
Bibliography of Ellis Parker Butler
Searching for '..."The Whiggin"...'


  1. Red Book (July, 1911)   "The Whiggin"   A story. "Later She Married a Plipp." One of the "Built-by-Speculator" series. p 546-49.  [EPBLIB]
  2. 'The Whiggin' from Buick Bulletin magazine (May, 1918)


  3. Buick Bulletin (May, 1918)   "The Whiggin" Click here to see a picture of this item.A story. "The Fannings had heard of Westcote, no matter how, and the solemn-faced real estate man had personally conducted them from house to house." This periodical is a publication of the Buick Motor Company. "Published monthly in the behalf of Buick Interests Everywhere." Volume 6. Number 5. Illustrated.  [EPBLIB]

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