadow, a Detective Magazine.

    • Publishers:
      • Street & Smith Publications, Inc.; 79 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY: The Shadow, a Detective Monthly.
    • Editors:

    The Shadow Detective Monthly
    Title changed from The Shadow, a Detective Monthly.

    • Publishers:
      • Street & Smith Publications, Inc.; 79 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY: The Shadow Detective Monthly.
    • Editors:

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