The FictionMags Index
Chronological List
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BISHOP, MICHAEL (Lawson) (1945- ); see pseudonym Philip Lawson (stories)
- Piñon Fall (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction Oct/Nov 1970
- If a Flower Could Eclipse (nv) Worlds of Fantasy v1 #3 1970/71
- Darktree, Darktide (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Apr 1971
- A Tapestry of Little Murders (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Jun 1971
- Spacemen and Gypsies (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Sep 1971
- Death and Designation Among the Asadi (ex) Worlds of If Jan/Feb 1973
- The White Otters of Childhood (na) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Jul 1973
- The Tigers of Hysteria Feed Only on Themselves (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Jan 1974
- In Rubble, Pleading (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Feb 1974
- Cathadonian Odyssey (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Sep 1974
- Allegiances (na) Galaxy Science Fiction Feb 1975 [Urban Nucleus]
- The Samurai and the Willows (na) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Feb 1976
- The House of Compassionate Sharers (nv) Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine May 1977
- Cabinet Meeting (nv) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Sum 1977
- Leaps of Faith (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Oct 1977
- At the Dixie-Apple with the Shoo Fly-Pie Kid (ss) Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine Nov 1977
- On Reviewing and Being Reviewed (ar) Shayol #1 1977; speech delivered at SolarCon III, El Paso, Texas, April 1977.
- Planetarium (pm) Speculative Poetry Review #2 1977
- Postcards to Athena (pm) Speculative Poetry Review #1 1977
- Evangels of Hope (ar) Foundation Sep 1978; first presented as a talk at the 27th British Eastercon in Manchester in 1976.
- Effigies (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Oct 1978
- The Knack and How to Get It. See? (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #68 1978
- [letter] (lt) Arena SF #8 1978
- Among the Hominids at Olduvai (pm) The Anthology of Speculative Poetry #3, ed. Bob Frazier, Bob Frazier 1978
- For the Lady of a Physicist (pm) Black Holes, ed. Jerry E. Pournelle, Futura 1978
- Within the Walls of Tyre (nv) Weirdbook #13 1978
- Loves Heresy (ss) Shayol #3 1979
- Storming the Bijou, Mon Amour (ss) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Jun 1979
- Conversations with Furthermore B. Havyes (br) Thrust Sum 1979; revised from Encounter of a Wee Kind (Columbus Ledger 29-Aug-1978).
- A Few Last Words for the Late Immortals (ss) Analog Jul 1979
- Critics Night at the Sci-Fi Bistro (ar) Thrust Fll 1979
- In Pursuit of Ubik (ar) Gregg Press 1979
- Oh, to Be a Blurber! (ar) Thrust Win 1980
- Believers and Heretics: An Episcopal Bull (Which Last Word May Be Defined as the Reader Lists) (ar) Foundation Jun 1980
- A Speculation of SF Writers (ar) Thrust Sum 1980
- Gene Wolfe as Hero (ar) Thrust Fll 1980
- For the Lady of a Physicist 2 (pm) Shayol #4 1980
- Wild Seed, by Octavia E. Butler (br) Foundation Feb 1981
- Murder on Lupozny Station [with Gerald W. Page] (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Apr 1981
- A Reverie for Mister Ray (cl) Thrust Sum 1981
- Valis, by Philip K. Dick (br) Foundation Jun 1981
- O Happy Day (ss) Rigel Science Fiction #2 1981
- New Dimensions 12, by Marta Randall & Robert Silverberg (br) Foundation Oct 1981
- Vox Olympica (nv) Omni Dec 1981
- A Spy in the Domain of Arnheim (nv) Pictures at an Exhibition, ed. Ian Watson, Greystoke Mobray Ltd. 1981
- At the City Limits of Fate (nv) Shayol #5 1982
- Where Time Winds Blow, by Robert Holdstock (br) Foundation Feb 1982
- If Wishes Were Horses, Some of Them Would Buck (pm) Star*Line Jul/Aug 1982
- Unlikely Friends (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Nov 1982
- Wished-For Belongings (ss) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine Dec 1982
- No Enemy but Time (ex) Timescape Books 1982
- Patriots (ss) Shayol #6 1982; A passage excised from the novel No Enemy But Time.
- Little, Big, by John Crowley (br) Foundation Feb 1983
- The Last Child Into the Mountain [with Lee Ellis] (ss) Omni Mar 1983
- And the Marlin Spoke (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Oct 1983
- Give a Little Whistle (ss) Whispers Oct 1983
- The Gospel According to Gamaliel Crucis (or, the Astrogators Testimony) (na) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Nov 1983
- The Untethered Spacewalk (ar) Atlanta Journal-Constitution Feb 11 1984
- With a Little Help from Her Friends (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Feb 1984
- Myths of the Near Future, by J.G. Ballard (br) Foundation Mar 1984
- Light Years and Dark: Science Fiction Since 1960 (ar) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Apr 1984
- A Self-Interview Update (iv) Thrust Sum 1984
- Independence Day Forever (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Jul 1984
- The Arts: Books (ar) Omni Sep 1984; heavily modified by editors and disowned by Bishop.
- (G)astronomical Song for Sentience (pm) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Sep 1984
- A Fathers Secret (ss) Pulpsmith Aut 1984
- Dogs Lives (nv) The Missouri Review v7 #2 1984
- To a Chimp Held Captive for Purposes of Research (pm) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Jan 1985
- All That Glitters Is Not Golding...or Bishop Either (ar) Thrust Spr/Sum 1985
- The Bob Dylan Tambourine Software & Satori Support Services Consortium Ltd. (ss) Interzone Sum 1985
- Galapagos, by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (br) The Washington Post Book World Sep 22 1985
- A Gift from the GrayLanders (nv) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Sep 1985
- Philip K. Dick (br) Thrust Fll/Win 1985
- Potpourri (ar) Thrust Fll/Win 1985
- Prospectus for a Novel of Human Prehistory, or The Origins of No Enemy but Time (ar) Thrust Fll/Win 1985
- Contact, by Carl Sagan (br) Atlanta Journal-Constitution Oct 22 1985
- Death Is a Lonely Business, by Ray Bradbury (br) Atlanta Journal-Constitution Nov 29 1985
- Close Encounter with the Deity (ss) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Mar 1986
- 000-00-0000 (ss) Last Wave v1 #5 1986
- Alien Graffiti (A Personal History of Vagrant Intrusions) (ss) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Jun 1986
- Taccatis Tomorrow (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Jun 1986
- A Jeremiad, Three Reviews, and a Postscript (ar) Thrust Fll/Win 1986
- Dear Bill (vi) All the Devils Are Here, ed. David D. Deyo, Jr., Unnameable Press 1986
- The Haint of the Redneck Immortal Raises His Plaint (pm) Fantasy Macabre #8 1986
- Eclipse, by John Shirley (br) Thrust Spr 1987
- Nebula Wars: The Importance of Being More Than Earnest (ar) Thrust Spr 1987
- Speaker for the Dead, by Orson Scott Card (br) Thrust Spr 1987
- The Egret (ss) Playboy Jun 1987
- Gods Hour (vi) Omni Jun 1987
- An Episode in the Death of Philip K. Dick (vi) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy Aug 1987; from The Secret Ascension.
- Tears (ss) Chattahoochee Review Fll 1987
- Saluting Pamela Sargent (fw) Academy Chicago 1987
- The Day of Creation, by J.G. Ballard (br) Atlanta Journal-Constitution May 8 1988
- A Reply to Orson Scott Card (ms) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1988
- The Hunchback of Tulsa, Oklahoma (pm) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Jun 1988
- First Novel, Seventh Novel: A Funeral for the Eyes of Fire (ar) Thrust Fll 1988
- The Toynbee Convector, by Ray Bradbury (br) Thrust Fll 1988
- The Calling of Paisley Coldpony (ex) Arbor House 1988
- Unicorn Mountain (ex) Arbor House 1988
- Reading the Silks (ss) Omni Aug 1989
- The Deluge and the Ark: A Journey Into Primate Worlds, by Dale Peterson (br) The Washington Post Book World Sep 22 1989, as The Fate of the Primate.
- The Fate of the Primate, by Dale Peterson (br) The Washington Post Book World Sep 22 1989; also as The Deluge and the Ark: A Journey Into Primate Worlds.
- Children Who Survive: An Autobiographical Meditation on Horror Fiction (ar) Amazing Stories Sep 1989
- Virtually Unknown Until 1983 (pm) Star*Line Sep/Dec 1989
- Icicle Music (ss) Spirits of Christmas, ed. Kathryn Cramer & David G. Hartwell, Wynwood 1989
- More Than a Masterpiece? (in) Easton Press 1989
- About The Ommatidium Miniatures (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #107 1990
- Should SFWA Abolish the Nebula Awards? (ar) Amazing Stories May 1990
- Emphatically Not SF, Almost (ar) Quantum Fll 1990/Wtr 91
- Emphatically Not SF, Almost: Introduction (in) Authors Choice Monthly #15 1990
- Snapshots from the Butterfly Plague (ss) Omni Dec 1990
- Crazy About Each Other (ss) Chattahoochee Review Spr 1991
- A Concert on Sunday, October 28, 1990 (ar) Quantum Sum 1991
- Brazzaville Beach, by William Boyd (br) Quantum Fll 1991
- Inconvenient Invitations (ar) Quantum Fll 1991
- Life Regarded as a Jigsaw Puzzle of Highly Lustrous Cats (nv) Omni Sep 1991
- Mister Touch, by M.J. Bosse (br) Quantum Fll 1991
- Extinction (pm) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Dec 1991
- The Balloon (ss) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Jan 1992
- About Apartheid, Superstrings, and Mordecai Thubana (ms) The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Bulletin #115 1992
- James Tiptree, Jr. Is Raccoona Sheldon Is Alice B. Sheldon Is Alli Is... (ar) Quantum Sum/Fll 1992
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