The Adventure, War, and Espionage Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 288
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Zagat, Arthur Leo (1895-1949); used pseudonyms Grendon Alzee & Brant House (about) (chron.)
- * The Axeman’s Necklace [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider January 1940
- * Bargain Counter Corpse [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider August 1938; not the same as the story of the same name in the October 1941 issue.
- * Bargain Counter Corpse [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider October 1941; not the same as the story of the same name in the August 1938 issue.
- * Caged Horror [Ford Duane (Red Finger)], (ss) Operator #5 April 1935
- * The Cat from Hell [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider January 1938
- * The Circle of Fear [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider April 1938
- * The Claws of Shari [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider June 1942
- * Congratulations to the Corpse [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider July 1939
- * The Construction Murders [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider October 1936
- * The Corpse Factory [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider May 1938
- * Corpse Inspector, (ss) The Spider November 1939
- * Corpse in the Sky [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider April 1937
- * Corpses on Account [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider November 1938
- * Corpses Pay Dividends [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider April 1942
- * Deadlock [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider April 1934
- * Death Goes to a Picnic [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider August 1942
- * Death on Morris Street [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider May 1934
- * Death Rides the Sound [Ford Duane (Red Finger)], (ss) Operator #5 November 1934
- * Death Rocks the Cradle [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider February 1938
- * Death’s Dancing School [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider February 1940
- * Death Set-up in Yellow [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider December 1936
- * Death’s Red Finger [Ford Duane (Red Finger)], (ss) Secret Service Operator #5 September 1935
- * Death’s Toy Shop [Ford Duane (Red Finger)], (ss) Secret Service Operator #5 January 1937
- * Death’s Wedding March [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider January 1939
- * Death with a Dog’s Face [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider December 1942
- * The Devil’s Candlestick [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider October 1937
- * Doc Turner and the Banshee [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider April 1939
- * Doc Turner and the Crimson Coffin [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider November 1937
- * Doc Turner and the Eye of Death [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider August 1939
- * Doc Turner and the Heads of Death [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider January 1941
- * Doc Turner and the Whispering Death [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider February 1935
- * Doc Turner and the Winged Terror [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider June 1939
- * Doc Turner—Devil Fighter [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider January 1937
- * Doc Turner Makes Death Medicine [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider September 1934
- * Doc Turner Meets the Angel of Death [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider April 1940
- * Doc Turner—Papaloi! [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider January 1935
- * Doc Turner’s Bottle Trap [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider January 1936
- * Doc Turner’s Death Antidote [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider June 1934
- * Doc Turner’s Death Cue [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider February 1937
- * Doc Turner’s Death Number [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider August 1936
- * Doc Turner’s Death Package [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider September 1936
- * Doc Turner’s Death Rendezvous [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider October 1934
- * Doc Turner’s Doom-Dose [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider April 1936
- * Doc Turner—Sea Sleuth [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider July 1936
- * Doc Turner’s Flaming Coffin [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider August 1941
- * Doc Turner’s Inquisition [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider November 1934
- * Doc Turner’s Kidnap Cure [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider March 1936
- * Doc Turner’s Killer Cure [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider December 1937
- * Doc Turner—Slave-Buyer [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider July 1937
- * Doc Turner’s Love Dream [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider February 1936
- * Doc Turner’s Murder Mask [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider December 1934
- * Doc Turner’s Murder Medicine [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider November 1935
- * Doc Turner’s Subway Suicide [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider June 1937
- * Doc Turner’s Vengeance Mixture [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider June 1936
- * Doc Turner Visits a Slaughter House [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider August 1934
- * Doc Turner—Witch Bait [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider December 1935
- * The Dolls from Hell [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider February 1942
- * The Doves of Death [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider April 1941
- * The Emperor of the Stars (with Nathan Schachner), (nv) Wonder Stories April 1931
- * Envoy of Doom [Ford Duane (Red Finger)], (ss) Secret Service Operator #5 July/August 1937
- * Formula for Fear [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider May 1936
- * God Bless America! [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider October 1940
- * Graves Filled to Order [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider May 1939
- * Hell, Incorporated [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider June 1940
- * In This Corner—Kid Death [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider September 1939
- * Killer’s Circus [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider August 1937
- * Killer’s Promise, (ss) Operator #5 July 1934
- * Killer’s Stooge [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider March 1937
- * Locked in with Death [Ford Duane (Red Finger)], (ss) Secret Service Operator #5 August/September 1936
- * Locked in with Murder, (ss) The Octopus February/March 1939
- * Morris Street Murder March [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider February 1941
- * Murder Marches By [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider July 1940
- * Murder on the Air, (ss) The Spider March 1937, as by Grendon Alzee
- * Murder Percentage [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider May 1937
- * The Murder Torch [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider July 1934
- * The Murder Trick, (ss) Operator #5 May 1934
- * Plague of the Golden Death [Secret Agent X], (na) Secret Agent X December 1937, as by Brant House
- * Political Plunder Pay-Off [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider November 1936
- * Red Finger—and the Murder Trio [Ford Duane (Red Finger)], (ss) The Spider April 2018
- * Red Finger—Death Dealer [Ford Duane (Red Finger)], (ss) Operator #5 December 1934
- * Red Finger Meets His Match [Ford Duane (Red Finger)], (ss) Secret Service Operator #5 March 1936
- * Red Finger’s Murder Messenger [Ford Duane (Red Finger)], (ss) Secret Service Operator #5 March/April 1938
- * Red Finger—Spy Poison [Ford Duane (Red Finger)], (ss) Secret Service Operator #5 June/July 1936
- * Satan Has Little Teeth! [Doc Turner], (nv) The Spider October 1942
- * Satan’s Evening Star [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider December 1941
- * Second-Hand Death [Ford Duane (Red Finger)], (ss) Operator #5 October 1934
- * The Song of the Cakes (with Nathan Schachner), (ss) Oriental Stories Autumn 1931
- * The Spy Who Stole Death [Ford Duane (Red Finger)], (ss) Secret Service Operator #5 September/October 1937
- * Terror’s Twilight Sleep [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider June 1938
- * Tomorrow [Dikar and the Bunch], (na) Argosy May 27 1939
- * Torture on Morris Street [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider September 1938
- * Venus Station, (nv) Science Fiction Stories April 1943
- * The Witness from Hell [Doc Turner], (ss) The Spider October 1938
Zecchitella, Philip (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * About Those Gas Rules—, (ar) Flying Aces February 1937
- * Again—The Nationals!, (ar) Flying Aces October 1939
- * At the Nationals, (ar) Flying Aces October 1937
- * Controlled Flight Is the Answer, (ar) Flying Aces March 1937
- * Gas Engines and What Makes ’Em Tick, (ar) Flying Aces August 1936
- * A Gas Job Air Speed Indicator, (ar) Flying Aces December 1936
- * Gas Job Gossip, (cl) Flying Aces Sep, Nov, Dec 1937, Jan 1939
- * Gas Model Gossip, (cl) Flying Aces November 1938
- * Gas Model Self-Timers, (ar) Flying Aces November 1936
- * Go West, Young Modeler!, (ar) Flying Aces June 1937
- * Here’s a Champ Gas Job, (ar) Flying Aces April 1937
- * Logging the Motor Market, (cl) Flying Aces August 1937
- * Results of National Model Meet, (ms) Flying Aces September 1936
- * Review of the Nationals, (cl) Flying Aces October 1938
- * Select the Correct Engine (with Ben Shereshaw), (ar) Flying Aces April 1939
- * Tips on Gas Job Motor Mounts, (ar) Flying Aces October 1936
Ziegler, Carl (fl. 1920s-1940s) (chron.)
- * The Ace of Hearts, (ss) Wings January 1931
- * Cloud Busters, (ss) Air Stories August 1929
- * Cloud Convoy, (ss) Wings Summer 1941
- * Crimson Skies, (ss) Aces Spring 1937
- * Dagger of the Heights, (ss) Wings March 1930
- * Dawn Fury, (nv) Sky Riders #1, November 1928
- * Eagle of the Sea, (ss) Wings October 1930
- * Fanged Death, (ss) Red Blooded Stories February 1929
- * The Flying Uhlan, (na) Aces May 1929
- * Hellcats of the Air, (nv) Eagles of the Air November 1929
- * King Bird, (ss) Complete Aviation Novel Magazine August 1929
- * Mavericks of the Skies, (ss) Sky Riders #12, October 1929
- * Night Buzzards, (ss) Sky Riders #4, February 1929
- * Scarlet Skies, (ss) Flying Stories December 1928
- * Scavengers of the Clouds, (ss) Sky Riders #3, January 1929
- * Shadows of Doom, (nv) Love and War Stories January 1930
- * Ships of Doom, (nv) Eagles of the Air January 1930
- * Sky Poker, (ss) War Birds #11, December 24 1928
- * Thundering Ships, (nv) Sky Riders #7, May 1929
- * Vagabond Crates, (ss) Sky Riders #2, December 1928
- * Whispering Wings, (ss) Eagles of the Air February 1930
- * Wings of Peril, (ss) Flying Stories May 1929
- * Wolves of the Air, (ss) Flying Stories February 1929
Zier, Avrum (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * Aerodynamics Simplified, (cl) Flying Aces Aug, Sep, Oct 1935
- * Baby Sky Flier, (ar) Air Trails June 1939
- * Build Balbo’s Famous Savoia-Marchetti, (ar) Flying Aces October 1933
- * Build Frank Hawks’ “Sky Chief”, (ar) Flying Aces May/June 1933
- * Building the Great Lakes Trainer, (ar) Flying Aces March 1934
- * Build the Berliner-Joyce OJ-2, (ar) Flying Aces January 1935
- * Build the Berliner-Joyce XF J-2, (ar) Flying Aces August 1934
- * Build the Curtiss-Wright Coupe, (ar) Flying Aces December 1933
- * Build the Fast Wedell-Williams Racer, (ar) Flying Aces November 1933
- * Build the Flying Aces Biplane, (ar) Flying Aces July 1934
- * Build the Gee Bee Eightster, (ar) Flying Aces November 1934
- * Build the Great Lakes Trainer, (ar) Flying Aces April 1935
- * Build the Guerchais Stratosphere Ship, (ar) Flying Aces September 1934
- * Build the Leopard Moth, (ar) Flying Aces May 1935
- * Build the Luscombe Sport Plane, (ar) Flying Aces December 1934
- * Build the New Beechcraft, (ar) Flying Aces July 1933
- * Build the Seversky Amphibian, (ar) Flying Aces February 1934
- * Build the Vought Corsair V-80, (ar) Flying Aces June 1934
- * A Fairchild 22 That Flies!, (cl) Flying Aces August 1933
- * Flow of Air Around Bodies, (ar) Flying Aces November 1935
- * Flying Aces Model Laboratory, (cl) Flying Aces Mar, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1936, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun,
Jul, Oct 1937
- * Fly the Fokker D-VIII, (ar) Flying Aces September 1933
- * Here’s the Fairchild “24” Cabin, (ar) Flying Aces October 1934
- * Here’s the Northrop Gamma Victoria, (ar) Flying Aces February 1935
- * Here’s the Springfield Racer, (ar) Flying Aces October 1933
- * Here’s the Stinson Reliant!, (ar) Flying Aces May 1934
- * New Flying Aces Three-in-One Model Plan, (ar) Flying Aces July 1934
- * Plotting Airfoils, (ar) Air Trails September 1939
- * Principles of Model Building, (cl) Flying Aces May/Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1933, Feb, Mar, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct,
Nov, Dec 1934
- * Principles of Model Building No. 2, (ar) Flying Aces July 1933
- * Questions and Answers, (qa) Flying Aces June 1935
- * The Vortex Theory of Lift, (ar) Flying Aces December 1935
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