The FictionMags Index
Chronological List
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DOWLING, RICHARD (1846-1898) (stories)
- Bertrams Cottage (ss) The Sapphire Ring, and Other Stories, Tinsley 1882
- The Mystery of Lankhorne Place (ss) The Sapphire Ring, and Other Stories, Tinsley 1882
- Sally (ss) The Sapphire Ring, and Other Stories, Tinsley 1882
- Through the Foam (ss) The Sapphire Ring, and Other Stories, Tinsley 1882
- The White Lady of the Snow. An Irish Legend (ss) The Sapphire Ring, and Other Stories, Tinsley 1882
- In the Western Ocean (ss) Harpers Young People Feb 13 1883
- At the Tunnels Mouth (ss) Bow Bells Annual Christmas 1883
- The Log Hut of Clapham (ss) The Cornhill Magazine May 1884, uncredited.
- Homeward Bound (ss) The Cornhill Magazine May 1889, uncredited.
- A Baffling Quest (sl) Cassells Saturday Journal Sep 27 1890, etc.
- The Waltz in Faust (ss) The Strand Magazine Apr 1891
- A Flag of Distress (ss) Cassells Saturday Journal May 2 1891
- Two Marriage Eves (ss) The Strand Magazine Apr 1892
- The Lamp of Darkness (ss)
DOWLING, TERRY (1947- ) (stories)
- Alternative Reality and Deviant Logic in J.G. Ballards Second Disaster Trilogy (ar) Science Fiction (Australia) v1 #1 1977
- The Clone Ranger (cs) Science Fiction (Australia) v1 #2 1978
- A Conversation with Roger Zelazny [with Keith Curtis] (iv) Science Fiction (Australia) v1 #2 1978
- Shade of Encounter (ss) Science Fiction (Australia) v1 #2 1978
- A Specialist in Relative Disaster: J.G. Ballard: The First Twenty Years, by Jim Goddard & David Pringle (br) Science Fiction (Australia) v1 #2 1978
- TimeWinds: Terry Dowling and George Mannix Talk with Dennis Collins and Mark Salwowski [with George Mannix] (iv) Science Fiction (Australia) v2 #1 1979
- What Is Science Fiction? or Finding a Lowest Common Denominator (ed) Science Fiction (Australia) v2 #1 1979
- ...A Much Richer Phenomenon... (ar) Science Fiction (Australia) v2 #2 1979
- [cartoon] (ct) Science Fiction (Australia) v2 #2 1979
- The Art of Xenography: Jack Vances General Culture Novels (ar) Science Fiction (Australia) v1 #3 1979
- The Man with the Off-White Light-Sabre (ed) Science Fiction (Australia) v1 #3 1979
- The Fine Art of Villany Revisited (br) Science Fiction (Australia) v2 #3 1980; review of The Face, by Jack Vance.
- How to Live with a Deux Ex Machina (br) Science Fiction (Australia) v2 #3 1980; review of The Jesus Incident, by Frank Herbert and Bill Ransom.
- A Xenographical Postscript (ar) Science Fiction (Australia) v2 #3 1980
- Ballards Third Phase: A Plea for the Imagination (br) Science Fiction (Australia) v3 #2 1981; review of The Unlimited Dream Company, by J.G. Ballard.
- A Valediction to the Time Traveller (pm) Science Fiction (Australia) v3 #2 1981
- The Lure of Legendary Ladies (pm) Science Fiction (Australia) v3 #3 1981
- Reality Concealed, Paranoia Revealed (br) Science Fiction (Australia) v3 #3 1981; review of The Golden Man, by Philip K. Dick.
- Ballard Writes Ballard (br) Science Fiction (Australia) v4 #1 1982; review of Myths of the Near Future, by J.G. Ballard.
- The Lever of Life: Winning and Losing in the Fiction of Cordwainer Smith (ar) Science Fiction (Australia) v4 #1 1982
- The Man Who Walks Away Behind the Eyes (ss) Omega Science Digest May/Jun 1982
- Kirth GersenThe Other Demon Prince (ar) Science Fiction (Australia) v4 #2 1982
- Why Tschaicon? (ed) Science Fiction (Australia) v4 #2 1982
- The Terrarium (ss) Omega Science Digest May/Jun 1984
- The Only Bird in Her Name (nv) Aphelion Science Fiction Magazine Sum 1985/86 [Tom Rynosseros]
- Shatterwrack at Breaklight (ss) Omega Science Digest Jul/Aug 1985 [Tom Rynosseros]
- The Bullet That Grows in the Gun (ss) Urban Fantasies, ed. David King & Russell Blackford, Ebony Books 1985
- [letter] (lt) Science Fiction (Australia) v6 #3 1985
- [photographs of several SF contributors] [with Kerrie Hanlon] (pt) Science Fiction (Australia) v7 #2 1985
- What We Did to the Tyger (ss) Omega Science Digest Jan/Feb 1986 [Tom Rynosseros]
- The Man Who Lost Red (na) Aphelion Science Fiction Magazine Aut 1986
- Housecall (nv) Aphelion Science Fiction Magazine Spr 1986
- A Dragon Between His Fingers (ss) Omega Science Digest May/Jun 1986 [Tom Rynosseros]
- Time of the Star (nv) Aphelion Science Fiction Magazine Win 1986 [Tom Rynosseros]
- For as Long as You Burn (nv) Aphelion Science Fiction Magazine Sum 1986/87
- The Expanded, Revised, but Not-Too-Illuminating Light of Other Days (br) Science Fiction (Australia) v8 #1 1986; review of Lies, Inc., by Philip K. Dick.
- [photo of Roger Zelazny] (pt) Science Fiction (Australia) v8 #2 1986
- Marmodesse (nv) Omega Science Digest Jan/Feb 1987
- The Last Elephant (ss) Australian Short Stories #20 1987
- Tribute: The Last of Omega (ms) Science Fiction (Australia) v9 #1 1987
- The Quiet Redemption of Andy the House (nv) Australian Short Stories #26 1989
- Larrikin Wind (ss) Eidolon Aut 1990 [Tom Rynosseros]
- In the Dark Rush (ss) Aurealis #1 1990
- The Leopard (pm) Eidolon Sum 1991
- Roadsong (nv) Eidolon Spr 1991 [Tom Rynosseros]
- Ships Eye (nv) Eidolon Aut 1992 [Tom Rynosseros]
- The Final Voyage of Captain Gelise (ss) Aurealis #9 1992 [Tom Rynosseros]
- The Third Gift (ss) Overland Sum 1993
- A Woman Sent Through Time (ss) Eidolon Aut 1994 [Tom Rynosseros]
- Ships for the Sundance Sea (nv) Eidolon Win 1995 [Tom Rynosseros]
- His Own, The Star Alpheca (ss) Eidolon Sum 1996
- Beckoning Nightframe (ss) Eidolon Spr 1996 [Dan Truswell]
- The Ichneumon and the Dormeuse (ss) Interzone Apr 1996
- No Hearts to Be Broken (ss) Interzone Mar 1997 [Tom Rynosseros]
- Jenny Come to Play (nv) Eidolon Spr 1997 [Dan Truswell]
- The Infinite Race (ss) Aurealis #20/21 1998
- Downloading (nv) Event Horizon Sep 14 1998 [Dan Truswell]
- The View in Nancys Window (ss) Interzone Aug 1999
- Down Flowers (ss) Orb Speculative Fiction #0 1999
- The Saltimbanques (nv) Eidolon Aut 2000 [Dan Truswell]
- The Lagan Fishers (ss) Sci Fiction Apr 11 2001
- Clownette (ss) Sci Fiction Dec 15 2004
- Dark Me, Night You (ss) Midnight Echo Feb 2011
- The Way the Red Clown Hunts You (ss) Subterranean (online) Win 2012
- Nightside Eye (ss) Cemetery Dance #66 2012
- Mariners Round (ss) Exotic Gothic 4, ed. Danel Olson, PS Publishing 2012
- Intervention at Quissirio Landing (ss) Cosmos Oct/Nov 2013
- The Madlock Chair (ss) Aurealis #100 2017 [The Landings]
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