The FictionMags Index
Chronological List
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DOBSON, ROGER (Alan) (1954-2013) (stories)
- Introduction [with Mark Valentine] (in) Aklo Spr 1988
- The Strange Case of the Reverend Montague Summers (ar) Aklo Spr 1988
- Envoi: Colin Summerford [with Mark Valentine] (ob) Aklo Sum 1989
- A King in Bloomsbury: M.P. Shiels Bohemian Years (ar) Aklo Sum 1989
- A Minor Mystery in The Great God Pan (ar) Aklo Sum 1989
- Introduction to Tom: The Well-Beloved (is) All Hallows #1 1989
- Obituary: Colin Summerford (bg) Avallaunius Spr 1990
- Introduction to Arthur Machen: A Tribute (is) Aklo Win 1990/91
- [letter] (lt) Avallaunius Win 1990
- Was M.P. Shiel the Man Who Lost His Way? (ar) Aklo Sum 1991
- Fiona Macleod and the Anima Celtica (ar) Aklo Aut 1992
- The Image of Huysmans [with Mark Valentine] (br) Aklo Aut 1992
- Michael Harrison Memorial [with Mark Valentine] (ms) Aklo Aut 1992
- The Poet Machen: An Extract from M.P. Shiels The Purple Cloud (ar) Avallaunius Spr 1993
- The Weird Tale (1990) by S.T. Joshi (br) Avallaunius Spr 1993
- Exploring Machen Country: A Guide to Some of the Real Places Behind the Fiction (ar) Avallaunius Aut 1993
- The Ghost Story Gazetteer: Oxford Revisited (ar) All Hallows #6 1994
- Film News and Notes (cl) All Hallows #10 1995, etc.
- The Exorcist (mr) All Hallows #14 1997
- To Cut or Not to Cut (ar) All Hallows #16 1997
- The Hill of Dreams (Tartarus Press, 1999) by Arthur Machen (br) Faunus #2 1998
- Purefoy and Arthur: Introduction (ar) Aklo, A Volume of the Fantastic, ed. Mark Valentine, Roger Dobson & R. B. Russell, Tartarus Press 1998
- Arthur Ransomes Bohemia in London (ar) The Lost Club Journal #1 1999/2000
- Editorial [with Mark Valentine] (ed) The Lost Club Journal #1 1999/2000, etc.
- In and Out of Print [with Mark Valentine] (cl) The Lost Club Journal #1 1999/2000; [unheaded notices on Marmaduke Pickthall, Ernest Dowson, Richard Le Gallienne, Thomas Burke, Aubrey Beardsley, John Cowper Powys, H.P. Locecraft, John Fowles, Montague Summers, Arthur Machen, Barry Pain, C.J. Cutliffe Hyne,Savitri Devi, Adolf Hitler, Christina Foyle, plus other mentions of books and authors].
- In-and-Out-of-Print [with Mark Valentine] (cl) The Lost Club Journal #2 2000/01 2000, etc.
- A Palimpsest of The Three Impostors! (ar) Faunus #7 2001
- Lost Souls and Famous Names: The Missionary Work Continues [with Mark Valentine] (ed) The Lost Club Journal #3 2003/04
- Vincent Starrett: The Lost Clubs Patron Saint? [with Mark Valentine] (ar) The Lost Club Journal #3 2003/04
- Machenfest: The Transmutation of The Islington Mystery (ar) Faunus #11 2004
- The Book in Yellow: How Dorian Inspired Lucian (ar) Faunus #16 2007
- New Arabian Frights: Unholy Trinities and the Marks of Helen (ar) Faunus #20 2009
- A Trade of the Damned: Twin Toilers in Victorian Grub Street (ar) Faunus #24 2011
- Lucian in the Labyrinth: London Locations in The Hill of Dreams (ar) Faunus #25 2012
- He Wrote of Dark Forces: The Weird World of Dennis Wheatley (ar) Wormwood #19 2012
- The Scarlet and the Black: A Curiosity in Carmilla (ar) The Green Book #4 2014
- The Machen Society Is Brought to Book (br); All Souls (1992) by Javier Marias.
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