The FictionMags Index
Chronological List
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WEBB, DON (stories) (continued)
- Were Only Trying to Help (ss) The Tome #5 1990
- Avocation (ss) Figment #6 1991
- Letters from Sarah (ss) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Feb 1991
- Reach Out (ss) Interzone Jul 1991
- The End of the World (vi) Interzone Oct 1991
- Feeding the Loa (ss) Grue #13 1991
- Billy Hauser (ss) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Dec 1991
- Not of This World (ss) Interzone Feb 1992
- Essence of Faery (ss) Works #8 1992
- Man in Pyjamas (pm) Grue #14 1992
- A Tale from the War (ss) Science Fiction Age Nov 1992
- The Coming of the Spear (ss) Amazing Stories Dec 1992
- Hypotenuse (ss) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy Win 1992
- Smash the Clocks! (vi) Xizquil #8 1992
- Porcelain (ss) Eldritch Tales #28 1993
- The Pact (nv) Asimovs Science Fiction Mar 1993
- The Sound of a Door Opening (ss) Shoggoth #2 1993
- After Alhazred (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #83 1993
- From Deep Dendo (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #83 1993
- The Return of Slumber (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #83 1993
- A Visit to the Farside (ss) Amazing Stories Apr 1993
- Castalia (ss) Interzone May 1993
- The Idiot God (ss) Sinistre, ed. George Hatch, Horrors Head Press 1993
- All of Lifes Questions (ss) Deathrealm Sum 1993
- The Canals of Mars (ss) Science Fiction Age Sep 1993
- The Elder Pharos (pm) Star*Line Sep/Oct 1993
- In Hoc Signo (pm) Star*Line Sep/Oct 1993
- Flea Market Satori (vi) Xizquil #10 1993
- The Emerald Dawn (pm) Star*Line Nov/Dec 1993
- The Fragment (pm) Star*Line Nov/Dec 1993
- An American Hero (vi) The Seventh Day and After, Wordcraft of Oregon 1993
- Dentondagon! (vi) Alternate Hilarities #4 1993
- Paradise Lost (ss) The Seventh Day and After, Wordcraft of Oregon 1993
- The Mysterious (ar) Science Fiction Eye #13 1994
- The Star Beneath the Earth (vi) Xizquil #11 1994
- The Words, the Names (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction Mar/Apr 1994
- Sabbath of the Zeppelins (ss) Asimovs Science Fiction Apr 1994
- The Way Out (ss) Back Brain Recluse #22 1994
- The Comet Named Ithaqua (ss) Cyber-Psychos AOD #5 1994
- A Beggars Tale (ss) Deathrealm Sum 1994
- Sorcerers in Love (pm) Grue #16 1994
- The Book of Dead Names (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #87 1994
- The Evil Miracle (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Aug 1994
- A Ship Afar (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #87 1994
- Sonnet for a Black Knight (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #87 1994
- 9 Avant-Pop Fantasies (ms) Proud Flesh Fll 1994
- Other: Please Explain (vi) The Third Alternative #4 1994
- Bobo (pm) The Urbanite #4 1994
- Curiosity (pm) The Urbanite #4 1994
- FiFi (pm) The Urbanite #4 1994
- Mary the Tatmaster (ex) Century 1994
- On the Charge My Dog Was the Marquis de Sade (vi) The Urbanite #4 1994
- The Archons (pm) Cyber-Psychos AOD #6 1995
- Lavinias Lament (pm) Deathrealm Spr 1995
- Mary the Tatmaster (ss) Century #1 1995
- Sabbatical (ss) Grue #17 1995
- Wilbur Whatelys Brother (pm) Deathrealm Spr 1995
- Wilburs Song (pm) Deathrealm Spr 1995
- Martian Alchemy (ss) Dark Regions v3 #1 1995
- The Surgeons (ss) Interzone Jul 1995
- The Flower Man (ss) Interzone Sep 1995
- Particle Theory (ss) Non-Stop #2 1995
- Liber XIII (vi) Xizquil #13 1995
- Out of Bondage (ss) Science Fiction Age Jan 1996
- The Return of the King [with Susan Wade] (ss) Realms of Fantasy Feb 1996
- The Stars at Night: Early Texas Fandom (vi) The New York Review of Science Fiction Feb 1996
- Cabin (vi) The Third Alternative #10 1996
- Lonniemania (ss) Interzone Mar 1996
- Your Gold Teeth, Pt. 2 [with Paul Di Filippo] (ss) Aberrations #36 1996
- Buried Evelyn (pm) Black October Magazine v1 #1 1996
- Catalyst (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #5 1996
- The Lamp (vi) The Edge #3 1996
- Afternoon (vi) Xizquil #15 1996
- Why Lovecraft Still Matters: The Magical Power of Transformative Fiction (ar) Nova Express Fll/Win 1996
- The Beautiful Wassilissa (ss) Realms of Fantasy Oct 1996
- The Literary Fruitcake (ss) A Spell for the Fulfillment of Desire, FC2/Black Ice 1996
- Rudy and Marta (ss) The Urbanite #7 1996
- The Five Biographies of General Gerrhan (ss) Science Fiction Age Jan 1997
- It Sounded Angular (ss) Wetbones Spr 1997
- Junior Achievement (ss) Back Brain Recluse #23 1997
- The Ring of the Red Knight (ss) Talebones Sum 1997
- Delta Tea (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #9 1997
- A Tale from the Dearborn Nights (ss) The Edge #5 1997
- Effective Arcanum (ar) Science Fiction Eye #15 1997
- The Silver Screen and the Darkness Within (ar) Cyber-Psychos AOD #7 1997
- Man of Steel Saves the World (ss) Interzone May 1998
- Meeting the Messenger (ss) Realms of Fantasy Jun 1998
- Others to Act as Our Claws (ss) Dread #6 1998
- Afterward (ss) Not One of Us Mar 1999
- The Jest of Yig (ss) Interzone May 1999
- Faith (ss) Science Fiction Age Jul 1999
- The Unknown Nine (vi) Cyber-Psychos AOD #9 1999
- Twelve Nights in the Harem (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #20 1999/2000
- My Stream Slips More Than Yours (vi) Nova Express Fll/Win 1999
- Turn-of-the-Century Real Life (ss) Interzone Oct 1999
- The Prophecies at Newfane Asylum (ss) Interzone Mar 2000
- Magnet of Dreams (ss) Dreams of Decadence Aut 2000
- Borges Trial Run (ss) Cold Print #3 2000
- The Box from Japan, by Harry Stephen Keeler (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Feb 2001
- Pig (ss) Horror Garage #3 2001
- The Yellow Flower (ss) Interzone Jan 2002
- Our Novel (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 2002
- Night of a Thousand Eyes (ss) Bare Bone #3 2002
- Beyond the Rim (pm) Talebones Win 2003
- The Collector (ss) Bare Bone #5 2004
- The Experiment, Afterwards (pm) Premonitions #5 2004
- Psychotronic Heroes (pm) Premonitions #5 2004
- The Thirtyers (ss) Revelation Sep 2005
- The Great White Bed (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 2007
- Episode 72 (ss) Clarkesworld Dec 2008
- Higgs Boson (pm) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #43 2009
- Alternative Godzillas, by Kaoru Kurimoto (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction Jun 2010
- The Man Who Scared Lovecraft (ss) The Company He Keeps, ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, PS Publishing 2010
- Black Wings, ed. by S. T. Joshi, by S.T. Joshi (br) Dark Moon Digest Oct 2010
- Doll (ss) Space and Time Spr 2011
- Emilys Rose Window (ss) Cyäegha Spr 2011
- The Hollow Man (ss) Fungi Spr 2011
- Night Gauntlet [with Walter C. DeBill, Jr., Richard Gavin, Robert M. Price, Wilum H. Pugmire & Jeffrey Thomas] (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Mar/Apr 2011
- Lead Ions (pm) Kaleidotrope Apr 2011
- Fine Green Dust (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May/Jun 2011
- Big Ripples Without a Splash (ss) Flurb Fll/Win 2011
- Other People (ss) 2011; also as The Theatre of Ool Athag.
- The Theatre of Ool Athag (ss) 2011, as Other People; from Whispers and Shadows, ed. Jack Fisher, Prime Books, 2001.
- The Motion Picture Industrys Participation in UFO Disinformation, by Bruce Rux (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Jan/Feb 2012
- Splash (nv) Lore Apr 2012
- Doodles (ss) Lore Apr 2013
- Bluehill Gang (ss) Morpheus Tales Rural Horror Special 2014
- Pollution (ss) Analog Apr 2014
- The Future Eats Everything (ss) Worlds of the Unknown #1 2015
- Red, Green, Blink, Black [with John Shirley] (ss) The Weird Fiction Review Fll 2016
- The White Silk (pm) The Audient Void #2 2016
- Game of Nine Pins (nv) Cthulhu: Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos #7 2016
- Ninety-Nine Bottles of Beer (ss) Cyäegha Spr 2017
- From the Yellow Text of Thanos Khan (pm) Spectral Realms Sum 2017
- Hymn to Hastur (pm) The Audient Void #4 2017
- The Old Courthouse (pm) Spectral Realms Win 2018
- Kelpie (vi) Forbidden Futures Win 2018
- Mowth (vi) Forbidden Futures Win 2018
- The Arkham Express [with Glynn Owen Barrass] (ss) The Audient Void #7 2019
- Book Reviews [with Rosemary Webb] (br) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy, Aug 9999, etc.
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