The Adventure, War, and Espionage Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 60
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Crossen, Kendell Foster (1910-1981); used pseudonyms M. E. Chaber & Richard Foster (about) (chron.)
- * Babies for Sale [Jethro Dumont (The Green Lama)], (na) Double Detective June 1940, as by Richard Foster
- * The Case of the Clown Who Laughed [Jethro Dumont (The Green Lama)], (na) Double Detective October 1940, as by Richard Foster
- * The Case of the Crooked Cane [Jethro Dumont (The Green Lama)], (na) Double Detective August 1941, as by Richard Foster
- * The Case of the Fugitive Fingerprints [Jethro Dumont (The Green Lama)], (na) Double Detective June 1941, as by Richard Foster
- * The Case of the Hollywood Ghost [Jethro Dumont (The Green Lama)], (na) Double Detective October 1941, as by Richard Foster
- * The Case of the Invisible Enemy [Jethro Dumont (The Green Lama)], (na) Double Detective December 1940, as by Richard Foster
- * The Case of the Mad Magi [Jethro Dumont (The Green Lama)], (na) Double Detective February 1941, as by Richard Foster
- * The Case of the Vanishing Ships [Jethro Dumont (The Green Lama)], (na) Double Detective April 1941, as by Richard Foster
- * Croesus of Murder [Jethro Dumont (The Green Lama)], (na) Double Detective May 1940, as by Richard Foster
- * Death’s Head Face [Jethro Dumont (The Green Lama)], (na) Double Detective September 1940, as by Richard Foster
- * The Green Lama [Jethro Dumont (The Green Lama)], (na) Double Detective April 1940, as by Richard Foster
- * The Man Who Wasn’t There [Jethro Dumont (The Green Lama)], (na) Double Detective August 1940, as by Richard Foster
- * Renegade!, (nv) Sea Stories November 1953, as by M. E. Chaber
- * The Wave of Death [Jethro Dumont (The Green Lama)], (na) Double Detective July 1940, as by Richard Foster
Cruickshank, Harold (F.) (1893-1965); used pseudonym Bert Fraser (about) (chron.)
- * Ace for a Day, (ss) Flying Aces October 1934
- * Ace of Devils [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces November 1933
- * Air Tug, (ss) Airplane Stories February 1931
- * Allah’s Well, (ss) War Birds #39, February 1931
- * Antlers of Death, (ss) Thrilling Adventures January 1943
- * As You Were!, (ss) Battle Stories #14, October 1928
- * Balloon No. 7, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces March 1932
- * The Barge Blockade, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #39, November 1930
- * The Bat Patrol [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces July 1933
- * Battle Built Aces, (ss) Sky Devils April 1939
- * Behind the Enemy Wire, (ss) Canadian War Stories November 1 1929
- * Between the Eyes, (ss) War Stories #70, November 21 1929
- * Bigwoods Buccaneers, (ss) Thrilling Adventures May 1939
- * Big Woods Heller, (ss) Doc Savage Magazine April 1936
- * Big Woods Vengeance, (ss) Top-Notch February 1935
- * The Black Comet [Ted Blair (Red Eagle)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces April 1935
- * The Black Skull Staffel [Ted Blair (Red Eagle)], (ss) Battle Birds May 1933
- * Black Treachery, (nv) Thrilling Adventures December 1934
- * A Black Watch Tartan, (ss) War Stories #24, February 16 1928
- * The Bloodhound Flight [Ted Blair (Red Eagle)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces December 1934
- * The Bloodhound Patrol [Ted Blair (Red Eagle)], (ss) Battle Birds May 1934
- * The Blood Moon, (ss) Thrilling Adventures March 1940
- * Boss of the Devil’s Brood, (ss) War Birds #29, May 1930
- * Brains and the Vickers, (ss) Battle Aces September 1931
- * “Brains—Plus”, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine November 15 1927
- * Bronze Falcon, (ss) Sky Fighters November 1936
- * The Brood at Bay, (ss) Battle Aces May 1932
- * The Buccaneer Flight [Ted Blair (Red Eagle)], (ss) Battle Birds September 1933
- * The Bulldog Brood, (ss) Flying Aces August 1934
- * Buried Fangs, (ss) War Stories #26, March 15 1928
- * Buzzard’s Brand [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces May 1933
- * Canyon of Doom, (ss) New Mystery Adventures December 1935
- * Captain Von Death [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces January 1933
- * Carcajou Death Trail, (ss) Thrilling Adventures September 1942
- * The Cats Go Over, (ss) War Stories #81, April 24 1930
- * The Cave of Skulls, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #23, July 1929, as "The Tunnel of Death"
- * Charge of the Tank Brigade, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #27, November 1929
- * The Charging Forty, (ss) War Stories #61, July 18 1929
- * Château of Death, (ss) George Bruce’s Contact December 1933
- * Choose Your Objective!, (ss) War Stories #72, December 19 1929
- * Claws of the Panther, (ss) Air War Winter 1941
- * Clouds of Treason, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #29, January 1930
- * The Coffin Ace [Ted Blair (Red Eagle)], (ss) Battle Birds August 1933
- * Counterfeit Wings, (ss) Canadian War Stories October 1 1929
- * Crimson Snows, (ss) Top-Notch February 1934
- * Cruise of the Mad Tank, (ss) Battle Stories #22, June 1929
- * A Date with Death, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces November 1936
- * Death Claims a Dictator, (ss) Thrilling Adventures September 1941
- * Death Haunts the Icefield, (ss) Thrilling Adventures August 1940
- * Death Leaves a Legacy, (ss) Thrilling Adventures February 1940
- * Death Mists of Ypres, (nv) Battle Stories #20, April 1929
- * The Death Net, (ss) The Lone Eagle October 1935
- * Death on the Wire, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #46, June 1931
- * Death’s Empire, (nv) Spy Stories August 1935
- * Death’s Falcon, (ss) Sky Raiders August 1939
- * Death’s-Head Patrol, (ss) Thrilling Adventures April 1939
- * Death’s Sabermen, (ss) War Stories #79, March 27 1930
- * Death Stalks a Famine Trail, (ss) Thrilling Adventures July 1941
- * Deep Water Feud, (ss) Thrilling Adventures May 1938
- * The Derelict Patrol [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces June 1934
- * Destiny Takes Control, (nv) Sky Fighters Fall 1945
- * Destiny Takes the Controls, (nv) Sky Fighters Fall 1945, as "Destiny Takes Control"
- * Devil’s Diamonds, (nv) All Fiction Stories June 1931
- * The Devil’s Flume, (ss) Thrilling Adventures July 1938
- * The Devil’s Forest, (ss) Sky Fighters July 1935
- * The Devil’s Kinsmen, (nv) Thrilling Adventures November 1937
- * Devil’s Poison, (ss) War Stories #76, February 13 1930
- * Dodoes from Hell [Ted Blair (Red Eagle)], (ss) Battle Birds November 1933
- * The Doomed Platoon, (sl) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #24 Aug, #25 Sep, #26 Oct 1929
- * Doomed Squadron, (ss) Battle Aces June 1931
- * Down the Sap, (ss) War Stories #13, September 15 1927
- * Drawn Sabers, (ss) War Novels #14, March 1929
- * Drome of the Damned, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces August 1932
- * Drome of the Devil, (nv) Air War Fall 1940
- * Drome of the Living Dead, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces November 1934
- * Dynamite Busters [Ted Blair (Red Eagle)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces October 1934
- * Eagle Trap, (ss) Battle Aces May 1931
- * Epidemic, (ss) The Lone Eagle May 1936
- * Every Third Man a Pick, (ss) Canadian War Stories May 1929
- * The Evil of Matcha, (ss) Thrilling Adventures December 1941
- * An Eye for an Ace, (ss) Flying Aces April 1936
- * The Eyes of Mai Tok, (ss) Thrilling Adventures October 1941
- * Famine Trail, (ss) Thrilling Adventures September 1937
- * Fanged Phantoms, (ss) Thrilling Adventures July 1943
- * Fang Law [Metisk], (ss) Top-Notch July 1935
- * The Fangs of Mukwa, (ss) Top-Notch October 1934
- * The Fangs of Olak [Olak, the White Phantom], (ss) Thrilling Adventures September 1938
- * The Fangs of Otan, (ss) Thrilling Adventures August 1939
- * The Fangs of Sha, (ss) Doc Savage May 1939
- * Fangs of the Sky Wolf, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces May 1943
- * Fangs of the Wolf Brood, (ss) Battle Aces November 1931
- * Fangs of Vengeance, (ss) Thrilling Adventures March 1943
- * The Fangs of Yak, (ss) Thrilling Adventures May 1943
- * Feud of Fury, (ss) Flying Aces September 1935
- * The Fighting Signal, (ss) War Novels #19, July 1929
- * Firebrand’s Last Fight, (ss) Sky Fighters November 1935
- * Fjord of Fury, (nv) Sky Fighters January 1944
- * The Flaming Ace [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces February 1933
- * Flaming Cannons, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #51, November 1931
- * The Flaming Vulture [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces March 1934
- * Flying Colors of Mystery, (ss) War Birds #32, August 1930
- * The Flying Torpedo [Bill Kennedy (Sky Wolf)], (ss) Battle Aces September 1932
- * The Gods of War, (nv) Battle Stories #10, June 1928
- * Graveyard Staffel [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces September 1934
- * The Gray Devils’ King, (ss) Top-Notch December 1934
- * The Gray Phantom [Ted Blair (Red Eagle)], (ss) Battle Birds April 1933
- * The Green Devils [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces July 1932
- * Grudge Flight, (ss) Sky Birds November 1930
- * Gunpowder Eagles [Ted Blair (Red Eagle)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces July 1935
- * Guns of Mystery, (ss) War Aces #1, April 1930
- * Habitat of Death, (ss) Thrilling Adventures September 1940
- * The Haunted Fokker [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces April 1933
- * Hell-Bound Freight, (ss) War Stories #73, January 2 1930
- * The Hell Busters [Ted Blair (Red Eagle)], (ss) Battle Birds October 1933
- * Hell Buzzard’s Nest [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces August 1933
- * Hell-Fire Cure, (ss) Sky Fighters October 1936
- * Hellion’s Brood [Ted Blair (Red Eagle)], (ss) Battle Birds July 1933
- * Hell on the River, (ss) Dynamic Adventures December 1935
- * Hell on Wings, (ss) Sky Fighters September 1936
- * The Hell Raider, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces October 1938
- * Hell’s Bomb-Proofer, (ss) Sky Fighters May 1938
- * Hell’s Rendezvous, (ss) Sky Fighters February 1937
- * Hell’s Skipper [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces September 1932
- * Hell-Trap, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces March 1937
- * In the Canadian Outfit, (ss) Under Fire Magazine April 1929
- * In the Line of Duty, (ss) George Bruce’s Contact June 1934
- * The Invisible Squadron [Bill Kennedy (Sky Wolf)], (ss) Battle Aces December 1932
- * The Iron Devils, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces August 1935
- * The Iron Eagle [Ted Blair (Red Eagle)], (ss) Battle Birds January 1933
- * The Iron Trail, (ss) War Novels #29, May 1930
- * The Jackal Patrol, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces November 1935
- * The Jinx Buster, (ss) Battle Aces February 1932
- * Jinxed Joysticks, (ss) Flying Aces March 1934
- * Jinx Peelot, (ss) Sky Fighters November 1933
- * The Jinx Puncher, (ss) Canadian War Stories December 1 1929
- * A Kamerad for Shorty, (ss) Battle Stories December 1927
- * Killers’ Drome [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces November 1932
- * King of Blades, (ss) Ace-High Magazine December 1934
- * Ladies from Devil’s Wood, (ss) Battle Stories #12, August 1928
- * Lady Luck Plays Favorites, (ss) Canadian War Stories January 1930
- * Land Cruisers of Death, (ar) Canadian War Stories August 1929
- * The Last Salvo, (ss) Battle Stories #18, February 1929
- * Legion of Death, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces January 1935
- * Lethal Dawn, (ss) Canadian War Stories October 15 1929
- * Liquid Fire, (ar) Battle Stories #17, January 1929
- * Liquid Hell, (ss) Red Blooded Stories February 1929
- * Little Devil Gun, (ss) War Stories #71, December 5 1929
- * The Live Dud, (ss) Canadian War Stories February 1930
- * The Lone Eagle, (ss) Battle Aces December 1930
- * The Mad Hermit of Nahanni [Olak, the White Phantom], (ss) Thrilling Adventures December 1937
- * The Mad Kite, (ss) War Birds #22, November 1929
- * Mad Shark of Prussia [Ted Blair (Red Eagle)], (ss) Battle Birds February 1934
- * The Masked Buzzard [Ted Blair (Red Eagle)], (ss) Battle Birds March 1933
- * Mate for a Frontiersman, (ss) Thrilling Adventures November 1940
- * Maxim “Silencers”, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #37, September 1930
- * Memories of the Minenwerfer, (ss) Canadian War Stories October 15 1929
- * Metisk Hunts Again [Metisk], (ss) Top-Notch April 1935
- * Murder in No-Man’s Land, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #64, 1934
- * Murder Trail, (ss) Top-Notch August 1935
- * Night Eagle, (ss) Sky Fighters December 1933
- * Nobody’s Man Pack, (nv) War Novels #28, April 1930
- * No-Man’s Squadron [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces April 1934
- * North of Naples, (ss) Air War Winter 1945
- * The One-Eyed Squadron [Ted Blair (Red Eagle)], (ss) Battle Birds December 1933
- * Only Yankee Fools, (na) War Novels #32, August 1930
- * The Outlaw Ace [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces October 1933
- * Outlawed Aces, (ss) Sky Birds September 1934
- * The Outlaw Patrol [Bill Kennedy (Sky Wolf)], (ss) G-8 and His Battle Aces June 1934
- * Payoff Patrol, (ss) Sky Fighters January 1940
- * Phantom Bell of Death, (ss) Thrilling Adventures August 1937
- * Phantom Bullets, (ss) Battle Stories #21, May 1929
- * The Phantom Staffel [Ted Blair (Red Eagle)], (ss) Battle Birds February 1933
- * The Pilot of Bitterness, (ss) Sky Fighters July 1940
- * Pirates of No-Man’s Land, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #66, 1936
- * Point Blank—Fire!, (ss) Battle Stories #15, November 1928
- * Poison Staffel, (nv) Sky Fighters December 1935
- * Raiders’ Revenge, (ss) War Birds #44, July 1931
- * The Red Death [Ted Blair (Red Eagle)], (ss) Battle Birds June 1933
- * The Red Double-Cross, (nv) Battle Aces October 1931
- * The Red Eagle [Ted Blair (Red Eagle)], (ss) Battle Birds December 1932
- * Red Fangs, (ss) Top-Notch July 1933
- * Red Gold Death Trail, (ss) Doc Savage November 1938
- * Red Hell of Nahanni [Olak, the White Phantom], (ss) Thrilling Adventures March 1939
- * Red Sabres, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #38, October 1930
- * Red Snows, (ss) Thrilling Adventures February 1938
- * Return of the Sky Devil [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Sky Fighters March 1943
- * The Return of the Sky Wolf [Bill Kennedy (Sky Wolf)], (ss) G-8 and His Battle Aces February 1934
- * Satan Picks His Aces from the Damned, (na) Battle Birds March 1940
- * Sea Demon’s Son, (ss) Battle Aces April 1931
- * Sea Patrol of Death, (nv) RAF Aces Summer 1942
- * “See La Gare”, (ss) Canadian War Stories June 1929
- * Sentimental Savage, (ss) RAF Aces Fall 1942
- * Settlement in Full [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Sky Fighters Winter 1946
- * Shadow of the Gallows, (ss) Doc Savage July 1939
- * The Shell-Shocked Major, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #32, April 1930
- * The Silver Spad [Bill Kennedy (Sky Wolf)], (ss) G-8 and His Battle Aces April 1934
- * Singing Eggs, (ss) War Stories #65, September 12 1929
- * Skeleton’s Drome [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces December 1933
- * Sky-Bustin’ Doc, (ss) War Birds #30, June 1930
- * The Sky Cobra [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces September 1933
- * Sky Cougar, (ss) Sky Fighters February 1935
- * The Sky Devil, (ss) Canadian War Stories September 1 1929
- * Sky Devil and Son [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Sky Fighters January 1943
- * The Sky Devils, (ss) Battle Aces February 1931
- * The Sky Devil’s Brood [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces October 1932
- * The Sky Devil’s Son, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #47, July 1931
- * Sky Devil’s Trap [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces April 1932
- * Sky Devil’s Trap [Bill Dawe (The Sky Devil)], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces March 1933
- * Sky Dragoons, (ss) War Aces #6, September 1930
- * The Sky-Heller, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces September 1936
- * The Sky Is the Limit, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces April 1937
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