Book Qualifier Records
There are a number of Book Quaifier
Records that are used to describe the book, to add additional information
or to facilitate data mining. These currently include:
Book Note Record Layout
Each Book
Record may be followed by one or more Book Note Records that provide further
information about the book. The basic form is as follows:
- Record Type
Dn, where n is a single digit in the range 0 to 9; the precise value is
ignored and it is typically set to '1'.
- Free Format Note Text
Each line can contain up to 100 characters and should be broken at a word
break. If the text refers to a book then the name should be enclosed in
<>; if the text refers to a magazine then the name should be enclosed
in {}; if the text refers to a series then the series should be enclosed
in double quotes; if the text refers to a film then the film should be enclosed
in <{}>; if the text refers to a short story then the short story
should be enclosed in double quotes.
If the text contains multiple sentences, punctuated by periods, then only
a single space should follow each period.
If the text includes the trigraph ^\\ then this designates a line break
in the output (and a doubled trigraph will produce a blank line).
Note that if a cross-reference is required to another part of the index,
or to an external URL, then the special embedded link
format should be used (or, in the former case only)
the special cross-reference record
Cross-Reference Records
These records have the same format
as a normal Book Note Record but the note text must start with "--- see
under " followed by a link reference of the form:
{PubDet} or {Name} for a link
to a magazine (issue)
<PubDet{|Text}> for a link to a book
- PubDet represents the (old format)
publication details for the target of the
- Name represents the name of the
magazine as specified on a features record
- Text represents free text to be
substituted in place of the expanded publication details.
Some examples might include:
D1~--- see under {The Saint Mystery Library}.~
D1~--- see under {1959SML# 1}.~
D1~--- see under <2016*2113Rsh|Kevin J. Anderson>.~
D1~--- see under <$AHPBkDz>.~
Note that, currently, these records
should be the only book note records for a book/issue. Note also that these
have now effectively been superseded by the extended embedded
link format but is retained for backwards compatibility (and because it
looks neater).
Embedding Links
Text that is to be linked to a
particular URL, or to another part of the index, may be embedded in note text
using one of the formats:
for links to an external website
[<PubDet{|Text}] for links to a book
[{Magazine Name{|Text}] for links to a magazine
[{PubDet{|Text}] for links to a specific magazine issue
[%Author Name{|Text}] for links to an author name
Hyperlink contains the URL (without a preceding http://) which
is to be hyperlinked when output in HTML or similar format.
If a relative URL is specified then it must start with either
"/" or "../"
contains the text that is to be displayed to the user and
linked to the specified URL. If specified this is separated
from the hyperlink by a "|" character; if omitted
it defaults to the same as the hyperlink.
- PubDet represents the (old format)
publication details for the target of the
- Magazine Name represents the name
of the magazine as specified on a features
- Author name is the name which
is to be linked to, specified in the standard internal
Some examples might
D1~Although this title is listed on [@www.thrillingdetective.com], it was a stillborn magazine.~
D1~For a full index see [@bearalleybooks.blogspot.com/2013/08/boys-world-ticket-to-adventure.html|Boys' World: Ticket to Adventure].~
D1~Bound in the t^e^te-b^e^che style with [<$UltWepn|The Ultimate Weapon].~
record is used when a story or poem is reprinted as a standalone
item with a different title and/or byline and/or where the
original appearance specified one or more Item
Note Records. It must immediately follow the associated
An record and contains up to five fields:
If specified, this contains the original title under which
the item appeared. This may be omitted if both title and
title additional are unchanged but must be specified otherwise.
If the title change is a minor one, e.g. where a Standard
Title Record would normally be used then the title
should be prefixed with a '|' character.
Title Additional
If specified, this contains the title additional field from
the original appearance. It may be omitted if both title
and title additional are unchanged, but should be specified
otherwise (as an empty field if there was no title additional).
If the original appearance had one or more Item
Note Records then they should be specified here, separated
by // characters if there is more than one.
Cover Artist Record Layout
These were originally invented
because the US files did not support identification of cover artists. This
omission was subsequently corrected by extending the Book
Records to include a cover artist field, but the use of a separate record
has been retained in UK files for clarity and simplicity of use. It has between
two and four fields:
Record Type (DC)
Cover Artist
These are in standard internal format. If this
field is omitted then it indicates that there is cover art, but the artist
is unidentified.
Cover Art Title
Covert Art Title
If the cover art has a formal title then it can be recorded in these fields
in the usual way.
In UK files this record should
immediately follow the An record.
Cover Photo Record Layout
These were originally invented
because, even when the US files did support identification of cover artists,
Locus dictated that photographic covers should be excluded. It has
fallen into disuse in recent years, although it is unclear if this is a
deliberate change in policy or not. It has two fields:
Record Type
This record is treated as being
identical to a DC record with a "Cover Art Title" of "[photo]"..
Previous Edition Record Layout
These were created as a way
of recording any information given in a book on previous printings of a
book (other than the first edition). It has three fields:
Publisher Name
This is the name/imprint of the publisher as for First Edition Records.
This is the date specified for the previous edition (in the form YYYYMM).
This record is currently ignored
by the index programs.
Alternate Edition Record Layout
This is used when multiple editions
appear simultaneously from the same printer's plates. The main entry should
contain the most common edition (typically a trade paperback) while this
should be used for secondary editions (typically hardcover and/or limited
editions). It has up to five fields:
Type of alternate
This specified the type of the alternate edition, and defaults to 'hardcover'
if omitted.
ISBN of alternate
If this has the same prefix as the main entry then the prefix (but not
the hyphen after the prefix) may be omitted.
Price of alternate
This is in the same format as for Book Records.
This is specified as '%' if the edition has been seen, and omitted otherwise.
If the edition has been seen the associated text will be generated as
"A xxx edition is also available"; if not it will be "A
xxx edition was announced but not seen.
This record is translated to
the equivalent note text by the Index Programs.
External Link Record Layout
This record provides a formal
way of linking one entry in the database with one or more other entries
in the database. It has three fields:
This is the text to be prefixed to the link(s) and is typically something
like "Derivative Anthologies" or "See Also". If
omitted on the first DL record encountered, "See Also" is
assumed by default; if omitted on subsequent DL records it means that
the record details should be appended to the previous entry. Note
that, if multiple DL records are used in this latter sense, the first
must have more than a single ID to ensure the correct output is generated.
- Book/Magazine ID(s)
This contains one or more Book or Magazine IDs in the old
format separated by | characters.
If there is only a single
ID, the index programs generate the text:
<Prefix Text> <expanded
details of ID>
If there are multiple IDs,
they generate the text:
<Prefix Text>:
- <expanded details of ID1>
details of ID2>
- etc.
In each case, if the associated book/issue
is in the current index, the text is hyperlinked to the relevant entry. Note
that these records are always output after any other 'D' notes, no matter
where they appear in the input file.
First Edition/Description Record
This record provides a formal
way of defining the first edition of a book (for data mining and validation
purposes) and can also be used to generate a standard, brief, description
for the book. It has four fields:
Publisher Name
This is the name or imprint of the publisher who published the first edition
of this book. If there were multiple simultaneous first editions then
the publisher names are separated by a ";" and are listed in
the order discussed under the discussions of first
editions. This field is omitted if the book being described is itself
the first edition, or if the original publisher is unknown. If only the
country of first publication is known then this may be specified as 'UK',
'USA' or similar.
Note that, if there are multiple publisher names and there was a variant
title and/or author for only one of them then the appropriate publisher
name can be followed by any details of the variant title or author(s)
for the first edition in the form "as <title>" or "as
by author" or "as <title> by author".
This is the date when the first edition was published (in the form YYYYMM)
plus any details of variant titles or authors for the first edition form
"as <title>" or "as by author" or "as <title>
by author" unless they differed between multiple simultaneous first
editions in which case they are specified in the publisher name field
(see above). If the publication months differed for multiple simultaneous
first editions (typically when the US edition was 1 month later than the
UK edition) then both dates are specified, separated by a ";"
and listed in the same order as the publishers with any first edition
title/author specified on the second date. If there were simultaneous
first editions and only one had a different title/author then it should
be specified as part of the "Publisher Name" field as discussed
Note that this generally only refers to the first edition of the book
in its current form - earlier editions with a different text or in a different
language are mentioned in the notes text (although there is little consistency
on this). This field is omitted if the book being described is itself
the first edition, or if the original date is unknown.
First line
of the description for the book
If specified this should start with a lower-case letter (which will be
converted to upper case as necessary); if it is omitted then a description
is constructed from the book type and classification fields on the Book
This record is translated to
the appropriate note text by the index programs.
Series/Sequel Record Layout
This record was originally invented
as a formal mechanism for defining the series a book belonged to prior to
the invention of a field on the Book Record
for this purpose. It has been retained to provide additional information
and to document "informal" series. It has up to 4 fields:
Volume number
This should hold the volume number in the series in the form nn (or ???
if not known); if the series is unnumbered then the field should be left
empty. If the book is just a sequel then the field contains just the letter
Series title
(if a series entry) or previous book title
If the current book is a sequel to a previous book then this contains
the name of the previous book (in external format); otherwise it should
contain the name of the series to which the book belongs. If the series
name has already been included as part of the title then a "*"
may be entered here to generate a reference to "the series";
if the series has not yet been named then the field should be left empty
to generate a reference to "a new series".
Series type
This is used (for series entries only) to over-ride the keyword 'series'
with 'trilogy' or similar. As a special case, if the series name is self-contained
then '*' can be entered here to generate 'Volume nn in "name"'
rather than "Volume nn in the "name" series'.
This record is translated by
the index programs to a note along the lines of "Volume nn in the xxx
Note that the series title must
not duplicate a series defined in SERIES.CVT
- these series must be specified on the Book Record. It may be used to indicate
numbering in such a series (in which case the series title is "*")
or to document a series that is not to be included in the series index (e.g.
the "Weird Works of Robert E. Howard" series from Wildside &
Special Control Records
This record group was
invented as a mechanism for allowing functionality in the UK files
that was either not supported by the Version 1 programs or was supported
in a different way. As the data format is also used for Phil's personal
book catalogue, there are some record types that are used solely
therein and hence lie outside the remit of this documentation (these
are flagged as "not used in indexes" below). All these
records has a third alphanumeric character that defines their purpose,
as follows:
this is used for an internal note that should not be displayed
in the indexes (the equivalent at book/magazine level to the Item
Background Notes at the item level)
(not used in indexes)
- DQD: this is used to "define"
the source of information in the book files; it is informational only and
is ignored by the index programs.
- DQE: this is an Index/Validation
Control Record.
- DQF: this was used to identify
the artist of a frontispiece for a book; it still exists in some places but
is replaced by a "[frontispiece]" 'E' record in any books that form
part of the indexes and hence is not supported by the index programs.
- DQI: this was used to identify
the artist of internal illustrations for a book; it still exists in some places
but is replaced by an "[illustrations]" 'E' record in any books
that form part of the indexes and hence is not supported by the index programs.
- DQN: this is used to exclude books
from the indexes on a book-by-book basis (and is equivalent to DQE~NOLIST~
for magazine issues). It allows the incremental addition of books to the index
as each is "tidied up".
- DQO (not used in indexes)
- DQQ: this is used to identify
an author who has a quotation on the cover of the book; it has not been used
very widely and is currently ignored by the index programs.
- DQR (not used in indexes)
- DQV (not used in indexes)
- DQX: this is identical to DQN
except that it indicates that the book has been deliberately excluded for
the time being.
- DQZ (not used in indexes)
Control Record
This record is
used to indicate how the associated book/magazine should be
handled by particular indexes or, if specified on a "[features]"
record, how it should be validated. It has two fields:
Type (DQE)
Control Flags: this may contain multiple flags (where appropriate)
separated by "/" characters.
Possible values
for the control flags in a "[features]" record are:
that there are no missing parts in any serials. Should only
be used for magazines where the majority of issues (or a
large contiguous batch) have been indexed.
for any authors that are not specified in PSEUD.CVT or which
need dates adjusted.
of the above plus other, minor, validations that apply only
to "fully validated" files.
As for VALFULL but supresses serial checks and checks of
the size of items labelled as "ss".
- VALNOABB: Suppress
validation of magazine name against abbreviation.
- VALNOSEQ: Suppress
check for page numbers in order (used for omnibuses).
Suppress capitalisation checks for poetry.
Do not report authors without entries in PSEUD.CVT.
- VALNOSIZ: Suppress
check for size of items labelled as "ss" (used
for partially-indexed magazines and magazines with non-contiguous
- VALNODATE: Suppress
check for two adjacent issues with the same date.
Suppress check for missing images for this file.
Note that if a
file does not contain a "[features]" record, the
validation defaults to VALFULL except that the VALSERIAL checks
do not apply; otherwise if no flags are specified explicitly,
none of the optional validation is performed.
Possible values
for the control flags on a normal book record are:
- NOTOC: A placeholder
for the book or magazine issue should be generated but the
contents should not be listed. This is typically used where
the contents are known for a subset of the issues of a magazine
but are not (currently) available for general dissemination.
book/magazine should not be listed in the index at all.
This is typically used where the bulk of the data for a
given magazine comes from another source but we have been
asked not to add it to the online indexes.
- VALNOSIZ: Suppress
check for size of items labelled as "ss" (used
for books with exceptionally large print)
- VALNOSEQ: Suppress
check for page numbers in order (used for omnibuses).
Suppress capitalisation checks for poetry.
- MYS_ONLY: This
flag is no longer used.
- LOCUS: This
flag is no longer used.
Note that, for
historical reasons, a DQE record with no qualifier on an individual
book record is treated as DQE~NOTOC~