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MATHERS, E(dward) POWYS (1892-1939) (stories)
- Four Pennorth (ss) The Adelphi Magazine Jun 1922
- Death (pm) The Golden Book Magazine Feb 1934; from the Arabian.
- The Dalliance of the Leopards (pm); from 5th century Sanskrit.
- The Dream: Korean Song,, uncredited (pm)
- The Emperor, by Thou-Fou (pm)
- Harouns Favorite Song,, uncredited (pm); from Arabian Nights 1929.
- Hearts Death, by Haroun al-Rachid (pm)
- Hearts of Women (pm)
- A Love Song of Daghestan (pm)
- Love, from the Arabian,, uncredited (pm)
- The Meeting, by Ibn-El-Fared (pm)
- The Sleeper,, uncredited (pm)
- Under the Pepper Tree, by Amor ben Amar (ss)
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