Magazine Data Page 357 |
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The Most Thrilling Science Fiction Ever ToldCountry: USTotal Issues: 13+4+1+24=42
Reprint magazine featuring stories from Amazing and Fantastic. Issues & Index Sources
PublishersUltimate PublishingEditorsSol Cohen (anonymously)Formatsdigest (rising to 75c by Aug-1974)Prices50cPagecounts128ppFrequencyquarterly, but bimonthly from Dec-1971 - Dec-1974Related SitesScience Fiction Encyclopedia |
MOTACountry: USTotal Issues: 30
Editors: Terry Hughes |
Mother JonesCountry: US
An American magazine that focuses on news, commentary, and investigative reporting on topics including politics, the environment, human rights, and culture.
Publishers: San Francisco Related Sites: Wikipedia |
Mothership ZetaCountry: USTotal Issues: 7
Editors: Mur Lafferty Formats: ebook Prices: $2.99 |
The Mother's MagazineCountry: US
Issues & Index Sources
Motion Picture ClassicCountry: US
Movie magazine that published some fiction. Subtitled "Pictorial of Screen and Stage" from Feb-1924 to Aug-1924. Issues & Index Sources
Related SitesMoviemags |
(The) Motion Picture (Story) MagazineCountry: US
Featured adaptations of movie scripts. Initially entitled The Motion Picture Story Magazine; retitled Motion Picture Magazine by Apr-1914 and just Motion Picture by 1940. Issues & Index Sources
PublishersThe M.P. Publishing Co., 175 Duffied St., Brooklyn, New YorkEditorsEugene V. BrewsterPrices15cOnline SourcesOnline Books |
motiveCountry: US
The official magazine for the Methodist Student Movement which featured a short story in most issues (in the 1960s at least) including an early story by Alexei Panshin.
Related Sites: |
Motor StoriesCountry: USTotal Issues: 32
Stories of motor-driven craft (including automobiles and submarines), ranging from invention stories to racing adventures.
Prices: 5c Pagecounts: 32pp Frequency: weekly Mentioned in: Dime Novel Bibliography |
The Mt. Angel MagazineCountry: US
Published by the Monks of the Mt. Angel Monastery, and frequently contained fiction and poetry.
Mount to the StarsCountry: USTotal Issues: 2
Small press SF magazine.
Mount Zion Speculative Fiction ReviewCountry: USTotal Issues: 3
Subtitled "A Journal of Appalachian horror and fantasy".
Editors: Ryan Shelton |
Mouth Full of BulletsCountry: USTotal Issues: 3
Mouth Full of Bullets published 4 online issues from Autumn 2006 to Summer 2007, then three print issues before reverting to an online magazine from the Summer 2008 issue.
Editors: B.J. Bourg Prices: $6.00 Frequency: quarterly |
Movie Action MagazineCountry: USTotal Issues: 6
Featured adaptations of movie scripts.
Editors: John L. Nanovic Formats: standard pulp Prices: 10c Pagecounts: 128pp Frequency: monthly (except last issue) Mentioned in: The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps |
Movie AdventuresCountry: USTotal Issues: 3+5+14?=21?
Initially focussed on short stories based upon movies of the day, with an original story thrown in from time to time, but over time changed to more of a fan magazine. Issues & Index Sources
PublishersThe Brewster Publications Inc.EditorsEllan McIlvaineFormatslarge pulpPrices15cPagecounts100pp |
Movie Boys SeriesCountry: USTotal Issues: 17
Formats: 7¼ x 5" Prices: 25c? Pagecounts: 200-225pp Frequency: monthly Mentioned in: Dime Novel Bibliography |