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    Everybody’s Story Magazine    (about)
    Story Magazine [“Vol. 1”; standard-size pulp in green cloth binding] (title and volume number are given on the spine only [but internal evidence of story-series numbering suggests “Vol. 1” is incorrect]; there is no indication inside as to publisher or dates; no masthead, no contents page, no issue covers, no editorial articles, no illustrations, no adverts; the layout is two-column throughout, and the print quite large; there are 768 pages, so if it was a monthly [as seems highly likely], and if this represents six months’ worth of the magazine, each issue would be 128pp). Further research suggests actual title is Everybody’s Story Magazine. Details supplied by David Pringle.

    Everybody’s Story Magazine [v3 #5, March 1911] (pulp)
    Details supplied by David Pringle.
    • 513 · The Round Room Horror · A. Demain Grange · ss
    • 526 · Peter’s Pudding · Chris Fairlawn · ss
    • 532 · Windyknowe: The Doctor’s Bride · Ralph Dundas · ss; “Every story in this series is complete in itself”.
    • 544 · The Mystery of the Prison-House · Adam Barnhart Brown · ss
    • 553 · The Meteoric Career of Mr. Barry Webbling, Episode Three: A Glorious Restoration · William Freeman · ss; “a new and most diverting series of stories”.
    • 562 · Is She Had Known! · Noreen Culmer · ss
    • 570 · An Amateur Philanthropist · Helen H. Watson · ss
    • 581 · The Tragedy of the ’Mabel Allington’ · Henry MacDonald · ss
    • 590 · A White Lie · Hans Arnold · ss; translation from German.
    • 600 · Ann Fletcher’s Rash Attempt · John Inglis · ss
    • 609 · The Queen of the Island · L. B. Thoburn-Clarke · ss
    • 617 · The Marriage of Camilla · Laura Kingscote · ss
    • 624 · The Faithful Jarvis · Marie F. Salton · ss
    • 630 · Phineas Tooper, Dealer in Queer Lots: The Great Cache of the Blue Indians · Charles Henry · ss; “Each story in this series is complete in itself”.

    Everybody’s Weekly
    Everybody’s was a general weekly magazine that began life in 1913 as The Competitor’s Journal. Everybody’s Weekly was incorporated into the title in 1925 and dominated from 1927; the Competitor’s Weekly element of the title was dropped in 1928. As Everybody’s (although it remained weekly), it ran until 25 April 1959.

    Everybody’s Weekly [#1, March 11, 1911] (London: Amalgamated Press, 1d, 44pp, 8½" x 11½")
    From a bound volume (in poor shape) at the University of Minnesota. (Minnesota and U of Texas seem to be the only US libraries holding this title, though given the confusion with the later UK title of similar name it’s hard to be sure.) For the first issue I’m listing all substantial items; thereafter fiction only (with perhaps some exceptions). Much of the issue is filled with ads, mostly for downmarket products. Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • fc. · photo of Oswald Mosley · Elliot & Fry · cv
    • 3 · Ourselves [etc] · Anon. · ms
    • 4 · Political Hostesses of the Coronation Year · Anon. · ar
    • 6 · Who Are the Middle Classes? · Anon. · ar
    • 7 · H.G. Wells: A Study in Personality · Edward Wright · ar
    • 9 · The Punishment of Public Life · John Foster Fraser · ar
    • 9 · Mary’s Double · Arthur Rutland · pm
    • 10 · Why the Caddie Thought Thirteen Unlucky · [unreadable] · ct
    • 10 · Sir Oswald Mosley, Bart: The Author of a Revolution · Anon. · bg
    • 11 · The Making of a Modern Magician: Thomas Alva Edison · Anon. · bg
    • 12 · Why I Don’t · Walter Emanuel · cl
    • 13 · Bullion! · W. Hope Hodgson · ss
    • 15 · Decline of the “Smart Set”: Society in the New Reign · Anon. · ar
    • 16 · The Bread of Good Looks · An Eminent Physician · ar
    • 17 · The Triumph of the Taxicab · Anon. · ar
    • 19 · A Woman’s Man [Part 1 of 15] · Anon. · sl; described as “Everybody’s Feuilleton”.
    • 22 · The Suffragette Husband · Charles Dana Gibson · ct
    • 22 · [untitled cartoon] · J. L. C. Booth · ct
    • 23 · Cement of Empire · H. G. Wells · ar
    • 25 · The Trumpet Call to Britons · Anon. · ar
    • 26 · “Wake Up, England!” Campaign · Anon. · ms; a two-page advertisement disguised as an article.
    • 32 · As I Lay Thinking · A. St. John Adcock · cl
    • 34 · The Editor’s Outlook · Anon. · ed
    • 38 · The Trend of Living Thought · Anon. · cl
    • 41 · With Books and Authors · The Chiel · cl
    • 42 · What to Do Next Week · Anon. · cl
    • 43 · Touch and Go · Anon. · hu

    Everybody’s Weekly [#2, March 18, 1911] (London: Amalgamated Press, 1d, 40pp, 8½" x 11½")
    Listing all fiction and selective other material, cover of H.B. Irving. Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 57 · The Lurking Death · Headon Hill · ss
    • 62 · A Woman’s Man [Part 2 of 15] · Anon. · sl

    Everybody’s Weekly [#3, March 25, 1911] (London: Amalgamated Press, 1d, 40pp, 8½" x 11½")
    cover of Princess Mary. Details supplied by Denny Lien.

    Everybody’s Weekly [#4, April 1, 1911] (London: Amalgamated Press, 1d, 36pp, 8½" x 11½")
    cover of Claude Grahame-Wite. Details supplied by Denny Lien.

    Everybody’s Weekly [#5, April 8, 1911] (London: Amalgamated Press, 1d, 36pp, 8½" x 11½")
    cover of F.E. Smith. Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 173 · The Cord That Snapped · Claude E. Benson · ss
    • 180 · A Woman’s Man [Part 5 of 15] · Anon. · sl

    Everybody’s Weekly [v1 #7, April 22, 1911] (London: Amalgamated Press, 1d, 36pp, 8½" x 11½")
    cover of Hon. James Bryce. Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 245 · Playing “Bear” · Edward M. Conley · ss; does not seem to have anything to do with the mysterious “game of bear” in the famous M.R. James fragmentary story.
    • 252 · A Woman’s Man [Part 7 of 15] · Anon. · sl

    Everybody’s Weekly [v1 #8, April 29, 1911] (London: Amalgamated Press, 1d, 36pp, 8½" x 11½")
    cover of unidentified woman. Details supplied by Denny Lien.

    Everybody’s Weekly [v1 #9, May 6, 1911] (London: Amalgamated Press, 1d, 36pp, 8½" x 11½")
    cover of Sir Hiram Maxim. Details supplied by Denny Lien.

    Everybody’s Weekly [v1 #10, May 13, 1911] (London: Amalgamated Press, 1d, 36pp, 8½" x 11½")
    cover illo of golfer. Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 353 · The Doom of Kurumba · Mrs. F. E. Penny · ss
    • 358 · A Woman’s Man [Part 10 of 15] · Anon. · sl

    Everybody’s Weekly [v1 #11, May 20, 1911] (London: Amalgamated Press, 1d, 32pp, 8½" x 11½")
    cover illo of the Kaiser. Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 385 · The Sign of the Ram · R. Austin Freeman · ss
    • 389 · The Truth About the Territorials: Is the Invasion of England Possible? · Coulson Kernahan · ar
    • 391 · A Woman’s Man [Part 11 of 15] · Anon. · sl

    Everybody’s Weekly [v1 #12, May 27, 1911] (London: Amalgamated Press, 1d, 32pp, 8½" x 11½")
    cover illo of Sir Francis Drake. Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 407 · The Greater Union: A Poem for Empire Day · Alfred Noyes · pm
    • 412 · The Truth About the Territorials: Could the Territorials Repel an Invasion · Coulson Kernahan · ar
    • 419 · Couriers of the Air · Harold Blind · ss
    • 422 · Why I Don’t · Oliver Onions · ar
    • 425 · A Woman’s Man [Part 12 of 15] · Anon. · sl

    Everybody’s Weekly [v1 #13, June 3, 1911] (London: Amalgamated Press, 1d, 32pp, 8½" x 11½")
    Listing fiction and selective other material; from a bound volume at U of Minnesota. cover illo a cartoon of stylish “nut”. Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 447 · Why I Don’t · Frank Richardson · cl
    • 449 · False Colours: A Holiday Sketch · Edwin Pugh · ss
    • 453 · The Treasure-Chest [Narky] · Sax Rohmer · ss
    • 458 · A Maker of Ware [Part 1 of 18] · Spencer Edge · sl
    • 463 · The Truth About the Territorials: How to Secure England Against Invasion · Coulson Kernahan · ar
    • 464 · A Woman’s Man [Part 13 of 15] · Anon. · sl

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