The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index

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    The Sasquatch Have Their Ways    (about)
    Tales of Fantasy & the Supernatural. “...a quality paperback periodical, featuring fictional human encounters with Northwest mythic creatures; featuring also true accounts of transcendence and the supernatural.”

    The Satellite    (about)
    “Official Organ of the Liverpool S F A”, 57 Beauclaire Drive, Liverpool 15. The Satellite starts off in October 1938 as the “Official Organ of the Liverpool Science Fiction Association”. However, in May 1939, it comes under the auspices of the national SFA and remains so until the SFA is suspended around November 1939 after war is declared. The effect of ’going national’ in May 1939 seemed to have the effect of having less fiction in the fanzine, which is then reversed in November 1939. A further interesting feature is the volume of correspondence that came from the USA. Details supplied by Alistair Durie.

    The Satellite [v1 #2, November 1938] ed. David McIlwain & John F. Burke (3d, 24pp, 6½" x 8¼" mimeo, cover by Mack)
    Details supplied by Alistair Durie.
    • 3 · Action! · Frank D. Wilson · ar; promote science fiction.
    • 5 · The Call to Arms · Don J. Cameron · ss
    • 10 · Round and About · Anon. · cl; round up.
    • 11 · Liverpool Branch of the Science Fiction Association meeting on Friday September 23rd · Abe Bloom · ar
    • 13 · Mosaic · C. S. Youd · pm
    • 15 · Editorial · [The Editors] · ed; on content of the Satellite.
    • 16 · All Is Dust · Leslie J. Johnson · ar Novae Terrae; philosophy of an SF reader.
    • 19 · Stop Press · Anon. · ar; round up.
    • 20 · Moonshine · Readers · lc; letters from William F. Temple, William E. Dunn, John Gabriel, Eric C. Williams.

    The Satellite [v1 #3, December 1938]
    Issue not found.
    • Need Contents

    The Satellite [v2 #2, February 1939] ed. John F. Burke (3d, 12pp, 8" x 10" mimeo)
    Assoc. editor David McIlwain. Details supplied by Alistair Durie.
    • 1 · What of 1938? · “Sally” · ar; review of 1938.
    • 2 · Citadel of Dreams [Part 2 of 4] · Frank D. Wilson · rr
    • 5 · Why Not an Atlas for Authors? · Eric C. Williams · ar; on mapping SF stories.
    • 6 · Astronomy - a Modern Mythology · E. L. Gabrielson · ar
    • 9 · Liverpool SFA Branch Secretary’s report on Nov 11, Nov 25 and Dec 11, 1938 meetings · A. Bloom · ar
    • 11 · The Black Prince · C. S. Youd · pm
    • 11 · Moonshine · Readers · lc; letters from Frank D. Wilson, R. Holmes and Eric C. Williams.

    The Satellite [v2 #3, #6, March 1939] (3d, 14pp, 8" x 10", cover by Mack)
    Details supplied by Alistair Durie.
    • 2 · Editorial · Editor · ed; state of Satellite.
    • 3 · The Science Fiction Religion · Maurice K. Hanson · ar
    • 4 · At the Bottom of My Garden · “Fantacynic” · cl; humorous article against Wollheim and Michelism.
    • 6 · Moonshine · Readers · lc; letters from L. Turner, William F. Temple, Roland Foster, Frank D. Wilson.
    • 7 · Citadel of Dreams [Part 3 of 4] · C. S. Youd · rr
    • 10 · Museum Meander · William F. Temple · ss
    • 14 · Moonshine continued · Readers · lc

    The Satellite [v2 #4, April 1939] ed. John F. Burke (2d, 14pp, 8.3" x 10.4" mimeo, cover by Eric C. Williams)
    Art editor David McIlwain. Details supplied by Alistair Durie.
    • 2 · Parade · Frank D. Wilson · ar; humorous review of future SF seen through a ’time scanner’.
    • 5 · Citadel of Dreams [Part 4 of 4] · John F. Burke · rr
    • 9 · Lemegetatem · E. L. Gabrielson · ar; response to comments on his article on astronomy.
    • 10 · At the Bottom of My Garden · “Fantacynic” · cl; satirical article about other fans and editors.
    • 14 · Moonshine · Readers · lc; letters from Eric C. Williams, L. Turner.

    The Satellite [v2 #5, May 1939] ed. John F. Burke (3½d, 12pp, 8" x 10" mimeo, cover by David McIlwain, [?])
    Art David McIlwain. Details supplied by Alistair Durie.
    • 2 · Editorial · Editor · ed; forthcoming changes to Satellite.
    • 3 · Liverpool Science Fiction Cosmos - Stairway to the Stars · L. V. Heald · ar; a theoretical visit to a meeting.
    • 4 · At the Bottom of My Garden · “Fantacynic” · cl; humorous article about other fans, editors and SF magazines.
    • 7 · The Complete SF Fan · R. Holmes · ar; what an SF fan should know.
    • 9 · Weird and Scientific Fiction · Maurice K. Hanson · ar; discussion of differences.
    • 11 · Moonshine · Readers · lc; letters from D. R. Smith, L. Turner, Robert A. Madle, Roland Forster, Louis Kuslan, Richard Wilson Jr, Frank D. Wilson.

    The Satellite [v2 #6, June 1939] ed. John F. Burke (3½d, 14pp, 8" x 10" mimeo, cover by Alfred T. Bates)
    Art David McIlwain. Details supplied by Alistair Durie.
    • 2 · Editorial · “Sally” · ed; request for submissions.
    • 3 · The Interview · Don J. Cameron · iv; humorous spoof interview with Carnell.
    • 5 · Convention Parade · Ted Carnell · ar; report on May 21 London convention.
    • 7 · At the Bottom of My Garden · “Fantacynic” · cl; humorous article on recent convention.
    • 9 · Pome in Martian Splendour · Bob Tucker · pm
    • 10 · Moonshine · Readers · lc; letter from R. D. Swisher.
    • 11 · Astrology - the Real ’Science’ of Astronomy · E. L. Gabrielson · ar

    The Satellite [v2 #7, July 1939] ed. John F. Burke (3½d, 14pp, 8" x 10" mimeo, cover by Harry E. Turner)
    Art David McIlwain. Details supplied by Alistair Durie.
    • 2 · Editorial · Editor · ed; requests for feedback.
    • 3 · A Michelist on Mars · Dave McIlwain · ss
    • 7 · Egos and the SFA · Eric C. Williams · ar; requests for opinions on the SFA.
    • 8 · S O S · L. Turner · ms; filler.
    • 9 · To Hell with all This! · Frank Edward Arnold · ar; exhortation to support the SFA.
    • 11 · Moonshine · Readers · lc; letters from Eric S. Needham, Eric C. Williams, Harry Warner Jr, Maurice K. Hanson, J. M. Rosenblum, D. R. Smith, Arthur C. Clarke.

    The Satellite [v2 #8, August 1939] ed. John F. Burke (16pp, 8" x 10" mimeo, cover by Eric C. Williams)
    Associate David McIlwain. Details supplied by Alistair Durie.
    • 2 · Editorial · Editor · ed; update on Satellite.
    • 3 · New York S-F Convention · Louis Kuslan · ar; report on 2nd July meeting.
    • 5 · And the same to you! · C. S. Youd · ar; response to Arnold article in July 1939 issue.
    • 7 · Variation on an Ancient Theme · Eric S. Needham · pm
    • 8 · Astrology - the Pseudo-science · Harry E. Turner · ar
    • 10 · Some comments on the first issue of “Fantastic Adventures” · D. R. Smith · ar
    • 12 · At the Bottom of My Grave-yard · “Fantacynic” · ar; humorous article on recent magazines.
    • 14 · Other Places · James Rathbone · pm
    • 14 · Moonshine · Readers · lc; letters from G. Morgan, Harry T. Kay, Julian F. Parr, Leslie Turner, Eric C. Hopkins, Ronald Holmes, Frank Edward Arnold, Roland Forster.

    The Satellite [v2 #9, November 1939] ed. John F. Burke (3½d, 14pp, 8" x 10" mimeo, cover by Alfred T. Bates)
    Given as v2 #8 on the cover. Details supplied by Alistair Durie.
    • 3 · Editorial · Editor · ed; update on Satellite, since war declared..
    • 4 · Three men in a ship and three men in a ship · William F. Temple · ss; spoof story.
    • 8 · SFA Now Means Suspended for a While · Ted Carnell · ar
    • 9 · Variation on an Ancient Theme No 2 · Eric S. Needham · pm
    • 10 · In Defense of Weird Fiction · Bert Lewis · ar
    • 12 · Playground of the Stars · L. V. Heald · ar; report on visit to Liverpool SFA.
    • 14 · Moonshine · Readers · lc; letters from W. P. Cockroft, Jack Speer, Harry Warner.

    The Satellite [v3 #1, December 1939] ed. John F. Burke (10pp, 8" x 10" mimeo, cover by Alfred T. Bates)
    Details supplied by Alistair Durie.
    • 2 · Editorial · Editor · ed; update on Satellite.
    • 3 · Into the Past · Arthur C. Clarke · ss
    • 7 · An Aesthetic Fan Decides · Williams Eric C. · ar; favourite magazine stories.
    • 8 · Moonshine · Readers · lc; letters from Richard G. Medhurst, William F. Temple, Roland Forster, Harry Turner, Bert Lewis, D. R. Smith.

    The Satellite [v3 #2, January 1940] ed. John F. Burke (1/6d for 8 issues, 8pp, 8" x 10" mimeo)
    Details supplied by Alistair Durie.
    • 1 · Star-dust · James P. Rathbone · pm
    • 2 · Moonshine · Readers · lc; letters from Eric S. Needham, William F. Temple, Eric C. Hopkins, Liverpool Daily Post, C. S. Youd.
    • 3 · On Criticism · Harry T. Kay · ar
    • 5 · Bookshelf · Fantacritic · br
    • 6 · How to Enjoy “Pulp Magazine” Science Fiction · D. R. Smith · ar
    • 7 · Moonshine continued · Readers · lc

    The Satellite [v3 #3, February 1940] ed. John F. Burke (10pp, 8" x 10" mimeo, cover by Harry E. Turner)
    Details supplied by Alistair Durie.
    • 2 · Moonshine · Readers · lc; letters from A. G. Dunn, Roland Forster, Eric C. Williams, D. R. Smith, D. Webster.
    • 3 · Science Fiction 1939 · D. R. Smith · ar; review of 1939 SF magazines.
    • 4 · The Fan in His Supernatural Haunt · Eric C. Hopkins · vi
    • 6 · The Life Story, together with some account of the reputed death, of the Anti-gravitational Screen · Richard G. Medhurst · ar
    • 9 · Moonshine continued · Readers · lc

    The Satellite [v3 #4, (March) 1940] ed. John F. Burke (12pp, 8.3" x 10.4" mimeo)
    [dating from Pavlat & Evans index] Details supplied by Alistair Durie.
    • 1 · Snow I · C. S. Youd · pm
    • 2 · At the Mountains of Murkiness, or Lovecraft Into Leacock · Arthur C. Clarke · ss
    • 8 · The Return of Sam Inscrutable · Sam Moskowitz · ar; follow up to article in New Worlds on UK and US fandom and fan magazines.
    • 10 · Moonshine · Readers · lc; letters from C. S. Youd, Eric C. Hopkins, A. G. Dunn, D. Webster, D. R. Smith.

    The Satellite [v3 #5, August 1940] ed. John F. Burke (2/- for 6 issues, 14pp, 8.3" x 10.4" mimeo)
    Details supplied by Alistair Durie.
    • 2 · Bookshelf · Fantacritic · br
    • 3 · Dream Talk with Olaf Stapledon · Eric C. Williams · ar
    • 4 · Nightride · John F. Burke · pm
    • 5 · Memoirs of a Psychic Researcher · Dave McIlwain · ar; spoof article on psychic research.
    • 7 · Have you read it? II · Charles Rowlands · ar; article on Thorne Smith.
    • 8 · Snow II · C. S. Youd · pm
    • 9 · Moonshine · Readers · lc; letters from Arthur C. Clarke, William F. Temple, Eric S. Needham, D. Webster, Eric C. Hopkins.
    • 11 · [no title] · John F. Burke · ed; announcement that Satellite is stopping.
    • 12 · Swansong Inscrutable · Robert W. Lowndes · ar; on British fandom.
    • 13 · A Visit to the Ivory Tower · Wilfred Owen Morley · ar; spoof ? visit to 2574 Bedford Avenue.

    Satellite Science Fiction    (about)
    The June 1959 issue was assembled but never printed. A very few copies of the galley proofs do exist. Another issue dated July 1959 was in the works but had never been assembled.

    • Publishers:
      • Renown Publications, Inc.; New York: Satellite Science Fiction

    • Editors:
      • Sam Merwin, Jr. - Editor: Satellite Science Fiction, Oct 1956 – Dec 1956.
      • Leo Margulies - Editor: Satellite Science Fiction, Feb 1957 – Jun 1957.
      • Cylvia Kleinman - Managing Editor: Satellite Science Fiction, Oct 1956 – Dec 1958.
      • Cylvia Kleinman - Editorial Director: Satellite Science Fiction, Feb 1959 – May 1959.
      • Frank Belknap Long - Associate Editor: Satellite Science Fiction, Feb 1959 – May 1959.

    • Features:
      • The Science Fiction Collector · Sam Moskowitz · br; Feb, Apr, Dec 57.

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