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Blood, Blade, & Thruster Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 3+1=4

A print magazine that blends speculative fiction & satire. The third issue was only distributed (free) as a PDF file on the website. A nominal "fourth issue" appeared as a webzine in mid 2009.

Issues & Index Sources

  Sep-2006 – 2007: Science Fiction Index
  Jun/Jul-2009, as Blood, Blade, & Thruster Magazine (online): Science Fiction Index

Issue Checklist


Country: US
Total Issues: 12

Bloodbond is a magazine of vampires, werewolves, and shapeshifters, including those on other worlds, published semi-annually in May and November.

Issues & Index Sources:  Nov-2013 – Jan-2019: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Alban Lake Publishing, P.O. Box 141, Colo, Iowa 50056-0141
Editors:   Rachel Holt, Tyree Campbell
Formats:   trade paperback
Prices:   $9.95
Frequency:   twice yearly
Issue Checklist

Blood Coven

Country: US

Small press horror magazine.

Issues & Index Sources:  May-2000 – ?
Publishers:   Doris Pearson, PO Box 2842, Jacobson, MN 55752
Editors:   Doris Pearson

Blood from 'Stones

Country: UK
Total Issues: 10?

A promotional magazine published by an individual branch of Waterstone's in Deansgate, Manchester (UK). Each issue contained a piece of (reprint) fiction - usually a short story or an extract from a recent novel - as well as other features such as interviews.

Issues & Index Sources:  1996? – 2002?
Publishers:   Waterstone's, Deansgate, Manchester
Editors:   Matt Leyshon
Formats:   A5
Prices:   free
Pagecounts:   40pp
Frequency:   quarterly

Bloodhound Detective Story Magazine

Country: UK
Total Issues: 14

A reprint of the US Manhunt, though not issue-by-issue; ran new illustrations

Issues & Index Sources:  May-1961 – Jun-1962: Crime Fiction Index
Publishers:   T.V. Boardman, London
Editors:   Tom Boardman
Formats:   digest
Prices:   2/6d
Pagecounts:   128pp
Frequency:   monthly except last issue
Mentioned in:   Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist


Country: US

Small press horror magazine containing at least 1 story by D.F. Lewis.

Issues & Index Sources:  c. 1993

Blood Moon Rising

Country: US
Total Issues: 32

"The magazine for all things horror." Includes a handful of stories in each issue.

Issues & Index Sources:  2000? – Jul-2007: Science Fiction Index (Missing: #1, #2, #3)
Publishers:   Sapphire Publications
Editors:   Al Vermette
Prices:   $5
Frequency:   bimonthly
Issue Checklist

Blood Oranges Zine

Country: US
Total Issues: 2

A magazine of horror and fantasy with each issue "posting variations on a single theme (in our case the theme is a quote)".

Issues & Index Sources:  Oct-2007 – Oct-2009: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Blood Oranges Zine, P.O. Box 5182, Covington, LA 70433
Editors:   Lacey Jenkins & Anna Marie
Prices:   $3.00
Frequency:   irregular
Issue Checklist


Country: US

Horror fanzine, Mainly Fiction with Some Poetry.

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1980s: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   Philip Schuth, La Crosse, Wisconsin
Editors:   Philip Schuth

The Blood Red Experiment

Country: US
Total Issues: 5

A "neo giallo" horror magazine featuring serialised novellas.

Issues & Index Sources:  Nov-2017 – Mar-2018: Science Fiction Index
Formats:   ebook
Frequency:   monthly
Issue Checklist

The Blood Review

Country: US
Total Issues: 4

Semi-professional magazine. This was subtitled "The Journal of Horror Criticism", but it began to run fiction and by issue #4 had a substantial portion of fiction and poetry.

Issues & Index Sources:  Oct-1989 – Oct-1990: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Villegas, Denver
Editors:   Ruben Sosa Villegas
Formats:   quasi-slick (paginations varied)
Prices:   $7
Pagecounts:   72pp
Frequency:   roughly quarterly
Issue Checklist

Blood Roses

Country: US
Total Issues: 3?

Fanzine featuring a mix of horror fiction and poetry.

Issues & Index Sources:  #1, 2000 – #3, 2001: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Blood Letters Press, Jacobson, Minnesota
Editors:   Doris Pearson
Issue Checklist

Blood Samples

Country: US
Total Issues: 6?

"A magazine of vampire flash fiction and artwork. It focuses on non-traditional, humorous, and romantic vampire tales."

Issues & Index Sources:  Dec-2001 – 2003?: Science Fiction Index (Missing: all after #2)
Publishers:   Anxiety Publications, PMB 314, 101 Middlesex Tpke Ste 6, Burlington, MA 01803
Editors:   Kate Hill
Issue Checklist


Country: Australia
Total Issues: 11

Issues & Index Sources

  Jan-1994 – 1998: Science Fiction Index


  1994 – 1996: Bambada Press, Melbourne, Australia
  1997 – 1998: Implosion Publishing, 1921 E. Colonial Drive, 2nd Floor, Orlando, FL 32803


  1994 – 1996: David G. Barnett
  1997 – 1998: Cynthia Ariel Conlin
Issue Checklist

The Bloody Quill

Country: UK
Total Issues: 6

Fanzine featuring vampire poetry & fiction by Rhys Hughes, Steve Sneyd, D. F. Lewis & others.

Issues & Index Sources:  Autumn/Winter 1996 – Nov-1999
Editors:   J. & E. L. Rogerson

Bloomington News Letter

Country: US
Total Issues: 14


Issues & Index Sources:  Dec-1945 – Dec-1949
Publishers:   Bob Tucker, Box 260, Bloomington, NL
Editors:   Bob Tucker
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