Index to Science Fiction Anthologies and Collections
Stories, Listed by Author
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MACLEOD, FIONA (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * 7. The King of Ys and Dahut the Red, (ss)
- * 7. The Woman with the Net, (ss) The Washer of the Ford, Edinburgh: Patrick Geddes 1896
- * Ahèz the Pale, (ss)
- * The Annir-Choille, (ss) The Washer of the Ford, Edinburgh: Patrick Geddes 1896; also as Cathal of the Woods.
- * The Birth of a Soul, (ss)
- * The Birth, Death and Resurrection of a Tear, (ss)
- * The Black Madonna, (ss)
- * By the Yellow Moonrock, (ss) The Dominion of Dreams, London: Constable 1899
- * Cathal of the Woods, (ss) The Washer of the Ford, Edinburgh: Patrick Geddes 1896, as The Annir-Choille.
- * The Coming of the Prince, (ss)
- * The Dàn-nan-Ròn, (nv) The Hills of Ruel, New York: Duffield 1921
- * Ecce Puella and Other Prose Imaginings, (ss)
- * Enya of the Dark Eyes, (ss)
- * The Fallen God, (ss)
- * Faraghaol, (ss)
- * Finish, (ss)
- * Foreword, (fw)
- * Fragments from the Lost Journal of Piero Di Cosimo, (ss)
- * The Gypsy Christ, (ss), as by William Sharp.
- * The Harping of Cravetheen, (ss)
- * The Hill Wind, (ss)
- * The Hills of Ruel, (vi)
- * The Judgment o God, (ss)
- * The Lady in Hosea, (ss)
- * The Last Quest, (ss)
- * The Last Supper, (ss) The Washer of the Ford, Edinburgh: Patrick Geddes 1896
- * The Laughter of Scathach the Queen, (ss) The Washer of the Ford, Edinburgh: Patrick Geddes 1896
- * Legendary Moralities:
* ___ 2. St. Bride of the Isles, (ss) The Washer of the Ford, Edinburgh: Patrick Geddes 1896
* ___ 3. The Fisher of Men, (ss) The Washer of the Ford, Edinburgh: Patrick Geddes 1896
* ___ 5. The Dark Nameless One, (ss) The Washer of the Ford, Edinburgh: Patrick Geddes 1896
* ___ 6. The Three Marvels of Hy, (ss) The Washer of the Ford, Edinburgh: Patrick Geddes 1896
* ___ 7. The Woman with the Net, (ss) The Washer of the Ford, Edinburgh: Patrick Geddes 1896
- * Love in a Mist, (ss)
- * The Lute-Player, (ss)
- * Madge o the Pool, (ss), as by William Sharp.
- * The Merchant of Dreams, (ss)
- * Mircath, (ss) The Washer of the Ford, Edinburgh: Patrick Geddes 1896
- * The Ninth Wave, (ss)
- * A Northern Night, (ss)
- * The Passing of Lilith, (ss)
- * The Passion of Pere Hilarion, (ss)
- * Prologue, (pr)
- * PrologueFrom Fiona, (pr)
- * The Sad Queen, (ss)
- * Seanachas:
* ___ 1. The Song of the Sword, (ss)
* ___ 2. The Flight of the Culders, (ss)
* ___ 4. The Sad Queen, (ss)
* ___ 7. The King of Ys and Dahut the Red, (ss)
- * Silk o the Kine, (ss) The Sin-Eater, Edinburgh: Geddes 1895
- * The Sin-Eater, (nv) The Sin-Eater, Edinburgh: Geddes 1895
- * The Sister of Compassion, (ss)
- * A Thames Etching, (ss)
- * Ula and Urla, (ss) The Washer of the Ford, Edinburgh: Patrick Geddes 1896
- * The Washer of the Ford, (ss) The Washer of the Ford, Edinburgh: Patrick Geddes 1896
- * The Whisperer, (ss)
MacMANUS, SEUMAS (1869-1960) (books) (chron.)
- * The Bewitched Fiddle, (ss)
- * Billy Lappins Search for a Fortune, (ss) The Century Magazine Feb 1900
- * The Cadger-Boys Last Journey, (ss)
- * Condy Sheerans Courtin, (ss)
- * Corney Clerys Balance, (ss)
- * Pathricks Proxy, (ss) Cosmopolitan Jan 1900
- * The Staff of the Universe, (ss)
- * The 3 Master Tradesmen, (ss) Outlook Feb 3 1900
- * The Tinker of Tamlacht, (ss) Cosmopolitan Apr 1903
- * When Myles Maguire Melted, (ss)
- * The Wisdom of Dark Pathrick, (ss)
McMORROW, FRED (1925-2000) (chron.)
- * The Big Wheel, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post Jul 29 1961
- * With All Due Respect, (ss) Playboy Apr 1959
McNAIL, STANLEY (D.) (1918?-1995) (books) (chron.)
- * After the Rite, (pm)
- * The Broken Wall, (pm)
- * The Covered Bridge, (pm)
- * Dark Counsel, (pm)
- * Dialogue, (pm)
- * Elsies House, (pm) Fire and Sleet and Candlelight, ed. August Derleth, Arkham House 1961
- * The Feast, (pm)
- * Follow the Wind, (pm)
- * The Gray People, (pm)
- * The House on Maple Hill, (pm) Fire and Sleet and Candlelight, ed. August Derleth, Arkham House 1961
- * Lights Along the Road, (pm) Something Breathing, Arkham House 1965
- * Lines to an Unbeliever, (pm)
- * Lottie Mae, (pm) Fire and Sleet and Candlelight, ed. August Derleth, Arkham House 1961
- * Merlins Robe, (pm)
- * Metamorphoses, (pm)
- * Miss Pinnies Clothes, (pm)
- * Night Things, (pm)
- * Nobody Knows Where Mary Went, (pm)
- * A Note from Mother, (pm)
- * Old Black Billy Goat, (pm)
- * The Red Beard of Fascinus, (pm)
- * The Secrets of Cisterns, (pm) Fire and Sleet and Candlelight, ed. August Derleth, Arkham House 1961
- * The Sounds She Knew, (pm)
- * The Tall, Spare Summer, (pm)
- * These Anglers, (pm)
- * Three Sisters, (pm)
- * Uncle Charlie, (pm)
- * Watsons Landing, (pm) Something Breathing, Arkham House 1965
- * What the Voice Said, (pm)
- * Who Goes There?, (pm)
- * The Witch, (pm) Fire and Sleet and Candlelight, ed. August Derleth, Arkham House 1961
- * The Witchmark, (pm)
McNELLY, [Dr.] WILLIS E(verett) (1920-2003); (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Foreword (with Jane E. Hipolito), (fw)
- * Foreword to I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream, (is)
- * Introduction (with Leon E. Stover), (in)
- * Linguistic Relativity in Middle High Martian, (ar) 1968
- * Science Fiction as Culture Criticism (with Leon E. Stover), (ar)
- * The Science Fiction Novel in 1968, (in) Nebula Award Stories 4, ed. Poul Anderson, Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1969
- * Things to Come (with Harry Harrison), (in)
- * Vonneguts Slaughterhouse-Five: Science Fiction as Objective Correlative, (ar)
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