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Magazine Issues  
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Bachelor [1937]

Country: US
Total Issues: 9

Magazine which promised to "promised to mirror the varied interests of the discerning cosmopolite in society, business, profession, politics, sports, theater, adventure, arts, and sciences".

Issues & Index Sources:  Apr-1937 – Dec-1937

Bachelor Magazine [1957]

Country: US

Issues & Index Sources:  ?-1956 – Nov-1958?

Issue Checklist

Bachelor [1960s]

Country: US

Men's magazine that published some stories by Barry Malzberg, initially titled Men in Adventure but soon changed to Bachelor. Annual selections appeared from 1964 as Bachelor's Best.

Issues & Index Sources

  May-1959 – Dec-1960, as Men in Adventure
  1961? – ?, as Bachelor: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)


  May-1959 – Dec-1960: Skye Publishing Co., Inc., NY
  Magtab Publications, 880 Third Avenue, NY (in 1960s)


  Ted Gottfried (in 1960s)

Mentioned in:   It's a Man's World
Issue Checklist

Bachelor (UK)

Country: UK

Issues & Index Sources:  c. 1958
Publishers:   L. Miller & Son. Ltd., 342-4 Hackney Road, London E2

Bachelor Party

Country: US

Issues & Index Sources

  Jan/Feb/Mar-1968 – Jul/Aug/Sep-1972?: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)


  1968: American Art Agency, 7311 Fulton Avenue, North Hollywood, CA.
  1969 – Jan-1971: Jaybird Enterprises, Inc.
  Apr-1971 – Jul-1972: American Art Enterprises, Inc.


  Hart Whitman
Issue Checklist


Country: US

Issues & Index Sources:  Jul-1972 – Spring 1981
Publishers:   Papa Bach Bookstore, Los Angeles

The Back Alley Webzine

Country: US
Total Issues: 8

Online magazine dedicated to preserving and promoting hardboiled private eye and crime genre fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  Jun-2007 – Nov-2010: Crime Fiction Index
Formats:   online

Back Brain Recluse

Country: UK
Total Issues: 24

Small press magazine of high quality exploring more experimental fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  #1, 1984 – #24, 2002: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   BBR, PO Box 625, Sheffield S1 3GY
Editors:   Chris Reed
Formats:   octavo (#15) at outset; quarto from Spring 1990; #24 was trade paperback
Pagecounts:   40/56pp, 44pp from Spring 1990
Frequency:   irregular, #23 was Spring 1997 and #24 was October 2002
Related Sites:   Science Fiction Encyclopedia
Issue Checklist

Back Brain Recluse Collections

Country: UK
Total Issues: 1

Issues & Index Sources:  #1, 1988: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Chris Reed, Smallfield, Surrey.
Editors:   Chris Reed

Issue Checklist


Country: US

A story from the May-1962 issue was reprinted in Short Stories International in 1964 which stated that it was a "quarterly that has ceased publication temporarily".

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1960s


Country: US
Total Issues: 1?

Fanzine, containing mostly fiction with a poem by L. Sprague de Camp and an article by Hal Clement.

Issues & Index Sources:  1982: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Infinity, Ltd. (Princeton University Science Fiction Society)
Editors:   Susan Palwick
Issue Checklist

Back Porch

Country: US

Subtitled "A Gathering of Fiction and Features".

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1990s
Publishers:   Spectrum Publishing Company, Gulfport, Mississippi
Editors:   Fannie V. Favre
Frequency:   quarterly

Backwards City Review

Country: US
Total Issues: 5

"A journal publishing authors and artists who often don't see their worlds in the same way people around them do."

Issues & Index Sources:  Fall 2004 – 2007: FictionMags Index
Publishers:   PO Box 41317, Greensboro, NC 27404
Editors:   Gerry Canavan, Tom Christopher, Don Ezra Cruz, Patrick Egan & Jaimee Hills
Formats:   perfect-bound, 9"x6"
Prices:   $5.00
Frequency:   twice-yearly

Bad Boy's Paper

Country: UK
Total Issues: 21

Issues & Index Sources:  5-Oct-1889 – 1-Mar-1890
Publishers:   Guy Rayner
Frequency:   weekly

Badlands Westerns

Country: Australia
Total Issues: 1?

A thin Australian digest printing original stories by Australian authors.

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1950s: Western Fiction Index (Missing: all issues)
Publishers:   Fitchett Brothers, West Melbourne, Victoria
Issue Checklist

The Badminton Magazine

Country: UK
Total Issues: 330+3=333

Primarily a sports magazine, but it published a not inconsiderable amount of fiction, and initiated at least two significant series: the "Don Q" stories by Kate & Hesketh Prichard, and the "Experiences of an Irish R.M." stories by Edith Somerville & Martin Ross (both late 1890s).


  1895 – 1900: Longmans, Green
  1900 – 1902: Heinemann
  Jan-1903 – Jun-1903: The 1900 Publishing Syndicate
  1903 – 1911: Sphere & Tatler
  1911 – 1916: Hulton
  Jul-1916 – Oct-1916: John E. Chandler
  1916 – 1921: H. Reiach for Badminton Magazine
  1921 – 1923: United Newspapers
  1927: Gale & Polden, Ltd.


  Alfred Edward Thomas Watson; E.H.D. Sewell (Jun-1927 - Jul-1927); A.C. MacLaren (Aug-1927)


  standard, illustrated



Mentioned in:   The Age of the Storytellers

Online Sources

  Online Books

The Baffler

Country: US
Total Issues: 28 (as at Aug-2015)

Calls itself the American Mercury of the 90s. Publishes writings challenging the mainstream political, cultural and social climate. Prefers essays to fiction and loves works on business culture. Circulation about 20,000.

Issues & Index Sources:  Summer 1988 – present: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
Publishers:   The Baffler, P.O. Box 378293, Chicago, IL 60637 (in 1998 - 2002)
Editors:   Thomas Frank (in 1998 - 2002)
Formats:   review
Pagecounts:   128pp
Frequency:   intended as quarterly but seldom more than one or two a year
Mentioned in:   O. Henry Awards Website (in 2002)

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