Magazine Data Page 42 |
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Austra-FantasyCountry: Australia
Total issues: 6
The AustralasianCountry: Australia
A weekly tabloid newspaper that published several stories by Erle Cox.
Australian CavalcadeCountry: UK
British reprint edition of Cavalcade (Australia).
The Australian Horror and Fantasy MagazineCountry: AustraliaTotal Issues: 5
Semi-professional magazine
Editors: Barry Radburn & Stephen Studach Formats: digest Prices: A$1.50 (price increased) Pagecounts: 40pp (pagination increased) Frequency: irregular |
The Australian JournalCountry: Australia
Subtitled "A Weekly Record of Amusing and Instructive Literature,
Science and the Arts", The Australian Journal was one of Australia's
longest lived and most influential literary magazines. Issues & Index Sources
PublishersA.H. Massina, MelbourneEditorsPricesPagecountsFrequencyweekly (1865 - 1869); monthly (1869 - ?)Mentioned in: Australian Crime Fiction |
The Australian MagazineCountry: Australia
Australian Monthly MagazineCountry: AustraliaTotal Issues: 18?+29?=47?
This was an early colonial magazine that was bought by Marcus Clarke in 1867 and renamed the Colonial Monthly. Mostly colonial content, and lots of pseudonymous and anononymous content. Issues & Index Sources
EditorsPagecounts80ppFrequencymonthly |
Australian Short StoriesCountry: AustraliaTotal Issues: 65
Magazine publishing contemporary Australian fiction with some guest contributions from overseas authors.
Frequency: quarterly |
The Australian WayCountry: AustraliaTotal Issues: 69
Inflight magazine of Australian Airlines/Quantas Airways.
The Australian Woman's Magazine and Domestic JournalCountry: Australia
A monthly journal published in Melbourne between 1882-1884. 15% fiction, 100% Australian content, 100% female authors, most of whom used pseudonyms.
Pagecounts: 32pp Frequency: monthly |
The Australian Women's WeeklyCountry: Australia
Women's magazine that published a lot of fiction.
Editors: George Warnecke (in 1933); Kim Doherty (in 2017) |
The Australian Women's Weekly OmnibookCountry: AustraliaTotal Issues: 7
Australian edition of Omnibook Magazine.
The AuteurCountry: UK
"Literary magazine... new fiction and poetry".
Editors: Danny Rosenbaum & Rupert Vandervell Frequency: quarterly |
Authentic Detective CasesCountry: US
True crime.
Authentic Detective Stories MagazineCountry: Canada
True crime.
Authentic RomancesCountry: UKTotal Issues: 4
Formats: 10.5 in x 8.625 ins Prices: 1/- Pagecounts: 32pp |