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gynaezineCountry: AustraliaTotal Issues: 3?
A fanzine about women and SF. It has interviews, art and cartoons as well as occasional fiction and poetry.
Gypsy [1950]Country: UKTotal Issues: 1
A slender publication, featuring six to eight racey short stories, interspersed with black and white nude or scantily-clad pin-up, purporting to be a US pulp magazine.
Pagecounts: 36pp |
Gypsy [1984]Country: US
Publishes fiction, reviews and art. Circulation 1,000.
Editors: Belinda Subraman & S. Ramnath Frequency: twice yearly |
The GyroscopeCountry: USTotal Issues: 4
A mimeographed journal produced by students at Stanford.
Editors: Yvor Winters, Janet Lewis & Howard Baker |
Habersham ReviewCountry: US
A literary review with a focus on southeastern US. Publishes three or four stories per issue. Circulation 700. Issues & Index Sources
PublishersPiedmont College, Demorest, GA 30535-0010 (in 2000)EditorsFormatsreviewPagecounts96ppFrequencytwice yearlyMentioned in: O. Henry Awards Website (not in 2001 or 2002) |
Hadrosaur TalesCountry: USTotal Issues: 21+40=61
Went on indefinite hiatus after the Spring 2015 issue. Issues & Index Sources
Website: PublishersHadrosaur Productions, c/o David Summers, P.O. Box 8468, Las Cruces, NM 88006-8468EditorsDavid SummersRelated SitesScience Fiction Encyclopedia (Hadrosaur Tales)Science Fiction Encyclopedia (Tales of the Talisman) |
Haldeman-Julius QuarterlyCountry: US
Editors: E. Haldeman-Julius |
The Half-Century MagazineCountry: USTotal Issues: 77?
The Half-Century Magazine was founded in 1916 by Anthony Overton, to commemorate
a half-century since the end of slavery in the United States, or the 1915
Lincoln Jubilee. Along with Overton, Katherine E. Williams was also listed as
owner. Williams, Cyril A. Crichlow, and Dr. M. A. Majors all served as associate
Frequency: monthly |
The Half HourCountry: US
Prices: 5c Pagecounts: 128pp+ Frequency: monthly |
The Halfpenny GazetteCountry: UKTotal Issues: 81
Originally called 'A weekly illustrated journal of fiction, science and general literature'. Later issues may have consisted mostly of reprints of penny dreadfuls.
Frequency: weekly in 2 series; may have continued in a third series into 1864. |
The Halfpenny JournalCountry: UKTotal Issues: 240+50=290
An illustrated weekly "for all who can read"! It serialised Mary
Braddon's anonymous notorious "The Black Band". Issues & Index Sources
PublishersFormatsquartoFrequencyweekly |
The Halfpenny MagazineCountry: UKTotal Issues: 36+
Formats: large digest (octavo) Pagecounts: 8pp Frequency: weekly |
The Halfpenny MiscellanyCountry: UKTotal Issues: 29
There was also a Christmas number called The Good Intent. There may have been more issues as Waite refers to 5 volumes.
Pagecounts: 8pp Frequency: weekly |
The Halfpenny MonarchCountry: UKTotal Issues: 24?
A mixture of long, complete stories and comic strips. Issues were bound and sold as The Monarch Novels, which gathered 12 issues at a time, priced 6d. The first issue was said (by the publishers) to have gone to three editions.
Pagecounts: 16pp Frequency: weekly |
Halfpenny Picture Magazine for Little ChildrenCountry: UKTotal Issues: 12
Issues & Index Sources
#becomes Pictorial Magazine for Little Children Frequencymonthly |
The Halfpenny Standard JournalCountry: UKTotal Issues: 85
Entitled The Halfpenny Standard Journal; Standard Journal Reprints from The Boys' Standard
Pagecounts: 16pp Frequency: weekly |