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The Frontier [1920]

Country: US

A magazine of the Northwest. Not to be confused with the pulp magazine The Frontier; first issue called Montanan; merged with The Midland in 1933.

Issues & Index Sources:  May-1920 – Summer 1939: Index to English-Language Little Magazines, 1890-1970 (FicMags sample issue only)
FictionMags Index
Publishers:   State University of Montana at Missoula
Editors:   Harold G. Merriam (in 1933)
Prices:   40c (in 1933)
Pagecounts:   114pp (in 1933)

The Frontier [1924]

Country: US
Total Issues: 26+134=160

Title in later years sometimes given as "Frontier Stories of Pioneer Days".

Issues & Index Sources

  Oct-1924 – Nov-1926: Western Fiction Index
  Dec-1926 – Winter 1953, as Frontier Stories: Western Fiction Index


  Oct-1924 – Mar-1928: Doubleday, Page & Co., Inc., NY
  Apr-1928 – Apr-1929: Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc., NY
  Jun-1929 – Winter 1953: Fiction House


  Jack O'Sullivan (by 1953)


  standard pulp

Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps, The Pulp Western

Online Sources

  Online Books (3 issues only)
Issue Checklist

The Frontier (UK)

Country: UK
Total Issues: 26+26+35=87

Began life as a British reprint edition of the Doubleday pulp The Frontier, later Frontier Stories, but acquired its own identity in Aug-1929 when it was retitled Empire Frontier and reprinted stories from a wide variety of sources. In Jul-1932 it merged with All Star under the title of All Star Western & (Empire) Frontier Magazine.

When the magazine folded in Jun-1933 its slot was used to launch All Star Detective Stories (UK).

Issues & Index Sources

  Apr-1925 – Jul-1927: Western Fiction Index (Missing: Apr-1925)
  Aug-1927 – Jul-1929, as Frontier Stories (UK): Western Fiction Index
  Aug-1929 – Jun-1932, as Empire Frontier: Western Fiction Index

#merges with All Star


  The World's Work, Kingswood, Surrey


  standard pulp (large pulp from May-1926 - Jan-1927)




  Apr-1925 – Apr-1926: 176pp
  May-1926 – Jan-1927: 96pp
  Feb-1927 – Feb-1933: 176pp - 192pp
  Mar-1933 – Jun-1933: 128pp



Mentioned in:   The Age of the Storytellers
Issue Checklist

Frontier Stories

Country: US
Total Issues: 4

Issues & Index Sources:  1890L DimeNvl
Publishers:   Lee & Sheppard, 100 Milk St., Boston
Formats:   7¼ x 4¾"
Pagecounts:   250 to 300
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Frontier Stories (Canada)

Country: Canada

Canadian reprint edition of Frontier Stories.

Issues & Index Sources:  c. 1937: Western Fiction Index (sample issue only)
Formats:   standard pulp

Frontier Tales

Country: Australia
Total Issues: 2?

A thin Australian digest printing original stories by Australian authors.

Issues & Index Sources:  late 1940s: Western Fiction Index (Missing: any after #2)
Publishers:   Atlas Publications Pty. Ltd., 48 Queen Street, Melbourne
Issue Checklist

Frontier Times

Country: US

Started as a monthly historical pulp.

Issues & Index Sources

  1923 – Nov-1985


  1923 – 1957: J. Marvin Hunter
  1957 – 1985: Joe Small

Mentioned in:   It's a Man's World

Frontier Western(s)

Country: Australia

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1950s: Western Fiction Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   H. John Edwards Publishing Co. Pty Ltd., Sydney

Issue Checklist

Frontier Western Stories (UK)

see under New All-Action Stories

Front Page Detective

Country: US

True crime.

Issues & Index Sources

  1937 – ?


  in 1930s: Macfadden Publishing, Washington and South Avenues, Dunellen, NJ
  early 1940s: Exposed Publishing Co. (possibly a division of Macfadden Publishing), 149 Madison Am., New York, NY
  in 1950s: Dell Publishing Company Inc., 261 Fifth Ave., New York, NY
  in 1960s: Detective Publications Inc., 750 Third Ave., New York, NY
  in 1980s: RGH Publishing Corp, 460 W 34th St., New York, NY



Mentioned in:   Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
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Front Page Detective (UK)

Country: UK

True crime. British reprint edition of Front Page Detective.

Issues & Index Sources:  c. 1945
Publishers:   Pan Press

Front Page Stories

Country: US
Total Issues: 4

The Aug/Sep-1931 issue was an unpublished "ashcan" issue.

Issues & Index Sources:  Aug/Sep-1931 – May-1932: Adventure Fiction Index (Missing: Aug/Sep-1931)
Publishers:   Headquarters Publishing (Harold Hersey)
Formats:   standard pulp
Prices:   25c
Pagecounts:   128pp
Frequency:   bimonthly
Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps
Issue Checklist

FrostFire Worlds

Country: US
Total Issues: 24

FrostFire Worlds is a magazine of science fiction and fantasy adventures for younger readers, published quarterly in February, May, August, and November.

Issues & Index Sources:  Aug-2013 – Noc-2019: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Alban Lake Publishing, P.O. Box 141, Colo, Iowa 50056-0141
Editors:   Sylvan Bree Baker; Karen Otto
Formats:   quarto
Prices:   $7.00; $22.99
Frequency:   quarterly
Issue Checklist

Frothing at the Mouth

Country: US
Total Issues: 3?

"Publishes stories of all genres (prefers character-driven stories of literary, sci-fi, horror, surrealism, slipstream) up to 6,000 words."

Issues & Index Sources:  #1, 2003 – #3, 2004: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Sarloos Press, Mullica Hill, NJ
Editors:   Ellen M. Rhudy
Issue Checklist

Frozen Frog

Country: Canada
Total Issues: 12


Issues & Index Sources:  Jan-1992 – Aug-1997
Editors:   Benoit Gerard

Frozen Wavelets

Country: UK
Total Issues: 8 (as at Jan-2025)

Online speculative flash fiction and poetry zine.

Issues & Index Sources:  Fall 2019 – present: Science Fiction Index (Missing: any after #8, Winter 2023)
Publishers:   The Earthian Hivemind, Edinburgh
Editors:   Steph P. Bianchini
Issue Checklist


Country: UK
Total Issues: 1?

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1950s: FictionMags Index
Publishers:   Paget Publications, 106 Glenthorne Road, Hammersmith, London
Prices:   2/6d
Pagecounts:   36pp

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