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Quaker City Series

Country: US
Total Issues: 5?

Issues & Index Sources:  1890s: Dime Novel Bibliography (sample issue only)
Publishers:   Pennsylvania Publishing Company, Philadelphia
Formats:   7 1/8 x 4¾"
Prices:   50c
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography


Country: US
Total Issues: 22

Amateur online magazine.

Issues & Index Sources:  Oct-1989 – Jul-1995: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Daniel K. Appelquist, Washington D.C.
Editors:   Daniel K. Appelquist
Issue Checklist

Quantum [1960]

Country: Australia


Issues & Index Sources:  1959 – 1960: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   John Martin Baxter, 29 Gordon Rd., Bowral, NSW
Editors:   John Martin Baxter

Quantum [1975]

Country: US

Science fiction and fantasy fanzine.

Issues & Index Sources:  1975 – 1978
Publishers:   1171 Neeb Road, Cincinnati, OH 45238
Editors:   Ric Bergman, Allen Curry, Marla Gold, Paula Gold, Art Metzger & Mike Streff
Related Sites:   ZineWiki

Quantum [1990]

see under Thrust

Quantum Kiss

Country: US
Total Issues: 15

Amateur cumulative online magazine of speculative romance. One or two stories per posting.

Issues & Index Sources:  Dec-2006 – Mar-2010
Publishers:   Jerry J. Davis, Chicago
Editors:   Mary Jo and Bill Ledbetter

Quantum Muse

Country: US

Online SF magazine.

Issues & Index Sources:  Apr-1999 – present: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
Editors:   Michael Gallant, Raymond M. Coulombe and Timothy O. Goyette


Country: US
Total Issues: 4

A quarterly of speculative fiction which was produced more as a magazine than an anthology.

Issues & Index Sources:  Nov-1970 – Aug-1971: Index to SF Anthologies & Collections
Publishers:   Paperback Library
Editors:   Samuel R. Delany & Marilyn Hacker
Formats:   pocketbook
Prices:   $1.25
Pagecounts:   240pp
Frequency:   quarterly
Related Sites:   Science Fiction Encyclopedia

Quarry Magazine

Country: Canada

Issues & Index Sources

  Spring 1952 – 2000?


  in 2000: P.O. Box 1061, Kingston, Ontario, K7K 4Y5, Canada
  in 2002: P.O. Box 74, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 4V6, Canada


  1962 – 1967: Tom Eadie
  1988 – 1994: @Steven Heighton
  in 1998: Mary Cameron
  in 2000: Rob Payne
  in 2001 – 2002: Andrew Griffin



Mentioned in:   O. Henry Awards Website (in 2002)

Quarry West

Country: US

Quarry West was founded by Raymond Carver, who taught at Porter College, University of California, Santa Cruz, in 1971. The first four issues were called Quarry; then it was discovered that there was already a Canadian literary journal of that name -- hence Quarry West. Now on an annual publication schedule, Quarry West is a nationally distributed magazine devoted to printing the finest poetry, poetry in translation, fiction, art, essays and reviews available, with a particular emphasis on encouraging quality new voices alongside the best new works of more established writers.

Ceased with #35/36.

Issues & Index Sources:  Winter 1971 – Spring 2000
Publishers:   University of California, Santa Cruz

The Quarterly

Country: US
Total Issues: 31

Published much short fiction; authors include Rick Bass, Cooper Esteban, Gary Lutz.

Issues & Index Sources:  Spring 1987 – Fall 1995
Publishers:   650 Madison Avenue, Suite 2600, New York, NY 10022
Editors:   Gordon Lish
Frequency:   quarterly

The Quarterly Conversation

Country: US

"The Quarterly Conversation runs reviews of fiction and nonfiction alike, so long as the books are of literary and/or cultural value. We are especially interested in works that have been translated into English, and we try to cover a number of works-in-translation in each issue. Special interest will be given to works translated from traditionally neglected nations or languages."

Issues & Index Sources:  in 2010s: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Editors:   Veronica Scott Esposito (in 2018)

The Quarterly Review

Country: UK

A heavyweight journal of literary importance (chief rival to The Edinburgh Review throughout the 19th century), it published essays by Sir Walter Scott and many other famous writers, but may not have published any fiction.

Issues & Index Sources

  1809 – 1967: Index to Periodical Literature (Poole 1809 - 1906 only; Well1 1824 - 1900 only)
The Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals Volume 1


  John Murray


  1809 – 1824: William Gifford
  1825 – ?: J.G. Lockhart



Related Sites


Mentioned in:   British Literary Magazines Vol. 2, British Literary Magazines Vol. 4

Quarterly West

Country: US
Total Issues: 85 (as at Sep-2015)

Runs both mainstream and experimental fiction. Has biennial novella competition. Has published Fred Chappell, Albert Goldbarth, Gary Soto, Philip Levine. Circulation 2,000.

Issues & Index Sources:  1975? – present: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   317 Olpin Union Hall, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 (in 1998 - 2002)
Editors:   Lawrence Coates & M.L. Williams (in 1998), Margot Schilpp (in 2000 - 2002)
Formats:   review
Pagecounts:   225pp
Frequency:   twice yearly
Mentioned in:   O. Henry Awards Website (in 2002)


Country: US

Issues & Index Sources

  Fall 1962 – Summer/Fall 1977

#merges with Descant (US)


  College Station, Texas

The Quarto [1896]

Country: UK

Subtitled "An Artistic, Literary and Musical Quarterly".

Issues & Index Sources:  1896 – 1898: Indexes to Fiction #4: Time, Murray's Magazine and The Quarto (FicMags sample issues only)
FictionMags Index
Editors:   John Bernard Stoughton Holborn

Quarto [1979]

Country: UK

A short-lived literary magazine which ran some fiction; distributed with SM Magazine.

Issues & Index Sources:  1979 – early 1980s
Formats:   quarto
Frequency:   monthly?

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