The Western & Frontier Fiction Magazine Index
Stories, Listed by Author
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CURRY, TOM; [i.e., Thomas Albert Curry, Jr.] (1900-1976); (about) (chron.)
- * Apache Guns [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Oct 1940, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Apache Style, (ss) Texas Rangers Feb 1944
- * Arizona Blood [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Apr 1942
- * Arizona Gunsmoke [Wayne Morgan (The Masked Rider)], (na) Masked Rider Western Sep 1941
- * The Austin Marauders [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Jun 1949, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Bad Medicine for Buckaroos [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers May 1946, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Bayou Guns [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Dec 1949, as by Jackson Cole.
- * The Beacon, (ss) Frontier Stories Feb 1929
- * The Best Laid Plan, (ss) Star Magazine Sep 1931
- * The Black Hat Riders [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Dec 1942, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Blood on the Plains [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Dec 1942
- * Boothill for a Texan, (nv) Range Riders Western Sep 1948
- * Border Fury [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Jun 1937, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Border Patrol [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Sum 1945
- * The Boss of Ridge Valley, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories Dec 1937
- * Brand of the Lawless, (ss) Zane Grey Western Magazine Jan 1973
- * Broken Waddy, (ss) Street & Smiths Western Story Magazine May 11 1940
- * Bronco Buster, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories Jun 1935
- * The Buffalo Hunters [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Spr 1940
- * Bullet Code, (nv) Popular Western Aug 1936
- * Bullet for Bullet, (na) Popular Western Nov 1935
- * Bullet Siege, (nv) Thrilling Western May 1938
- * Bullets Win, (ss) Popular Western Mar 1938
- * Bulls Eye, (ss) Zane Grey Western Magazine Jun 1974
- * Cactus King, (ss) Street & Smiths Western Story Magazine Nov 20 1937
- * A Can of Peaches, (ss) Popular Western Sep 1936
- * Carpetbagger Guns [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Jan 1946
- * Chaparral Courage [Steve Reese], (na) Range Riders Western Win 1945
- * Chaparral Marauders [Wayne Morgan (The Masked Rider)], (na) Masked Rider Western Magazine Sep 1939
- * Circle Star Trouble, (na) Thrilling Western Sep 1937
- * Colorado Blood [Steve Reese], (na) Range Riders Western Sum 1943
- * Colorado River Gold [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Spr 1945
- * The Comstock Lode [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Oct 1940
- * The Crimson Flower [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Jun 1946, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Custer at Little Bighorn, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine Jun 1972
- * Cutthroat Competition, (ss) West May 1940
- * A Deal in Horses, (ss) Texas Rangers Apr 1941
- * Death Dodger, (nv) Thrilling Western Nov 1935
- * Death Mesa, (nv) Popular Western May 1939
- * The Death Riders [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Apr 1946, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Death Rides the Rio [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Aug 1937, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Deputy in Hell, (ss) Street & Smiths Western Story Magazine Apr 15 1939
- * Deputys Holiday, (ss) Popular Western Nov 1940
- * Desert Interlude, (ss) Texas Rangers Oct 1938
- * Diplomat of the Range, (ss) Exciting Western Fll 1940
- * Dodge City Guns [Vern Lewis], (nv) Popular Western Jul 1939
- * Double Death, (ss) Popular Western Jan 1937
- * Drygulcher Range, (nv) Masked Rider Western Dec 1948
- * Emperor of the Pecos [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Feb 1941, as by Jackson Cole.
- * The Fighting Friend, (ss) Zane Grey Western Magazine Dec 1973
- * Final Request, (ss) Popular Western Feb 1937
- * A Flair for Danger, (ss) West Nov 1945
- * Free Range [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Aug 1942, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Frontier Guns [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Dec 1939
- * Frontier Marshal, (na) Popular Western Jan 1936
- * Fugitive Hearts, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories Sep 1937
- * Galveston Raiders [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers May 1948, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Ghost Bullets [Roamin Kid], (nv) Thrilling Western Dec 1936
- * Golden Guns [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Mar 1951, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Golden Hearts, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories Mar 1937
- * Gone in Gunsmoke, (nv) Thrilling Western Aug 1949
- * Gulf Guns [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Apr 1947, as by Jackson Cole.
- * The Gun Boosters [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Dec 1948, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Gun Boss of San Antone [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Dec 1947
- * Gun Canyon, (na) Popular Western Dec 1936
- * Gun Gamble [Johnny Devlin], (nv) Popular Western Mar 1944
- * Gun Paradise [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Jan 1951, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Gun-Slinging Coward, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories Jan 1936
- * Gunfighter, (nv) Thrilling Western Jul 1937
- * Guns Across the Pecos [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Nov 1937, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Guns Along the Brazos [Steve Reese], (nv) Range Riders Western Jun 1946
- * Guns of Dodge City [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Aug 1942
- * Guns of Fort Benton [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Jul 1950
- * Guns of Fort Griffin [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Nov 1949, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Guns of the Sioux [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Dec 1940
- * Guns of the Yellow Hills [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Nov 1947, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Guns to the Rescue, (nv) Exciting Western Fll 1941
- * Gunsmoke Empire [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Feb 1939, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Hair-Trigger Deputy, (ss) Thrilling Western Jan 1937
- * Half-Pint David, (ss) Texas Rangers May 1937
- * Half-Pint Justice, (ss) Texas Rangers Mar 1937
- * Half-Pint Medicine, (ss) Popular Western May 1938
- * Haunted Range [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Jun 1943, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Hell in Paradise [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Apr 1945, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Highway to Boothill [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Sep 1945
- * Holdup, (ss) Thrilling Western Jul 1951
- * Idaho Raiders [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Feb 1947
- * Indian Outpost [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Spr 1944
- * Iron Men and Gold [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Aug 1946, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Kansas Marshal [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Apr 1941
- * Keep Off This Range [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Feb 1948, as by Jackson Cole.
- * King of the Brazos [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Aug 1948, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Kit Carsons Way [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Oct 1942
- * Land of Challenge, (na) West Apr 1946
- * Land Office Loot, (nv) Popular Western Jan 1941
- * The Land Pirates [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers May 1950, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Last Chance, (ss) Masked Rider Western Jul 1940
- * Law on the Winter Range [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Sep 1947, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Leadville Avengers [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Feb 1943
- * Lone Star Law [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Feb 1937, as by Jackson Cole.
- * The Lone Star Legion [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Aug 1940, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Lonely Guns, (na) West Nov 1943
- * Loop J Guns, (na) Thrilling Western Feb 1937
- * Love Pulls the Trigger, (ss) Western Romances Jun 1934
- * Love Rides the Mesa, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories Jun 1940
- * Loves Prisoner, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories Oct 1934
- * Loves Rider, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories May 1937
- * Lucky Star, (ss) Texas Rangers Aug 1941
- * Lynch Mob [Roamin Kid], (nv) Thrilling Western Jul 1936
- * Lynch Party, (nv) Zane Grey Western Magazine Mar/Apr 1971
- * Mesquite Marauders [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Feb 1938, as by Jackson Cole.
- * The Montana Vigilantes [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Dec 1941
- * The Mormon Trail [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Feb 1941
- * Murderers Hang, (ss) Texas Rangers Jun 1937
- * The Nester War, (nv) Exciting Western Mar 1942
- * The Nesters Feud [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Dec 1946, as by Jackson Cole.
- * No Mans Land, (ss) Zane Grey Western Magazine Feb 1972
- * The Noose, (ss) Popular Western Oct 1936
- * Octopus Guns, (nv) Thrilling Western Nov 1939
- * Old Style, (ss) Western Novel and Short Stories Jan 1957
- * On to Cheyenne [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western May 1946
- * Once in Arizona, (ss) Masked Rider Western Sep 1942
- * The Outlaw Pack, (ss) Popular Western Jun 1936
- * Outlaw Valley [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Aug 1941, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Outlaws of Arizona [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Nov 1950
- * Outlaws of the Frontier [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Jan 1946, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Panhandle Bandits [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Oct 1938, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Panhandle Guns [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Dec 1943, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Pardners of Love, (nv) Rodeo Romances Win 1944
- * Pards of Buffalo Bill [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Oct 1941
- * Pards of the Owlhoot, (ss) Range Riders Western Spr 1941
- * Partner Trail, (nv) Rodeo Romances Feb 1948
- * Pecos Poison [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Aug 1943, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Peril Rides the Pecos [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Aug 1939, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Pint-Sized Deputy, (ss) Masked Rider Western Sep 1940
- * Pioneer Hearts, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories Dec 1943
- * Pirates on Horseback [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Aug 1945, as by Jackson Cole.
- * The Pride of a Man, (nv) Frontier Stories Dec 1926
- * Quicksilvers Brand, (nv) Thrilling Western Dec 1947
- * Raiders of Deadwood [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Mar 1951
- * Raiders of New Mexico [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Nov 1945
- * Raiders of the Central Hills [Wayne Morgan (The Masked Rider)], (na) Masked Rider Western Mar 1951
- * Raiders of the Forest [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Jan 1949, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Raiders of the Valley [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Oct 1946
- * Ranch of Hearts, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories Aug 1941
- * Range Neighbor, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories Jan 1938
- * Range Pirates [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Oct 1946, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Ranger Trail, (ss) Texas Rangers Feb 1937
- * The Red Marauders [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Aug 1944, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Red Raiders of the Rio [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Apr 1940, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Red River Rule [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Jun 1948, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Red Runs the Rio [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Apr 1938, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Red-Eye Trail, (ss) Texas Rangers Dec 1942
- * The Reformation [Mac Macnamara], (ss) The Black Mask Jan 1926
- * The Renegade Senator [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Dec 1949
- * Reward: $5,000, (ss) Popular Western Nov 1936
- * Riders of Desire, (ss) Western Romances Jul 1934
- * The Riders of Rusk [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Oct 1949, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Riders of Steel [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Sum 1943
- * Riders of the Storm [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Oct 1951, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Riding for Custer [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Aug 1941
- * The Rio Kid Rides Again [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western Jun 1940
- * Roaming Guns [Roamin Kid], (nv) Thrilling Western Jun 1936
- * Roaming Justice, (ss) Thrilling Western Jul 1938
- * Rodeo Raiders [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Aug 1947, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Romance Raids a Range, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories May 1950
- * Ropes End, (ss) Popular Western Jan 1935
- * The Ruby Trail, (nv) The Frontier Nov 1926
- * Rustler Range [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Apr 1941, as by Jackson Cole.
- * Rustlers of Black Range [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers Aug 1949, as by Jackson Cole.
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