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Magazine Issues  
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Hot Stories

Country: US
Total Issues: 1+5?=6?

Issues & Index Sources

  Nov-1929, as Hot Tales
  Dec-1929 – Apr-1930?, as Hot Stories: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)


  Nov-1929: Merwil Publishing Co.
  Jan-1930 – ?: Irwin Publishing Company



Mentioned in:   Uncovered: The Hidden Art of Girlie Pulps
Issue Checklist

Hot Tales

see under Hot Stories

Hot Talk

Country: US

Erotica magazine featuring reader's fantasy letters, fiction, articles, video reviews, and sexually explicit photographs and pictorials. The title was previously used for 25 issues of "The Best of Forum Letters".

Issues & Index Sources:  Jan/Feb-1988 – Dec-1999/Jan-2000?: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
Publishers:   Hot Talk Publications, Ltd.
Prices:   $5.50
Issue Checklist

The Hound and Horn

Country: US
Total Issues: 27?

Little magazine. See Hound and Horn by Leonard Greenbaum (Mouton, 1966).

Issues & Index Sources:  Sep-1927 – Jul/Sep-1934: Index to English-Language Little Magazines, 1890-1970 (FicMags partial issues only)
FictionMags Index
Publishers:   Hound and Horn, Cambridge, MA (Harvard)
Frequency:   quarterly
Related Sites:   Wikipedia

The Hour Glass

Country: UK

Subtitled "an illustrated monthly magazine", it aimed to "publish articles on teh subjects of the hour by the men of the hour", but also featured some fiction including the only appearance of G.A. Henty's "Till Death, and After".

Issues & Index Sources:  Jan-1887 – ?
Publishers:   A.G. Dawson, 14 Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row, London
Frequency:   monthly

Hours at Home

Country: US

"A Journal of Literature, Romance and Information".

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1900s: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   Hours at Home, Walker Street, New York City, New York

The House Beautiful

Country: US

An interior decorating magazine that focuses on decorating and the domestic arts and which published some fiction in the early years.

Issues & Index Sources:  Dec-1896 – present: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   Hearst Magazines (in 2020)
Frequency:   monthly
Related Sites:   Wikipedia

House Carfax

Country: US
Total Issues: 6


Issues & Index Sources:  Spring 1988 – Fall 1990: Science Fiction Index
Issue Checklist

House & Garden

Country: US

Magazine focusing on interior design, entertaining, and gardening that has occasionally published fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  1901 – 1993: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   The Vogue Company (in 1918)
Editors:   Richardson Wright (in 1918)
Related Sites:   Wikipedia

Household Library [1885]

Country: US
Total Issues: 8

Issues & Index Sources:  Dec-1885 – Jul-1886: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   D. Lothrop & Co.
Prices:   50c
Frequency:   Monthly

Household Library [1887]

Country: US

Issues & Index Sources:  1887 – 1890: Dime Novel Bibliography (sample issues only)
Publishers:   Belford, Clarke, & Co. (Chicago)
Formats:   7¼ x 5"
Prices:   Not individually priced. LeBlanc listing says $20.00 per year (25c); Dinnerology has $30.00 per year cover price; some other listings suggest 50c issues.
Pagecounts:   185 - 200 (original LeBlanc figure; other references suggest significantly longer and shorter counts for some titles)
Frequency:   Semi-weekly
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Household Magazine [1860]

Country: US
Total Issues: 16

A strongly religious magazine covering 'literature, physical and mental culutre'.

Issues & Index Sources

  Jan-1860 – Jun-1860
  Jul-1860 – Apr-1861, as American Monthly


  H.M. Platt



Household Magazine [1867]

Country: US

Authors include Louisa M. Alcott. Continued as Illustrated Household. Magazine.

Issues & Index Sources:  Sep-1867 – Dec-1874?
Publishers:   S.S. Wood

Household Magazine [1900]

Country: US
Total Issues: 638

Began as a little magazine and then became a house service magazine. Not sure how much fiction it carried.

Issues & Index Sources

  Jan-1900 – Nov-1958: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)


  Arthur Capper, Topeka, KS


  Jan-1900 – early 1950s: Nelson Antrim Crawford
  ?: Robert P. Crossley


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The Household Novelette

Country: UK
Total Issues: 57

Sub-titled 'a complete story weekly'.

Issues & Index Sources:  1888 – 1889
Publishers:   Alliance Publishing, Birmingham
Formats:   large digest (octavo)
Frequency:   weekly

The Household Pilot

Country: US

An illustrated household and farm journal that published some fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  1879 – ?: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   Pilot Publishing Company, New Haven, CT
Editors:   J.F. Bliven
Frequency:   monthly

Household Words

Country: UK

A miscellany of fact and fiction. Ran Dickens's "Hard Times" (1854), plus stories and serials by Mrs Gaskell, Wilkie Collins, G.A. Sala. Circulation averaged 40,000 but special Xmas numbers exceeded 100,000.

Issues & Index Sources

  30-Mar-1850 – 28-May-1859: Household Words
Index to Periodical Literature
  30-Apr-1881 – Jul-1905: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)


  30-Mar-1850 – 28-May-1859: Bradbury & Evans, London
  30-Apr-1881 – Jul-1905: C. Dickens & Evans, London


  30-Mar-1850 – 28-May-1859: Charles Dickens
  30-Apr-1881 – ?: Charles Dickens the younger


  30-Mar-1850 – 31-Mar-1900: weekly
  May-1900 – Jul-1905: monthly

Related Sites


Mentioned in:   British Literary Magazines Vol. 3

Online Sources

  Dickens Journals Online

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