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COOKE, ARTHUR; pseudonym of C. M. Kornbluth, (1923-1958), Robert A. W. Lowndes, (1916-1998), John B. Michel, (1917-1969), Donald A. Wollheim, (1914-1990) & Elsie B. Wollheim, (1910-1996); other pseudonyms Alan Barrister, E. E. Clement, Bowen Conway, Graham Conway, Cecil Corwin, Walter C. Davies, Simon Eisner, Kenneth Falconer, Millard Verne Gordon, S. D. Gottesman, Carol Grey, David Grinnell, Carl Groener, Cyril Judd, Mallory Kent, John Lackland, Paul Dennis Lavond, John MacDougal, Scott Mariner, Wilfred Owen Morley, Richard Morrison, Robert Morrison, Martin Pearson, F. Stanislaus Prosody, Hugh Raymond, Michael Sherman, Peter Michael Sherman, John Tara, Jay Tyler, Allen Warland, Braxton Wells, W. Malcolm White, Lawrence Woods & X (stories)
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