The Adventure, War, and Espionage Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Magazine Issue: Page 7
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The Big Magazine (about)
A one shot pulp by Popular Publications. They published this to clear out the pile of stories they acquired when they bought the title Adventure.
- ___ v1 #1, March 1935 (Popular Publications, Inc., 25¢, 224pp, pulp, cover by A. R. Tilburne) (Contents)
Bill Barnes Air Adventurer (Canada)
- ___ v2 #2, October 1934 (10¢, pulp, cover by Frank Tinsley) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v3 #2, April 1935 (10¢, pulp, cover by Frank Tinsley) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v3 #4, June 1935 (10¢, pulp, cover by Frank Tinsley) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v3 #6, August 1935 (10¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v4 #1, September 1935 (10¢, pulp, cover by Frank Tinsley) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v4 #2, October 1935 (10¢, pulp, cover by Frank Tinsley) (Contents) (Incomplete)
Bill Barnes Air Trails (Canada)
Title changed from Bill Barnes Air Adventurer (Canada).
- ___ v5 #2, December 1935 (Street & Smith Publications, Inc., 10¢, 80pp, large pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v5 #3, January 1936 (10¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v6 #5, August 1936 (Street & Smith Publications, Inc., 15¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v6 #6, September 1936 (15¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
Blue Star Adventure (about)
Blue Star #1 was “Ace of the Speedway” by F.G. Rayer, a non-sf adventure story. It would appear that #2 was the only sf title published. Other imprints from this publisher were Green Star Western and Red Star Detective.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ #1, n.d. (Aug 1947) (Grafton Publications, 7d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #2, n.d. (ca.1947) (Grafton Publications, 7d, 64pp) (Contents)
Boy’s Adventure Magazine (about)
- ___ v1 #1, September 1936 (Layne Publishing Corporation, 15¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by Milburn C. Rosser) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, October 1936 (Layne Publishing Corporation, 15¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, November 1936 (Layne Publishing Corporation, 15¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
Buccaneer Stories (about)
This magazine was assembled for trademark purposes and was never offered for sale to the general public. Eventually the concept of this magazine became Pirate Stories. Special thanks to Sam Moskowitz for the information on this title.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ vA #1, July 1934 (15¢, 8pp, 7″ x 10″ s/s) (Contents)
Canadian War Stories (about)
- ___ v1 #1, May 1929 (Canadian War Stories Publishing Company, 25¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by Fred Finley) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, June 1929 (Canadian War Stories Publishing Company, 25¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by Fred Finley) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, July 1929 (Canadian War Stories Publishing Company, 25¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by Fred Finley) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #4, August 1929 (Canadian War Stories Publishing Company, 25¢, pulp, cover by Fred Finley) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #1, September 1st, 1929 (Canadian War Stories Publishing Company, 20¢, 64pp, large pulp, cover by Fred Finley) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #2, September 15, 1929 (Canadian War Stories Publishing Company, 20¢, pulp, cover by Fred Finley) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #3, October 1, 1929 (Canadian War Stories Publishing Company, 20¢, pulp, cover by Fred Finley) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #4, October 15, 1929 (Canadian War Stories Publishing Company, 20¢, pulp, cover by Fred Finley) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #5, November 1st, 1929 (Canadian War Stories Publishing Company, 25¢, 64pp, large pulp, cover by Fred Finley) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #1, December 1, 1929 (Canadian War Stories Publishing Company, 25¢, cover by Fred Finley) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #2, January 1930 (Canadian War Stories Publishing Company, 25¢, 66pp, large pulp, cover by Fred Finley) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #3, February 1930 (Canadian War Stories Publishing Company, 25¢, 80pp, large pulp, cover by Fred Finley) (Contents)
Captain Combat (about)
- ___ v1 #1, April 1940 (Fictioneers, Inc., 10¢, 112pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, June 1940 (Popular Publications, 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, August 1940 (Fictioneers, Inc., 10¢, 112pp, pulp) (Contents)
Captain Zero (about)
A character pulp. The lead novels are SF in nature, but none of the back up stories are. Editor: Henry Steeger.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, November 1949 (Recreational Reading, Inc., 25¢, 132pp, pulp, cover by Rafael De Soto) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, January 1950 (Recreational Reading, Inc., 25¢, 132pp, pulp, cover by Rafael De Soto) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, March 1950 (Recreational Reading, Inc., 25¢, 132pp, pulp, cover by Rafael De Soto) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #4, May 1950 (unpublished) (Recreational Reading, Inc., pulp) (Contents)
Captain Zero (Canada) (about)
Canadian reprint edition of Captain Zero.
- ___ v1 #1, November 1949 (Recreational Reading, Inc., 25¢, 132pp, pulp, cover by Rafael De Soto) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, January 1950 (Recreational Reading, Inc., 25¢, 132pp, pulp, cover by Rafael De Soto) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, March 1950 (Recreational Reading, Inc., 25¢, 132pp, pulp, cover by Rafael De Soto) (Contents)
Classic Pulp Fiction Stories (about)
- ___ #1, June 1995 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #2, July 1995 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #3, August 1995 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #4, September 1995 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Dave Burton) (Contents)
- ___ #5, October 1995 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Ron Wilber) (Contents)
- ___ #6, November 1995 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Ray Capella) (Contents)
- ___ #7, December 1995 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Ron Wilber) (Contents)
- ___ #8, January 1996 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by T. J. Glenn) (Contents)
- ___ #9, February 1996 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Dave Burton) (Contents)
- ___ #10, March 1996 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by T. J. Glenn) (Contents)
- ___ #11, April 1996 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Ray Capella) (Contents)
- ___ #12, May 1996 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Ray Capella) (Contents)
- ___ #13, June 1996 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Ron Wilber) (Contents)
- ___ #14, July 1996 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by T. J. Glenn) (Contents)
- ___ #15, August 1996 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Ron Wilber) (Contents)
- ___ #16, September 1996 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Ron Wilber) (Contents)
- ___ #17, October 1996 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Ron Wilber) (Contents)
- ___ #18, November 1996 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Ron Wilber) (Contents)
- ___ #19, December 1996 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Ray Capella) (Contents)
- ___ #20, January 1997 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by David Burton) (Contents)
- ___ #21, February 1997 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Albert Roberts) (Contents)
- ___ #22, March 1997 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Ray Capella) (Contents)
- ___ #23, April 1997 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Albert Roberts) (Contents)
- ___ #24, May 1997 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Albert Roberts) (Contents)
- ___ #25, June 1997 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Shawn Danowski) (Contents)
- ___ #26, July 1997 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Albert Roberts) (Contents)
- ___ #27, August 1997 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Albert Roberts) (Contents)
- ___ #28, September 1997 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Albert Roberts) (Contents)
- ___ #29, October 1997 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Albert Roberts) (Contents)
- ___ #30, November 1997 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph, cover by Ron Wilber) (Contents)
- ___ #31, December 1997 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph, cover by Albert Roberts) (Contents)
- ___ #32, January 1998 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph, cover by Albert Roberts) (Contents)
- ___ #33, February 1998 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Albert Roberts) (Contents)
- ___ #34, March 1998 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph, cover by Albert Roberts) (Contents)
- ___ #35, April 1998 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph, cover by Albert Roberts) (Contents)
- ___ #36, May 1998 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph, cover by Jeff Fraker) (Contents)
- ___ #37, June 1998 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #38, July 1998 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Marilyn Morey) (Contents)
- ___ #39, August 1998 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph, cover by Ron Wilber) (Contents)
- ___ #40, September 1998 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Ray Capella) (Contents)
- ___ #41, October 1998 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph, cover by Ray Capella) (Contents)
- ___ #42, November 1998 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #43, December 1998 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Ron Wilber) (Contents)
- ___ #44, January 1999 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #45, February 1999 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Ron Wilber) (Contents)
- ___ #46, March 1999 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #47, April 1999 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Jeff Fraker) (Contents)
- ___ #48, May 1999 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Jeff Fraker) (Contents)
- ___ #49, June 1999 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Ron Wilber) (Contents)
- ___ #50, July 1999 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Ron Wilber) (Contents)
- ___ #51, August 1999 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Jeff Fraker) (Contents)
- ___ #52, September 1999 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Ron Wilber) (Contents)
- ___ #53, October 1999 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Jeff Fraker) (Contents)
- ___ #54, November 1999 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Jeff Fraker) (Contents)
- ___ #55, December 1999 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Jeff Fraker) (Contents)
- ___ #56, January 2000 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #57, February 2000 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Jeff Fraker) (Contents)
- ___ #58, March 2000 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph, cover by Jeff Fraker) (Contents)
- ___ #59, April 2000 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #60, May 2000 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #61, June 2000 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 88pp, ph, cover by Ron Wilber) (Contents)
- ___ #62, July 2000 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph, cover by Ron Wilber) (Contents)
- ___ #63, August 2000 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph, cover by T. J. Glenn) (Contents)
- ___ #64, September 2000 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #65, October 2000 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #66, November 2000 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 88pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #67, December 2000 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph, cover by David L. Transue) (Contents)
- ___ #68, January 2001 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #69, February 2001 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 88pp, ph, cover by David L. Transue) (Contents)
- ___ #70, March 2001 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Jeff Fraker) (Contents)
- ___ #71, April 2001 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Jeff Fraker) (Contents)
- ___ #72, May 2001 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #73, June 2001 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #74, July 2001 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Jeff Fraker) (Contents)
- ___ #75, August 2001 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Jeff Fraker) (Contents)
- ___ #76, September 2001 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Ron Wilber) (Contents)
- ___ #77, October 2001 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph, cover by David L. Transue) (Contents)
- ___ #78, November 2001 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by Ron Wilber) (Contents)
- ___ #79, December 2001 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph, cover by Ron Wilber) (Contents)
- ___ #80, January 2002 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph, cover by Jeff Fraker) (Contents)
- ___ #81, February 2002 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph, cover by David L. Transue) (Contents)
- ___ #82, March 2002 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #83, April 2002 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #84, May 2002 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 84pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #85, June 2002 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by David L. Transue) (Contents)
- ___ #86, July 2002 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by David L. Transue) (Contents)
- ___ #87, August 2002 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph, cover by David L. Transue) (Contents)
- ___ #88, September 2002 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #89, October 2002 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #90, November 2002 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph) (Contents)
- ___ #91, December 2002 (Fading Shadows, $5.00, 80pp, ph) (Contents)
Combat: The Action Magazine (about)
- ___ v1 #1, November 1956 (Dalrow Publishing, 2/-, 112pp, large digest, cover by Ronald W. Smethurst) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, December 1956 (Dalrow Publishing, 2/-, 112pp, large digest, cover by Ronald W. Smethurst) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, January 1957 (Dalrow Publishing, 2/-, 112pp, large digest, cover by Ronald W. Smethurst) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #4, February 1957 (Dalrow Publishing, 2/-, 112pp, large digest, cover by Ronald W. Smethurst) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #5, March 1957 (Dalrow Publishing, 2/-, 112pp, large digest, cover by Ronald W. Smethurst) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #6, April 1957 (Dalrow Publishing, 2/-, 112pp, large digest, cover by Ronald W. Smethurst) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #1, May 1957 (Dalrow Publishing, 2/-, 112pp, large digest, cover by Ronald W. Smethurst) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #2, June 1957 (Dalrow Publishing, 2/-, 112pp, large digest) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #3, July 1957 (Dalrow Publishing, 2/-, 112pp, large digest) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #4, August 1957 (Dalrow Publishing, 2/-, 112pp, large digest, cover by Ronald W. Smethurst) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #5, September 1957 (Dalrow Publishing, 2/-, 112pp, large digest, cover by Ronald W. Smethurst) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #6, October 1957 (Dalrow Publishing, 2/-, 112pp, large digest, cover by Ronald W. Smethurst) (Contents)
Complete Adventure Novelettes (about)
- ___ v1 #1, (February) 1932 (The Clayton Magazines, Inc., 20¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by Stephen Waite) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, (May) 1932 (The Clayton Magazines, Inc., 20¢, pulp, cover by Rafael De Soto) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, August 1932 (The Clayton Magazines, Inc., 20¢, pulp, cover by Stephen Waite) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #1, November 1932 (The Clayton Magazines, Inc., 20¢, pulp, cover by Stephen Waite) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #2, February 1933 (Clayton Magazines, 20¢, standard pulp, cover by Stephen Waite) (Contents)
Complete Aviation Novel Magazine
- ___ v1 #1, April 1929 (Ramer Reviews, Inc., 20¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, May 1929 (Ramer Reviews, Inc., 20¢, 132pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, June 1929 (Ramer Reviews, Inc., 20¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #4, July 1929 (Ramer Reviews, Inc., 20¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #5, August 1929 (Ramer Reviews, Inc., 20¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #6, September 1929 (Ramer Reviews, Inc., 20¢, 132pp, pulp, cover by Eugene Frandzen) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #1, October 1929 (Ramer Reviews, Inc., 20¢, pulp, cover by Eugene Frandzen) (Contents)
Complete Flying Novel
Title changed from Complete Aviation Novel Magazine. Editor: Harold Hersey.
- ___ v1 #1, November 1929 (Good Story Magazine Company, Inc., 20¢, 128pp+, pulp, cover by Walter Baumhofer) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, December 1929 (Good Story Magazine Company Inc., 20¢, 128pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, January 1930 (Good Story Magazine Company, Inc., 20¢, 128pp+, pulp, cover by Elliot Dold) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #4, February 1930 (Good Story Magazine Company, Inc., 20¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by Walter M. Baumhofer) (Contents)
Complete Sky Novel (about)
- ___ v1 #1, October 1930 (Real Publications, Inc., 15¢, 100pp, pulp, cover by Chris Schaare) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, November 1930 (Real Publications, Inc., 15¢, 100pp, pulp, cover by Chris Schaare) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, December 1930 (Real Publications, Inc., 15¢, 100pp, pulp, cover by Chris Schaare) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #4, January 1931 (Real Publications, Inc., 15¢, 100pp, pulp, cover by Chris Schaare) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #5, February 1931 (Real Publications, Inc., 15¢, 100pp, pulp, cover by Chris Schaare) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #6, March 1931 (Real Publications, Inc., 15¢, pulp, cover by Chris Schaare) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #1, April 1931 (Real Publications, Inc., 15¢, 100pp, pulp, cover by Chris Schaare) (Contents)
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