General Fiction Index
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As discussed in the section on the FictionMags Index Family, the FictionMags Index itself contains (or will contain) all the data from each of the genre-specific indexes discussed in that section, but, in addition to that, it also contains information on thousands of other magazines and issues from A. Lynes & Son’s Illustrated Magazine to Zoom. Much of this data is, of necessity, fragmented and incomplete, but it must be stressed there are also some very significant "general fiction" titles indexed, including, for example:

and so on, and so on.

To help put focus on these magazines (not least to identify missing issues) the General Fiction Index has been created to contain:

A list of all the magazines that are considered part of this index can be found here while a detailed list of the magazines and issues for which contents information is still needed can be found here.

If you think you can help with any of the above, or would just like more detail on the project, then please – all contributions are welcome, no matter how small!


The General Fiction Index, and the broader FictionMags Index, would not have been possible without the host of contributors who have supplied data, and we would like to thank all of those who have already contributed (directly or indirectly) to the project:

Linda Adams Rachael DiEleuterio Bruce Kiefer Mike Roetto
John Joseph Adams Paul Di Filippo Tom King Peter Rogner
Bob Adey Steve Dillon Malcolm Kite Karl Jürgen Roth
Tiziano Agnelli James Doig Leslie S. Klinger James Rouse
Mori Ancumer David Dom Jennifer Kloester Steven Rowe
Douglas A. Anderson Adrian Dover Joe Koomen Mike Russell
John Apostolou Paul Duncan Daniel Krummes Bob Sankner
Ward Arrington Alistair Durie Brett Kucharski David Saunders
Mike Ashley Roger Dutcher William Lampkin Richard Saunders
Frank Babics Stefan Dziemianowicz David Langford Andy Sawyer
Lou Bank David Edwards John Larson Judith Schwarz
Bob Barrett Malcolm Edwards Remy Lechevalier Darrell Schweitzer
George Barrett John Eggeling Xavier Legrand-Ferronniere John D. Scoleri
Chris Bartholomew Sharon Eisenberg Betsy Lewis Art Scott
Michael D. Bathrick Aileth Elgin Steve Lewis Bradley Scott
Mike Batty Doug Ellis Lance Liddle Steve Scott
Fulvio Baudo Vince Emery Denny Lien Joyce Scrivner
Robert Beasecker Keith Emmett Bill Lindblad John M. Scroggins
René Beaulieu Peter Enfantino John Locke Bill Seabrook
K. Becker John Espley Dick Lupoff Sai Shankar
George Belden Larry Estep David Mace Frank Shortt
Sam Bellotto, Jr. Shane Farmer Paul Machlis Ralph M. Silberman
Victor Berch Ed Farrell Barry Malzberg Juelie Sires
Paul Berglund Jim Felton George Martin Ray Skirsky
Ruth Berman Richard Fidczuk Mark Martinez Steven Slutsky
John Gregory Betancourt Charles Coleman Finlay Todd Mason David Lee Smith
Lee Blackmore Jeffrey Fisher Ira B. Matetsky
Joe Sokola
Ted Blasingame Carsten Flaake Kyle McAbee David Soulsby
Richard Bleiler Tim Foley Paul McAlduff Duane Spurlock
David Blythe Dave Fox Kevin McCoy John D. Squires
Peter Bosch John Foyster Lia McGunigle Muffy St. Bernard
John Boston John M. Freiermuth Jerry McMaster Brian Stearns
John Brandler Stephen Fritter Scathe meic Beorh Dan Stevenson
Randal Brandt Doug Frizzle Roberto Mendes Doug Stewart
Arielle Bremby Stephen Gallagher
Neil Midkiff Brian Stringer
Ned Brooks Gary Garner Chris Mikul Viklas Strongbadia
Richard Brooks Bob Gay Anne Miller Tim Stroup
Brian Earl Brown Adan Gelas Christina Miller Fred Studenberg
Michael Brown Terry Gibbons Steve Miller Stephen Theaker
Donal B. Buchanan Bruce R. Gillespie Adrian Milnes Bill Thom
Daniel Buck Andrea Giudice Murray Moore Robert Thompson
Harry Buerkett Douglas Greene Richard Moore Joel Thoreson
Lela E. Buis Jim Griffin George R. Morgan Al Tonik
Rusty Burke John Gunnison Matt Moring Lorna Toolis
Bill Burns Andrew Hall Jack V. Morris Rick Toothman
Margo Burns Hal Hall Marv Morrison Steve Trussel
J.C. Byers Rick Hall Frank Motler Inam Ulhaq
James Calhoun Robin Hallett Bill Mullins Virgil Utter
Luke Campen David Hardy Will Murray Mark Valentine
P. Cantu Katherine Harper Francis M. Nevins Saskia van de Kruisweg
Michael Capobianco Warren Harris Jess Nevins Gordon Van Gelder
Marc Carlson Jeff Harvey Bjarne Nielsen John Vavra
John Carnell Rich Harvey Michelle Nolan Brad Verter
Tamara Cartwright-Loebl Darren Heil Juri Nummelin Shelby Vick
Camille Cazedessus Brooks Hefner Bart Nyberg David Vickery
Joel Chaffee Heather Hernandez Chris O'Brien Jake Wade
Mike Chomko Monte Herridge Gavin L. O'Keefe Morgan Wallace
Gene Christie Rick Hicks Dwayne Olson Sean Wallace
Bill Cissna Joseph Hinton Scott Owen Mike Ward
Neil Clarke Michael Hirota Mark Owings Charles G. Waugh
Roselyn Clary
Charlie Holland Richard Newsome Regina M. Weaver
Fred Cleaver Steve Holland Frank Paccassi Bud Webster
John Clute Frank Hollander Judith Mahoney Pasternak Robert Weinberg
William G. Coffin Mike Holliday John Pelan Jacob Weisman
Beau Collier Larry Hopper Scott Pell James Welsh
Michael Colpitts Joe Horka, Jr. Jeffrey V. Pennington Henry Wessells
Mike Cook Dr. John A. Horner Curt Phillips Gary Westfahl
Tim Cottrill
Rich Horton Christine B. Podmaniczky Chad Wicker
Ian Covell Charlee Jacob Andrew Porter Jason Williams
James L. Crawford Deidre Johnson Laurie Powers Paul Flo Williams
Bill Crider Guy Johnson Tim Pratt Matt Willis
Mark Cronin Kenneth R. Johnson Rob Preston Roger Winsby
Debbie Cross Daniel L. Jones David Pringle Debra J. Wisniewski
Daryl Danforth Andrew Joron Bill Pronzini Chris Wood
Tom Daniels Richard Kahl Jared Prophet Matthew G. Woollard
Ellen Datlow Jeff Kaylin John Pugmire Martin Wooster
David Datta James D. Keeline James Reasoner Amos J. Wright
Mike Davis Bill Kelly Mark Rich Fred Wu
Robert M. Davis Fred Kelso Len Robbins Peter Youngman
Alan Day Robert Kent
Tom Roberts Terry Zobeck
William Denton James B. Kerr Frank Robinson Endre Zsoldos
Jetse de Vries Mark Kerr Roger Robinson